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Friday, May 9, 2014



Job 37:8

"Then the beasts go into dens, and remain in their places."

We often hear people speak of "simple life forms" or the "simple cell." Is there really such a thing as "simple life"? Although we often speak of the "simple cell," there really is no such thing as a simple form of life. Even the single celled creature is a highly complex organism.

Let's imagine building a model of the cell, using atoms, each the size of a tennis ball. The typical cell has about 10 million atoms. In our model, the cell would be over ten miles in diameter! Now let's look inside the cell and see whether it is simple or not. First of all we would see lots of activity going on almost everywhere. This is because this single cell has to carry out all the same jobs that your body uses many different organs to accomplish.

Inside the cell we would see structures that digest food and others that carry off the waste from food. Other structures would be busy carrying off the waste produced by the cell itself. The cell must also contain everything it needs to reproduce. And remember, while we have many complex and different organs to do all this, the cell must to it all without those organs.

Humans have never even come close to creating anything like this. Surely the cell is not simple! Science cannot explain the cell by any natural laws it knows. Scripture is correct when it tells us that the origin of the cell - and everything else - is the superior power and wisdom of God.

Heavenly Father, You are defamed when the world talked of even one living cell as "simple." If someone spoke so of my best friend, I would speak in his defense. So let me boldly speak in defense of Your truth. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Diagram: A typical animal cell. Courtesy of LadyofHats.

Job 10:9

"Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?"
Did life form all by itself, without a Creator, in some warm little pool of water or a clod of mud many billions of years ago? Some scientists would like us to think so. Over the years, newspaper headlines have declared that life has been created in the laboratory. We are told that life is no mystery and that the chemicals that cause life are common.

Such claims have a lot of "hype" and little science to them. There are some things you should know about these experiments. First of all, scientists don't end up with life. They do end up with some simple chemicals that are like those found in our cells. But the chemicals they make, called amino acids, are a mixture that is quite worthless to form life.

In order to get these amino acids, which are supposed to show that life could form by itself, researchers use a special combination of gasses that they believe formed the Earth's atmosphere millions of years ago. They must also carefully control the kind of light that enters the experiment and protect in a special container anything that is produced. It is obvious that a lifeless Earth did not offer all these advantages.

It seems silly to invest millions of dollars worth of equipment, dozens of years of specialized training, more years of research and then say that we are proving that no intelligence or design was needed to create life! What these experiments do show is that life cannot happen by itself - it took a Creator with much more power and wisdom than we have to create life!

In Your wisdom, dear Lord, You have created life in such a way that even those who are most intent on denying You cannot comfortably do so. Use my voice and life to help them see that this is because You have loved them and would be their Savior too. Amen.

Diagram: Apparatus used in the Miller-Urey experiment in 1953. It only produced a number of different amino acids. Courtesy of YassineMrabet. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 74:16

"The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast prepared the light and the sun."
According to evolution, some explanation for the sun and planets must be found that does not include God as the Creator. Today, evolutionists generally believe that the sun and the other planets of the solar system are related to each other.

One of the most popular theories is that the sun and the planets of the solar system each formed when a single cloud of dust and gases were drawn together by gravity. As this material was drawn together, it began spinning faster and faster, like a giant skater pulling his arms toward his body. According to this theory, the amount of this angular momentum - which we will simply call "spin" - among the planets must equal the amount of "spin" the sun has.

As we have gradually learned more about the solar system, we have been able to compute this energy more accurately. Figuring in the mass of the planets, their orbits and the mass and rotation of the sun, scientists have concluded that 98 percent of the solar system's "spin" is in the planets. Only two percent, not the 50 percent expected, is in the sun.

So modern science has confirmed - probably as much as it can in this case - that the Earth was created independently from the sun. Of course, we know that Scripture clearly says that the Earth was created three days before the sun. Here, a scientific mystery for evolution is easily explained when we turn to the Bible!

Heavenly Father, Creator of all the stars, I thank You that You have shown Your great power in the stars and that You came to us not to bring fear but Your undeserved love through salvation in Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: Artist's conception of the early Solar System, the way NASA imagines it.

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
As Christians, we believe by faith. But did you know that even evolutionary scientists believe by their own kind of faith? Scientists early in the previous century, like scientists today, had no evidence that humans had evolved from ape like creatures.

In 1922 in Nebraska, a tooth was discovered that was said to have belonged to a missing link between human and ape. But what did this creature look like? As is done today, paleontologists began to "reconstruct" "Nebraska man." They reconstructed what the jaw bone around the tooth might have looked like, and then the bone touching those bones, and - well, you know how the song goes: "The head bone's connected to the neck bone; the neck bone's connected to the back bone."

Before long they had constructed, from that one little tooth, not only what "Nebraska man" looked like, but also what his wife looked like. And they put this "proof" in museums and textbooks. Eventually they discovered more parts of the animal from which the tooth had come. It turned out to be the tooth of an extinct pig! But even this was wrong - in 1972, living herds of this very pig turned up in Paraguay!

Anyone, including scientists, can make mistakes. But what this true story shows is how, by rejecting God's account of creation, a pig could be made into a human. You see, even the evolutionist's belief is not based on scientific fact but on his own faith in nature rather than in the Creator. We Christians should not be ashamed to admit that we believe by faith because our faith is built on the solid statements of the uncontradicted Scriptures!

Dear Father, I thank You that You have allowed me to hear Your Word and that You have given me faith in Your promises. Teach me, through Your Word, so that I am better able to identify false religious beliefs and carry Your witness. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Illustration: A full scan of the Nebraska Man drawing. Source: Illustrated London News (1922).

Genesis 2:7

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
"Lucy" is said by its discoverer, Dr. Donald Johanson, to be the best and latest proof that humans evolved from some ape like creature. But Lucy is really a monument to human imagination!

In 1978, Dr. Johanson announced his discovery of Lucy to the world at the Nobel Symposium on Early Man. Every newspaper quickly picked up the story. Lucy was supposed to be the earliest human ancestor. Dated by evolutionists at about 3 million years old, Lucy was said to be an almost complete skeleton of a creature that walked upright like humans. However, there are some facts you should know.

Lucy is really a demonstration of how creative people can be - sort of tinker toy science. For example, her knee comes from a location over 200 feet lower in the rocks and over a mile away from one of her leg bones! Lucy has been assembled from materials found in two different locations separated by several miles. Her bones were sifted out of plots of ground at these two sites, each of which was almost the size of a football field!

Strangely enough, all of Lucy's bones from one of the locations provide her human like characteristics, while all of the bones gathered from the other location provide her ape like characteristics. That sounds at least a little suspicious!

Heavenly Father, I especially ask that those Christians who are being enticed into believing evolutionary stories be made to understand that the facts name You - and not some ape - as our true Father. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Willis, Tom. 1987. "'Lucy' goes to college." CSA News, Feb. p. 2. Photo: "Lucy" skeleton. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

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