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Friday, November 6, 2015



Job 8:13-14

"So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope shall perish: whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web."
For over a century, scientists have wondered about the embellishments that at least 78 species of spiders weave into their webs. The extra bars and Xs seem to have no obvious purpose. Some have suggested that they might be hiding spots, sun shields, bird warnings or insect lures. Now a researcher at the University of Kyoto may have discovered the purpose of these designs. If he is right, evolutionary theory may be the victim of these spiders' webs.

The Asian spider the researcher studied builds two different types of webs. When it is well fed, this spider adds silk bands along the web spokes. However, when this spider is hungry, it arranges these bands so that they spiral toward the center of the web. After testing the tension in both web types, he discovered that the webs with the spiral bands are much more sensitive to even the smallest insect than the banded webs.

In other words, the hungry spider is looking for any insect it might eat. Spiders that are not hungry are interested only in larger insects. The question is: How could mindless evolution give these spiders the knowledge of structural engineering needed to create these designs? In addition, according to the evolutionary tree for spiders, this knowledge would have to have evolved at least nine times! A much more logical and straightforward explanation is that the Creator gave spiders this knowledge when He made them.

Help me, Lord, to do all things excellently, as You have done. Amen.

Science News, 3/25/00, p. 198, "Hungry spiders tune up web jiggliness." Photo: Underside of yellow garden spider. Courtesy of Spazoto. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Proverbs 12:20

"Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy."
A few years ago, a news release revealed the result of a poll on what Americans prefer to have taught in public schools about origins. The poll was done for an organization that favors a dogmatic teaching of evolution. The news release stated only that a huge majority of Americans, 83 percent, favor the teaching of evolution in the public schools. We at Creation Moments were led to investigate this poll more closely since this poll result runs contrary to other recent polls.

The professional polling organization polled 1,500 people about whether creation or evolution should be taught in the public schools. Indeed, 83 percent said they believe that the theory of evolution should be taught in the public schools. However, what was not included in the popular reporting of the poll was that 79 percent of those polled said that creation should also be taught in the schools. Only 20 percent of those polled felt that evolution only should be taught. Clearly, Americans prefer both creation and evolution presented to the students so that they can make up their own minds. Equally notable is that almost half of those polled agreed with the statement that evolution is "far from being proven to be scientific."

While the statement that 83 percent of those polled favor evolution being taught is true, it leaves out the most important part of the poll's findings. Clearly, ordinary people want to hear about God's creation.

Dear Father, help us never to be deceived by the forces of darkness. Amen.

Christian News, 4/3/00, p. 2. Photo: Typical classroom. Courtesy of © Malate269.

Genesis 3:19

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
When God finished the creation on the sixth day, He declared all that He made to be "very good." There was no death, no decay, no pain and no sickness. When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, their actions resulted in sickness, decay and death. How could a finished, perfect creation have the ability to become this way?

New research on a strategy to eliminate tooth decay may illustrate an answer to this question. The bacteria most responsible for tooth decay produce lactic acid. Lactic acid eats away at tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay. Scientists genetically engineered a natural form of this bacterium that produces a chemical that kills the form of the bacterium in our mouths. They then disabled the ability of this bacterium to produce lactic acid. They also had to double another gene to replace the function originally carried out by the lactic acid. This gene produces nothing harmful. Scientists believe they have developed a harmless bacteria that will remove and replace the harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay. This research raises an interesting question: Is it possible that in the beginning the bacteria in our mouth was harmless, but after Adam's fall only a minor modification made it harmful?

However, genetic engineering, indeed all of modern science, cannot reverse the ultimate consequences of sin. Only God's Son, Jesus Christ, can take away the guilt of our sin and give us eternal life.

Help me, dear Lord, to keep my eyes on heaven where all is perfect. Amen.

Science News, 3/18/00, p. 190, "Wash that mouth out with bacteria!" Photo: Tooth decay in a bottle. DL-Lactic acid. Courtesy of LHcheM. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Isaiah 57:19

"I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him."
A healthy person with a minor injury heals without any thought required for the healing process. More severe injuries may require medical attention, but no amount of thought concentration on the healing process will speed healing along. This automatic healing process could not have evolved because without the power to heal in the first place, any injury to any creature would be ultimately fatal.

IBM is working on a super supercomputer that would run 500 times faster than any computer known today. It will be used to produce three-dimensional models showing how proteins fold as they do their work. It is hoped that the models will help medical researchers design more effective medicines. The computer system working on this task will have over one million processors linked to adjacent processors. The adjacent processors will monitor the main processors. If one of the main processors becomes faulty, the adjacent processor will remove it from the computing system electronically. If it works, the entire system will be known as a self-healing computer. While the computer may be able to heal itself, it will have to "think" about healing constantly. And despite its speed, its healing and computing abilities are still slower than ours.

God has given us great powers of healing. But we can do nothing to heal ourselves spiritually. For that we must rely on Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings.

I thank You, Lord, for the healing of my soul through forgiveness. Amen.

New Scientist, 12/11/99, p. 8, "IBM plans its latest smash hit." Photo: IBM Blue Gene P supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory, in Lemont, Illinois. Courtesy of Odie5533. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I Corinthians 15:41

"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory."
According to evolutionary naturalism, the solar system began as a disk of hot, rotating gas. The sun began to form first. At the same time, the planets began to form as they collected material out of the gaseous disk. This process generated more heat, with the largest planets collecting more of the heat than smaller planets. The amount of heat collected by the large, heavy planets like Jupiter compared with a planet like the Earth accounts for the different elemental composition of the planets.

When scientists began studying Jupiter, they expected it to have certain lighter elements in the same proportion as the sun. Large planets like Jupiter would have been too hot at formation for lighter elements to condense. However, researchers using the Galileo space probe have discovered that Jupiter has more than twice as many gases as the sun. It has nearly three times as much krypton and xenon gas as the sun. Jupiter has over three-and-a-half times as much ammonia as was expected. Scientists are trying to figure out where these gases came from. However, evolutionary scientists admit that they cannot find a satisfactory naturalistic explanation for the chemical composition of Jupiter. They have even speculated that they might find the same problems with the other outer planets.

That the planets differ in composition is exactly as stated in the Bible "…for one star differeth from another star in glory"(I Cor. 15:41). That these differences don't fit evolutionary theory further witnesses to God's glory as Creator.

Dear Father, help me glorify You along with the heavens. Amen.

Nature, 11/18/99, pp. 269-270, "A low temperature origin for the planetessimals that formed Jupiter." Photo: Jupiter as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft in 1997. (PD)

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