Ezekiel 38:4: The Magog
Connection - Gregory Supple - gps.pleadtheblood@gmail.com
Ezekiel 38:4 ~ "Thus says the Lord: "I will turn you (gog) around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords."
Dear Family, since the beginning of time and human-history, God has always been in complete control. God is sovereign over the entire universe, and has judged Nations for their disobedience since there were Nations. So it will be for these Nations listed in Ezekiel 38 led by Gog of Magog: God will put hooks in their jaws and lead them into certain destruction when they attempt to invade the tiny Nation of Israel! Preaching the 'Good News' is what I'm all about, so when we visit the future of the UNBELIEVING through God's Prophetic Word sometimes that message can get lost>there's soon coming unto earth 42 months of unprecedented turmoil (the Great Tribulation Period) simply because man-kind would not believe the TRUTH. I call this Satan's Grand Delusion found in 2nd Thessalonians 2:8~12 "And then the lawless one (anti-Christ/beast of Bible) will be revealed whom the Lord (Jesus) will consume with the breath of HIS mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the TRUTH ~ AND SO BE SAVED! For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, and so all will be condemned who have NOT believed the TRUTH - but have delighted in wickedness."
Who are perishing?
Those whom deny Jesus as the Christ! Everyone likes the feel good passages of God's Word, such as - John 3:16 ~ "For God so loved the world that HE gave His ONE & only Begotten SON ~ that who-so-ever believes in HIM (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life." Often, though, the rest of that passage is over-looked because of its damming principal; however, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the whole Truth will prevail - John 3:17~18 "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemned the world, but that the world - through HIM - might be saved. Who-so-ever believes in Him (Jesus) is not condemned, but whoever does not believe (denies) stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of the only Begotten Son of God." So, we can be better prepared for the wrath to come upon the unbelieving, we must understand the events like the Magog War; as we'll see, the world stage is being set right before our very eyes in preparation of this event. Know this: there's only one way to escape this catastrophe: 1st Thessalonians 1:10 "......................and too wait for His Son from heaven, whom HE raised from the dead - even JESUS - who delivers us from the wrath to come!" Folks, eternity is but a breath away - Do-not cross that veil w/o the Sacrificial BLOOD of Jesus Christ smeared across your soul - this alone is the determining factor for our Salvation! Do-not delay! Confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior today; for, with the rebirth of Israel - the world stage is being set for all the end-of-age scenarios - not a pretty picture for unbelievers'!
Ezekiel 38:5~6 "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops-many people are with you (gog)."
Can we put a face to Gog?
The Allard Pierson archeological museum in Amsterdam is in a bind. Since February 7, it has exhibited "The Crimea, Gold and secrets from the Black Sea," which it originally billed as "Spectacular archeological finds from the Ukraine." Now it doesn't know whether to return the precious gold artifacts to Russia or to Ukraine or to just stay out of it and hold on to the exhibition for the time being. The reason this report caught my eye is that most of the "Gold and secrets" of Crimea come from the Scythians. Originally from what is today southern Iran, the Scythians were a horse riding tribe that inhabited much of today's Georgia, Armenia and the southern parts of Ukraine and Russia for close to 1300 years, from the 7th century BC to the 4th century AD. The northern coast of the Black Sea was absolutely Scythian. And what's so special about the Scythians? Well, it turns out that Josephus Flavius, the turncoat 1st century Jewish historian who chronicled the Masada saga, had an interesting theory about the Scythians and the lands in which they lived. He concluded that their land was the Magog, as in Gog and Magog, as in the war of Gog and Magog, as in the biblical prelude to the End of Days.
Which is one of the many reasons why recent events in the Ukraine have created a buzz among legions of apocalypse-anticipating true believers. This could be the real thing, they tell themselves, the big time, the major leagues, not the end of the beginning, to quote Winston Churchill in reverse, but the beginning of the end. And it is Vladimir Putin, aka Gog, aka King of the North, who has set things in motion. You only have to read Ezekiel chapters 38-39, the widely accepted handbook and screenplay for the upcoming decimation. According to traditional translations of verse 2 of Chapter 38, Gog is the "chief prince of Meshech and Tuval", ancient kingdoms also near the Black Sea. But the term used for "chief prince" in Hebrew is "nesi rosh" : Nesi could also mean "ruler" or "president", and some scholars believe that "rosh" is not an adjective, at all, but a proper noun denoting the name of yet another nation that will enter the fray. So Gog is the prince of Rosh, or the President of Rosh, or, with a little bit of help, the President of Russia.
It is no coincidence that Russia and Iran, aka Persia, have had such close ties. In fact Russia is solely responsible for making Iran nuclear. GOD warns Iran (Persia), with Russia (Magog), and a coalition of allies (including Turkey, Libya, Sudan) will go to war and will invade the tiny Nation of Israel. We are not exactly sure when this attack/invasion will take place ... but, from current news headlines, it looks as though it is now getting very close. As noted above, if you study your history books you will find the only time in history Iran (Persia) has invaded Israel was in 614 AD, and this invasion was to help Israel break the yoke of the Byzantine Empire. The current threats of war Iran is making against Israel represent the first time in history the world has seen the imminent fulfillment of this prophecy. Add the fact Russia is fully backing Iran, and Turkey is quickly turning against Israel, and all of these nations either are, or soon will be, armed with nuclear weapons, you will find the world may soon be facing this terrible prophetic war . . . look-up for our redemption draws near - to be continued.
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