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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Morning Briefing: 7.18.14

Morning Briefing
For July 16, 2014

Senator Cornyn Needs to K.I.S.S. This Idea Goodbye
I appreciate Senator John Cornyn working on a bipartisan solution to stem the border crisis, but I do not understand why people in Washington can't remember to K.I.S.S. their policy proposals - Keep It Simple Stupid.

We cannot just secure our border, we must have a comprehensive plan. We cannot work on our healthcare, we must have comprehensive socialism. Washington, not "we" to be fair, does not do comprehensive anything well, but always wants a comprehensive solution.

Senator Cornyn and Democrats, instead of keeping their solution simple, are just further empowering the President who has created this problem.

They're going to call their bipartisan solution the HUMANE Act, or the "Helping Unaccompanied Minors and Alleviating National Emergency Act". Wow. So if we oppose their bad idea we are inhumane.

The proposal does not close the major inducement to the present crisis. In 2012, President Obama created the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" ("DACA") program without congressional approval. The K.I.S.S. approach would be for Congress to shut this down, seal the border, and quickly send back everyone who has crossed over. In fact, this bipartisan proposal does not even shut down DACA. But it does allow illegal immigrant children to hire lawyers paid for by you to petition judges appointed by Barack Obama for permission to stay in the United States. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

CONFIRMED: Senate Republican Leaders Paid for Attacks Against Conservatives
I can confirm that the attack ads in Mississippi run by "All Citizens for Mississippi" were funded by Senate Republicans, including Senators Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker, and Roy Blunt. It appears our Senate Republican leaders are willing to risk losing a Senate majority so long as they can get their own re-elected. Yes folks, it is true. I can confirm what we all suspected. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Senate Democrats Want to Give Priority to Their "Religion"
From Senator Rubio: Two weeks ago, in a narrow ruling that won't affect the vast majority of Americans, the U.S. Supreme Court simply applied the provisions of the bipartisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which protects Americans from being forced by government to violate central tenets of their faith. This Hobby Lobby ruling was little more than a straightforward application of a law reflecting the common sense of a country founded on the very ideals of not just religious liberty but individual liberty in general.

However, as is often the case in today's political environment, there was no shortage of liberal activists and politicians who immediately focused on ways they could turn this ruling into an opportunity to divide our country for short-term political gain. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Extreme Pro-Abortion Senate Bill Would Eviscerate Over 200 Pro-Life Laws in America
Over the past few years, numerous states have followed the will of the people to increase protections for women and unborn children by enacting reasonable, commonsense restrictions on abortion.

These pro-life laws are aimed at limiting unregulated and dangerous abortions and ensuring that unborn children are given even a fighting chance at life.  They are focused on cutting through the cloud of distortion perpetuated by the Culture of Death. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

So, the Veterans Administration was off bugging people. .As in, monitoring their communications.
Remember: the Veterans Administration was held up as a shining beacon by the Left on how to do socialized medicine.  Or should I say 'Socialist?' - Because this story is certainly, ah, evocative . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

8 Myths In The Immigration Debate
The ongoing debate over immigration, and over illegal immigration in particular, is one of the most acrimonious - usually needlessly so - in our politics. It divides both parties, though it's no secret that the divisions within the GOP on this issue are far worse. And all sides in this debate are guilty of peddling myths and rhetoric that do more harm to the debate than good. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Rand Paul is no Ronald Reagan
Yesterday we took note of the spat between Texas Governor Rick Perry and freshman Senator Rand Paul over Paul's foreign policy. Needless to say the exchange wasn't very enlightening because Paul, unable to either offend his father's sycophants or describe a foreign policy for the only superpower relegated himself to attacking positions Perry had not taken (e.g. Perry has not advocated sending troops to Iraq) and comparing himself to Reagan. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Six Californias: A Democrat-favoring idea that won't go anywhere
The proposal to split California into six states has gotten enough signatures to make the ballot. Assuming there are no irregularities with the signatures, this means it should be on the ballot for a vote in November.

I doubt the idea will get anywhere though, because it's one of those rare things that's bad for Republicans and for Democrat interest groups. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Mississippi Election Fraud Story Isn't About Charles C. Johnson
Over the course of the last few weeks a lot of ink has been spilled on twitter and other outlets with regard to the Mississippi GOP Senate run-off and subsequent allegations of voter irregularities. I reported the original allegations of massive vote buying for Cochran in the run-off election here at RedState with an audio interview with Rev. Fielder of Mississippi. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 15, 2014

Wanna come grab a beer with me?  Seriously.  I'm happy to grab a drink.  But you'll need to come see me in Fort Worth on August 7th to August 10th for the RedState Gathering.  I'll be there.  Will you?  I hope so.  - Erick

Republican Mike Collins' Campaign Staff Endorse Democrats Hijacking a Republican Primary
Mike Collins is the son of former Congressman Mac Collins and is trying very hard to grab his dad's old congressional district. He's even willing to use Democrats to do it.

In the last two weeks, as I've previously reported, Democrats have begun receiving absentee ballot applications in the mail encouraging them to vote for Mike Collins. There has been a question about who is responsible.

More and more signs point to a coordinated effort in conjunction with the Collins campaign to use Democrats to hijack the Georgia runoff against conservative Jody Hice . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Chris Christie Heads to Iowa. So Do Conservatives.
Chris Christie is headed to Iowa today. Whenever any politician heads to Iowa, the media starts buzzing about Presidential prospects. Just in case, the Judicial Crisis Network is going to greet the Governor with advertisements. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Homosexuality, incest, and the death of sexual taboos
An Australian judge is currently being criticized for what many social conservatives would call a statement of the obvious. Judge Garry Nielson was presiding in a locally notorious trial involving rape and incest. There is a lot to criticize in Judge Neilson's findings, at least to American eyes, but what has him in trouble - and could cost him his job - is not his lenient treatment of the rapist, the girl's uncle who was already in sexual relationship with the victim's mother, his own sister. Nope, it was this . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Neither Charles Blow nor President Obama Knows How to Take Responsibility
I have said for many years that there is literally nothing that Obama could do that would not earn either a defense or outright praise from New York Times Parody Columnist Charles Blow. The latest example of Blow's inimitable lickspittlery purports to be an indignant response to John Boehner's facially obvious assertion that Barack Obama refuses to take responsibility for anything. Blow claims, in his typical servile and fawning fashion, that . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

General Motors Continues to Invest American Tax Dollars Overseas
The World Cup ended in a tight contest between Argentina and Germany on Sunday, but even after what was by most accounts an exciting tournament, the American enthusiasm gap between football and futbol remains considerable.

It was noteworthy, then, when the iconic American car brand Chevrolet inked a $70 million sponsorship deal with English Premier League giant Manchester United. The Chevy logo will now grace the front of that legendary soccer team's jersey. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Unsurprisingly Corporations are Gaming Obamacare
Star War fans will always remember when Obi-Wan Kenobi described the spaceport Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy."  It's easy to recall that description when you learn about a conference occurring in Washington, DC this week known as the 340B Coalition.  "Scum and villainy" might be too strong a term to describe the conferees but "cronies and rent seekers" wouldn't be.

The 340B Discount Drug Program is a perfect example of a government program gone wrong.  Passed in 1992 as part of the Veterans Health Care Act, the program was designed to provide discount drugs to certain health care clinics as a way of serving the poor and underprivileged.  In theory, the discounted drugs were to be offered to those in need at the discounted price.  Then ObamaCare happened. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

EPA's new superpower: Wage garnishment without due process
The same EPA that brought you Climate Change Gone Wild, Felonious Follies, and the classic Poops In The Hall, now offers a convenient automatic payment option:  wage garnishment without a court order.  That's right, they can accuse you, cite you, fine you, and collect, all without the muss and fuss of Due Process Under Law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
Pro-aborts are prone to violence. If you are an abortion abolitionist, you've probably come across an abortion supporter who is angry at your mere existence. So it came as no surprise when, last week, Pro-life activist Seth Drayer was attacked in Columbus, Ohio while downtown with a group of pro-life students. His attacker, Victoria Duran, is seen in a video kicking down signs while cursing and yelling at Drayer in her Burger King uniform. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 12, 2014

So this should have been Friday's Briefing, but I messed it up. So I get to resend it to you today. Sorry about that. -- Erick

Ten Years Ago Today
It was much debated for a few years, but digging into the database our first live post appeared on this day in 2004. Today is RedState's birthday.

Five years later we had our first RedState Gathering. In a month we will have our fifth anniversary RedState Gathering. We are going to Fort Worth, TX. The party starts the evening of August 7th and runs through the evening of August 9th.

Ted Cruz will be there. So will Bobby Jindal. So will Nikki Haley. So will Ben Sasse. So will Rick Perry. So will Greg Abbott. So will Jim DeMint, Ken Cuccinelli, Olympian and Congressman Jim Ryun, and we're hoping Dave Bratt will be there.

We're still confirming some awesome speakers and have a few surprises in store too.

If you want to be a part of the 5th Gathering and help us celebrate our tenth birthday, go here to register. 

Democrats Deploy Their Mississippi Strategy Against Jody Hice in Georgia
The Georgia Republican runoff is less than two weeks away on July 22, 2014. Having successfully swung the Mississippi Senate runoff against the conservative, Democrats in Georgia are coordinating with the GOP establishment to defeat the conservative running in Georgia's tenth congressional district.

Jody Hice, the undisputed conservative in the race to replace Congressman Paul Broun, is . . . well . . . a conservative. His opponent, Mike Collins, is the son of a congressman who goes around the district talking about what friends he is with various House committee chairmen in DC, etc.

In an organized effort, an outside group has begun mailing Democrats absentee ballot applications. The mail piece explains to Democrats that there is no chance a Democrat will win in the district (true, Paul Broun won it several times) and the only way to stop conservatives from winning is to support Mike Collins. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

President Obama Refuses to Treat the Border Crisis Seriously
Right now, a legal and humanitarian crisis is unfolding on our Southern border. And our President simply cannot bring himself to take the problem seriously. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The war on religious faith continues
There probably hasn't been a Supreme Court decision since Bush v. Gore, and definitely since Citizens United, that has been as maligned and mischaracterized as the Hobby Lobby case. Those opposing the decision are crying Armageddon! as though the proverbial gerbil of Religious Freedom was seeking a source light in the alimentary canal of the secular left. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Germany expels CIA station chief in spy scandal
Yesterday the German government announced that it was expelling the presumed US CIA station chief because of US espionage activities directed against the German government. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jesse Jackson and Why We Should Not "Just Find" $4Bn "For The Children."
"'If we can find $4 billion for those children - and we should - we can find $2 billion for Chicago. There are more children involved, and more have been killed, and more have been shot,' said Jackson." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Common Core Assault on Homeschooling
Ohio is one of the many states in the U.S. that is scheduled to implement the controversial Common Core requirements next year. Although the Ohio legislature has attempted to essentially "half opt in" to Common Core by at least theoretically allowing county school boards to construct curricula outside of Common Core, and although Common Core at least in theory does not constrict homeschooling, Ohio homeschooling parents have figured out exactly how Common Core will put everyone in Ohio who doesn't teach Common Core at a disadvantage. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Michelle Obama Misses The Mark on Education (Again)
Recently Michelle Obama spoke at the American School Counselor Association's annual conference and, once again, the First Lady missed the mark on education. Instead of focusing on building a solid foundation, Obama rolled out new initiatives that seek to bolster college attendance rates while managing to have no focus on students. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Hidden Costs of Obamacare
Obamacare is a tax that is costly to businesses and individuals in a lot of obvious ways. Many of those, though - the penalties, the fees, the increased costs of coverage, the loss of doctors and health plans - have already been covered ad nauseam. One aspect of the law's cost to the American economy that has received comparatively little attention has been the compliance costs imposed on the healthcare sector by the law. And last week, those costs got much worse. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 17, 2014

Ted Cruz is Leading
Today, in fact, Ted Cruz intends to force his Republican colleagues to put up or shut on on the border issue. They're refusing to end President Obama's "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" ("DACA") program, which is a chief instigator of the present crisis. Instead, many of Cruz's Republican colleagues, including his fellow Texas senator, John Cornyn, want to give the President more power and use your money to pay for lawyers for the illegals. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Playing the Race Deck
It is almost tiresome at this point to address the topic of race and opposition to Obama. But with Eric Holder's remarks earlier this week that a significant part of opposition to Obama and Holder was driven by "racial animus," the President's many apologists in the media have yet again taken up the cry. Someone named Dorothy Brown, who is a Critical Race Theory professor (as opposed to someone who does something useful for a living) was given a lengthy column at CNN to explain that it's perfectly obvious that Holder was correct. See also this sprawling screed at The New Yorker which essentially says that the problem with America is that you can't play the race card as often as it deserves to be played. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama official used office to illegally raise money for Obama
The legacy of the Obama administration will be that it managed to corrupt virtually every institution within the US government and it did so in a remarkably short period of time. If there is a silver lining to this cloud of stench it is that he serves as an object lesson in how fragile are the systems that comprise our federal government. The greatest damage he has done it turn the supposedly apolitical process of governance into a system to arrogate power and to punish anyone who disagrees. When the malefactors are caught, they shamelessly obstruct justice because they know the Attorney General of the United States is a thoroughly compromised man who is reduced to shouting racism when criticized. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Democrats love them some crony capitalism
There is great story about the British cavalry officer who was so dumb that even the horses started to notice. The same effect is happening in the Democrat party. Democrat politicians are so deeply  involved in corporate welfare and crony capitalism that even the Democrat pundits are beginning to notice.

Right now the US Export-Import Bank is teetering on the razor's edge of extinction. The bank, which supplies low interest loans to US businesses seeking to sell products overseas and sometimes to Mexican narco-cartels just to liven up the paperwork, is up for reauthorization. Absent such reauthorization the bank's charter expires in September. The House Financial Service Committee Chairman, Jeb Hensarling, has said that he intends to kill the bank and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy agrees. (For more background on the Ex-Im Bank and the current attempt to throttle it, visit the RedState Ex-Im Bank archives.) . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Iron Dome, Missile Defense, and scientific ideologues
One of the reasons the current Hamas offensive has been such a colossal failure is because of the Israeli anti-missile system called Iron Dome. From the Washington Post, Iron Dome, Israel's antimissile system, changes calculus of fight with Hamas . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Commodification of Men
Last week, author Susan Patton was on Fox and Friends with Steve Doocy and the resulting segment has become a source of some controversy not just among the usual feminist crowd but also among even some conservative professional women. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Victory: Pro-Life Senators Vote Down New Abortion-Pill Mandate
Senate Democrats attempt to gut religious liberty and "reverse" the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision on the abortion-pill mandate has been defeated.

Pro-abortion radicals reeling from the Supreme Court's decision in Hobby Lobby quickly jumped to extreme measures to push through their failing abortion agenda, even willing to gut a more than 20-year-old religious liberty law that had been passed nearly unanimously by Congress.

This effort to reinstate the abortion-pill mandate has failed.

It's important to remember that the original HHS Mandate, which forced pro-life business owners to violate their faith by paying for abortion pills, was a regulatory action issued under ObamaCare, not a law passed by those elected to represent the people.  Yet, when the Left tried to pass the abortion-pill mandate through Congress, they couldn't even muster the necessary votes to pass the pro-abortion Senate.

There is no question that forcing Americans to violate their faith is extreme.  The American people don't support it. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 18, 2014

The Korean Air Flight vs. The Malaysian Air Flight
President Obama spoke for 38 or so seconds yesterday after learning that a Malaysian Air flight had been shot down over Ukraine. In the process, he said in those 38 seconds that a plane falling from the sky "may be" a tragedy.

Conservatives were quick to point out Ronald Reagan's response to the Korean Air 007 flight in 1983. The shoot down was September 1, 1983. On September 5th, Reagan addressed the nation calling it "a crime against humanity" among other things. Some perspective is important.

Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on the four days after the event. That is being fair to President Obama. But there is more worth considering.

President Reagan may have spoken four days after the event, but what he did on the day of the event is striking compared to Barack Obama. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Louisiana Common Core Fight Coming to a Head 
For those who have not been following the issue, Louisiana is the current ground zero in the fight over the implementation of Common Core standards. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order suspending implementation of Common Core and suspended a contract that State Superintendent John White had entered into for the purchase of Common Core related materials and supplies. The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education had planned to go ahead with the implementation of the controversial Common Core standards and testing anyway, asserting that Jindal does not have the necessary authority to suspend the contract. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

House border task force prepares alternative to Obama $3.7 billion boondoggle
When Barack Obama requested the Congress approve a mammoth $3.7 billion appropriation to deal with the Obama created crisis on our southern border, the House GOP was underwhelmed. The general distribution of the funds request was . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

SURPRISE! Louisiana's Privatized Charity Hospitals Come In $52 Million Under Budget
Go figure, right? We all just KNEW that privatizing a bunch of government-run hospitals for poor people would explode the budget. Because that's happened.never. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

I encourage Senate Democrats to go to the wall to bring back IRS bonuses
"The House on Wednesday approved legislation that would prohibit performance bonuses for senior executives at the Internal Revenue Service." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Next Front in the Battle over Obamacare
You may be seeing a concerted attempt by liberals and their media allies to convince you that Obamacare is 1) succeeding; 2) losing political impact for the midterms; and 3) being emphasized less frequently by Republicans on the campaign trail.  In fact, all three of these are false.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Mark Pryor Stands Against Religious Liberty
Mark Pryor is in the fight of his political life against Tom Cotton in what has become one of the reddest states in the country, and also one of the most religious states in the country. It is no coincidence then that Pryor has been seen holding a Bible and saying the word "Jesus" more often than a revival preacher in a tent. Pryor's first ad of the campaign season focused literally on nothing more than how much he loved the Bible, as seen here (imagine, if you will, the Democrat freakout if a Republican ran such an ad) . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

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