Amazing Madness - Todd Strandberg -
A college girl's body was recently found. She had been murdered by an obvious deviant who wanted his own way, considering human life of another person of no matter. The authorities called it what it is-murder, in the first degree. The police and all of American society demand that the perpetrator be caught and taken off the streets so we can all be safe.
The American mainstream media agree wholeheartedly and pursuing the sensation within such stories, follow-up, echoing public demands that the policing authorities do whatever is necessary to eliminate the madman who will likely be looking for the next of our daughters to violate and brutally murder.
On the other hand, a woman in Oklahoma is beheaded at work by a Muslim who shouts Arabic phrases in praise of Allah, then stabs and decapitates her. He proceeds to do so to another of his former fellow workers, but is stopped by a man who uses a gun to put an end to the killing.
Immediately, the American mainstream media begin not to decry the fanatic religious zealotry of the murder, but to analyze what caused the beheader to go crazy in the workplace. That was the question of the hour. What drove him to do "workplace violence?"
We can remember the same thing happening time after time: An avowed Islamist Jihadist screams phrases in praise of Islam's God, murders and maims. From the killings in Little Rock, Arkansas of military personnel, to similar shootings and stabbings in other places, like that in Canada, (which just recently took the life of a reportedly unarmed guard of the Parliament building in Ottawa).
The crimes, as horrific as they all are must be first analyzed for extenuating circumstances. The very last conclusion reached is that these are Muslims who hold fast to the teachings of the Koran which stipulates that if the infidels won't convert, they must be killed. Beheading, apparently, is the preferred way.
Last month when a Jehadist drove his vehicle into two Canadian soldiers, killing one and injuring the other, the Canadian press, like the American press, downplayed the fact that the perpetrator was an avowed Muslim warrior-most likely inspired to do his dastardly deed by the raging Islamist beasts called ISIL.
They first went into all of the analyses, and other psychological mumbo-jumbo that the U.S. mainstream is now infamous for in their "news" gathering. In reality, there is, in effect, no investigation to speak of by mainstream news media involving the threat fundamentalist Islam and the Koran present to all of us-including even Muslims who do not agree with the Jihadists. Those Muslims are raped and beheaded just like all those considered infidels by the likes of ISIL, or ISIS, if you prefer.
But at the same time when reading the majority of news reports, Christians are most often viewed as bigoted and homophobic, wanting Armageddon to begin-so they can wreak vengeance on everyone else and rule over the planet with their Jesus. Armageddon of course, is exactly what the fundamentalist Jihadists want. They intend to cause or bring about their own idea of Armageddon, so their Mahdi will come and rule over the caliphate that their own efforts are aimed at creating.
News pundits accuse Christians of wanting to control women's bodies and of hating homosexuals, desiring to keep them from ever emerging from their dark closets. Christians are forewarned by government (and a less than 5% of the American population homosexual community), as well as by all of Hollywood and mainstream news sources-that they had better not be mean-spirited toward "gays."
All the while, fundamentalist Islam is almost completely ignored as it murders homosexuals or imprisons them, and treat women with less respect than they treat their camels.
In Europe these days, teenage girls and women are routinely raped and brutalized-even murdered. Fundamentalist Muslim men under their view of Koranic instruction may kidnap most any girl or woman off the street, speak three times that they claim the females abducted as being their wives. They then rape the girls or women, speak again three times saying they are divorced from these girls or women (many of the victims are white, European females). These sadistic Muslim men are then exonerated of any wrong doing according to their Isalmist beliefs.
Still, the American public seem oblivious to these horrors. Europeans are too intimidated to protest; apparently the Stokholm Syndrome, strongly controlling their culture. (Or is it just the sinful, reprobate thinking that rules in these last days?) The madness is amazing.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" (Romans 1:28-32).
A college girl's body was recently found. She had been murdered by an obvious deviant who wanted his own way, considering human life of another person of no matter. The authorities called it what it is-murder, in the first degree. The police and all of American society demand that the perpetrator be caught and taken off the streets so we can all be safe.
The American mainstream media agree wholeheartedly and pursuing the sensation within such stories, follow-up, echoing public demands that the policing authorities do whatever is necessary to eliminate the madman who will likely be looking for the next of our daughters to violate and brutally murder.
On the other hand, a woman in Oklahoma is beheaded at work by a Muslim who shouts Arabic phrases in praise of Allah, then stabs and decapitates her. He proceeds to do so to another of his former fellow workers, but is stopped by a man who uses a gun to put an end to the killing.
Immediately, the American mainstream media begin not to decry the fanatic religious zealotry of the murder, but to analyze what caused the beheader to go crazy in the workplace. That was the question of the hour. What drove him to do "workplace violence?"
We can remember the same thing happening time after time: An avowed Islamist Jihadist screams phrases in praise of Islam's God, murders and maims. From the killings in Little Rock, Arkansas of military personnel, to similar shootings and stabbings in other places, like that in Canada, (which just recently took the life of a reportedly unarmed guard of the Parliament building in Ottawa).
The crimes, as horrific as they all are must be first analyzed for extenuating circumstances. The very last conclusion reached is that these are Muslims who hold fast to the teachings of the Koran which stipulates that if the infidels won't convert, they must be killed. Beheading, apparently, is the preferred way.
Last month when a Jehadist drove his vehicle into two Canadian soldiers, killing one and injuring the other, the Canadian press, like the American press, downplayed the fact that the perpetrator was an avowed Muslim warrior-most likely inspired to do his dastardly deed by the raging Islamist beasts called ISIL.
They first went into all of the analyses, and other psychological mumbo-jumbo that the U.S. mainstream is now infamous for in their "news" gathering. In reality, there is, in effect, no investigation to speak of by mainstream news media involving the threat fundamentalist Islam and the Koran present to all of us-including even Muslims who do not agree with the Jihadists. Those Muslims are raped and beheaded just like all those considered infidels by the likes of ISIL, or ISIS, if you prefer.
But at the same time when reading the majority of news reports, Christians are most often viewed as bigoted and homophobic, wanting Armageddon to begin-so they can wreak vengeance on everyone else and rule over the planet with their Jesus. Armageddon of course, is exactly what the fundamentalist Jihadists want. They intend to cause or bring about their own idea of Armageddon, so their Mahdi will come and rule over the caliphate that their own efforts are aimed at creating.
News pundits accuse Christians of wanting to control women's bodies and of hating homosexuals, desiring to keep them from ever emerging from their dark closets. Christians are forewarned by government (and a less than 5% of the American population homosexual community), as well as by all of Hollywood and mainstream news sources-that they had better not be mean-spirited toward "gays."
All the while, fundamentalist Islam is almost completely ignored as it murders homosexuals or imprisons them, and treat women with less respect than they treat their camels.
In Europe these days, teenage girls and women are routinely raped and brutalized-even murdered. Fundamentalist Muslim men under their view of Koranic instruction may kidnap most any girl or woman off the street, speak three times that they claim the females abducted as being their wives. They then rape the girls or women, speak again three times saying they are divorced from these girls or women (many of the victims are white, European females). These sadistic Muslim men are then exonerated of any wrong doing according to their Isalmist beliefs.
Still, the American public seem oblivious to these horrors. Europeans are too intimidated to protest; apparently the Stokholm Syndrome, strongly controlling their culture. (Or is it just the sinful, reprobate thinking that rules in these last days?) The madness is amazing.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" (Romans 1:28-32).
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