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Friday, May 16, 2014

Morning Briefing: 5.16.14

Morning Briefing
For May 13, 2014

Idols of Our Destruction
People, regardless of demographic, are into idols. We have cults of personality, standards by which we judge all comers, issues (not principles) on which we will not compromise, and the ideal of the nation itself. Not all are idols, but all can be idols.

In political seasons, we make idols of our candidates - they are flawless, pure, and indestructible. That is until they are destroyed. Look no further than South Carolina for an example of this. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Great Divide
When Christy Lemire reviewed Lars Von Trier's "Nymphomanic Vol. 1? she described it as "unexpected and so refreshing, especially given its subject matter." Her review of "Moms' Night Out" begins with "Depressingly regressive and borderline dangerous, "Moms' Night Out" peddles archaic notions of gender roles in the name of wacky laughs." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Pat Roberts: Virginia's Third Senator
Senator Pat Roberts sincerely wants to transform perception into reality.

After serving in Washington as a status quo, big-government Republican in some capacity for 47 years, Roberts has made a U-turn this year.  He is being challenged by Milton Wolf, a man I am proud to support, and has completely changed his voting record.  He has taken the "Hatch Effect" to a new level.  Hence, he wants to be perceived as a conservative just long enough to survive the August primary so he can continue serving another six years of pay-for-play. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

#Benghazi vs. Benghazi vs. Paul Rosenberg vs. Reality
Caution, this entire post is full of liberal projection, but the point that really sticks with me is the insistence by Paul Rosenberg that Benghazi is in no way exceptional and that Bush and Reagan both lost more people and suffered more embassy attacks. All the while, he never bothers to mention the very large difference between the attacks under Reagan and Bush  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Russell Moore and the Radio
If people are mad at Russell Moore for a couple of sentences in a very long speech, they're kind of proving his point. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will the UN Criminalize the Pro-Life Movement as "Torture"?
Last week, questioners on United Nations Committee Against Torture called pro-life speech "torture."

This move is part of a broader push by the radical abortion lobby to essentially criminalize the pro-life movement. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Pennsylvania Union Bosses Not Registered to Lobby
Leaders of Pennsylvania's public employee unions regularly lobby state legislative leaders in person, via e-mail, and by phone, despite the fact none of them are registered to do so as required by the state's lobbying law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 12, 2014

Nebraska and the Status Quo
The Nebraska Republican primary draws near and the race is clear test of whether Republicans support the status quo. As Shane Osborn collapses in the Senate polling and Ben Sasse's lead grows, some Republicans are flirting with Sid Dinsdale.

Dinsdale claims to be a "life long" Republican, with a pattern of giving to Democrats. He's a pretty good example of a crony capitalist, having used his bank to help push Washington to shape law and policy. But it is the status quo of the crony capitalist back scratchers and run of the mill Republican who the establishment want.

Don't just look at the Senate race; look at the Nebraska gubernatorial primary too. Pete Ricketts is running against Jon Bruning. Ricketts is a free market conservative. Bruning loved Obama's stimulus, supports universal health care, and at one point was fine with higher taxes on social security.

So naturally, the Establishment is running to Bruning with open arms. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama Blames GOP For His Failed Administration
As we observed during the Clinton Administration, once you have rid yourself of any sense of shame the world is your oyster. If you can't be deterred from an action by shame then there is no action you can't undertake. Barack Obama has shown us that when it comes to shamelessness, Bill and Hillary Clinton are rank amateurs.

On Wednesday, Obama gave another in his unending series of fundraising speeches. This one on behalf of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Eleanor Clift loses her mind: Chris Stevens wasn't murdered, he died of "smoke inhalation."
Just when you think it couldn't get any crazier, it does.

Eleanor Clift, the shrill harridan apologist for the left, on "The McLaughlin Report" today, somehow, I surmise, trying to defend Hillary, opined that Stevens' death was an unfortunate industrial accident . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Reuters can't quite bear to say that Obamacare is a bear for New Hampshire Democrats
This Reuters article is fascinating reading, not least because it's a hoot. Executive summary: Barack Obama and the Democrats' call to run on Obamacare will be tested in New Hampshire. where people hate it, and both the Senator and two Representatives up for re-election this year are currently in deep trouble over the law and things aren't improving for any of them  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

When Your 'Goal' is not really Your Goal
It's a massive "tell": The Kyoto goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions was never the global warming crowd's ultimate goal.

In 1997, the nations of the world signed a treaty called the Kyoto Protocol, which imposed aggressive targets on developed nations for the reduction of CO2 emissions by 2012, maintaining them at or below 1997 levels. U.S. delegates in Kyoto accepted the treaty, but it was never ratified by the Senate, so the U.S. targets never had the force of law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Washington Post (!) editorial writer (!!) slams administration over global warming hysteria.
Oh, this should generate some hate mail for the Washington Post . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John Conyers fails to make the Ballot in his Michigan District
With Dingell retiring at the end of this term after serving almost 59 years in Congress*, his fellow Michigan representative in the 13th District John Conyers is poised to become the longest serving member of the House. Actually, he would be poised to do so-if he can get on the ballot. Yes, a Congressman seeking his 26th term might see his career end in one of the, well, stupidest possible ways. Michigan law requires that you have just 1,000 possible signatures to get on the ballot for a primary election. Conyers has.592. I kid you not. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama, Libya and Boko Haram's Whirlwind
To the dorm room Machiavelli's of the Obama administration the Arab Spring (or the al Qaeda Spring, depending upon your point of view) was supposed to usher in a new era of power politics. Enthusiastic mobs of local Jeffersonian democrats, Hamiltonian federalists, and theoretical Burkeans would take to the streets, powered by texting and Twitter, to overthrow totalitarian regimes. Instead of using the means and methods of the hated George W. Bush, the US would "lead from the rear," providing money, and in a pinch, arms, airstrikes, and drone strikes.. . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 16, 2014

Congratulations to my friend Rush Limbaugh on winning Author of the Year from the Children's Book Council. The CBC is an organization where children themselves vote for their favorite author. If you have not read the Rush Revere series, you should. They are terrific books and this is very well deserved.

- Erick

Does the NRSC Vet Its Candidates?
This looks like a question that must now be asked. First, it looks like Pat Roberts, the NRSC's candidate in Kansas turns out to be a Virginia resident.

But this question must be asked, in particular, about Thad Cochran, the NRSC's candidate in Mississippi.

I should stop and say it is also worth asking because anytime a conservative the NRSC does not support does something unfortunate, the NRSC raises the question of whether conservatives are vetting their candidates.

So is the NRSC vetting its candidates? Because boy oh boy the stories about Thad Cochran smell pretty bad. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The New York Times paid its editor, Jill Abramson, less than the prior editor. She raised the issue. A few weeks later she was fired.

Whether the two are connected or not is largely irrelevant at this point. The very same people who brought us the war on women are now tearing themselves apart like the "Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites" in the Valley of Beracah. There is a rich irony in this. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

More Lerner Emails, More Evidence of Washington Directed Targeting, Cover-Up
New emails from Lois Lerner and other top IRS officials at the center of the targeting of conservative groups provide even more evidence that the IRS scandal was directed from Washington.

It is becoming crystal clear that the targeting was not limited to rogue low-level Cincinnati employees as the Obama Administration is so fond of saying. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

There is a Fire Raging
Here is what happens when Republicans exhibit an insouciant attitude towards the administration's appalling and dangerous open borders policies:

36,000 murderers, rapists, and kidnappers are let out of jail in 2013.

Obama unilaterally suspends deportations and changes visa laws.  He also openly refers to immigration enforcement as "not smart."  This, as our visa screening system has already failed to root out terror threats.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

David Perdue Sounds Like a Man Who'd Raise Taxes
I told you people he'd go there. You didn't believe me. But he is a CEO who lives in the private, gated community of a private gated island. They see the world differently. CEO's make really crappy senators because they feel compelled to cut deals and transcend the rubes of party politics to prove their own statesman like qualities.

And David Perdue finally went there - exactly as I told you he would. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

6 Questions Bob Barr Needs to Answer Before He Gets Your Vote
Bob Barr is running to return to Congress. 

Over the past few weeks, I've been tweeting many questions to Barr about his past. I genuinely think he needs to answer these questions. But he's not very happy with me for doing so. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 15, 2014

Heads They Win. Tails We Lose.
It really is impressive how the Establishment always wins even when they lose and I'm not sure what some of these reporters must spend on moisturizer to tame the carpet burn on their knees. Nonetheless, it was always this way and always will be this way.

But Ben Sasse, Pete Ricketts, and Alex Mooney are three good men who had great nights and I congratulate them. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Hunter Biden Joins the Ukraine Gas Conglomerate's Board
Isn't this what third world kleptocracies do? They reward the friends and family of the powerful? This doesn't smell right. Ukraine is already reeling from a series of corruption scandals. And now this. We are an American kleptocracy where only the chosen few can profit. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama's Weakness Encourages Chinese Aggression
One of the disadvantages of being weak is that you get pushed around. If you're a little guy and weak it doesn't happen all that often because there is nothing gained in the way of building a reputation in pushing a weakling around. If you are the big, fat, stupid kid, then bullies line up to mess with you. That is the position the United States finds itself in after nearly six years of malfeasance, misfeasance, and general ineptitude in the conduct of American foreign policy. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Boko Haram and the Obama State Department's Deadly Wishful Thinking
Boko Haram has long been a vile and despicable terrorist organization that has committed some of the most brutally heinous acts against humanity imaginable, but only now is the Obama State Department - with its hand forced - beginning to truly confront their atrocities.

For years Boko Haram has ruthlessly attacked Christians throughout Nigeria, indiscriminately slaughtering men, women, and children alike, and yet many on the Left have been nearly silent.  Even worse, the Obama State Department did nothing.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Watch As Philadelphia Union Bosses Cross Other Unions' Picket Lines
Over the past few weeks, the long-simmering saga of the habitually high union costs and restrictive rules associated with Philadelphia's Convention Center has boiled over into a war that, as a result of a new deal, has four unions doing Convention Center work while two other unions are left out on the street. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Chamber's Uncanny Ultimatum
Tom Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce, made news yesterday when he said that if Republicans fail to pass amnesty they shouldn't even bother fielding a presidential candidate.  The media is reporting Donohue's statement as an ultimatum to the GOP - pass amnesty or lose our support. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama Administration actions decrease opportunity to get ahead
A recent National Journal/Heartland Monitor poll finds that Americans don't believe that Obama's administration is able to make a positive difference in their lives. By a margin of 46 percent to 25 percent, respondents say the actions of the Obama administration "decrease opportunity" for people to get ahead. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 17, 2014

Shift Power Back to the States
Anyone who reads the plain language of the Constitution and the writings of James Madison would come away with the unambiguous impression that the Founders vested the federal government with very few powers - powers that they felt could only be executed by a central government.  Much of what the federal government does in this post-constitutional era is not only superfluous but deleterious to economic growth and free market fairness. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Karl Rove forces Bill Clinton to provide relevant health information about Hillary Clinton
So, this is why Karl Rove rather loudly speculated about brain damage . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Go See Godzilla
NI guess I am just going to start reviewing all the movies I go see. So this week, let's dig into Godzilla. I liked it, which must mean Sonny Bunch will hate it. Now, to be sure, do not go see Godzilla if you want deep intellectual stimulation. But I had a crummy day yesterday and watching monsters fight each other was pretty fantastic. And Bryan Cranston makes awesome faces.

Look, there are enough plot holes to swallow all the water spilled out in Noah. How does a soldier who deals in ordinance know how to do halo jumps? Why are monsters eating nukes instead of just going to eat some power plants? Why is Godzilla so freaking awesome? Did I mention Godzilla, the monster, is awesome? I am not kidding. He's the Godzilla of our childhood revamped for the 21st Century. And his roar is great. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Addled Harry Reid advocates amending the Constitution to restrict free speech
Under ordinary circumstances, one would think Harry Reid was simply playing to the <90 IQ voters who make up the Democrat base. But with more and more people openly questioning his lucidity, one never knows. Unsatisfied with the Supreme Court's rulings on political speech, and in the throes of a Koch brothers monomania, Reid has signed onto a proposal to amend the Constitution to allow Congress to regulate who can say what during public debates  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Mayor of Youngstown, OH, and two other crooked Democrats indicted for corruption
Yesterday brought the announcement that a handful of corrupt Ohio Democrats had been indicted for being, well, corrupt. And it also brought us another energetic round of "Name That Party," a parlor game in which a corrupt official is arrested or indicted and we, the contestants, try to find a hint of which party to which they belong. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Majority say Obama admin knowingly lied about Benghazi terrorist attacks
A new Fox News poll finds that 51 percent think that Obama administration "knowingly lied" about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya "to help the President Obama during his re-election campaign" against Mitt Romney.

The poll also found that 54 percent think Obama's administration "tried to deceive" the American people about the events surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attacks. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?


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