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Friday, July 11, 2014

Morning Briefing: 7.11.14

Morning Briefing
For July 9, 2014

Barack Obama's Border Funding Plan is a Bad Idea
Barack Obama has flown to Texas to fundraise. He won't actually go visit the border. But he did come up with a $3.7 billion plan to deal with what's happening. Senator Tom Coburn is voicing his opposition. The GOP would be wise to listen to Senator Coburn. As he noted last night on Crossfire, "That's $60,000 per child we will spend, in emergency money." He also noted that if we bought all the kids first class tickets back home it'd only be $8 million. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The false narrative of 'both sides don't understand each other over Hobby Lobby.'
I like this Megan McArdle post on the clashing ideological worldviews on Hobby Lobby, but I object to her suggestion that the Left and the Right "misunderstood each other so profoundly - and continue to do so even after all the screaming."  That's not even remotely true: I (and most of the rest of the Right) understood the Left's position on the case from the beginning. I just rejected it, because it was stupid; simplistic; and frankly designed to produce Two-Minute Hates on cue.  We in this business have a bad habit sometimes of assuming that there are, broadly speaking, at least two correct answers to any policy problem (if we had three viable political parties, we'd assume that there were three, and so on). . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Senate Conservatives Fund Provides $70,000.00 to Fight
I hear all the time the establishment guys in DC say that people like me are in this for the money. Just this morning, Rep. Tom Cole went on MSNBC to say I was somehow profiting from pointing out that John Boehner is engaged in a political stunt.

We hear that also about conservative groups in D.C. The Establishment has repeatedly attacked the Senate Conservatives Fund for taking advantage of conservatives and wasting money. In fact, the Senate Conservatives Fund pours out in excess of seventy percent of all dollars raised on candidates - more than the NRSC does. And now comes word that the Senate Conservatives Fund is sending $70,000.00 to help Chris McDaniel investigate election fraud in Mississippi. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

I Do Not Believe It
According to FEC records, the NRSC an Alexandria, VA company $13,000.00 for media production and $69,000.00 for media placement on June 20, 2014, with the Mississippi runoff on June 24, 2014.

On the exact same day the NRSC paid a media buying company to place its advertising, "All Citizens of Mississippi" used the exact same company from Virigina to place its advertising attacking tea party groups. We have documentation that "All Citizens of Mississippi" placed ads. All we have from the NRSC is a denial that beggars belief. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jihadists Escalate the Persecution and Slaughter of Christians Worldwide
In recent days and weeks, we've witnessed and unprecedented escalation of radical Islamic violence and persecution of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa.

In Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and a number of other countries in the region, radical jihadists are literally slaughtering Christians.  They are pillaging Christian villages and burning churches.

In Nigeria, the radical Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram continued their killing spree, massacring 30 Christians as they worshiped and burning down four churches this past weekend.  Experts continue to reiterate that "Christians are one of the explicit targets of Boko Haram." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jim Hinch and the Politico Get Off On Another Evangelical Fantasy
Evangelicals are beginning to support gay marriage. That is what Jim Hinch claims in the Politico.

His evidence? A liberal Methodist church, the declining mainline Presbyterian Church (USA), and a lady who left a Methodist Church for a UCC Church. Anyone who knows anything about Christianity in America knows the Methodists, PCUSA, and UCC are not evangelical churches.

Oh, but there is that one preacher at a Baptist Church in California whose son is gay so he's now decided he's for gay marriage. But the Baptists are taking action there. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Who Are These People?
One of my pet peeves, even with some good friends, are some of these mostly internet and email conservative groups I've never heard of. I am generally in the know on these groups. But, frankly, if I see a group peddling Ben Carson for President or Allen West for [insert office du jour here] I delete them. I do wonder, however, how many of seniors, veterans, and hard working conservatives are being scammed by groups that are mostly playing consultants.

I got an email yesterday from the "Conservative Action Fund." At first I thought the Senate Conservatives Fund had changed its name to broaden its reach. After all, the masthead had Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Sarah Palin in it. But alas, no. The Conservative Action Fund is something different. In 2012 it seems consultants made good coin off it. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Did the New York Times Just Stumble Across an IRS Motive for Targeting the Tea Party?
The New York Times editorial board may have just stumbled across an ulterior motive for the IRS targeting of the Tea Party.

In its latest liberal rant coming to the aid of the IRS - that poor defenseless government leviathan - it repeats the same tired leftist talking points about the root of all the IRS's problems being that it doesn't have enough money.

Yet in doing so, it may have just stumbled across a new motive behind the targeting, good old-fashioned revenge. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 8, 2014

It Remains a Political Stunt
On last night's Crossfire, Stephanie Cutter, though it pained her, was forced to agree with me that the House of Representatives suing President Obama is a waste of taxpayer money and a political stunt.

The White House referred reporters to my post yesterday. Rep. Steve Israel, Chairman of the DCCC, sent out a statement also citing my post. When the Democrats start agreeing with me, it is time to re-evaluate my position.

I have done so. I am pleased to say my position has bi-partisan support. Last night, on Mark Levin's radio show, both Levin and Senator Ted Cruz agreed that the House of Representatives should use its Article One powers under the constitution. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

These Aren't the Droids . . . Errr . . . Children You're Looking For
On twitter, Cody Full noted a picture from Breitbart of the "children" crossing over from Mexico. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Battle of Murrieta
The well-oiled machinery of citizenship-destroying government was in the process of making a regularly-scheduled delivery of illegal aliens to the town of Murrieta, California last week when a group of unhappy local residents turned up, and engaged in what our friends on the Left used to describe as the essence of patriotism: they staged a protest.  They prevented several busloads of illegals from entering the designated housing facility, obliging said buses to re-route and drop their payload in someone else's community. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The NRSC May Have Improperly Funded Third Party Ads in Mississippi
Serious allegations are cropping up against the National Republican Senatorial Committee. The NRSC paid an Alexandria, VA company $13,000.00 for media production and $69,000 for media on June 20, 2014. On the same day that same company placed media buys for "All Citizens of Mississippi," a campaign group that has failed to file any documentation with the FEC other than its statement of organization.

Here's the problem. No one can seem to find any evidence that any ads ran in Mississippi after June 20th paid for an authorized by the National Republican Senatorial Committee. In fact, Rick Shaftan, a political consultant, has searched for NRSC ads and cannot find them. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Bruce Braley (D CAND, IOWA-SEN) is a farmer of LIES
"Democrat Bruce Braley, who was caught on tape in January making a remark that seemed to besmirch Iowa farmers, has been caught on tape seemingly claiming to be one." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John Foust (D CAND, Virginia-10) wants to force Medicaid on everybody. except his wife's medical practice.
The OBGYN practice of Marilyn Jerome, the wife of Democratic congressional candidate John Foust, does not accept Medicaid, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Meet the Huffington Post's 'Senior Political Economy Reporter', Zach Carter
One of the complaints I have had for a very long time, magnified during my time on television, is the lack of depth or historic knowledge of many reporters in the circle of jerks that makes up the national press corps.

For many of those who are around my age, history began for them with George Chimpy McBushHitler Halliburton stealing an election in 2000 with the help of five thieves dressed in black on the Supreme Court. For those younger than me, history began when they had their first thigh sweats and nocturnal emissions while dreaming of hope and change in 2008.

They lack historic curiosity, run with a pack of likeminded liberals who shun the whole idea of understanding conservatives, and are convinced that they must save the world, which is divided between victim and victimizer. All their story telling boils down to that casting and nuance is their enemy. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Latest in the Hillary Clinton Fantasy Porn Genre: The Neo-Cons Are Coming
This crap is going to be insufferable over the next few years. A whole new genre of political writing has started - the Hillary Clinton fantasy porn genre.

In the latest, brought to us by Jacob Heilbrunn, the neoconservatives are going to come out for Hillary Clinton. Seriously.

Much of it is predicated on a Rand Paul nomination for the GOP, which is not exactly likely given the GOP's pattern of nominations. But even so, the odds of such a shift would be small. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will The Real Bob Barr Stand Up?
Two days ago, in response to a question from D. A. King, the president of the Dustin Inman Society, former congressman, Libertarian presidential candidate, and current Republican congressional candidate Bob Barr said he would work to pass federal legislation that mandated the use of E-Verify for all employers nationwide. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
Many people are apprehensive to compare abortion to the Holocaust. It's understandable in a time when comparisons to Hitler are thrown about with an ease that is cause for concern. The Holocaust is one of the darkest times in our human history, any comparisons to it or the people involved should not be made lightly. It is, in fact, such a horrific event that some refuse to believe it even happened. Could people possibly commit such evils? And why would so many sit on the sidelines and do nothing? 11 million people were lost in the Holocaust. Today, over 50 million lives have been lost in abortion. Yet, while this evil is committed, many sit on the sidelines and many more refuse to call it what it is: It is our Holocaust. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
Planned Parenthood targeting teenagers is not news for anyone that keeps up with the agenda of the abortion giant. As The Vine has covered previously, Planned Parenthood seeks access to schools to begin their "education" as early as Kindergarten; with the eventual goal of being there for the inevitable abortions they've convinced children they need. What exactly they say to students has been a bit of a mystery. We thought we could reasonably guess until Live Action released their latest undercover operation, which is nothing less than shocking. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 7, 2014

The House GOP Should Man Up Instead of Resorting to Political Theater in the Courts
John Boehner and the House Republicans want to sue the President of the United States. Instead, they should man up.

227 years ago, when the founders of the nation set about drafting the constitution, they gave the House of Representatives the exclusive power to initiate revenue bills and impeach the Executive. That the House would sue the President over his use of executive power is an indication that its leadership no more values their own powers under constitution than the President they sue. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama offers electoral advice to the GOP
One of the great psychological benefits bestowed upon sociopaths is their inability to accept responsibility for their own actions. Every failure is because of the treachery, ineptitude, or incompetence of other. I wrote about that recently in a post titled Obama blames GOP for his failed presidency. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Voter fraud probe in Minnesota state legislature (Democratic) primary
"The Hennepin County attorney's office is investigating whether a private mailbox center in Minneapolis' Cedar-Riverside neighborhood has been improperly used as an address for more than 140 voters." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

White House debating whether to ally with. God help us. Syria
"There's a battle raging inside the Obama administration about whether the United States ought to push away from its goal of toppling Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and into a de facto alliance with the Damascus regime to fight ISIS and other Sunni extremists in the region." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Liberty: the road not taken
The Left's cherished new idea is that if someone doesn't give you something for "free," such as birth control, they are "denying your access" to it.  That's clearly absurd on the most basic common sense level, the kind of thinking a reasonably clever child would shred in a matter of moments, but it's becoming something like a religious imperative for liberals - a new commandment written into the holy book of collectivism.  Its pedigree can be traced to the centuries-old idea that people should not be forced to work for goods they are "entitled" to, as some basic human right, because that compromises our emotional authenticity; we are taught to think of ourselves as slaves to the cruel taskmaster who pays us for our voluntary labor, but expects us to buy our own bread.  But these new cries of "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!" when the boss doesn't cough up all twenty of the contraceptive methods we'd like is a new high-octane distillation of collectivist notions about entitlement. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Remember Mississippi, and FIGHT. LIKE. HELL. in Kansas
The truth of the Mississippi Betrayal hurts. GOP party bosses have declared an all-out war on conservatives and betrayed our Republican Party itself in the process. The GOP establishment in general and the National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC) in particular have some serious explaining to do.

America is descending into a struggle, less about Republicans versus Democrats and more about the permanent ruling class versus the American citizens. The NRSC betrayed the wishes of its Republican donors by diverting their hard-earned money from their stated goal of defeating Democrats and instead used the funds in Mississippi where they defeated a conservative Republican. The betrayal included outrageous and false charges of racism against a fellow Republican where they actually joined league with liberal Democrats including explosive evidence that Sen. Thad Cochran's campaign possibly funded an illegal vote-buying scheme. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 10, 2014

The Christian Thing to Do
Christians are used to hearing people say "it's the Christian thing to do." Most often, it is by people deeply hostile to Christianity who say it. I get this all the time - even more so since I announced I am going to seminary. Liberals with no sense of Christianity want to tell Christians how they must behave and, by and large, hate us when we behave as Christians.

Now, I know many of you do not share my faith. But there is a larger point that must be made here so bear with me. Tolerance is not a Christian value. It is necessary in the course of civil and democratic society to be tolerant of other people's ideas and opinions, but tolerance for the sake of tolerance is not a Christian value.

Charity and mercy are Christian values. I look at the deep and hostile reaction to Glenn Beck's effort of late to provide charity to the illegal immigrants at the border and I am shaking my head at some of my fellow Christians and fellow conservatives.

I do not think the government should be helping these people stay here. I do not think the government should be bussing them to other places. I do not think we should let these people stay here. But I think while here we should, in private charity, show mercy and give comfort where we can. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

America, This Is What an Obama Administration IRS Cover-Up Looks Like
Less than two week after learning of the IG's report alleging that the IRS targeted conservatives and one month before she "apologized," Lois Lerner was covering her tracks at the IRS.

Here's the latest email uncovered from the former top IRS official at the center of the targeting scandal . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Barack Obama is messing up by the numbers when it comes to the border crisis.
The White House is making a very bad mistake when it comes to their attitude towards the border, as witnessed by this interview snippet featuring DEMOCRATIC Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas. Background is, somebody from the White House called to complain to Cuellar about his call for the White House to do more about the current border crisis. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Rep. Louie Gohmert on Border Crisis: We Can't Trust This President
Last night Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared on the O'Reilly Factor to discuss the flood of illegal alien minors at the border. Rep. Gohmert, who is from Texas, spoke passionately about the crisis at our border and warned that President Obama shouldn't be trusted at all on this issue. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John Boehner is Right on Impeachment
As I have written several times, impeachment would be crazy. I get the angst by some Republicans who want the President impeached. But it is crazy talk right now. There aren't the votes and even if there were the votes it'd never make it through the Senate and would most assuredly scuttle our chances of taking the Senate.

Impeachment is not an option. John Boehner is right to say so. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Senate Democrats Propose Bill to Gut Religious Liberty After Hobby Lobby Decision
Despite what the Obama Administration and mainstream media have tried to spin, the Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court was about religious liberty.

Senate Democrats outraged by the result of that decision are taking the only step available to them to reverse the decision, gut religious liberty. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Republican Fantasy Fan Porn vs. Democrat Fantasy Fan Porn
There is a dark undercurrent in the Harry Potter world. Abnormal and obsessed fans generate fan pornography based on the fantasized love interests in Harry Potter. Yes, be as disturbed as I was to learn this.

But Washington politicos do the same. Not a day goes by without some left leaning reporter trotting out new theories about how Hillary Clinton will lead neocons and moderate Republicans into fangasms of support for Hillary. It is ridiculous and not gonna happen.

Republicans are doing the same with Mitt Romney. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

August is never good, September could be worse
August is when things happen in politics. Typically, it's a scandal, and it hurts sitting presidents and their parties. Right now, the crisis at the southern border looks to be the next big thing about to really bubble over (it's bad now, but reports of terrible diseases among the camps could make this a lot worse). It's a terrible situation because the Democrats were banking on immigration reform to turn this into a success story ahead of November, and the defeat of Eric Cantor in his primary more or less sealed the fate of that political tactic. But, it didn't stop the flooding. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 12, 2014

Ten Years Ago Today
It was much debated for a few years, but digging into the database our first live post appeared on this day in 2004. Today is RedState's birthday.

Five years later we had our first RedState Gathering. In a month we will have our fifth anniversary RedState Gathering. We are going to Fort Worth, TX. The party starts the evening of August 7th and runs through the evening of August 9th.

Ted Cruz will be there. So will Bobby Jindal. So will Nikki Haley. So will Ben Sasse. So will Rick Perry. So will Greg Abbott. So will Jim DeMint, Ken Cuccinelli, Olympian and Congressman Jim Ryun, and we're hoping Dave Bratt will be there.

We're still confirming some awesome speakers and have a few surprises in store too.

If you want to be a part of the 5th Gathering and help us celebrate our tenth birthday, go here to register. 

Democrats Deploy Their Mississippi Strategy Against Jody Hice in Georgia
The Georgia Republican runoff is less than two weeks away on July 22, 2014. Having successfully swung the Mississippi Senate runoff against the conservative, Democrats in Georgia are coordinating with the GOP establishment to defeat the conservative running in Georgia's tenth congressional district.

Jody Hice, the undisputed conservative in the race to replace Congressman Paul Broun, is . . . well . . . a conservative. His opponent, Mike Collins, is the son of a congressman who goes around the district talking about what friends he is with various House committee chairmen in DC, etc.

In an organized effort, an outside group has begun mailing Democrats absentee ballot applications. The mail piece explains to Democrats that there is no chance a Democrat will win in the district (true, Paul Broun won it several times) and the only way to stop conservatives from winning is to support Mike Collins. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

President Obama Refuses to Treat the Border Crisis Seriously
Right now, a legal and humanitarian crisis is unfolding on our Southern border. And our President simply cannot bring himself to take the problem seriously. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The war on religious faith continues
There probably hasn't been a Supreme Court decision since Bush v. Gore, and definitely since Citizens United, that has been as maligned and mischaracterized as the Hobby Lobby case. Those opposing the decision are crying Armageddon! as though the proverbial gerbil of Religious Freedom was seeking a source light in the alimentary canal of the secular left. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Germany expels CIA station chief in spy scandal
Yesterday the German government announced that it was expelling the presumed US CIA station chief because of US espionage activities directed against the German government. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jesse Jackson and Why We Should Not "Just Find" $4Bn "For The Children."
"'If we can find $4 billion for those children - and we should - we can find $2 billion for Chicago. There are more children involved, and more have been killed, and more have been shot,' said Jackson." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Common Core Assault on Homeschooling
Ohio is one of the many states in the U.S. that is scheduled to implement the controversial Common Core requirements next year. Although the Ohio legislature has attempted to essentially "half opt in" to Common Core by at least theoretically allowing county school boards to construct curricula outside of Common Core, and although Common Core at least in theory does not constrict homeschooling, Ohio homeschooling parents have figured out exactly how Common Core will put everyone in Ohio who doesn't teach Common Core at a disadvantage. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Michelle Obama Misses The Mark on Education (Again)
Recently Michelle Obama spoke at the American School Counselor Association's annual conference and, once again, the First Lady missed the mark on education. Instead of focusing on building a solid foundation, Obama rolled out new initiatives that seek to bolster college attendance rates while managing to have no focus on students. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Hidden Costs of Obamacare
Obamacare is a tax that is costly to businesses and individuals in a lot of obvious ways. Many of those, though - the penalties, the fees, the increased costs of coverage, the loss of doctors and health plans - have already been covered ad nauseam. One aspect of the law's cost to the American economy that has received comparatively little attention has been the compliance costs imposed on the healthcare sector by the law. And last week, those costs got much worse. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For July 10, 2014

The Christian Thing to Do
Christians are used to hearing people say "it's the Christian thing to do." Most often, it is by people deeply hostile to Christianity who say it. I get this all the time - even more so since I announced I am going to seminary. Liberals with no sense of Christianity want to tell Christians how they must behave and, by and large, hate us when we behave as Christians.

Now, I know many of you do not share my faith. But there is a larger point that must be made here so bear with me. Tolerance is not a Christian value. It is necessary in the course of civil and democratic society to be tolerant of other people's ideas and opinions, but tolerance for the sake of tolerance is not a Christian value.

Charity and mercy are Christian values. I look at the deep and hostile reaction to Glenn Beck's effort of late to provide charity to the illegal immigrants at the border and I am shaking my head at some of my fellow Christians and fellow conservatives.

I do not think the government should be helping these people stay here. I do not think the government should be bussing them to other places. I do not think we should let these people stay here. But I think while here we should, in private charity, show mercy and give comfort where we can. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

America, This Is What an Obama Administration IRS Cover-Up Looks Like
Less than two week after learning of the IG's report alleging that the IRS targeted conservatives and one month before she "apologized," Lois Lerner was covering her tracks at the IRS.

Here's the latest email uncovered from the former top IRS official at the center of the targeting scandal . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Barack Obama is messing up by the numbers when it comes to the border crisis.
The White House is making a very bad mistake when it comes to their attitude towards the border, as witnessed by this interview snippet featuring DEMOCRATIC Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas. Background is, somebody from the White House called to complain to Cuellar about his call for the White House to do more about the current border crisis. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Rep. Louie Gohmert on Border Crisis: We Can't Trust This President
Last night Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared on the O'Reilly Factor to discuss the flood of illegal alien minors at the border. Rep. Gohmert, who is from Texas, spoke passionately about the crisis at our border and warned that President Obama shouldn't be trusted at all on this issue. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John Boehner is Right on Impeachment
As I have written several times, impeachment would be crazy. I get the angst by some Republicans who want the President impeached. But it is crazy talk right now. There aren't the votes and even if there were the votes it'd never make it through the Senate and would most assuredly scuttle our chances of taking the Senate.

Impeachment is not an option. John Boehner is right to say so. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Senate Democrats Propose Bill to Gut Religious Liberty After Hobby Lobby Decision
Despite what the Obama Administration and mainstream media have tried to spin, the Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court was about religious liberty.

Senate Democrats outraged by the result of that decision are taking the only step available to them to reverse the decision, gut religious liberty. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Republican Fantasy Fan Porn vs. Democrat Fantasy Fan Porn
There is a dark undercurrent in the Harry Potter world. Abnormal and obsessed fans generate fan pornography based on the fantasized love interests in Harry Potter. Yes, be as disturbed as I was to learn this.

But Washington politicos do the same. Not a day goes by without some left leaning reporter trotting out new theories about how Hillary Clinton will lead neocons and moderate Republicans into fangasms of support for Hillary. It is ridiculous and not gonna happen.

Republicans are doing the same with Mitt Romney. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

August is never good, September could be worse
August is when things happen in politics. Typically, it's a scandal, and it hurts sitting presidents and their parties. Right now, the crisis at the southern border looks to be the next big thing about to really bubble over (it's bad now, but reports of terrible diseases among the camps could make this a lot worse). It's a terrible situation because the Democrats were banking on immigration reform to turn this into a success story ahead of November, and the defeat of Eric Cantor in his primary more or less sealed the fate of that political tactic. But, it didn't stop the flooding. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

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