The View From Here - By Vernon Gray -
Hi, my name is Vernon Gray. I was
born in Johannesburg in 1951. For 64 years of my life my roots have and still
are in South African. Growing up in the sixties and seventies my school friends
and I were always in awe of what we called "America."
We as school children had dreams
of visiting this great nation in the hope that some of its magic would rub off
on us.
In our world it was the US that
led the world in all things technological, industrial and moral. The greatest
evangelists were American; the great companies in the world were American.
Everything that impressed us as kids was inevitably American.
So many good things came out of
the USA that we felt somewhat left out here in "Darkest Africa."
We supported the US in almost
every endeavour it undertook.
The moon landing which we listened
to via the radio (no television in South Africa at that time,) gave us a sense
of pride that mankind had finally conquered space.
Ever since then we have looked at
the moon in a very different light.
In short we looked up to the USA
as a moral and upright nation of hard working savvy people who love God and
Country and did not have to choose between the two.
What happened?
From where I now stand I see the
USA fast becoming a police state.
I know! I experienced it here. I
know what it feels like. It starts off fairly mildly and before you know it you
can be locked up for criticizing the president on Twitter or Face Book.
We lived in a police state where
fear was a tool to keep the majority black population AND the minority white
population under control. You are stopped wherever you traveled to within the
country; searched and intimidated.
The police were not really there
to protect the public. They were there to enforce an agenda and any protection
of the public was simply a by-product of this agenda. Sound familiar?
Don't get me wrong, everything
worked in South Africa. Traffic lights were repaired immediately if they went
down, pot holes in the roads were filled; everything that made up a first world
society was put in place and maintained. But there was a price for living in
this cocoon. Politics was never encouraged by the state especially for English
speaking students. The more we were kept ignorant the easier it was for the
government to maintain the status quo.
Our English speaking schools were
discrimininated against when it came to state funding. We did not get the best
science labs, Sport Fields etc.
Not being political we did not
notice that we were being discriminated against until we were much older.
Politics in the USA interested us
more that local politics because we believed that whatever affected the USA
would ultimately affect the rest of us.
This remains true to this day.
Then it began. President Kennedy
was assassinated and although we were a world away and not American citizens, we
all felt a deep sadness at the unfolding of the event itself. Many people of my
generation can remember exactly where they were when they heard the news of
Kennedy's death. Like the Moon Landing, it was a landmark in our lives.
Something terrible has happened to
the USA that we once knew.
It was invaded and became infested
with left wing liberal and Godless ideas that slowly choked out the God of the
Bible. The new morality became the norm.
Schools no longer welcomed their
maker. God was legislated out of most aspects of American life. Things have been
going from the pan into the fire.
This great nation once stood as a
beacon for the world to see and follow.
The USA was our benchmark in life
to emulate and admire.
On the one dollar bill are the
words "IN GOD WE TRUST" It does not however say which GOD this is. Is it the
Masonic god? Only now I notice that the words are all in upper case which does
leave one to wonder. The Golden Calf appears to get more attention than any
other god.
Fast forward to 911. As an
outsider one might think that we have no idea of what is going on in the US
being so far removed from your shores.
The fact is that we are seeing the
picture from a distance; we are not so close that we cannot see the trees for
the forest.
It is truly sad to see such a
powerful nation being sucked into apathy and apostasy.
We are pretty sure that 911 was an
inside job. We think that it was a "false flag" operation perpetrated on the
American people in order to steal their liberty. Unfortunately there has been
such a conditioning of the hearts and minds that if one approaches the subject
of 911 being an inside job, anger is the immediate response. "How dare you." is
linked with "Conspiracy theory."
Surely dear friends if there is
such a groundswell of doubt about 911 why not check out the evidence for
yourselves and have an educated opinion, not an emotional knee jerk reaction to
what must be painful for all Americans.
After 911 the French had a game
called "Hunt the Boeing."
The joke was that at the Pentagon
"attack" there was no evidence of a plane crashing into the 75 ft hole in the
side of the building. Where did the wings hit the building? Where were the
engines? And the black box "evaporated?"
In addition 911 was a day of other
miracles. Not one but two planes evaporated into thin air. One at the Pentagon
and another over a Shanksville field. No other aircraft in every other crash in
history has ever disintegrated into nothing where not even the black box could
not be found. Surely the powers that be would, if they could produce even a
single frame from the security camera that captured the event.
In order to put to rest all the
conspiracy theories, why not produce some evidence?
But wait, there's more
miracles...two steel framed buildings collapsed from fire.
This has never happened before in
history even in backward third world countries where the building codes are less
than perfect.
Then building No. 7 collapsed on
itself like a professional demolition without even being hit by a single plane
on that day. The list goes on and on. Something smells odd here.
Barak Hussain Obama aka Barry
Soetoro is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the people of the United
States of America.
Where did he come from? What are
his credentials? Who funded him? Where are his college records? Where was he
Obama's birth certificate is a
moot point. He cannot produce a legitimate birth certificate. He has indeed
produced a poor fake, but why not produce the real original birth certificate to
stop all the conspiracy theories that only hurt his presidency?
(I think that what I just said is
incorrect, the American public generally does not seem to care where he comes
from or who he really is because they re-elected him for a second term.
We know that the media is owned
and controlled by forces that have a perverse agenda that is opposed to Bible
based Christianity. We know also that one cannot believe most of what is
reported on the mainstream media.
In fact the main stream media's
primary function is to manipulate public opinion rather that to report the
news. They have an agenda. None of these puppet institutions will tackle the
birth certificate issue. Notice how quiet it has got about Obama's birth
Tell me to mind my own business if
you like, but as a friend to all that is reasonable and God fearing I want to
tell you that you have been invaded by something vile and sinister.
I know what sinister is. I lived
with it here in my own country. It seems that the USA is fast becoming a
Fascist Police State.
What kind of person would I be if
I saw my neighbour's house on fire as he slept and did absolutely nothing about
My dear American friends, your
country is being stolen from you and you seem to be sleeping soundly. The moral
decline is so rampant in that it extends to the very top where men with no
honour are in control of an unsuspecting and apathetic populace.
The most dangerous place for an
American to be right now is not in Afghanistan or Iraq; the most dangerous place
for an American to be is in a mother's womb.
Millions of unborn children have
been murdered and this is sanctioned by the very people that the public has
elected. Far less Americans are killed or maimed in military conflict that those
who are legally aborted.
Will this letter have any impact?
I don't know. But I know that the God of the Bible is sovereign and ultimately
what we sow we will reap.
I watched the second induction of
President Obama. "Fool me twice?"
The show was for the most part
slithering with liberal humanists who could care less about the God of the Bible
and the wellbeing of the American people. How did this happen?
A personal opinion is that most
citizens are not properly trained to carry fully automatic weapons. They are
particularly dangerous in the hands of idiots and criminals. I believe that all
applications for a weapon should be qualified to ensure that the gun and the
applicant is legal and mentally capable.
Having said that however, the
mainstream media doesn't want to talk about the fact that disarming the
population has resulted in some of the most horrific massacres in human
The following is from the Warrior
- 1911 - Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 - 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.
- 1929 - Russia (Stalin) disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 - 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.
- 1935 - China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 - 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.
- 1938 - Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 - 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.
- 1956 - Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 - 1977 they murdered 1 million educated people.
- 1964 - Guatemala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 - 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.
- 1970 - Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 - 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.
Could this be happening to you
As I write this letter I do so
with a heavy heart. It is like seeing an old school buddy dying of some dreaded
disease. I just wish that this old buddy would wake up and realize that a once
great nation is slipping away into the abyss.
Outside Independence Hall when the
Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia is reported
to have asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or
a monarchy?"
With no hesitation whatsoever,
Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
I am concerned that the American
people have lost the Republic to an anonymous group of men who have no honour
and even less regard for the people of the United States.
Can you get it back? I don't know
that there is enough time left to do so.
I am however deeply grateful to
the USA. She has blessed me with her warm generous people who by and large
influenced and enriched my life.
I have benefitted enormously from
the many wonderful men of God who freely shared their knowledge and time with
the rest of the world.
I hope that "God bless America" is
not changed to "God have mercy on America."
From my heart though my prayer is
God Bless,
Vernon Gray
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