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Friday, July 25, 2014

Morning Briefing: 7.25.14

Morning Briefing
For July 23, 2014

The Chamber's Immigration Stance Hurts Their Georgia Pick
All the public and private polling I saw, like this for example, had Jack Kingston ahead of David Perdue. All the buzz privately was Kingston ahead of Perdue.

And Kingston lost. I supported him. He's one of the few candidates I supported in the Georgia runoffs who lost. And I can tell you why Kingston lost.

I have evening drive time on the most listened to talk station in America. Every night for the last month on my show I've gotten the same concern on the phones, in emails, on twitter, on Facebook, etc. Kingston had the Chamber of Commerce's endorsement. The Chamber of Commerce is bad on immigration. Therefore Kingston would be bad on immigration. In fact, his opponent and now the GOP nominee for the Senate in Georgia made a point to tell people that Kingston was the Chamber endorsed candidate. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

DC Circuit Blocks Obamacare Subsidies, Mandate in 36 States
A divided panel of the DC Circuit this morning handed down its long-awaited decision in Halbig v Burwell, holding 2-1 that Obamacare does not provide subsidies for purchases of insurance on the federal exchange, and that the individual mandate does not apply in states that have not established their own state exchanges. The decision, based on the plain language of the statute (and not any Constitutional issue), is a huge blow to Obamacare, but is almost certainly not the last word in this litigation (which may yet go to the full DC Circuit and/or the Supreme Court) or in the political battle over the exchanges. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Airfare Going Up? Blame Paul Ryan and the GOP. Seriously.
Airfare is getting more expensive. The Transportation Security Administration is raising security fees. Fox News has a report on it. But in the interests of intellectual honesty, we here on a Republican site and I, a formerly elected Republican official, do need to point out that the American public has Paul Ryan and the GOP to blame for it.

The House Republicans let Paul Ryan and Patty Murray from the Senate come up with a budget plan that increased spending, scrapped sequestration cuts, cut veterans benefits, and raised taxes. "Nooooooooooo," the GOP said, "It's not a tax increase, just a 'fee' increase."

The reality is, given how many American travel each year, Paul Ryan's "fee" increase amounts to a tax increase. He came up with it. The GOP supported it and defended it. And now you are paying more to fly because of it. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Bad Roger Simon calls National Guardsmen child-killers. .Does Politico agree?
This is not a case of the mask slipping.  This is a case of the mask jumping off the face and screaming Hey! Bad Roger Simon of Politico thinks that National Guardsmen will obey an order to shoot children! - Note that I'm passing over the equally monstrous suggestion that Rick Perry - or any other governor, mind you - would order National Guardsmen to shoot children. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The case against an Unconditional Basic Income
Many moons ago with I was a mid-grade infantry captain in the US Army I was selected for an assignment as an investigator with the Department of the Army Inspector General's office at the headquarters of the US Army Recruiting Command. One of the great things about being an IG was addressing legitimate grievances another was meddling in other people's jobs-or making a difference, depending upon your point of view. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Does God Love Women Who've Had Abortions?
I have to say I didn't know what to expect when I attended "Does God Love Women Who've Had Abortions?" at Netroots Nation. It seemed odd to even have a panel discussing God at an event for the same people who booed God at their convention. I was really hoping that, at the least, they wouldn't mislead women on this issue. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Malaysia Air MH-17: Vladimir Putin gets away with murder
It is certain that a Russian made anti-aircraft missile fired by Russian armed, trained, and commanded Ukrainian "separatists" shot down Malaysia Air flight MH-17 last week killing all 298 passengers and crew aboard. The only outstanding question is the degree to which this was a conscious act perpetrated by the Russian government under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. I say the only open question is Putin's direct culpability because we already know what is going to happen to Putin in particular and Russia in general. Nothing.

Despite widespread disgust at Russia's involvement in this act of terrorism the odds are that Putin simply toughs it out and moves on.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 22, 2014

Folks, see the first item.  There's still time to register for the RedState Gathering.  You can come thank Rick Perry.  He'll be there.  Go to for details and registration.

Thank God for Rick Perry
As the rest of the world sizes Barack Obama up as a man who pees sitting down, the Texas Governor, not prone to wear mom jeans, has ordered his National Guard down to the border.

It seems a rather simple thing - secure the American border. But Washington would rather hold our border hostage to politics than secure it. It's a bipartisan problem. It should be an easy situation. Just secure the border. Stop people from crossing over.

Nothing is easy with Washington, however. Neither side seems to have the will to do the easy thing. The President would rather fundraise and demagogue. The Republicans would rather cower in fear of their shadows.

Secure the border is common sense. Rick Perry gets it. Too bad too few in Washington do. The sad thing is that Texans are going to pay for it when Washington should be footing the bill to do its most basic function - keep the United States a sovereign nation with secure borders.

That Washington fails at its basic task is just another reason so many are fed up with that place. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Wendy Davis perilously close to a #DOOM call from. The Daily Beast.
"As if things weren't going badly enough for Wendy Davis, the Texas gubernatorial candidate got caught inflating her campaign's finances this week by counting a Willie Nelson concert as a contribution." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

At Netroots Sen. Murphy says ObamaCare is being implemented incredibly well
At the Netroots Nation, in Detroit, Connecticut Democrat and U.S. Senator Chris Murphy said ObamaCare "is being implemented incredibly well."

Perhaps Sen. Murphy forgets all the criticism about President Obama's incompetent implementation of ObamaCare that came from leading Democrats . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

IRS: Maybe Lois Lerner Emails Aren't So "Lost" After All, Oh, And We Lost a Few More Too
The IRS just can't get anything straight.  The Obama IRS appears to now be backtracking on just how "lost" Lois Lerner's emails are. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Chaotic Belief Systems of Millenials
Winston Churchill once famously quipped, "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." This is an important mantra to keep in mind when analyzing the fight for the political mind of the much-maligned millenial generation in light of Reason's most recent survey on Millenials' attitudes about government. Although Millenials still tend to identify and vote Democrat, this trend is slowly shifting; and although Millenials hold a number of troubling views about the role of government, their overall disillusionment with the actual function of government provides some hope for the future. The bottom line result is that the Millenial generation can't and shouldn't be written off by the GOP as a lost cause. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John Feehery to GOP: Stop Opposing Crony Capitalism
John Feehery call your office.  It appears someone has signed into your computer and is emailing columns out under your name that make you look like a simpleton.  The Wall Street Journal has fallen for the ruse.  They just published a column under your name lamenting conservative opposition to crony capitalism.

Feehery is everything that is wrong with the modern day GOP.  With his phone and his pen, he is a frequent pundit on radio, television and newspapers trashing conservatives, dishing out horrible advice to the Republican Party and promoting the causes of whatever client is silly enough to pay him to lobby.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Politicization of Science in the Media
Alex Berezow notes today three instances of enforcement of left-wing orthodoxy in scientific journals, two of which bear special mention here because the orthodoxy in question runs contrary to verifiable scientific fact. The first concerns the journal Science, which depicted the bodies (but not faces, for privacy reasons) of transgendered prostitutes for a special issue about AIDS. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Kerry's concerns, dead Israelis, and moral decrepitude
Yesterday, secretary of State John Kerry was on FoxNews Sunday, and when not lambasting Chris Wallace for having the temerity to actually ask him questions rather than take dictation which is what typically happens when an Obama official appears on one of the Sunday shows he expressed concern about Israel's ongoing operations in Gaza. The reason we know he expressed concern is that he was caught on a hot mic and Chris Wallace asked him about the comments. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 21, 2014

Could Elizabeth Warren Face Ted Cruz In 2016?
Should the Democrats nominate Elizabeth Warren for President in 2016, as a draft-Warren movement, some liberal pundits and enthusiasts at this week's Netroots Nation convention believe?

Should Republicans nominate Ted Cruz, who has kept his options open with frequent trips to Iowa and New Hampshire? In some ways, Cruz and Warren are mirror images, and the cases for and against them are surprisingly similar. But there are also some critical differences. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Netroots Nation and Mark Ruffalo protest for water to be a human right
The protest flows from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department shutting off water to customers that don't pay their bills, So far this year, Detroit's water utility has shut off water to 17,000 customers. The utility wants people to do pay their overdue bills. Some residents and protesters are upset that the city is doing this.

One of the themes of the Netroots Nation 2014, or "Nutroots," as Senator Hatch christened them in 2007, is that water is a human right. The water protest is a misguided response to Detroit's water utility shutting off water of thousands of Detroit residents who failed to pay their bills. According to the Nutroots, these shut offs violate the "human right to water." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

#TheBearIsLoose and Obama abdication of responsibility
In an administration that is intellectually adrift and morally bereft, the hashtag has become substitute for policy. When Vladimir Putin began his attempt to dismantle Ukraine, the utter feckless Jen Psaki and our State Department resorted to . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Fracking Rift Threatens to Sink Udall, Hickenlooper
Fracking has been good for the State of Colorado and its economy, and therefore a large majority of Coloradans support fracking. However, the Democrat base, particularly in Colorado, is not so much with the whole science thing, and therefore they are vehemently opposed to fracking. Uber environmentalist wacko Jared Polis (D-CO), has decided to score an own goal on two vulnerable Democrats who are up for election in a non-Presidential election year and therefore are heavily depending on turnout from their base - by forcing Udall and Hickenlooper to take a stand on fracking. By opposing fracking, Udall and Hickenlooper risk alienating swing voters; by supporting it, they will alienate their most dedicated voters. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama moves deadline for Iran nuke deal past midterm elections
We wrote last week about how the Iran nuclear negotiations seemed at an impasse despite (or because of)  airdropping secretary of State John Kerry into the negotiations. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Netherlands held liable for the Srebrenica massacre
One of the iconic photos of the ill-considered UN effort during the Götterdämmerung of Yugoslavia's dissolution is that of Dutch Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Karremans sharing a drink with Serb commander, psychopath and war criminal Ratko Mladic after the surrender of Dutchbat, or the Dutch peacekeeping battalion at Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. Even as this photograph was taken, Serbs had begun the massacre of the first of what would eventually total over 8700 men, women, and children.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Ron Paul: Moral Cretin
On Friday, former Representative Ron Paul was a guest on Newsmax TV. The subject of the shootdown of Malaysia Air flight MH-17 came up. This exchange ensued with host John Bachman . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 25, 2014

Salon Attempts to Paint Avowed Communist Lee Harvey Oswald as a "Right-Winger"
Via Salon today comes one of the most truly bizarre pieces of revisionist history I have ever seen, even within the context of articles appearing at Salon. The basic outline of the piece is as follows:

  1. Dallas in 1963 was full of crazy right-wingers;
  2. These people had guns;
  3. John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas in 1963;
  4. Barack Obama likewise has many right-wingers who oppose him; therefore
  5. It's only a matter of time before one of them shoots him.

The baseless appeal to sensationalism and emotionalism is the primary (and usually only) tool in the gun control advocate's toolbox. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Montana Senator John Walsh used plagiarism to get promoted
The Democrats knew retaining Max Baucus's Senate seat was going to be a challenge. In an attempt to hold onto that seat, Max Baucus was convinced to retire from the Senate and was shipped off to China as Ambassador. A new Senator was appointed by the Democrat governor to fill out Baucus's term and to set him up to defend the seat using the power of incumbency. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

UN official: ISIS planning widespread female genital mutilation in Mosul, Iraq.
"A top UN official in Iraq has said the Sunni Islamist group Isis controlling the city of Mosul is seeking to impose female genital mutilation." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

What is Obama Hiding at His Wealthy Donor Fundraisers?
A common complaint about George W. Bush's second term is that he was "insulated" and cut off from the outside world, and increasingly so from what he perceived to be a hostile press. This alleged isolation caused many liberal commentators to begin to derisively refer to President Bush as a "Bubble Boy."  It has taken considerably longer for the press to openly criticize Obama for the same tendencies given their largely shared ideological heritage but finally the Press is starting to carp openly about Obama's refusal to allow them basic  access to Presidential events. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

E.J. Dionne's Unseemly Whinging About the Judiciary Continues Apace
In 1973, nine unelected judges (all men), overturned almost two hundred years of unbroken precedent and historical practice and declared that there existed in the United States Constitution a heretofore undiscovered constitutional right to an abortion. They did this despite the fact that nothing in the text of the Constitution even hinted at the existence of such a right, and that for hundreds of years numerous states had had unmolested laws on the books either forbidding or restricting the practice - not to mention a complete absence of evidence of any kind that the drafters or ratifiers of the Constitution had abortion within their contemplation when the Constitution was written (even though abortion was a well-known historical practice at the time). About this subject, E.J. Dionne is curiously silent. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Rampant fraud the standard condition on ObamaCare exchanges
"According to testimony to be delivered before a House Ways and Means subcommittee, undercover GAO investigators tried to obtain health plans for a dozen fictitious applicants online or by phone, using invalid or missing Social Security numbers or inaccurate citizenship information." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Outrage: the FEC tramples Paul Ryan's First Amendment rights
Wisconsin GOP Congressman Paul Ryan's leadership PAC, Prosperity Action, asked the Federal Election Commission for permission in advance of doing something fairly logical.  They want to buy copies of Ryan's published book, The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea, to give away to supporters, in conjunction with a book tour.  Of course they'd also help promote the book, since its author is also their candidate.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 24, 2014

Please Don't Muddy the Moral Clarity
I am reminded of Hebrews 13:2. "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (ESV) Christians, indeed all Americans, should show compassion to these children who have been put in this situation by their parents often out of a desire for the children's safety or well being.

I appreciate the moral clarity of leaders like Ronnie Floyd and Russell Moore. I am sympathetic to and want to provide private Christian charity to these children. I am somewhat shocked by the very hostile reaction some Christians are having to folks to Russell Moore and Ronnie Floyd, along with Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, and others. They're being accused of helping criminals. The Good Samaritan never asked for papers before rendering assistance. Chuck Colson started a prison ministry to minister to law breakers. Christianity does not stop at the border. Christian charity should not start with a passport check.

Concurrently, I hope the many evangelicals who are providing assistance at the border do not rush forward and muddy the moral clarity with opposition to proposals to close our border, ensure the expeditious reunion with families south of us, end the DACA program, and bring this crisis to closure. A number of mainline denominations are attempting to do that even now with requests that Congress and the Administration not deport and not take the steps needed to ensure this crisis starts. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

New York Times Writer Wants Orthodox Christian and Islamic Views Stamped Out. "Ruthlessly."
Who will rid Josh Barro of these turbulent priests? Barro is a writer at the New York Times. He has taken to twitter to proclaim that "anti-LGBT attitudes are terrible" and "we need to stamp them out, ruthlessly."

Barro supports gay marriage, etc. The BLT&G[insert preferred letters here] ideas of picking your gender, same sex marriage, etc. are incompatible with Christianity, Islam, and more.

In order to "stamp out" these attitudes "ruthlessly" society will have to go where only totalitarian societies like to go. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Did Obama help Hamas score a "great victory" at Ben Gurion Airport?
After American authorities canceled flights to Israel's Ben Gurion airport, the rest of the West quickly followed suit.  "The success of Hamas in closing Israeli airspace is a great victory for the resistance, and is the crown of Israel's failure," crowed a spokesman for the terrorist gang. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Reminder: The Chamber of Commerce is an Ideological and Political Enemy to Conservatives
The Chamber of Commerce has long been thought to be an ally of the GOP, by and large. They have made it clear during the course of the current fight for the soul of the GOP, however, that they are mostly an ally of crony capitalism and corporate welfare and those who enable it, and committed opponents of grassroots conservatives. The Chamber of Commerce pumped massive amounts of money into Mississippi on behalf of the execrable and race baiting pudding enthusiast Thad Cochran, helped Mitch McConnell defeat Matt Bevin, have publicly undermined Ted Cruz at every turn, and are backing Pat Roberts over Milton Wolf in Kansas. The Chamber has clearly indicated that politically, they are most interested in backing candidates who will keep the government spigots for corporate welfare turned ON. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Export-Import Bank crony capitalism kills American jobs
Even though the US Export-Import Bank is in grave political trouble, many political heavyweights are heavily invested in its success. The reason is obvious. The Export-Import Bank represents the worst aspects of crony capitalism and some of its largest benefactors are also major political donors.

The US Chamber of Commerce, a firm ally of such loci of corruption as Thad Cochran and Mitch McConnell is claiming that some 200,000 US jobs are utterly dependent upon taxpayer subsidized loans as the products are so inferior or needlessly expensive that no one would buy them were it not for government subsidies. Though the Chamber touts the Export Import Bank as benefitting small businesses, 93% of all Export-Import Bank loans go to just ten corporations. Boeing, Caterpillar, and General Electric are the top three favored companies. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Three Questions for Hamas Terrorist Apologists
Over the last few weeks, Hamas terrorists have renewed their terrorist tactics against Israeli civilians, firing thousands of rockets into the civilian population and even using secret tunnels in an attempt to invade and unleash deadly terrorist attacks in Israel itself.

As this conflict erupted, Hamas terrorist apologists have come out of the woodwork, some Anti-Semitic as we have seen in violent protests in Europe and some woefully naïve, manipulated by less than accurate and honest media coverage or the lack thereof. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Reminder: Israel has a right to defend itself. And no obligation to be a fool about it, either.
Hamas clearly feels no shame or remorse about routinely violating the laws of war, not least because the group knows that there are any number of ethically deprived idiots in the West that are willing to excuse any of Hamas's excesses. And until the aforementioned idiots either wise up or (more likely) treated the way by civilized society in the same way that we treat avowed Nazis, Hamas will continue to feel neither shame nor remorse. This is an obvious thing.  So is the fact that Israel feels no particular obligation to commit suicide simply because the antiwar Left would quite like it to.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Left's Pre-Emptive SCOTUS Bashing Over Halbig
Josh Marshall of TalkingPointsMemo knows almost nothing about the law, as any lawyer who has read his material over the years can attest. He's not an attorney, has never been one, doesn't have a law degree, and so far as I know has never even taken a law class. Nor is he an expert or seasoned SCOTUS-watcher of any sort. He has literally no basis of expertise from which to either predict how the Supreme Court will rule on an issue or to provide informed commentary about how the Supreme Court reaches their decisions. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

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