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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Nearing Midnight: End-Time Events on Stand By

Nearing Midnight: End-Time Events on Stand By - Todd Strandberg - 

We are living in a time of unrelenting prophetic activity. I cannot find any other point in history when so many breaking headlines have had a direct correlation to Bible prophecy. In recent years, I have noticed a pattern of incredible stability in some of these warning signs.
I've maintained the Rapture Index for nearly 26 years now, and I've never seen the index stay within such a narrow range: Only moving five points from its all-time high for over two years now. In the early days of the site, it was common to have the RI make 50 to 70 point moves over a 12 month period.
We have several seemingly acute situations that are constantly threatening, but they never lead to a major crisis. They are like dark storm clouds on the horizon that boil and rumble, but they fail to arrive. Here are three examples that defy all logic by continuing to fester:
Iran's Nuclear Program
In 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency discovered that Iran was pursuing research that could enable it to produce nuclear weapons. The United Nations Security Council made several attempts to get Iran to suspend its enrichment program, but refuses to comply with treaties that barred it from developing nuclear weapons.
Over the years, Iran has built nuclear facilities in 17 location. It has about 19,000 centrifuges, and plans to build another 35,000 units.
Iran's willingness to suffer economic pain is proof of its commitment to developing an atomic bomb. Despite the dedication, Iran is taking an incredible amount of time to build a bomb. North Korea dropped out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, and three years later it had tested its first atomic bomb. The only two conclusions that I can make is that either the Iranian scientists are totally incompetent or some force is holding them back.
Financial Markets Ability to Hold Together
The financial crisis of 2008 was the result of the Federal Reserve pumping too much money into the U.S. economy. The crisis was initiated when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, thus causing the money market funds to lock-up. The downturn in housing prices also led to most big banks becoming insolvent.
The fix has been to inject $6 trillion into the markets. The transfer of bad loans from banks and other financial institutions to the government created a much bigger bubble. Since the only way to avoid a crash is to keep adding more money to the bubble, it is only a matter of time before we see a meltdown that puts the 2008 crisis to shame.
With China, Europe and Japan facing their own debt bubbles, there is a compounding of the likelihood that a financial calamity will occur and sweep over the globe. Since this would be the perfect set-up for the Antichrist, it seems destined to happen.
Hezbollah's Lack of Action
The terrorist group Hezbollah controls the lower part of Lebanon. Ever since the 2006 Lebanon War, Hezbollah has been amazingly quiet. It's not due to the lack of capabilities on their part. Hezbollah's military might has grown substantially, putting much of Israel within the reach of its missiles. The Iran-backed group is believed to have acquired GPS-guided rockets fitted with 1,100-pound warheads. Israel's top military officer, General Benny Gantz recently said that there are only four or five nations on earth with more firepower than Hezbollah.
With over a 100,000 missiles under the control of this militant Shiite (Hezbollah) organization, it dumbfounds me that they have been able to resist firing their missiles into Israel. Hamas is on Israel's southern border, and they only have access to a few hundred crudely made rockets. Hamas has been constantly firing rockets into Israel.
Hezbollah is dedicated to Israel's destruction, so it's puzzling that they would not feel compelled to join the current conflict. Hezbollah even managed to stand firm in February and March after Israel bombed their facilities in the Bekaa Valley. Since Islamists have never before failed to attack Jews when the opportunity presented itself, the staying hand of God is the only explanation I can come up with.
I'm beginning to wonder if the reason why we are seeing these end-time indicators in this strange holding pattern has to do with their connection to the Rapture. Because the removal of the church is an event that will take place at a "think not" hour, it wouldn't make sense for the Rapture to occur at a time when prophetic interest is high. A financial collapse or a major war in the Middle East would set of all kinds of end-time alarm bells.
It is obvious that these events cannot remain in a flux forever. Eventually, some trigger will come along and set at least one of these log jams into motion. The longer we wait, the more convinced I am that the missing catalyst is the Rapture.
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44).
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).
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