Its a republic if you can keep it - Bill Wilson -
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady queried Benjamin Franklin as he left Independence Hall. The notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland's delegates to the Convention, recall: "A lady asked Dr. Franklin. "Well Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy." "A republic," replied the Doctor, "if you can keep it."" As the dust settles over the 2014 mid-term elections, many Americans are breathing a sigh of relief that they still have a republic. But the question remains whether it can be kept. The answer will depend on how the American people can hold accountable newly-empowered Republicans, who in the past, have been less than dependable to live up to their name.
Americans should be inspired that their voice has been counted. There can be little analysis other than a rejection of the big, overreaching government agenda of the occupant of the Oval Office. The Republican ticket ran on repealing socialist health care, rolling back the intrusive and overpowering government, curtailing illegal immigration, and taking a firmer stand on jobs and foreign policy. Notwithstanding, the White House is determined to rule by executive order. ABC News' Jon Karl reported, "[White House] officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform."
To date, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh) have offered little in opposition to the "president's" Islamic-Marxist agenda. They have allowed unsecured borders; the establishment of socialist healthcare (including tax funding for abortion); the use of taxpayer money to fund Islamic terrorists who are avowed enemies of America; the continued trillions upon trillions to prop up Wall Street; the lack of a job initiative; racial divide; the abolishment of marriage; the rule of non-elected courts; the expansion of unconstitutional agencies and their unconstitutional acts; and the list goes on and on. Talk is cheap, but these men must be held to a higher standard.
While Americans fed up with a socialist democracy have taken the initial steps to return to a republic, the citizen's job is not finished. The hirelings that have been sent to correct our government, must be held accountable. This will take great vigilance. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says, "wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." That yoke, while cracked and damaged, is not gone from our country. We must be vigilant; do our part. We have done well to stand in the gap, but the true test of morality, courage, and valor awaits, that our land not be destroyed.
Holder to monitor voting for racial prejudice - Bill Wilson -
Disgraced, embattled, and resigned Attorney General Eric Holder says he is sending federal monitors to some 18 states and 28 jurisdictions to make sure there is no race-based discrimination. He said, "I want the American people to know that the Justice Department will stand vigilant--working in a fair and nonpartisan manner to ensure that every voter can cast his or her ballot free of intimidation, discrimination or obstruction." Holder is laughable. He has already shown the American people his vigilance by letting the New Black Panthers use baseball bats to protect voting locations against white people and by allowing precincts to record more than 100% of the registered voters in Democratic-leaning areas.
Holder is encouraging Americans to call his minions if they see something amiss. In a statement to the public, the DOJ said that Civil Rights Division staff members "will be available by telephone to receive complaints from citizens in all states and jurisdictions nationwide related to possible violations of the federal voting rights laws (toll free 1-800-253-3931 or 202-307-2767) or TTY (202-305-0082). In addition, individuals may also report such complaints by fax to 202-307-3961, by email to voting.section@usdoj.govEmail links icon and by a complaint form on the department's website: ." Not to be cynical, but I'm sure complaints will be frustrated by red-tape and stonewalling.
"Allegations of election fraud are handled by the 94 US Attorneys' Offices across the country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section. Complaints related to election fraud may be directed to your local US Attorneys' Offices or local FBI offices, which consult with the Public Integrity Section in Washington, DC. A list of US Attorneys' Offices and their telephone numbers can be found at . A list of FBI offices and accompanying telephone numbers can be found at" So for once I agree with the Federal government's mantra, "If you see something, say something."
Nearly every poll and every major news outlet has stated that the Democrats will lose control of the Senate and suffer possible record losses in the House of Representatives. While polling these days can be off a little, it is expected to be a rout of liberal--no communist--policies in the form of throwing these evildoers out in droves. Election fraud is the only way to prevent this from happening. We have a lot of verses in the Bible about wisdom, circumspect and deceit. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceives you." Holder is sending his henchmen out to "monitor" elections. He and his hoard are a tricky bunch. Let's exercise our right to vote and be our own monitors of the polls.
As you enter the voting booth - Bill Wilson -
From 1981 through 1994 and here and there since, I was a political consultant for conservative Christian candidates. In 14 years of elections, I saw a lot of dirty politics, October surprises, and attempts at ballot box fraud. It was far more difficult and took a much more clever person to defraud a paper ballot. Now it can happen with a cunning programmer or with a certain political party controlling the programming of a machine. Complicating the problems are those states that do not require an identification to vote. Somehow we are seeing precincts vote 120% for candidates from a certain party and 0% for candidates of the other party. Dead people, illegal aliens, even pets have voted. But, wait, there's more!
In New Mexico, a person went in to vote early and found out that he had already voted. The election officials confirmed that the person who voted first was not the person who was registered to vote. They allowed the registered person to vote, but explained there was no way to take back the vote of the illegal voter because it anonymously was recorded in the system. So even if there is voter fraud, these election board officials cannot retrieve the fraudulent vote. The election is, therefore, skewed one way or another. There have been reports of voter machine irregularities in Maryland. The last time I voted in Democrat-controlled Maryland, I asked for a paper ballot and was told that paper ballots were outlawed.
The New York Post reports that the New York State Democratic Committee is bullying people into voting by sending intimidating letters, saying, "Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record. We will be reviewing voting determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014...If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not." In other words, "We know where you live." Remember the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia who stood guard with baseball bats at voting locations to discourage white voters? Reports were that many of those locations supported the occupant of the Oval Office by more than 100%. Voting has become a full contact activity.
To me, voting is the most basic right of citizenship. You have a say who your leaders are and you need to exercise that voice at the ballot box. If you don't like the candidates, vote for the one you think will do the best job and who aligns best with your belief system. When you are voting, pay close attention to your votes. Make sure the machine is recording precisely who you vote. If it doesn't or there are irregularities that you notice, confront the election official at the voting location. Be polite, but firm. People are out to steal your freedom and unfortunately they have been getting away with it. Stand in the gap and protect your freedom and rights. As Proverb 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn." We know it all too well. Let's make our votes count.
Republicans celebrate a 'Barackalypse'
Voters across the country delivered a stunning defeat to Democrats, and a powerful rejection of President Barack Obama, in Tuesday's midterm elections. Of all the things conservatives can celebrate, perhaps the best news of all is that Harry Reid will no longer be the Senate majority leader. Hooray!
At least three incumbent Democrats lost their Senate seats, as Cory Gardner defeated Mark Udall ("Mark Uterus") in Colorado, Tom Cotton prevailed over Mark Pryor in Arkansas and in perhaps the biggest shocker for Democrats Thom Tillis surged past Kay Hagan to capture the Senate seat in North Carolina.
All three of those deposed Democrats had voted for Obamacare. This means that 25 of the Democratic senators who helped pass that monstrosity are no longer in office. This is quite a repudiation of Obama's signature piece of legislation. No wonder Tuesday's results are being referred to as a "Barackalypse."
Here are some of the other most significant victories from Tuesday:
Mitch McConnell easily won re-election in Kentucky, as his Democratic opponent, Allison Lundgren Grimes, ran an embarrassingly bad campaign. So it looks like McConnell will get to fulfill his longtime dream as serving as Senate majority leader.
Republicans are also expected to gain as many as a dozen seats in the House of Representatives, which would give them their biggest majority in almost 60 years. One of the new faces will be Mia Love, a battle-hardened conservative who will become the first black Republican female in the House.
There were also some significant victories for Republicans in contests for state governorships. I've already mentioned Georgia. Voters in Texas overwhelmingly chose Republican Greg Abbott as their new governor, which pretty much puts "finished" to the political career of Wendy Davis, the "Abortion Barbie" who ran against him. Compounding Davis' rejection, her former seat in the state senate was won by Konni Burton, a Tea Party Republican. Adios, Wendy.
In Florida, incumbent Governor Rick Scott won a close election against his challenger, former Governor (and former Republican) Charlie Crist. Further north, Scott Walker won re-election as governor in Wisconsin, despite everything the unions could throw against him. This is actually Walker's third victory in the state, since he also prevailed against a recall attempt in 2012.
But perhaps the biggest surprise in state contests was the victory by Republicans in three states that are normally considered solid blue: Massachusetts, Illinois and Maryland. Republican incumbents also held off challengers in Ohio, Iowa and New Mexico. All in all, Tuesday was a pretty good night for the GOP.
So now what happens? While the Republicans will enjoy a majority in both branches of Congress, they don't have enough votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto. Yes, they can refuse to fund some of the Obama's most egregious policies. But will they have the courage to do so?
We're about to find out. Yes, I wish we had some stauncher leaders fighting for us. But at least we can expect some interesting battles.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
-Chip Wood
The more things change, the more things stay the same. As I write this, it looks like the Republicans are going to take control of the U.S. Senate. But will that actually alter the direction of the country? Will that actually change anything? There are many that hope that this could represent a "turning point" for America, but history tells us that almost certainly will not be the case. Over the past 30 years, things have changed very little no matter which party has controlled the White House and no matter which party has controlled Congress. During that time frame, the national debt has continued to explode, our long-term economic problems have continued to get even worse, our liberties and freedoms have continued to erode and our nation has increasingly become a moral cesspool. And the truth is that at this point there is very little real difference between most Democrats and most Republicans. The corruption in Washington D.C. runs extremely deep, and very few politicians are able to enter that environment without being fundamentally affected by it.
In recent times, midterm elections have become primarily about punishing whoever is in the White House. In this case, there is definitely much to be dissatisfied about as far as Barack Obama is concerned. In fact, many consider him to be the worst president in U.S. history, and that is saying a lot.
When Obama first entered the White House, his approval numbers were incredibly high. But over time they have fallen substantially.
According to a CNN poll taken in late October, 53 percent of Americans disapprove of the way that Barack Obama is performing his job, and close to 70 percent of Americans are upset about the direction the country is headed.
And without a doubt, the sour mood of the country was clearly reflected in the election results as they rolled in on Tuesday night.
But despite the millions upon millions of votes that were cast by concerned Americans on Tuesday, very little is likely to change in the way that this nation is governed.
One reason for this is because Barack Obama has the power to block pretty much whatever the Republican Congress does. If a piece of legislation is passed that he does not like, he can simply veto it. Unfortunately for the Republicans, they do not have the numbers to override a veto.
This means that the Republicans are not going to be able to overturn Obamacare. No matter how much the American people may hate it, we are stuck with it for at least another two years.
This also means that Barack Obama has the power to single-handedly stop the Keystone pipeline. Even though surveys show that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of the pipeline, the only way that it will move forward is if Barack Obama allows it to happen.
Another reason why very little is likely to change in Washington is because Democrats and Republicans actually agree on far more issues than they disagree. Just consider the following...
-The U.S. national debt has absolutely exploded in recent years no matter which party has had control of Congress. Republicans were swept to power in the U.S. House of Representatives four years ago with a mandate to control government spending, but that has not happened. In fact, the U.S. national debt increased by more than a trillion dollars in fiscal year 2014.
-Both parties support the emerging one world economic system which has already resulted in the loss of millions of good paying American jobs. And now Barack Obama is secretly negotiating a new trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which will kill even more of our jobs and businesses. Sadly, Republicans fully agree with what Obama is trying to accomplish and do not plan to stand in the way of this insidious treaty.
-If history is any indication, Republicans in the Senate will continue to rubber stamp most of Barack Obama's ultra-liberal judicial nominees. In America today many of the big issues are ultimately decided by activist judges, and it is not likely that the "tyranny of the judiciary" is going to end any time soon.
-Both major political parties have shown that they have very little respect for our liberties and freedoms. They both eagerly renew the Patriot Act when it comes up for a vote, and neither party has shown any indication of cracking down on the abuses of agencies such as the NSA or the TSA.
-No matter who has control of Congress, Planned Parenthood always gets millions upon millions of dollars from the government every year. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, we have killed more than 50 million of our own people. It is a national disgrace, and yet neither major political party intends to do anything to stop it.
-Both the Democrats and the Republicans believe that a "two state solution" will bring lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel. And both parties support arming the "moderate jihadists" in Syria. The U.S. has been making colossal mistakes in the Middle East for decades, and that is not going to change for the foreseeable future.
- Neither party ever dares to question the "independence" of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is an unelected, unaccountable central banking cartel that has far more power over the economy than Barack Obama or the U.S. Congress does, and our politicians never do a thing to get this rogue organization under control even though it is behaving incredibly recklessly. As I wrote about the other day, the Federal Reserve is at the heart of so many of our long-term economic problems, and yet Congress does not seem to care.
Of course this list could go on for quite a while.
The point that I am trying to make is that these midterm elections simply are not going to change the direction of the nation.
The clowns may change, but the circus remains the same.
America is on a road to oblivion, and the Democrats and the Republicans both share in the blame.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady queried Benjamin Franklin as he left Independence Hall. The notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland's delegates to the Convention, recall: "A lady asked Dr. Franklin. "Well Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy." "A republic," replied the Doctor, "if you can keep it."" As the dust settles over the 2014 mid-term elections, many Americans are breathing a sigh of relief that they still have a republic. But the question remains whether it can be kept. The answer will depend on how the American people can hold accountable newly-empowered Republicans, who in the past, have been less than dependable to live up to their name.
Americans should be inspired that their voice has been counted. There can be little analysis other than a rejection of the big, overreaching government agenda of the occupant of the Oval Office. The Republican ticket ran on repealing socialist health care, rolling back the intrusive and overpowering government, curtailing illegal immigration, and taking a firmer stand on jobs and foreign policy. Notwithstanding, the White House is determined to rule by executive order. ABC News' Jon Karl reported, "[White House] officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform."
To date, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh) have offered little in opposition to the "president's" Islamic-Marxist agenda. They have allowed unsecured borders; the establishment of socialist healthcare (including tax funding for abortion); the use of taxpayer money to fund Islamic terrorists who are avowed enemies of America; the continued trillions upon trillions to prop up Wall Street; the lack of a job initiative; racial divide; the abolishment of marriage; the rule of non-elected courts; the expansion of unconstitutional agencies and their unconstitutional acts; and the list goes on and on. Talk is cheap, but these men must be held to a higher standard.
While Americans fed up with a socialist democracy have taken the initial steps to return to a republic, the citizen's job is not finished. The hirelings that have been sent to correct our government, must be held accountable. This will take great vigilance. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says, "wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." That yoke, while cracked and damaged, is not gone from our country. We must be vigilant; do our part. We have done well to stand in the gap, but the true test of morality, courage, and valor awaits, that our land not be destroyed.
Holder to monitor voting for racial prejudice - Bill Wilson -
Disgraced, embattled, and resigned Attorney General Eric Holder says he is sending federal monitors to some 18 states and 28 jurisdictions to make sure there is no race-based discrimination. He said, "I want the American people to know that the Justice Department will stand vigilant--working in a fair and nonpartisan manner to ensure that every voter can cast his or her ballot free of intimidation, discrimination or obstruction." Holder is laughable. He has already shown the American people his vigilance by letting the New Black Panthers use baseball bats to protect voting locations against white people and by allowing precincts to record more than 100% of the registered voters in Democratic-leaning areas.
Holder is encouraging Americans to call his minions if they see something amiss. In a statement to the public, the DOJ said that Civil Rights Division staff members "will be available by telephone to receive complaints from citizens in all states and jurisdictions nationwide related to possible violations of the federal voting rights laws (toll free 1-800-253-3931 or 202-307-2767) or TTY (202-305-0082). In addition, individuals may also report such complaints by fax to 202-307-3961, by email to voting.section@usdoj.govEmail links icon and by a complaint form on the department's website: ." Not to be cynical, but I'm sure complaints will be frustrated by red-tape and stonewalling.
"Allegations of election fraud are handled by the 94 US Attorneys' Offices across the country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section. Complaints related to election fraud may be directed to your local US Attorneys' Offices or local FBI offices, which consult with the Public Integrity Section in Washington, DC. A list of US Attorneys' Offices and their telephone numbers can be found at . A list of FBI offices and accompanying telephone numbers can be found at" So for once I agree with the Federal government's mantra, "If you see something, say something."
Nearly every poll and every major news outlet has stated that the Democrats will lose control of the Senate and suffer possible record losses in the House of Representatives. While polling these days can be off a little, it is expected to be a rout of liberal--no communist--policies in the form of throwing these evildoers out in droves. Election fraud is the only way to prevent this from happening. We have a lot of verses in the Bible about wisdom, circumspect and deceit. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceives you." Holder is sending his henchmen out to "monitor" elections. He and his hoard are a tricky bunch. Let's exercise our right to vote and be our own monitors of the polls.
As you enter the voting booth - Bill Wilson -
From 1981 through 1994 and here and there since, I was a political consultant for conservative Christian candidates. In 14 years of elections, I saw a lot of dirty politics, October surprises, and attempts at ballot box fraud. It was far more difficult and took a much more clever person to defraud a paper ballot. Now it can happen with a cunning programmer or with a certain political party controlling the programming of a machine. Complicating the problems are those states that do not require an identification to vote. Somehow we are seeing precincts vote 120% for candidates from a certain party and 0% for candidates of the other party. Dead people, illegal aliens, even pets have voted. But, wait, there's more!
In New Mexico, a person went in to vote early and found out that he had already voted. The election officials confirmed that the person who voted first was not the person who was registered to vote. They allowed the registered person to vote, but explained there was no way to take back the vote of the illegal voter because it anonymously was recorded in the system. So even if there is voter fraud, these election board officials cannot retrieve the fraudulent vote. The election is, therefore, skewed one way or another. There have been reports of voter machine irregularities in Maryland. The last time I voted in Democrat-controlled Maryland, I asked for a paper ballot and was told that paper ballots were outlawed.
The New York Post reports that the New York State Democratic Committee is bullying people into voting by sending intimidating letters, saying, "Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record. We will be reviewing voting determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014...If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not." In other words, "We know where you live." Remember the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia who stood guard with baseball bats at voting locations to discourage white voters? Reports were that many of those locations supported the occupant of the Oval Office by more than 100%. Voting has become a full contact activity.
To me, voting is the most basic right of citizenship. You have a say who your leaders are and you need to exercise that voice at the ballot box. If you don't like the candidates, vote for the one you think will do the best job and who aligns best with your belief system. When you are voting, pay close attention to your votes. Make sure the machine is recording precisely who you vote. If it doesn't or there are irregularities that you notice, confront the election official at the voting location. Be polite, but firm. People are out to steal your freedom and unfortunately they have been getting away with it. Stand in the gap and protect your freedom and rights. As Proverb 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn." We know it all too well. Let's make our votes count.
Republicans celebrate a 'Barackalypse'
Voters across the country delivered a stunning defeat to Democrats, and a powerful rejection of President Barack Obama, in Tuesday's midterm elections. Of all the things conservatives can celebrate, perhaps the best news of all is that Harry Reid will no longer be the Senate majority leader. Hooray!
At least three incumbent Democrats lost their Senate seats, as Cory Gardner defeated Mark Udall ("Mark Uterus") in Colorado, Tom Cotton prevailed over Mark Pryor in Arkansas and in perhaps the biggest shocker for Democrats Thom Tillis surged past Kay Hagan to capture the Senate seat in North Carolina.
All three of those deposed Democrats had voted for Obamacare. This means that 25 of the Democratic senators who helped pass that monstrosity are no longer in office. This is quite a repudiation of Obama's signature piece of legislation. No wonder Tuesday's results are being referred to as a "Barackalypse."
Here are some of the other most significant victories from Tuesday:
- In Iowa, Joni Ernst defeated Bill Braley to win the seat for Republicans. Nearby, Ben Sasse defeated Dave Domina in Nebraska, and to the surprise of many, longtime Republican incumbent Pat Roberts held on to the Senate seat in Kansas.
- In Georgia, Republican David Perdue beat Democrat Michelle Nunn by a wide enough margin to avoid a runoff there. The same thing happened in the contest for governor, where the Republican candidate, Nathan Deal, whipped Jason Carter, the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter. Nunn was the daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn, which means neither family will be building a political dynasty in the state.
Mitch McConnell easily won re-election in Kentucky, as his Democratic opponent, Allison Lundgren Grimes, ran an embarrassingly bad campaign. So it looks like McConnell will get to fulfill his longtime dream as serving as Senate majority leader.
Republicans are also expected to gain as many as a dozen seats in the House of Representatives, which would give them their biggest majority in almost 60 years. One of the new faces will be Mia Love, a battle-hardened conservative who will become the first black Republican female in the House.
There were also some significant victories for Republicans in contests for state governorships. I've already mentioned Georgia. Voters in Texas overwhelmingly chose Republican Greg Abbott as their new governor, which pretty much puts "finished" to the political career of Wendy Davis, the "Abortion Barbie" who ran against him. Compounding Davis' rejection, her former seat in the state senate was won by Konni Burton, a Tea Party Republican. Adios, Wendy.
In Florida, incumbent Governor Rick Scott won a close election against his challenger, former Governor (and former Republican) Charlie Crist. Further north, Scott Walker won re-election as governor in Wisconsin, despite everything the unions could throw against him. This is actually Walker's third victory in the state, since he also prevailed against a recall attempt in 2012.
But perhaps the biggest surprise in state contests was the victory by Republicans in three states that are normally considered solid blue: Massachusetts, Illinois and Maryland. Republican incumbents also held off challengers in Ohio, Iowa and New Mexico. All in all, Tuesday was a pretty good night for the GOP.
So now what happens? While the Republicans will enjoy a majority in both branches of Congress, they don't have enough votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto. Yes, they can refuse to fund some of the Obama's most egregious policies. But will they have the courage to do so?
We're about to find out. Yes, I wish we had some stauncher leaders fighting for us. But at least we can expect some interesting battles.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
-Chip Wood
Will Anything Really Change After The Midterm Elections? - By Michael Snyder -
The more things change, the more things stay the same. As I write this, it looks like the Republicans are going to take control of the U.S. Senate. But will that actually alter the direction of the country? Will that actually change anything? There are many that hope that this could represent a "turning point" for America, but history tells us that almost certainly will not be the case. Over the past 30 years, things have changed very little no matter which party has controlled the White House and no matter which party has controlled Congress. During that time frame, the national debt has continued to explode, our long-term economic problems have continued to get even worse, our liberties and freedoms have continued to erode and our nation has increasingly become a moral cesspool. And the truth is that at this point there is very little real difference between most Democrats and most Republicans. The corruption in Washington D.C. runs extremely deep, and very few politicians are able to enter that environment without being fundamentally affected by it.
In recent times, midterm elections have become primarily about punishing whoever is in the White House. In this case, there is definitely much to be dissatisfied about as far as Barack Obama is concerned. In fact, many consider him to be the worst president in U.S. history, and that is saying a lot.
When Obama first entered the White House, his approval numbers were incredibly high. But over time they have fallen substantially.
According to a CNN poll taken in late October, 53 percent of Americans disapprove of the way that Barack Obama is performing his job, and close to 70 percent of Americans are upset about the direction the country is headed.
And without a doubt, the sour mood of the country was clearly reflected in the election results as they rolled in on Tuesday night.
But despite the millions upon millions of votes that were cast by concerned Americans on Tuesday, very little is likely to change in the way that this nation is governed.
One reason for this is because Barack Obama has the power to block pretty much whatever the Republican Congress does. If a piece of legislation is passed that he does not like, he can simply veto it. Unfortunately for the Republicans, they do not have the numbers to override a veto.
This means that the Republicans are not going to be able to overturn Obamacare. No matter how much the American people may hate it, we are stuck with it for at least another two years.
This also means that Barack Obama has the power to single-handedly stop the Keystone pipeline. Even though surveys show that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of the pipeline, the only way that it will move forward is if Barack Obama allows it to happen.
Another reason why very little is likely to change in Washington is because Democrats and Republicans actually agree on far more issues than they disagree. Just consider the following...
-The U.S. national debt has absolutely exploded in recent years no matter which party has had control of Congress. Republicans were swept to power in the U.S. House of Representatives four years ago with a mandate to control government spending, but that has not happened. In fact, the U.S. national debt increased by more than a trillion dollars in fiscal year 2014.
-Both parties support the emerging one world economic system which has already resulted in the loss of millions of good paying American jobs. And now Barack Obama is secretly negotiating a new trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which will kill even more of our jobs and businesses. Sadly, Republicans fully agree with what Obama is trying to accomplish and do not plan to stand in the way of this insidious treaty.
-If history is any indication, Republicans in the Senate will continue to rubber stamp most of Barack Obama's ultra-liberal judicial nominees. In America today many of the big issues are ultimately decided by activist judges, and it is not likely that the "tyranny of the judiciary" is going to end any time soon.
-Both major political parties have shown that they have very little respect for our liberties and freedoms. They both eagerly renew the Patriot Act when it comes up for a vote, and neither party has shown any indication of cracking down on the abuses of agencies such as the NSA or the TSA.
-No matter who has control of Congress, Planned Parenthood always gets millions upon millions of dollars from the government every year. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, we have killed more than 50 million of our own people. It is a national disgrace, and yet neither major political party intends to do anything to stop it.
-Both the Democrats and the Republicans believe that a "two state solution" will bring lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel. And both parties support arming the "moderate jihadists" in Syria. The U.S. has been making colossal mistakes in the Middle East for decades, and that is not going to change for the foreseeable future.
- Neither party ever dares to question the "independence" of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is an unelected, unaccountable central banking cartel that has far more power over the economy than Barack Obama or the U.S. Congress does, and our politicians never do a thing to get this rogue organization under control even though it is behaving incredibly recklessly. As I wrote about the other day, the Federal Reserve is at the heart of so many of our long-term economic problems, and yet Congress does not seem to care.
Of course this list could go on for quite a while.
The point that I am trying to make is that these midterm elections simply are not going to change the direction of the nation.
The clowns may change, but the circus remains the same.
America is on a road to oblivion, and the Democrats and the Republicans both share in the blame.
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