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Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Holy Land: Bombs and the Fast of Tammuz

The Holy Land: Bombs and the Fast of Tammuz - Amy Joy Hess - 
This year, the Fast of Tammuz will begin at sundown on July 14th, but the recent events in Israel have opened the door for early grief.
The Fast of Tammuz begins the Three Weeks of Mourning leading up to Tisha B'Av (9th of Av), which will start at sundown on August 5th. The recent slaying of three kidnapped Israel teens led to the vindictive death of a Palestinian teen. Since Monday night alone, more than 130 rockets have showered Israel from Gaza, and Israel has responded by strategic strikes on Gaza sites. The Israeli Cabinet has authorized the calling up of 40,000 troops, and a temporary invasion of Gaza seems imminent. The Holy Land is primed for mourning even before the Three Weeks have started.
Thirteen people have been killed so far in Gaza strikes, including seven people involved in a human shield on the roof of the home of Hamas militant members. Palestinian sources say two of those used as a human shield were children. Palestinian men often use women and children as human shields to discourage Israeli attacks. Israel has confirmed that militant Hamas leader Mohammad Sha'aban, considered "a senior Hamas terrorist," was killed.
In the meanwhile, targets in Gaza are called by telephone and informed by leaflet that their houses are destined for bombing because terrorists are making use of them. The leaflets urge civilians to not allow their homes to be used for digging tunnels or smuggling weapons. "Don't stand idle as the terrorist elements use you," some leaflets have said.
Israel has arrested suspects in the killing of the Arab teen, while Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has condemned the kidnapping of the three Jewish teens who were murdered. All involved worry that the emotionally charged situation will cause the region to tumble into instability and lead to another intifada.
Muslims have been fasting since the beginning of the month of Ramadan on June 28th. The Jews' time of fasting is on its way, and both religious groups will be fasting together, like it or not.
The 9th of Av is a familiar date for Jewish grief. On both occasions when foreigners destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, they did it on the 9th of Av. Many other tragedies befell Israel on this date throughout history. The 9th of Av is not alone, however. The 17th of Tammuz has also been filled with suffering for the Jewish people. Beginning on July 14th, many observant Jews fasted to commemorate five tragedies that befell Israel on 17 Tammuz throughout history.
On 17 Tammuz:
*Moses broke the tablets of the Law after seeing the people dancing around the golden calf they had made while he was on Mt. Sinai. (Exodus 32:19). The LORD later replaced the tablets (Exodus 34);
*The daily sacrifice ended during Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem for lack of sheep and other sacrificial animals;
*The Romans broke through the walls of Jerusalem shortly before the 2nd Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70;
*Years prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostumus burned a scroll of the Torah;
*An idol was erected in the Temple.
The three week period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av is called Bein Hametzarim - "between the troubles." On the Sabbath during the Three Weeks, passages on the Temple's destruction and the exile of the Jewish people are read from Isaiah and Jeremiah. During this period of time, Orthodox and other observant Jews refrain from the following:
*wearing new clothes
*listening to music
*bathing for pleasure
*shaving or hair cutting
*drinking wine or eating meat
*long journeys
While the Fasts of Tammuz and Av (the 4th and 5th months) are a time of mourning, many Jews believe that after the future redemption of Israel, these days of mourning will be turned into days of feasts and rejoicing. As the LORD told the prophet Zechariah:
The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace."
- Zechariah 8:19
As rockets shoot toward Israel and bombs fall on Gaza, peace seems a distant dream. We know it will come, though, when the Messiah takes His throne in Jerusalem and the Prince of Peace Himself ushers in His Kingdom.
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