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Friday, October 12, 2018

Ghana rural villages standing against daily Islamic terror

Ghana rural villages standing against daily Islamic terror - Bill Wilson -
William Agbeti and I have been in ministry partnership in Ghana, West Africa since 1992. We, and especially William his wife Mary and their children, have been on the front lines in developing humanitarian efforts in the name of Christ for the severely handicapped, those in need of clean water, food, clothing, shelter and more. All along the way, we have encountered Islam-harassment, threats, bullying, women and child trafficking, and very perilous situations. This is why the mainstream churches are afraid to help those less fortunate in the rural areas. Quite frankly, it's dangerous. Now the Muslims are stealing land from poor villagers-topsoil and sand, which they sell for profit.
This is what William wrote me Friday: "At the Islamic front, the plot thickens, and Mary is beginning to be concerned about my safety there. Today, I went to take a look at the devastation the Muslims caused when they bulldozed the top soil away at the village. I took pictures, and the spectacle wasn't good.
Muslims hold villagers in check as they strip the surrounding they do not own of all its topsoil for profit
"I also traveled through various villages bringing in building materials and saw massive destruction of land all over the place. These guys come with bulldozers and begin digging sand away from buildings and structures, destroying farms and all, leaving deep craters around. It's an unbelievable happening! They came to the village on three consecutive days this week.
"Today, the village church pastor told me a group of Motor-riding Muslims stormed into the village after a sand winning spree and started asking people around for him, the pastor. He was seated right there under the hut, but the village folks told the Muslim riders the pastor had gone to town. They said they would be back, and made a dramatic exit Hollywood-style. I have thought it wise not to drive there frequently. I either take taxi or ride piggyback. Above notwithstanding, duty calls and in a few hours I will be setting off again to supervise work [at the church]. I am not afraid of happenings there. What I am afraid of is not doing God's work to spread His word! The rest is up to Him!"
This is where we are assisting the villagers in Busuafise with their church. William noted that these Muslims are armed with machetes and pistols, and "have formed themselves into various groups--illegal sand winners, notorious land guards, village raiders, forced marriage and child marriage contractors, harassing beasts, land jihadists, etc.--spread across the length and breadth of villages." This is why the church in Busuafise is so important. It is the light of Christ surrounded by hostility of the most anti-Christ religion on earth. These are Ephesians 6:13 people: "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Their "evil day" is every day-they lack food, clothing, clean water, and, now, the land beneath their feet. Still they stand. And we stand with them.

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