The Emperor's delusional rant, or not - Bill Wilson -
It is old news now that an anonymous White House Adviser had the guts to privately call Prime Minister Netanyahu out for what he was - a coward and a chicken-something. The Obama Administration was quick to distance itself from this brave, unknown person.
After some scrambling, the White House finally got John Kerry to phone Netanyahu and apologize and express its regrets that such inflammatory language was used. I don't know why the president didn't personally call the Israeli prime minister but I'm sure he had a great excuse.
Still, I would have thought the president might have gone out publicly to bat for Mr. Netanyahu's character with the same gusto he demonstrated for Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. But I guess he knows how to handle these things best.
Of course, unofficially, the unnamed official was articulating the party line. Moreover, the remark may have been another media leak. According to Daniel Greenfield:
"The calculated media leak has been a regular tool in the Obama Inc. PR box. It's never been a very effective tool, but that never stopped them from using certain publications, the New York Times, and certain hacks, Jeffrey Goldberg, to distribute their talking points."
Whatever the case, the current administration has been consistently antagonistic towards Israel. The people in the administration were chosen by Obama. He has essentially surrounded himself with like-minded subordinates.
President Obama set the culture at his inauguration by consistently promoting and defending Islam. In contrast he has publicly castigated Israel. He was raised in an anti-Israel culture and has brought it to the presidency. The Arab Spring implosion contrasted to Israel's solidarity must surely stick in his throat.
Israel is a thorn in Obama's side and Prime Minister Netanyahu understands all this only too well. Unfortunately, Israel is substantially reliant on the United States. Hence Netanyahu is forced to play the diplomat when his character has been assassinated in the media.
Getting back to that media leak - sure enough, Jeffrey Goldberg used his "chicken-something" exposé as opportunity to further tarnish Netanyahu's (and Israel's) reputation by focusing on the so-called "settlements" issue. He's an old hand at raising that canard, so that makes him a very useful tool in the market place of propaganda.
In 2011, President Obama was infamously caught on a live microphone gossiping to France's Sarkozy about Netanyahu. When Sarkozy told Obama he didn't want to see Netanyahu again because he was a liar, the latter responded: "You've had enough of him, but I have to deal with him every day!"
Interestingly, almost in the same breath, Obama then asked Sarkozy to ask the Palestinians to slow down their United Nations membership drive. I guess he wanted time to soften Netanyahu and possibly score his own points.
Speaking of which, the drive to Palestinian U.N. membership and push for Statehood is moving ahead. In January 2015 the U.N. Security Council will induct five incoming states. These states - particularly Venezuela and Malaysia - are hostile to Israel. The others are favorably considering recognizing "Palestine" as a full member state of the U.N.
The Two State solution is being pushed under the irrational and dangerous assumption that it will ease Middle East tensions. The world is imposing a state comprising of leaders who refuse to recognize Israel and have vowed to destroy it:
"In a final resolution, we would not see a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands." ~ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight and kill the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and the trees will say, O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." ~ Hamas Charter, Article 7.
Lest we forget: In the recent Gaza conflict, Hamas' leaders bravely put their civilians under fire while they safely bunkered down elsewhere. When Israel responded to the rocket attacks it was blamed for the killing of innocents.
Let's not forget Iran. The Obama Administration has made conciliatory overtures to Iran and has been involved in its nuclear development talks. It sent signals that the Iranian regime is changing. Yet the Washington Wire has noted:
'Iran does not, however, appear to have undergone any such change. Iranian support for Hezbollah in Lebanon has continued unabated even as the group has thwarted efforts to strengthen Lebanese sovereignty and dispatched forces to Syria. According to the U.S. director of national intelligence, Hezbollah has increased "its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s."'
Hezbollah leader Nasrallah recently stated in a televised speech that Israel will be forced to close its ports and airports, and that every piece of land will be hit by Lebanese missiles. The White House may have the luxury to trust in Iran, but a nuclear powered Iran amplifies the existential threat to Israel.
It is quite remarkable that no other nation in the history of this planet has had so many other nations interfering in its affairs as Israel has. Even its purported allies cannot resist unfairly imposing threats upon it.
Moderate Jordan's Abdullah recently showed his true colors. Following Palestinian unrest and violence on the Temple Mount, Abdullah turned it around and responded that the Palestinian cause remained Jordan's "principal cause and higher national interest." He also vowed that his country would:
"...mobilize international support to rebuild Gaza, following the vile Israeli aggression, which killed thousands of our brethren."
Why is all this so?
God had something to say about it:
I will deliver them to trouble into all the kingdoms of the earth, for their harm, to be a reproach and a byword, a taunt and a curse, in all places where I shall drive them. Jer 24:9
Despite this, one day Israel will return to God (Hos 5:15). And that will be a terrible day for all who trample on the nation (Zec 2:8, 12:3, 9).
Nations beware.
The occupant of the Oval Office held his post-election news conference Wednesday afternoon. He rattled off a list of items that he thinks his presidency has improved for the American people such as higher income, more jobs, and lower deficits. He is delusional to think that we are better off because of him. More people are receiving government benefits than are working; the per capita income of $28,184 has declined 6% since he took office; 38% of the workforce has given up on getting a job; and the US is carrying record debt of nearly $18 trillion. He is delusional on a lot of things, even promising executive orders when Congress won't accept his agenda. But there may be something for which is not so delusional.
He said, "I'm hoping that the kind of attitude and approach that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have already expressed, their desire to get things done, allows us to find some common ground....And my commitment to them -- and I've said this when I spoke to them -- is, is that anywhere where we can find common ground, I'm eager to pursue interactions with Mitch McConnell, he has always been very straightforward with me. To his credit, he has never made a promise that he couldn't deliver...he has always given me, I think, realistic assessments of what he can get through his caucus and what he can't. And so I think we can have a productive relationship."
These are most disturbing words. The voters tossed out Democrats because Americans were done with the Islamic-Marxist policies of this "president." Voters overwhelmingly want socialist health care repealed; marriage restored; government spending restrained and government spying/bullying stopped. Getting along with and finding common ground with the "president" is not why the Republicans were given the majority. While the "president" may be delusional on what he believes he has accomplished to improve the "middle class," he doesn't seem too delusional on his assessment of McConnell and Boehner. They have six years of compromising, hardly opposing him.
Republicans should remove McConnell and Boehner from their leadership positions and begin the next Congress with leadership that reflects the will of the people. I, for one, did not cast my vote to elect leaders to find common ground with what I believe to be evil. 2 Corinthians 6:14,15 says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what harmony has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel?" Granted, it is likely that not all who were elected are disciples of Christ, but we know by his fruits the "president's" discipleship. We must demand and expect accountability.
Unfairly Pressuring Israel - Alf Cengia -
It is old news now that an anonymous White House Adviser had the guts to privately call Prime Minister Netanyahu out for what he was - a coward and a chicken-something. The Obama Administration was quick to distance itself from this brave, unknown person.
After some scrambling, the White House finally got John Kerry to phone Netanyahu and apologize and express its regrets that such inflammatory language was used. I don't know why the president didn't personally call the Israeli prime minister but I'm sure he had a great excuse.
Still, I would have thought the president might have gone out publicly to bat for Mr. Netanyahu's character with the same gusto he demonstrated for Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. But I guess he knows how to handle these things best.
Of course, unofficially, the unnamed official was articulating the party line. Moreover, the remark may have been another media leak. According to Daniel Greenfield:
"The calculated media leak has been a regular tool in the Obama Inc. PR box. It's never been a very effective tool, but that never stopped them from using certain publications, the New York Times, and certain hacks, Jeffrey Goldberg, to distribute their talking points."
Whatever the case, the current administration has been consistently antagonistic towards Israel. The people in the administration were chosen by Obama. He has essentially surrounded himself with like-minded subordinates.
President Obama set the culture at his inauguration by consistently promoting and defending Islam. In contrast he has publicly castigated Israel. He was raised in an anti-Israel culture and has brought it to the presidency. The Arab Spring implosion contrasted to Israel's solidarity must surely stick in his throat.
Israel is a thorn in Obama's side and Prime Minister Netanyahu understands all this only too well. Unfortunately, Israel is substantially reliant on the United States. Hence Netanyahu is forced to play the diplomat when his character has been assassinated in the media.
Getting back to that media leak - sure enough, Jeffrey Goldberg used his "chicken-something" exposé as opportunity to further tarnish Netanyahu's (and Israel's) reputation by focusing on the so-called "settlements" issue. He's an old hand at raising that canard, so that makes him a very useful tool in the market place of propaganda.
In 2011, President Obama was infamously caught on a live microphone gossiping to France's Sarkozy about Netanyahu. When Sarkozy told Obama he didn't want to see Netanyahu again because he was a liar, the latter responded: "You've had enough of him, but I have to deal with him every day!"
Interestingly, almost in the same breath, Obama then asked Sarkozy to ask the Palestinians to slow down their United Nations membership drive. I guess he wanted time to soften Netanyahu and possibly score his own points.
Speaking of which, the drive to Palestinian U.N. membership and push for Statehood is moving ahead. In January 2015 the U.N. Security Council will induct five incoming states. These states - particularly Venezuela and Malaysia - are hostile to Israel. The others are favorably considering recognizing "Palestine" as a full member state of the U.N.
The Two State solution is being pushed under the irrational and dangerous assumption that it will ease Middle East tensions. The world is imposing a state comprising of leaders who refuse to recognize Israel and have vowed to destroy it:
"In a final resolution, we would not see a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands." ~ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight and kill the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and the trees will say, O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." ~ Hamas Charter, Article 7.
Lest we forget: In the recent Gaza conflict, Hamas' leaders bravely put their civilians under fire while they safely bunkered down elsewhere. When Israel responded to the rocket attacks it was blamed for the killing of innocents.
Let's not forget Iran. The Obama Administration has made conciliatory overtures to Iran and has been involved in its nuclear development talks. It sent signals that the Iranian regime is changing. Yet the Washington Wire has noted:
'Iran does not, however, appear to have undergone any such change. Iranian support for Hezbollah in Lebanon has continued unabated even as the group has thwarted efforts to strengthen Lebanese sovereignty and dispatched forces to Syria. According to the U.S. director of national intelligence, Hezbollah has increased "its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s."'
Hezbollah leader Nasrallah recently stated in a televised speech that Israel will be forced to close its ports and airports, and that every piece of land will be hit by Lebanese missiles. The White House may have the luxury to trust in Iran, but a nuclear powered Iran amplifies the existential threat to Israel.
It is quite remarkable that no other nation in the history of this planet has had so many other nations interfering in its affairs as Israel has. Even its purported allies cannot resist unfairly imposing threats upon it.
Moderate Jordan's Abdullah recently showed his true colors. Following Palestinian unrest and violence on the Temple Mount, Abdullah turned it around and responded that the Palestinian cause remained Jordan's "principal cause and higher national interest." He also vowed that his country would:
"...mobilize international support to rebuild Gaza, following the vile Israeli aggression, which killed thousands of our brethren."
Why is all this so?
God had something to say about it:
I will deliver them to trouble into all the kingdoms of the earth, for their harm, to be a reproach and a byword, a taunt and a curse, in all places where I shall drive them. Jer 24:9
Despite this, one day Israel will return to God (Hos 5:15). And that will be a terrible day for all who trample on the nation (Zec 2:8, 12:3, 9).
Nations beware.
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