Socialist transition seen in
declining US employment - Bill Wilson -
Ever wonder how liars figure and figures lie? Here is just one example--unemployment. As the US is transitioning from the free market to government socialism, the economy has taken a hit. We have seen it in housing, in food prices, in gas prices, but there are few indicators that show just how bad things are (and quite frankly how bad they are going to get) than employment numbers. The government has figured out a way to lie to you about them so that it just doesn't sound as bad as it is. But if you have a job, be thankful to the Lord because more than 92 million Americans--over a third of the workforce--don't have jobs and have given up on finding one. That's why unemployment dropped from 6.7 to 6.3 percent.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count people who no longer are looking for a job as unemployed. Last month, the number of Americans no longer in the workforce rose to a record 92,594,000. These are folks who couldn't find a job and gave up looking, or decided to retire. So when you hear those politicians toot their horns on jobs by saying unemployment has dropped during their tenure, don't stand too close--their noses may grow so fast you may get injured. Unemployment is going down because people are no longer counted in the workforce--not because they got a job. In fact, the federal and state governments employ over 8 million people--5% of the participating workforce.
Connecting the dots between statistics from the Bureau of Labor, Commerce Department, and Health and Human Services reveals big trouble. The total available labor force is 246.8 million. Only 154 million are participating in the workforce. Over 92.5 million have given up on having a job. Some 9.8 million of the 154 million are unemployed. Total unemployment, therefore, is 41.5% or approximately 102.3 million people, roughly a third of the US population. As of January 1, over 65 million were receiving Welfare, Food Stamps or Unemployment. So we have 144 million people (the employed labor force) supporting over 65 million plus another 37 million teetering on the edge of government assistance. If things don't change, all of us who work soon will be supporting our own family AND someone else's who doesn't work.
In Luke 10:7, Jesus said "the laborer is worthy of his wages." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, "...if any would not work, neither should he eat." Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:13, "...every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God." Even after the Lord returns, people will, as shown in Isaiah 65:21-23, "They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain." Socialism is against God's plan for your life. Don't be deceived by liars figuring.
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