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Friday, July 11, 2014

Watchman Warning: Assault on a Miracle

Watchman Warning: Assault on a Miracle - By Hal Lindsey - 

At the time of this writing, Israel and Hamas continue to exchange fire - Israel with precision strikes aimed at Hamas fighters, and Hamas aiming for maximum casualties, mostly against civilian population centers. According to The New York Post, Hamas launched three rockets at a nuclear power plant in Israel on Wednesday. The Iron Dome defense system shot down one, and the other two missed their target - averting a potential nuclear disaster with tremendous ecological consequences, and long-term casualties
Seven Palestinians were killed as they tried to form a "human shield" at a house they knew the Israelis were targeting. After Israeli Defense Forces dropped leaflets warning that the house would be hit, Hamas leaders encouraged civilians to come to the house, with some even standing on the roof. Hamas continues to follow the pattern of placing their leaders, missile launchers, and other weapons in residential areas. They base their strategy on Israel's humanitarian concerns, while showing no such concerns of their own.
The Hamas arsenal includes rockets that are bigger and more powerful than in previous conflicts. They can now hit Jerusalem and Tel Aviv from the Gaza Strip. The new rockets were made in Syria, and arrived in Gaza by way of Iran. Since Egypt shut its border with Gaza, such smuggling operations should be more difficult in the future.
Hamas is still officially recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, Japan, Canada, Jordan, and Egypt. But for the EU, that may be changing. As you can imagine, many nations do not recognize them as a terror group, including the usual suspects - Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran.
The EU and UN continue to equate the actions of Israel with those of Hamas. In ridiculous attempts to be even-handed, they condemn both sides as equally culpable . . . with one exception. They never mention Hamas in their condemnations - only the "Palestinian Islamic Jihad." That wording is important because the major players on world stage are now in the process of rehabilitating the image of Hamas.
An Israeli ground invasion of Gaza seems imminent. If that happens, how will the world respond? Support for Israel has diminished a great deal in the last few years, especially among US and EU leaders. Liberal churches, media, and academia continue their fight against Israel despite the nation's record of human rights and respect for human dignity.
Why? Because Israel embarrasses them. Israel is what they say does not exist - a miracle.
Since its official establishment in 1948, modern Israel has existed under duress. Its strength has waxed, waned, then waxed again repeatedly. It began as a miracle and continues as an ongoing miracle. So, to those who don't believe in miracles, Israel makes no sense. They repeatedly try to "help" in ways that can only hurt.
Round after round of peace talks fail, yet the nation persists. Wave after wave of violence strikes at it, yet Israel survives. More than that, Israel prospers. Even Israelis struggle to understand. How could this happen?
The answer is simple. God keeps His Word.
God made certain unconditional covenants with Abraham and his descendents through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob. These covenants promised that God would make them His nation forever, and that a very specific piece of real estate was given to them forever. Although God predicted that they would stray from Him so that He would have to discipline them, He nevertheless swore that He would bring them back and fulfill all His promises to them. He also promised that though He would discipline them Himself, He would judge everyone who persecuted them. He also promised that He would bless all who would bless them. And that even if they would be under His discipline, He would curse all who mistreated them.
What the unbelieving people of the world fail to understand is that God has consistently fulfilled these covenant-promises all through history. Especially in these last days before His Son returns to fulfill His promise to give the believing remnant of Israel a Kingdom over which they will co-rule with Him.
All of this is being set up before our eyes. The world needs to take heed that there is only one people to which God, the creator and possessor of this planet, has ever given a title deed to a specific piece of real estate. And that is the Israelites.
Prophecy indicates that the last Great War will be fought because of the world's efforts to take away His peoples' land and its Holy City.
Expect that over the next few years, the whole world will become intent upon taking away the nation of Israel's Divinely promised land - especially its holy city, Jerusalem. Satan is trying everything to keep God's promise from being fulfilled.
But God's Word can never be broken, and the nations of this fallen world will be destroyed trying to make it fail. Thank the LORD that His promises guarantee our salvation through faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice. Maranatha!
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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