Prophecy News Headlines
Christian Worldview and Issues
Rampant Rise Of Education Discrimination For Christians
When Brandon Jenkins, a bright and promising applicant for entry into the radiation therapy program at Maryland's Community College of Baltimore County, received a notice informing him that he was not selected for the fall 2013 term after completing his exam and interview process, he inquired further. Jenkins had exceeded the minimum requirements for entry into the program and planned on reapplying for the next term. When he followed up with CCBC staff members to find out why he was not being admitted, he was told that he was not selected because, among other reasons, his chosen field is "not the place for religion.".......... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
Will Home Bible Studies Soon Be Declared Illegal In Virginia?
Will holding or hosting a home Bible Study soon be declared illegal? A Virginia resident who recently began one in Fairfax County is expressing concern over a proposed zoning ordinance that he says may make such gatherings illegal. The ordinance at issue pertains to large home gatherings that are held on a frequent basis, and limits such meetings to three times every 40 days......... Click here for full story
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Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Declining Birth Rate Could Deal Blow To The Economy
The 2008 financial crisis did more than wipe out billions in wealth and millions of jobs. It also sent birth rates tumbling around the world as couples found themselves too short of money or too fearful about their finances to have children. Six years later, birth rates haven't bounced back. ........ Click here for full story
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Israel: God's Timepiece
A Miraculous Sign - The Revival Of The Hebrew Language
Many miracles have been associated with the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Perhaps one of the least appreciated of these miracles is the revival of the Hebrew language, the language of the Jews. ........ Click here for full story
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Rise of Islam
Islam Growing Faster Than Christianity? New research claims that the global numbers of Christians has remained stagnant, while Islam has skyrocketed as a worldwide religion. Dick Slikker of Christian mission consultancy group Project Care assembled a report comparing numbers of Christians and Muslims from 1900 to 2010. According to Slikker's report, Christianity has remained about the same, but Islam has almost doubled in members ........ Click here for full story | |
Prophecy News Headlines
Increase In Knowledge/New Technologies
Big Brother Casts Massive Surveillance Net Of 24,000 Cameras Across Chicago
Between traffic-light cameras, blue-light cameras that scan neighborhoods for violent crime, cameras on board city trains and buses -- not to mention private security cameras -- there are few places you can go in Chicago without being monitored........... Click here for full story
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Where Is The US in Bible Prophecy?
North Korean Nuclear Threat To United States Is Very Real
Will holding or hosting a home Bible Study soon be declared illegal? A Virginia resident who recently began one in Fairfax County is expressing concern over a proposed zoning ordinance that he says may make such gatherings illegal. The ordinance at issue pertains to large home gatherings that are held on a frequent basis, and limits such meetings to three times every 40 days......... Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge/New Technologies
Transhumanism - The Quest For Immortality
Transhumanism is the movement whose goal it is to beat death by transferring or uploading the human personality into a robotic brain and body. One of their authors, James Barrat, has gone so far as to say that transhumanism is inevitable and when the breakthrough comes it will be the end of the human era.. ........ Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview and Issues
New Survey Shows Many Americans Scramble Their Scripture
The American Bible Society's (ABS) annual "State of the Bible" survey shows that about 20 percent of American adults falsely believe that the Bible encourages the repression of women," and is silent on such topics as war or slavery. Geof Morin, chief communication officer for the society, states that the 88 percent of Americans claiming ownership of a Bible tend to overestimate their knowledge of it, with 82 percent considering themselves at least somewhat knowledgeable about the Bible.. ........ Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge/New Technologies
Biometric Applications In Consumer Electronics Expected To Surge Mobile commerce technologies are projected to highly accelerate in both number and value of transactions, due to impending wide-scale integration of biometric technology into smartphones. Research consultancy conducted by the Biometrics Research Group late 2013 expects that worldwide mobile payment transactions will reach $250 billion in 2014, with over 90 million smartphones with biometric technology expected to be shipped in 2014. ........ Click here for full story |
Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
US Demographics On Abortion
A new study has concluded that, while largely ignored by the scientific community, abortion is undoubtedly the most consequential issue determining the socioeconomic and demographic composition of the United States. This startling conclusion is drawn from a study conducted by Dr. James Studnicki ........... Click here for full story
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Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
US Deficit To Become Unsustainable
A warning has been issued that under current policies the federal government's deficits "will rise to unsustainable levels." recently reported that Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, referencing the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) long-term budget projections, advised the Joint Economic Committee of Congress accordingly ......... Click here for full story
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Christian Worldview And Issues
Atheists To Launch TV Channel And Assemblies
The New York Daily news has recently reported that a New Jersey-based atheist group is starting the first on-demand TV channel dedicated to godlessness. AtheistTV will be launched this summer by Members of American Atheists with big plans to reach out to atheists, humanists, freethinkers, and folks who are looking for a way out of faith. Spokesman Dave Muscato stated that they are also looking to fill the gap they perceive to be left by the lack of an atheist channel ........ Click here for full story
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Increase In Knowledge And Technologies
New Invisible Tattoo Precursor To Mark Of The Beast?
Thanks to some new developing technological innovations, it may well be possible to have an invisible tattoo printed into your skin. This tattoo would contain medical information such as your blood type, medical problems and history, prescriptions and prior surgeries. It would also be constantly updated with data about what prescriptions have been taken and what has been eaten that day. The tattoo would use a "RFID of sorts" and is said to be viewable only under black light ........ Click here for full story
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Israel: God's Timepiece
Anti-Semitism Fuels Jewish Repatriation For an increasing number of Jews throughout Europe, the threat of persecution, smoldering hatred, and growing anti-Semitism has them planning or at least considering immigration to Israel. Jewish survivors of Hitler's Holocaust and students of the events leading to the massacre of 6 million Jews may be especially sensitive to the mounting anti-Semitism, in both the private and public sectors of Europe ........ Click here for full story |
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