What can you do personally about
child slavery, murder? - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com
We have watched the headlines about child abduction by the Islamic terrorist organization Boko Haram in Nigeria. A month ago, Boko Haram kidnapped over 200 school girls and is threatening to sell them into slavery. This is the very thing The Daily Jot ministry is trying to prevent with our ministry in Africa. Many readers may not know that while the Jot covers current events from a prophetic Biblical perspective, we also have an outreach in Ghana, West Africa to children and families in Islamic-threatened areas. It is not easy work. It is often dangerous to those who are on the front lines. In Ghana, our ministry is facing a sister organization to the Boko Haram called the Fulani.
While politicians like to placate Muslims by trying to convince everyone that it is a "peaceful" religion, the stark reality is that Islam is a violent system of organized crime and terrorism. Islam is the largest purveyor of human trafficking of women and children. It also has a large stake in the international drug trade. UN and State Department publications speak to this each year. It is no secret. Many in America try to wrap a law-abiding, welcoming cocoon around individual Muslims they know, the horrors of Islam, however, become quite real if your family is being murdered, raped, robbed and your kids are being kidnapped and sold into slavery--as often happens in West Africa.
The Islamic Fulani herdsmen roam the lands in Ghana with their cattle. They scope out villages by sending their many wives to feign trade. Then they move in with force, giving village elders the opportunity to convert to Islam or face the consequences of rape, murder, slavery and loss of property. Our ministry partner of 23 years in Ghana, William Agbeti, says, "Looking at the broader issues of terrorism, one may define and see the Fulanis as terrorists and foot soldiers for the establishment of the universal Islamic caliphate. The atrocities of the Fulanis in Ghana are recurrent issues happening in several communities throughout Ghana. In my residential area, these Fulanis drive their herds through every day."
William continues: "Our ministry in Ghana has been trying to fight off this canker with the establishment of rural churches. In one of the villages where we have a rural church, the Muslims have also come to put up a mosque in the same village. Had it not been for the presence of our church in the village, the Muslims would have run over the village a long time ago. The presence of the church in the village, and the resulting teachings, worship and display of love, has made it quite clear to the villagers the difference between Islam extremism and Christianity."
You can surmise that our work in Ghana is not without some element of risk and danger. Yet we train up pastors who are willing and send them out to the rural areas where the Fulani operate. We have no paid staff. Despite the dangers and all the other daily challenges, William, his family, and several brave volunteers assist in establishing small churches in the villages as an alternative to Islam. We bring the Word of God, food, clothing, and encouragement. We go to the places that the mega churches refuse to go. We saved three years with the help of Jot contributors to purchase a truck to bring supplies instead of using taxis, motorbikes and bicycles each week on a circuitous route to our pastors in the bush.
Our work is long-suffering. It is life-changing. It is a way that we can do our part to impact real lives in real situations. As you know, I am faithful every day to bring you the very best information about important events from a Biblical world view. We are also reaching out to those who no one else seems to care about. Will you consider supporting this ministry with a one-time gift or with reoccurring monthly support? We really are in need. If so, you can send your tax exempt gift (we are a tax exempt church ministry, not a 501C3) by mail to:
The Daily Jot
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