Prophecy News Headlines
Rise Of Islam
Observers Condemn Muslim Silence Over Murder Of Christian Couple In Pakistan
Rufin Anthony, the bishop of Islamabad, has denounced the culpable silence of Muslim leaders who have failed to forcefully condemn what is being called "the worst religiously motivated hate crime in Pakistan's history"-the recent murder of a Christian couple in Pakistan ......... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
Secularism Grows As More U.S. Christians Turn 'Churchless'
If you're dismayed that one in five Americans (20 percent) are "nones" - people who claim no particular religious identity - brace yourself. How does 38 percent sound? That's what religion researcher David Kinnaman calculates when he adds "the unchurched, the never-churched and the skeptics" to the nones.......... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
UK High Court Allows Mother To Euthanize Severely Disabled Daughter
The decision by a United Kingdom High Court judge to allow a British mother to legally euthanize her 12-year-old daughter, who was suffering from a host of non-life threatening disabling disorders, is drawing strong criticism from many disability advocates who say the decision sets a dangerous precedent that will allow guardians of other disabled people to do the same.......... Click here for full story
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Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
US School Bans Students From Praying Together
For the last three years, high-school senior Chase Windebank has been meeting with other students during a designated free period to discuss their Christian faith, pray and even sing together. However the assistant principal of Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has told the students it has to stop because it violates the "separation of church and state.".......... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Man Embeds Computer Chips In Hands To Store Bitcoin
By implanting 12mm glass computer chips in his flesh Martijn Wismeijer has been able to store Bitcoins inside his body, create a personalised alarm clock and will even be able to install keyless doors in his home ........ Click here for full story
Prophecy News Headlines
Rise Of Islam
Washington National Cathedral To Host Muslim Prayer Service For First Time In American History
The Washington National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service on Friday -- for the first time in American history. Why is National Cathedral hosting a prayer service for a religion that opposes the teachings of Christianity? ........... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Fearing Bombs That Can Pick Whom To Kill
Warfare is increasingly guided by software. Today, armed drones can be operated by remote pilots peering into video screens thousands of miles from the battlefield. But now, some scientists say, arms makers have crossed into troubling territory: They are developing weapons that rely on artificial intelligence, not human instruction, to decide what to target and whom to kill. ......... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
Mom Questions School For Portraying Muslims As More Faithful Than Christians
Is the faith of most Muslims "stronger" than that of the typical Christian? That's what one public high school in North Carolina apparently is teaching students. Outraged over the "correct" answers to her son's ninth-grade assignment about Islam.......... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Big Brother Surveillance Expands Worldwide
Surveillance is becoming big business worldwide, largely in the name of anti-terrorism and law enforcement. And as could be expected, privacy rights advocates are continually up in arms, arguing that there is inadequate control and independent supervision over the potential abuse of these systems by unscrupulous businesses and law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, with limited transparency or accountability to the general public, there is no telling for the most part when and how individual privacies are unnecessarily compromised.......... Click here for full story
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Rise Of Islam
How American Girls Transformed Into ISIS
The radicalization of three Denver teens who were stopped short of their goal of jihad in Syria by German authorities was a textbook example of online terror recruitment, according to an Insite Blog report, a project of the SITE Intelligence Group that focuses on extremism from jihadism to white supremacy......... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Survey Finds Catholics Turning To Protestant Churches In Latin America To Find Relationship With God
A new Pew survey found that Latin American Catholics are increasingly leaving the Catholic Church, either to join evangelical Protestant churches or are abandoning religion altogether. The survey participants cited a search for a personal connection with God as the biggest reason for their shift ........ Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Five Trends Contributing To A Churchless Nation
The Barna Group has identified five trends that are contributing to the increase in the churchless of America. The research discovered real and significant shifts in unchurched attitudes, assumptions, allegiances and behaviors. ........ Click here for full story
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Is The U.S Prepared To Face A Military Challenge From China?
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Christian Worldview and Issues
How Many Americans Use the Internet To Spread Their Faith?
The Pew Research Center released new data this week that sheds light on how Americans use technology to publicly address their religious views. According to the polling firm's survey results, 20 percent of U.S. adults share their faith online during a regular week, with 46 percent of citizens reporting that they typically see another person talk about their religion as well......... Click here for full story
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Israel: God's Timepiece
Severely Distorted Thinking About The Temple Mount
Jewish presence in the land of Israel goes back more than 3,000 years. Jews prayed for millennia, while separated from the land, to be able to return. Once they did return, the people sacrificed in order to build and protect the land. And now, the Jew who is passionate about Jewish rights and Jewish attachment to the land is viewed as a "radical right winger," a troublemaker........... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
Christians "Losing Everything" To Islam
"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things" - Philippians 3:8. When St. Paul wrote the above in his letter to the Christians of Philippi, he and the early church were being persecuted (Paul was eventually executed in Rome). While today's Western Christians still quote his words in reference to their daily sacrifices, an increasing number of Christians around the world, especially the Muslim world, are indeed still losing absolutely everything for their faith.......... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Military Creates Wearable Robots For Soldiers
DARPA was created in 1958 in response to the earth-shaking 1957 launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. "It was a huge wake-up call for the United States," Prabhakar said. "Our core mission is breakthrough technologies for national security." ........ Click here for full story
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