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Friday, May 9, 2014


The Emperor's Conundrum - Bill Wilson -

The Emperor's Conundrum as posed by observing the current White House is: "What do the lawless have to do with freedom and the rule of law?" We need to look no further than Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Eric Holder for the answer.  In Kerry's case, he has made remark after remark about how his world view should be imposed upon others, such as Israel and Africa. In Holder's world view, only the laws that he believes are just should be enforced--marriage, border security, voting, offshore drilling--all fall by the wayside without the consent of the governed. In the president's case, he rules over the Conundrum as its Emperor, nurturing and defending its insidious tyranny.
The Weekly Standard reports that Kerry spoke to US Embassy staff in Ethiopia. He told them: "This is a time here in Africa where there are a number of different cross-currents of modernity that are coming together to make things even more challenging. Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That's not the way I think most people want to live." Here again, Kerry is trying to appear intelligent and esoteric, but small things like words get in the way.
Kerry appears to be saying that there is a trend in Africa that people believe they should have freedom of speech and the freedom to exercise their religious beliefs, and that is creating challenges. This demonstrates his total lack of understanding and awareness of freedom of speech and of religion. These underpinnings of natural rights are valid only under the law. All law was given by the one true God, YHVH. The moral code of humanity is recorded in the book given by God called the Bible. There are no real cultural challenges when one refers to the Bible in how humans should behave both as individuals and as nations. But both Kerry and Holder miss this point.
Islam, for example, believes that those who do not accept the Koran and the prophet Mohammad should be committed to slavery or killed. It is throughout the Koran. Islam, to this day, is the largest purveyor of slavery and human trafficking in the world. It is also the source of terrorism around the world. It is against God's law. Therefore, those who practice the violent beliefs of Islam are against God. Kerry should not be confused on this. But he lacks understanding. Likewise, Holder and the president believe morality is relative as evidenced by their selective enforcement of law. They are attempting to replace God with their own will. When people say "freedom" but act lawlessly, apply Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
IRS used as strongman for White House foes - Bill Wilson -

The Washington Times reports that an investigation by the House Ways and Means Committee documented that the IRS not only targeted conservative groups, but also some 10 percent of those groups' donors were audited in the dragnet. This in the wake of official denials by the IRS to Congress that TEA Party groups were being singled out and audited. Congressman Charles Boustany, Jr., (R-La) said, "The committee uncovered new information indicating that after groups provided the information to the IRS, nearly one in 10 donors were subject to audit." These findings are further proof that the IRS was used by the White House and the Democratic Party apparatus to strong arm political foes.
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform voted April 29 to recommend the full House hold former IRS chief Lois Lerner in contempt of congress for refusing to testify about the IRS targeting. If the entire House holds Lerner in contempt, she could face jail time. Lerner, however, would seem a small sacrificial lamb for an entire Administration and Democratic Party members who used the unconstitutional agency to target those who disagree with their president and/or their incumbent Democratic candidates. A small slap on the wrist for a major breech in public trust and an abuse of power. The IRS is one of few "agencies" where citizens are guilty until they prove their innocence.
Yet at a Hollywood fundraiser Wednesday, the occupant of the Oval Office made a case to supporters that the government needed even more power. He warned a group of 90 leftist stars at the home of Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn against apathy in midterm elections which may prove difficult for Democrats where "people who have the most at stake in a government that works opt out of the system; those who don't believe government can do anything are empowered; gridlock reigns, and we got this downward spiral of even more cynicism and more dysfunction. And we have to break out of that cycle and that's what this election all about."
In other words, this election is not about cleaning up the corruption of his Administration, but rather giving it more power to do more of what he has done. In a sense, he is right. We do have to break out of the cycle, but it is one of expanded government and tyrannical power. When a free people's rights are oppressed by the tyranny of their government, and the ones entrusted with protecting those rights are lax in their duty, changes must be made. Exodus 18:21 gives the formula for choosing good leaders: "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them..." This advice has no mention of political parties or tyrannical agencies.  

The deep divide between the Obama administration and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the Iranian nuclear issue resurfaced during this week's two-day (May 7-8) Jerusalem talks held by the visiting US National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who was joined by Wendy Sherman, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and head of the US delegation to the nuclear talks.
Rice reiterated President Barack Obama's contention that Iran and the P5+1 countries must reach a deal by the year's end, before internal political conditions in Iran alter the landscape. The US urges Israel to recognize that Iran is already irreversibly a nuclear threshold state, and so it should be permitted to maintain a civilian nuclear program. This includes uranium enrichment and the construction of new nuclear reactors, with the proviso that Tehran commits not to turn its capabilities to military uses.
The Obama administration is prepared to pledge that every intelligence-gathering method at its disposal will be used to monitor Iran's nuclear program and ensure that the threshold is not crossed. It promises Israel, as Rice repeated in her Wednesday conversation with Netanyahu, that Obama will not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons.
But debkafile's sources in Jerusalem report that Netanyahu rejected the American position, arguing that Israel cannot leave its security in the hands of intelligence agencies whose forecasts and evaluations of the past years have often proved inaccurate.
Directly after Netanyahu and Rice met on Wednesday, a senior Israeli official said Israel continues to insist that Iran should not have the right to enrich uranium. The official, who spoke with unusual frankness, said that the Obama administration's eagerness to seal the deal has more do with US domestic political concerns than Tehran.
 "We would be happy to see July 20 pass without a deal," the official said, referencing the target date set for a comprehensive agreement. He added that there was worry in Israel that Obama might be tempted to accommodate Iran now, in order to head off potential gains by Republicans in the November mid-term elections.
The Israeli official was emphatic about his bottom line: "Are we going to agree to [let Iran go ahead with] enrichment? No!"
On Thursday, May 8, Netanyahu echoed this outlook, saying: "Iran must not have centrifuges or enriched uranium." Rice proposed a limit on the number of centrifuges Iran is permitted to operate, as well as a cap on the amount of uranium it can enrich.
Our sources say Netanyahu flatly rejected Rice's argument that the quantity and sophistication of the centrifuges are not of he highest importance, compared with the real question of how many centrifuges Iran will be allowed to operate under close international scrutiny.
"The best defense against a nuclear Iran is to keep a nuclear weapon out of its hands. Tehran needs centrifuges and enriched uranium for the single purpose of building a nuclear weapon. Tehran must be deprived of this capability," Netanyahu said Thursday.
According to debkafile's sources in Washington, ahead of the Rice visit to Israel, administration officials conferred with several former Israeli security figures who are regularly consulted by Netanyahu on the nuclear issue. They were asked for an opinion on whether the prime minister would buy a compromise that permitted Iran to keep several thousand centrifuges and enrich a specified amount of uranium up to a low five percent grade.
Those advisers came back to Netanyahu with the impression that Obama was fixated on a fast deal regardless of Israel's opposition. They also warned him that his rejection of the US compromise proposal would bring down on Israel's head a propaganda campaign in both the local and international media that would impugn his credibility on the Iranian nuclear issue.
Jerusalem regards the Newsweek charge of Israeli spies crossing the red line in America as the opening shot of this campaign.
Officials in Jerusalem are also rubbishing a report on the subject that the Yediot Aharonot Hebrew tabloid is running Friday, May 9. It quotes Uzi Ilam, a long-retired former head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Committee, as arguing that Netanyahu is using the pressing Iran nuclear issue for political gain, when in fact, he says, Iran won't be able to make a nuclear bomb for 10 years.
 Knowledgeable officials say his information is years out of date. Almost all leading US, European and Israeli nuclear experts agree that Iran has reached the point of being able to manufacture a nuclear bomb in two or three or months.

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