Islamic State Calls For The Invasion Of Jerusalem -
The ultimate goal is ISIS has always been the destruction of Israel
"And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh." Luke 21:20
The allied rocket strike attacks on ISIS in Syria and Iraq have certainly slowed down their forward momentum, but has not even come close to stopping them. The Russian Times today reports that the Islamic State has seized it's second oil field in Syria in a week:
Islamic State militants claim to have gained control of the Jahar gas field in central Homs province from the Syrian army. The militants posted pictures on social media boasting of the capture, which they now consider part of their 'Caliphate.' The photos depict an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) flag raised over the field as well as captured Syrian tanks and weapons, says SITE, a jihadist web monitoring service. IS says they have captured two tanks, seven four-wheel drive cars, and several machine guns after clashes with regime forces. Last Thursday, the insurgents took control of the Sha'ar gas field, where they killed at least 30 pro-government soldiers, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).
The mere fact that ISIS is still about to do that after a month of allied bombing shows you how ineffective the strikes truly are. But this battle that has been raging for months now is about one thing and one thing only - Israel. Today the Islamic State made the announcement that revealed their true intentions.
The Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a statement saying that an Islamic Caliphate will be established in the Sinai, calling it the "first step towards the invasion of Jerusalem". The statement threatens Egyptian security forces, which were suffered an attack on October 24. ISIS urged jihadists in the region to "destroy police checkpoints and stations, launch RPGs at their gatherings and show the world that the Rule of God must be imposed".
As the prophets have declared, Jerusalem is the end game in this spiritual battle. Everything that is happening right now will reach it's true fulfillment in the battle of Armageddon during the time of Jacob's trouble.
"Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it." Jeremiah 30:7
For now, the Islamic State seems to be on a preordained unstoppable path that began with the formation of a caliphate in Iraq and ends in an attack on Jerusalem. Just how much they will be able to accomplish only God knows. But they are giving it their best shot which so far has been surprisingly effective. These are the days written of by the prophets, the actors have taken the stage as we watch the play unfold. Birth pangs, prophecy, and the blessed hope.
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28
On Fixing ISIS - Alf Cengia -
Do you want the ISIS-ISIL-IS (take your pick) problem fixed? Now here's a thought and it's one that was right there under our noses - but I bet you guessed it already! Fix the Palestinian-Israeli problem first and you'll go a long way to fixing the Islamic State one.
Well, anyway, that's what John Kerry suggested. He should know because he's being paid a lot of money to come up with the sorts of problem resolutions that we ordinary people could never come up with. That's why he got the job.
Kerry told reporters:
"As I went around and met with people in the course of our discussions about the ISIL coalition, the truth is we - there wasn't a leader I met within the region who didn't raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation that they felt - and I see a lot of heads nodding - they had to respond to. And people need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and absence of dignity..." (Emphases mine)
The U.S. State Department later tried to "walk it back" by insisting that Kerry: "did not make a link between the growth of ISIL and Israel, period."
I like that phrase "walk it back", and the use of the word "period." It all sounds rather impressive and official-like. Maybe I can use these next time I get into a difference of opinion with my wife (not that we get into many you understand).
"Let's just walk this back, Honey. I did not say what you say I said, period."
Yes, that should work fine.
Then there's John Pilger....I read one of his books years ago because it was a really cool thing to do. But I now have no recollection as to what it was about. I do remember people enthusiastically raving about his investigative journalism skills.
He was always digging up important dirt that the mainstream media sometimes ignored - like the fact that it was America and Britain who helped down the Australian Whitlam government. Many of us thought the Whitlam administration did a great job of ousting itself out. We thought it was all the scandals, corruption and ineptitude. But Pilger corrected us.
He's the sort of outside-the-box thinking journalist who calls Bush and Blair war criminals and has nothing bad to say about organizations such as Hamas. He notes that the only effective opponents of ISIS (Syria, Iran and Hezbollah) are demonized by the West. And here we all thought Iran arming Hezbollah via Syria with weapons to use against Israel was a major problem. Wrong again.
Pilger also offers some solutions to the ISIS conflict:
"Together with a truce, there should be an immediate cessation of all shipments of war materials to Israel and recognition of the State of Palestine. The issue of Palestine is the region's most festering open wound, and the oft-stated justification for the rise of Islamic extremism. Osama bin Laden made that clear. Palestine also offers hope. Give justice to the Palestinians and you begin to change the world around them." (Emphases mine)
There's little chance Pilger will "walk back" his solution even though it is virtually insane. Why would anyone want to destabilize the only tolerant democracy in the Middle East?
Presumably, when the West stops supplying military aid to Israel and forces it to return the Palestinians' land and recognize them as a State, then all this terrorism might stop. The tolerant Islamic regimes will then also cease butchering people for converting to Christianity, and cease mistreating its women. And ISIS will magically evaporate.
We'll have to eradicate poverty also because apparently that's a cause of terrorism. America's meddling in the Middle East is offered as another factor. Of course, America needs to meddle occasionally, but only when the Leftists sanction it.
The truth is that Islamic entities like ISIS are almost impossible to exterminate. They are moving and evolving targets with varying excuses for their savagery. They may be temporarily driven underground but they always regroup into something worse.
Whatever psychological or anthropological factors sociologists and psychologists might propose to excuse terrorist behavior, you can file them all in the Top Drawer marked Evil.
But isn't the world evolving and becoming more emancipated?
The truth is that we live in a devolving world which not only fails to recognize evil, it excuses and rewards it. How can anyone justify ignoring Hamas' willingness to sacrifice its own children; and then reward it by demonizing Israel?
Ann Coulter's aptly named Demonic does a decent job exposing evil, although it shouldn't be limited to Liberal mobs. The chapter discussing the French Revolution sounds awfully like what's slowly happening in America today with the gradual expulsion of Christianity. As this world moves further away from God's standards, it will proportionately become more savage.
A New World Order (ala Chuck Hagel) might eliminate entities such as ISIS by eliminating all forms of religious worship other than one sanctioned by the State. But, then, would the cure be worse than the disease? History and the Bible suggest so.
Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. The Apostle Paul wrote that in the last days perilous times would come because men will be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God (2Tim 3:1-4).
Given all that's occurring in this world today, how bad might it actually get when God finally removes His restraint of Lawlessness? I hate to think.
Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28
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