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Friday, July 11, 2014

Was Netanyahu prophetic or realistic?

Was Netanyahu prophetic or realistic? - Bill Wilson - 
During the first ten days of August 2005, former cabinet member of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and once Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, plead with Israeli leadership to end the disengagement plan of evicting Jews from Gaza.  Netanyahu believed giving up land without concessions is a demonstration that terrorism pays and that Israel's national security will be forever threatened. Middle East News Line reported that Israel's military had revised its withdrawal plan to account for a scenario under which the eviction of Jewish residents from the Gaza Strip would be completed amid massive Palestinian fire. This is exactly what happened. But there was far more in the future.
Netanyahu called disengagement an "evil" and urged Members of the Knesset to stop it. He warned the Sharon government that the Palestinians will only use the Gaza land to establish a terrorist base of operations and that the nation of Israel's defense and security may be undermined by disengagement.  He said, "I am calling on all those who grasp the danger: Gather strength and do the right thing. I don't know if the entire move can be stopped, but it still might be stopped in its initial stages." And he warned, "The government is advancing in total blindness. They have eyes but don't see. They have ears but don't hear."
Fast forward nearly 9 years and Netanyahu, now Prime Minister, is dealing with the exact problem of which he warned. Against a backdrop of hundreds of missiles fired at Israel's nuclear plant, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem over the past month, and some 300-plus in just the last 48 hours, Bloomberg reports that Netanyahu vowed to "intensify even further our attacks on Hamas and other terror organizations in Gaza." The Palestinian Authority, the darling of the White House peace process, has embraced Hamas as a partner. When Gaza was turned over to the "Palestinian people" in 2005, they eventually elected Hamas as their political representatives. Since then, Gaza has been a stronghold and base for terrorism against Israel.
If ever the so-called "Palestinian People" had an opportunity to demonstrate to the world that it could have a nation living side by side in peace with Israel, it was in Gaza. Instead, they embraced their roots of terrorism and have been agents of violence. Yet Netanyahu's Biblical reference applies not only to Israel, but also the United States still today. In Ezekiel 12:2, the Lord says, "Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house." Many are so rebellious against God that they cannot see the obvious and they refuse to hear the reports of the consequences.
Since President George W Bush insisted on evicting Jews from their own land, America has faced one natural disaster after another. She has elected as "president" a man who aids and abets Islamic terrorists at the expense of our own nation and Israel. Our economy has collapsed. Our nation is being invaded. Our longstanding Constitutional rights are being violated and ignored. Laws are enforced selectively. Leaders lack vision, morals, ethics and accountability. Netanyahu's comments in August 2005 were true then and even more so incredulously true today. We are obviously living in prophetic times and the vast majority of the world has eyes, but does not see, and ears, but does not hear.  
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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