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Friday, June 28, 2024

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good

 Calling Good Evil and Evil Good: We Cannot Stand By While Israel Is Falsely Accused Of ‘Genocide’– By Robert Gottselig - In the Bible, Isaiah the prophet writes something that I believe really describes the days in which we are living, especially when it comes to Israel. In Isaiah 5:20, God says, “Woe unto themthat call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” I believe that perfectly describes what we’re seeing with the widespread hatred of Israel at home and abroad. They accuse Israel of actions that they themselves commit. Such was the case last week with a Palestine Solidarity group in Western Canada, in Regina, Saskatchewan. The group booked the film theater at the downtown public library to bring in speakerJeet Heer, who is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation, a progressive monthly news magazine, to speak on why “Canada and the US [are] backing Israel’s genocide.” With that title, their cards are pretty much on the table regarding what the eveningwas going to look like. It’s just another opportunity to bash Israel and the Jewish people. Several Israel-loving people, myself included, wrote letters to the library administration and contacted city councilors to express our deep concern regarding the event. We warned that itsintention was to disseminate lies and propaganda against Israel and the Jewish people—which is contrary to the principles of education and community building that the institution stands for. When the Palestine Solidarity group found out that there was opposition to their Israel bashing night, they immediately took to Facebook to share their displeasure. “Supporters of the genocide.” That’s how they started it off. “Supporters of the genocide have been phoning city councilors to try to get this event canceled, in addition to tearing down posters we put up all around town,” Palestine Solidarity in Reginawrote. Apparently, it’s okay in this world to tear down posters of Israeli hostages, just not anti-semitic ones. “They can’t tear down social media though!” the group continued. “Please spread the word and help pack the theater. We won’t be silenced!” As a result of the Palestine Solidarity in Regina’s heated response, especially their claim that opposers were “supporters of the genocide,” the administration of the library canceled theevent. Good for them! Unfortunately, the cancelation only lasted for a couple of days. The Palestine Solidarity group instructed their followers to put immense pressure on the CEO and the board of the library to rethink their decision to cancel the event. This is what they said: Yesterday, Palestine Solidarity Regina received notice from [Regina Public Library] that they have cancelled our room booking for Jeet Heer’s lecture on June 25 on the grounds that it “hasthe likely effect of promoting discrimination.” No evidence or explanation was provided to support that allegation. The library has clearly bowed to pressure from supporters of Israel to censor discussion about the genocide in Palestine. WE NEED YOU TO CONTACT THE RPL BOARD AND CEO TODAY to let them knowthat the library should not be censoring free speech about the atrocities in Palestine. There is nothing discriminatory about discussing Israel’s role in imperialism and the root causes of the genocide. They further went on to say: Cancelling this event is in itself discriminatory and anti-Palestinian, as it deprives a community under the most extreme forms of violence and duress the opportunity to build awareness oftheir suffering. Denying people the opportunity to discuss and learn about what is happening in Palestine contravenes the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Statement on Intellectual Freedom. Itis also a clear violation of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code and our Charter Rights and Freedoms under the Canadian Constitution. Adding to the pressure, Jeet Heer voiced his displeasure by writing in The Nation, “I’ve Just Been Canceled…” making it an international story. Shamefully, Regina city councilor Dan LeBlancintervened and sponsored the event. So, the event was back on the schedule this week. You see, they use the freedoms we have in our country to spread disinformation on Israel and the Jewish people, and when challenged, they play the victim card… and they do it all too well. The talk with Jeet Heer is centered around Israel committing genocide when it’s the furthest thing from the truth. The Palestinian population in Israel is about 1.8 million—that’s a littleover 20%. In the so-called “West Bank,” there are another 3 million Palestinians, and in the Gaza Strip, another 2 million. That is almost 7 million Palestinians, an eightfold increase since 1948. Friends, that’s not genocide. In Gaza, if you’re going to be pointing to the 40,000 people that have been killed since October 8 and calling that a genocide, give your head a shake! Those are Hamas statistics, a terroristorganization as deemed by Canada, whose charter is the destruction of Israel. Why would we believe anything that comes out of a terrorist’s mouth? Furthermore, why in the world would we allow this kind of demonic propaganda to be spread in our community, whichonly fuels anti-semitism? Anti-Zionism is anti-semitism. Period. If you want to know who is trying to commit genocide, it’s the Palestinians, as they shout all day long in their mantra, “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.” That’s from theJordan to the Mediterranean. That means no Israel. That means death to the Jews. They are accusing Israel of that which they want to do themselves. Then they try to convince the world that it’s Israel that is to blame—which, in fact, the Palestinians are the ones in whichthe blame solely lies. It’s all due to their demonic hate for Israel and the Jewish people. Wake up, Canada! If we don’t stand with Israel against those who wish them dead, Genesis 12:3 promises us that God willcurse those who curse His chosen people. That is not what I want to celebrate this coming Canada Day. We need to bless the Jewish people to bring blessings to our country. Let’s not be silent, friends. Let’s get involved and take a stand in these evil days where evil is being presented as good and good as evil. Don’t sit back and say nothing. God is taking note,and we will all have to give an account one day. As for me, I will be attending the Palestine Solidarity in Regina event this week. As of this writing, the event is tomorrow night. I will be reporting back next week on what happened. Thereis no doubt I am going to hear all the usual buzzwords, calling Israel “apartheid,” “colonialists,” “occupiers of stolen Palestinian land,” and, of course, “committers of genocide.” Lord willing, if it’s opened to a Q&A discussion afterward, you can bet that I’ll be asking some pointed questions that I pray shed light on those who hate Zion—for God says in Psalm 129:5, “Let all those who hate Zion Be put to shame and turned back.”

11 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think

 11 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think - by Michael Snyder - Unless you are living under a bridge or you are eagerly drinking the kool-aid that the mainstream media is dishing out, you probably understand that the economy has been struggling. Surveyafter survey has found that the American people are deeply dissatisfied with how the economy has been performing, and as a result it has become the number one issue this election season. But even though a large portion of the population is not happy abouthow things have been going, the truth is that the situation is far more dire than most people realize. Just this week we have received quite a bit of very troubling news, and the outlook for the months ahead is very bleak. The following are 11 signs that theU.S. economy is in far worse shape than most people think… #1 Just like in 2008, delinquencies are on the rise. In fact, credit card delinquencies have nowreached the highest level that we have seen in more than 10 years… Meanwhile, more consumers aren’t making loan payments on time. Credit card delinquencies have hit their highest level in over a decade, and auto delinquencies are also spiking. This couldprove to be yet another tripwire for the stock market, as consumer spending accounts for about 70% of U.S. economic activity. #2 The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. An article that originally appearedin the New York Times claims that major Wall Street banks have “begun offloading their portfolios of commercial real estate loans hoping to cut their losses”… Some Wall Street banks, worried that landlords of vacant and struggling office buildings won’t be able to pay off their mortgages, have begun offloading their portfolios of commercial realestate loans hoping to cut their losses. It’s an early but telling sign of the broader distress brewing in the commercial real estate market, which is hurting from the twin punches of high interest rates, which make it harder torefinance loans, and low occupancy rates for office buildings — an outcome of the pandemic. #3 When banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. So far this year, U.S. bankshave closed more than 400 branches all over the country… US banks closed 51 branches across the country in the first three weeks of June. The figures suggest banks are committed to increasingly offering their services online and axing costly bricks-and-mortar locations. More than 400 bank branches have closed so far in 2024. #4 Big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast. For example, approximately 500 Texastruckers just lost their jobs when a large logistics company abruptly shut their doors for good… A truck and logistics company has abruptly shut – affecting 2,000 workers – just three years after being bought by private equity. Out of the blue, staff at US Logistics Solutions were given news on Thursday that they were out of a job and would also not get their paychecks on Friday. Around 500 were truck drivers, and the rest a mixture of warehouse, dock and office workers at the Humble, Texas- based company. #5 The Dallas Fed Services Index has now been in negative territory for 25 months in a row… This is the 25th straight month of contraction (sub-zero) for the Dallas Fed Services index and judging by the respondents’ comments, there is a clear place to point the finger of blame #6 The “restaurant apocalypse” just continues to intensify. This week, we learned that Hooters hassuddenly decided to permanently shut down close to 40 “underperforming” locations… The Atlanta-based sports bar chain, Hooters, abruptly shuttered dozens of “underperforming” restaurants across the U.S., as it joins a growing list of eateries facing the harsh realities ofinflation and changing consumer habits, according to reports. Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN) reported that word began to spread on Sunday evening that Hooters locations in places like Bryan, Texas; Lakeland, Florida; and Louisville, Kentucky were closingabruptly, with nearly 40 restaurants in the U.S. shutting their doors. #7 Retail chains continue to go belly up at a staggering rate. Today, it was being reported thattwo large retailers in the Northeast have made a decision to file for bankruptcy… Two sister chains that sell sporting goods have filed for bankruptcy as retailers continue to struggle. Bob’s Stores, which sells athletic and casual clothing, and outdoor gear retailer Eastern Mountain Sports together have 50 stores across the northeast of America. #8 We just learned that consumer confidence in the U.S. dropped lower this month… US consumer confidence teetered slightly in June as Americans grew a little warier about the future, new data released Tuesday showed. The Conference Board’s latest consumer confidence index dipped to 100.4 in June from a downwardly revised level of 101.3 in May. #9 The initial consumer confidence reading has been revised down in 7 of the last 8 months. #10 Housing in the U.S. is now more unaffordable than it has ever been before… The housing cost burden has hit a record, according to a new report from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Home prices are now 47% higher than they were in early 2020, with the median sale price now five times the median household income, according to the study. #11 As I discussed yesterday, the homeless population in the city of Chicago tripled from January2023 to January 2024… The number of Chicagoans living in city shelters or on city streets tripled between January 2023 and January 2024, according to the annual survey used by federal officials to track homelessness,city officials announced Friday. Those at the bottom of the economic food chain are being hit the hardest by the harsh economic conditions that we have been experiencing. Homelessness, poverty, hunger and theft are all on the rise, and many of those that serve struggling communities say that they are being absolutely overwhelmed because they simply do not havesufficient resources to meet all of the needs. Sadly, I am entirely convinced that this is just the beginning. I believe that conditions will eventually become much harsher as the economy continues to deteriorate during the months ahead. But Joe Biden and his minions insist that everything is just great. In fact, they would like you to believe that the economy is “booming” right now. You can believe that if you want, but the cold, hard numbers that we keep getting directly contradict the endless stream of propaganda that we are constantly being fed.

God’s Got This!

 God’s Got This! - By Holly Spate - “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing madethat was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men” John 1:1-4). As a believer, I can confidently walk through life knowing that I don’t walk alone. It is comforting to know that God, my Creator, Father, and Friend walks with me. It brings peace to my soul to know He holds the future. It brings confidence and calms my heart to know He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. These three beautiful words convey thatGod is all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere, at all times. It brings joy in knowing He is just and in understanding that He promises to work all things together for my good, just as His Word says. I am so very grateful I don’t have to bear the weightof heavy burdens, as He promises to carry the load if I simply let go and let Him. Matthew 11:28 clearly conveys this: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I am so very thankful He promises to guide me, help me, protect me, and provide for me. I am so very thankful I don’t have to go through life without Him. Why would I want to? He created me.He knows me better than anyone. He knows me even better than I know myself. Jeremiah 1:4-5 makes it clear. It says, “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the wombI sanctified thee.” Luke 12:7 shows how He cares about every little thing when He states, “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Ecclesiastes 3:14 goes on to convey His power and authority. “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doethit, that men should fear before him.” Psalm 127:1 makes it clear that His ways, not man’s, will prevail: “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh butin vain. And Isaiah 55:8-9 makes it crystal clear that He is beyond worthy of awe and reverence: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavensare higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” AMAZING! He created the entire world. He knows the beginning from the end and everything in between. He is in full control. He is just, loving, all-powerful, all good. He is King of Kings and Lordof Lords. I truly can’t imagine living in this overwhelming, complex, sin-filled world with all its injustices and intricacies without Him. I truly can’t imagine life without His guidance, His Word,His protection, and the encouraging support of fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. I am so thankful that He rescued and saved me for all time and that He, not me, is in complete control of my life. I have so many reasons to praise Him… so many reasons to be thankful. I am thankful that when I don’t know what’s ahead, He already does. I am thankful that when I suffer injustices, I can put my trust in knowing He sees and will bring justice. I am thankful that when a door closes, I can have peace knowing that He was protecting me. I am thankful that He looks out for me and has my best interest at heart. I am thankful that He loves me and calls me His child. I am thankful that He rescued me and stepped in to pay a debt I could never pay. I am thankful for all of His promises, including the promise that He’s coming again to take me and all who have put their trust and faith in Him to our eternal home… a perfect place wherewe will forever be with Him. If you are a believer, you can be thankful for all these truths too! You can have peace knowing that He walks beside you. You can have confidence knowing that He promises calm no matter theworld’s chaos. Because of Him, you can walk in the light even when the world grows darker around you. You can rest with joy, realizing that He is working for your good and that you, too, will spend a beautiful eternity in His ever-loving presence one day. I feel so much better having the knowledge that He is in control. I am so grateful there’s nothing that escapes His attention… there’s nothing He doesn’t see or know. He is above all. He isperfect, and His ways are perfect. He perfectly takes care of every aspect of my life… of your life. Our job as His children is simply to rest in His promises, give Him full control, serve Him, and actively trust Him. Psalm 96:4 proclaims, ” For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.” Psalm 145:3 goes on to say, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; andhis greatness is unsearchable.” Revelation 1:8 makes it very clear who He is. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” INCREDIBLE! We serve a mighty God! We serve a beautiful Savior! His ways are higher than ours. His plans are better than ours. His love knows no limits, and His promises are forever. As His child, may you have continual peace in knowing that in all things, God’s Got This!

As a Man Thinks

As a Man Thinks "You are what you eat" is a common expression. Our physical bodies certainly use what we eat as energy and raw material for new tissue. But this adage is not entirely true. Jesus says in Mark 7:15-16, "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!" Jesus explains that we are not necessarily whatwe eat but what we think. Proverbs 23:7 backs Him up: "For as [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he." Even though we are what we think, we are not always what we think we are. Paul writes in Romans 12:3 that a person should not "think of himself more highly than he ought to think." He goes on to say that we should "think soberly," that is, not that we should think little of ourselves but seriously and realistically. After all, we are ambassadors for Christ and kings and priests in training for God's Kingdom. Nevertheless, we still fight that old, sinful nature, so we cannot allow ourselves to be puffed up due to our positions, abilities, gifts, or authority that God has given us. One of the most important things we do is to think. Our thinking can be profitable or futile. We are—or should be—the masters of our thoughts. We can thus think of good, or we can think of evil—the choice is ours. But we cannot think of bothgood and evil thoughts simultaneously any more than we can travel east and west simultaneously. A thought must be all good, for if it contains any evil, it is evil. So we have to choose carefully what to think. Our thoughts are: righteous or unrighteous, clean or unclean, moral or immoral, honest or dishonest, pure or impure, true or untrue, just or unjust, good or bad, etc. In Psalm 119:11, the psalmist says, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You." Like a costly treasure, God's Word should be hidden in our hearts, our minds, so that we guard ourselves from sinning against God in thought, word, or deed. We always sin in thought before sinning in word or deed because the things thatdefile us, as Jesus said, originate inside us. A thief is a thief because he thinks like a thief. A liar is a liar because he thinks like a liar. An adulterer is an adulterer because he thinks like an adulterer. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." God says through the prophet in Isaiah 55:7, "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy on him . . .." Forsake can also be translated as "to leave" or "to refuse." We must refuse to think unrighteous thoughts because unrighteous thoughts will lead to unrighteous or wicked ways. There are only two ways to think: the righteous way and the unrighteous way. Jesus instructs, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit" (Matthew7:18). A person cannot live a righteous life and think unrighteous thoughts. Likewise, one who thinks good thoughts cannot live a bad life. In the same vein, James writes, "No spring yields both salt water and fresh" (James3:12). No one can live a righteous and unrighteous life at the same time. One can, however, forsake—leave or refuse—his unrighteous thoughts and return to the Eternal, and He will abundantly pardon. In Isaiah 55:8-9, God describes His own thoughts: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughtshigher than your thoughts." Thoughts means "purpose or intentions." When we think unrighteous thoughts, our purposes and intentions are not the same as God's because He never thinks unrighteous thoughts. Ways implies "direction." When we think unrighteous thoughts, they will lead us in the wrong direction, to live a way that is in opposition to God's. God describes David as "a man after My own heart," meaning that David had learned to think just like God. He desired his purposes and intentions to be like God's, to walk in the same direction God did. It should be our goal to have God say thisabout us: that we are people after His own heart. Psalm119:97 reads, "Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day." If David authored this psalm, he did not sit around all day with his legs crossed, hands on his knees, and eyes closed, meditating on God's law. He was a king; every day was a busy day. He had to make countlessdecisions, solve difficult problems, and make crucial judgments daily. This verse means that he thought about God's law and applied it to all his decision-making, problem-solving, and judgment-rendering throughout his day. Wanting to teach his students how to meditate, a martial arts instructor told them that the first thing they need to do is empty their minds of all their thoughts. Upon hearing this, a group of about a half-dozen Protestant students quit hisclass, saying they were not emptying their minds of all their thoughts because this could open them up to demon possession. Both the instructor and the students misunderstood what meditation really is. Meditation is simply refined thinking; it is focusingor concentrating on a certain idea. It would be nice if we could just send all our unrighteous thoughts to a recycle bin and empty it, then open up our minds to pure and righteous concepts. But it is not this easy. The way to get rid of unrighteous thoughts is to bring "everythought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ" (IICorinthians 10:5). This takes meditating or thinking in a focused manner on God's Word and applying it to our life all day long. If we do this, we will have little time or desire for unrighteous thoughts. Philippians4:8 contains the apostle Paul's suggestion about the content of our meditation: Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, . . . just, . . . pure, . . . lovely, . . . of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. We have a choice in what we think about, either the good or the evil. So, choose to think righteous thoughts because we are what we think. - Clyde Finklea

21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know

 21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know - by Michael Snyder – It takes a lot of gumption to go on television and repeatedly lie to more than 300 million Americans. I honestly don’t know how Joe Biden does it. I suppose that after you have been lyingfor your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does. Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time. Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern borderis under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia. Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war. I am entirely convincedthat he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something. Ultimately, Joe Biden is just another slimy politician that is trying to save his job. I get that. But come on man, how can anyone actually believe the nonsense that he is shoveling? There are a few numbers that Biden can cherry pick to try to make himself look good, but here are 21 facts that Joe Biden doesn’t want you to know… 1. It takes the typical U.S. household $1,069 more a month just to purchase the same goods and servicesthat it did three years ago. 2. Two-thirds of the respondents to one recent survey indicated that they had to take action todeal with rising financial stress within the past year. Those actions included “cutting back on spending, skipping monthly bills, or taking an additional job”. 3. Home insurance rates have risen by 38 percent since 2019. 4. Home rental prices are up 30 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House. 5. A whopping 61 percent of U.S. renters cannot afford the rent on a median-priced apartment inthe United States right now. 6. Gasoline prices are up 46 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House. 7. The average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage is up 148 percent since Joe Biden entered the WhiteHouse. 8. According to Zillow, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical home in this country has almostdoubled during the past four years. 9. One recent poll discovered that 44 percent of retired Americans are considering going back towork because the cost of living has become so oppressive. 10. New home sales fell 11.3 percent last month. 11. Pending home sales are dropping at the fastest rate ever recorded. 12. According to the House Budget Committee, there have been more than 8 million migrant encountersnationwide while Joe Biden has been in the White House. We truly are in the midst of an immigration crisis that is far greater than anything that we have ever witnessed before. 13. Thanks to our unprecedented immigration crisis, the homeless population in the city of Chicagoactually tripled in just one year. 14. Murder rates are up by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities this year. 15. Continuing jobless claims just shot up to the highest level in almost three years. 16. The number of job openings in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in more than3 years. 17. Rite Aid just announced that it will be closing 27 more stores. That is on top of more than500 stores that it has already decided to shut down. 18. Walgreens plans to close approximately one-fourth of its 8,600 U.S. stores. If the economy reallywas “booming”, why would they be doing this? 19. Today, 20 percent of the entire population of the state of California is living in poverty. 20. According to one recent survey, 46 percent of Americans don’t even have 500 dollars saved up. 21. So far, the U.S. has spent a total of approximately 175 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine,and the Russians are still winning. Over the past three and a half years, there has just been one epic failure after another. The nightmarish withdrawal from Afghanistan set the stage for the entire Biden presidency. Everything that Biden and his minions have touched has gone sour. In fact, usually the best thingthat Biden and his minions can do to solve a problem is to do nothing at all. Have you ever known someone that has a knack for royally messing things up no matter how hard they try? Unfortunately, Biden and his minions aren’t just incompetent. They have blended extreme incompetence with sheer evil, and now they are asking voters to give them a chance to run America for another four years. But if we stay on the path that we are on, will our nation even survive? If we want to turn things around, we need to do the exact opposite of what we have been doing. And we better move fast, because the clock is ticking…

Territory Of Wickedness’

 ‘Territory Of Wickedness’: Edom’s Perpetual Hatred For Israel Is Alive And Well Today – By Robert Gottselig - A new poll recently conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research revealed, once again, the hearts of the majority of the Palestinian people. Here are some of the highlightsof that research: •73% of Gazans and 57% of West Bank Palestinians still think Hamas’ decision to launch its offensive against Israel on October 7 was correct. •63% blame Israel for the current suffering of Gazans in the war, while 22% blame the US, 8% blame Hamas, and 4% blame the Palestinian Authority. •56% think Hamas will be in control of Gaza after the war •75% of Palestinians said they were satisfied with Hamas’ performance in the current war. •65% opposed the idea of a two-state solution •63% supported a return to confrontations and armed intifada Well, there you have it right from their own sources. Yet the world, with little compassion for the Jewish people, pressures Israel to make peace with the people who have nothing more thana perpetual hatred for them. Judgment time is coming one day, and that’s what we read about in the Bible—in the books of Ezekiel, Obadiah, and Malachi—concerning the Edomites. Some Bible scholars would say that the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, have disappeared from the world scene with zero trace of their existence as a people group remaining today. Otherswould identify a very strong relation to today’s modern-day Palestinians. In fact, the late Dr. Jimmy DeYoung traced Esau’s descendants through Amalek, Agag, Haman, Herod, then on through to Amin al-Husseini, all the way up to Yasser Arafat, who was the originatorof the modern-day Palestinian movement. While I have yet to verify Dr. DeYoung’s modern genealogical links, what I do know for sure is that the spirit of the Edomites is alive and well to this day. In Genesis chapter 36, Esau’s name was changed to Edom, and we know that he settled in Mount Seir, which is in modern-day, Jordan. When we look at Ezekiel 35, the book of Obadiah, and Malachichapter one, we read about judgment that’s coming on Edom for their perpetual hatred for Israel. Let’s take a brief look for a moment at those chapters. In Ezekiel 35:3-5, God says, “Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, O Mount Seir, I am against you; I will stretch out My hand against you, And make you most desolate; I shall lay your cities waste,And you shall be desolate. Then you shall know that I am the Lord. Because you have had an ancient hatred, and have shed the blood of the children of Israel…” The chapter continues, “Thus I will make Mount Seir most desolate, and cut off from it the one who leaves and the one who returns. And I will fill its mountains with the slain; on your hillsand in your valleys and in all your ravines those who are slain by the sword shall fall. I will make you perpetually desolate, and your cities shall be uninhabited; then you shall know that I am the Lord. Because you have said, ‘These two nations and thesetwo countries shall be mine, and we will possess them.’ although the Lord was there… Then you shall know that I am the Lord. I have heard all your blasphemies which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, ‘They are desolate; they are givento us to consume.’ Thus with your mouth you have boasted against Me and multiplied your words against Me; I have heard them. ‘Thus says the Lord God: ‘The whole earth will rejoice when I make you desolate’” (verses 7-10, 12-14). I believe that a lot of that is still yet future to come, and it is also what we read in the book of Obadiah. Verses one through fourteen of Obadiah have been fulfilled in the past. However,verses fifteen onward speak of the day of the Lord and what is yet to come. Obadiah 15-16 states, “‘For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head. For as you drank onMy holy mountain, So shall all the nations drink continually; Yes, they shall drink, and swallow, And they shall be as though they had never been.'” Those verses correlate also with Zechariah 12:2-3, which reads, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.” The nations and the Palestinians are going to be intoxicated with power over that little piece of 35-acre land in Jerusalem—the Temple Mount—and it says that the nations will “drink continually.” When Israel reunified the city of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War in 1967, they had sovereignty over the Temple Mount. However, Moshe Dayan made an agreement with the Palestinians in whichhe gave the custodianship to the Islamic Waqf of Jordan. Israel has a police presence and a lot of say regarding what occurs on the Temple Mount. Still, for the most part, it is the Palestinians who say what times you can go up, what you can bring,and what your dress code needs to be. They are intoxicated with power, but there is coming a time when God is going to have His judgment placed upon them for that reason. In Malachi 1:4, we read, “Even though Edom has said, ‘We have been impoverished, But we will return and build the desolate places,’ Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘They may build, but I willthrow down; They shall be called the Territory of Wickedness…'” When I was at one of the Palestinian encampments just a few weeks ago in downtown Toronto, one of the posters that they had hanging on a fence was “We Shall Return.” In addition, of course,to their mantra “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.” That’s from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. There is no Israel in that scenario. They believe they’re going to return, overthrow Israel, and occupy the land. Yet, what does God say here in the book of Malachi? Those who say they will return and build in those places willbe considered the territory of wickedness. The spirit of the Edomites is alive and well in the modern day. Judgment is coming one day for all those who set their face towards Jerusalem and try to divide the city for the sake of peace,all the while ignoring what God has written through his prophets long ago. When I hear Christians having zero compassion for Israel and instead taking up the Palestinian cause, I wonder to myself, “What Bible are they reading?” Certainly, it is not the one that Ihave. Maybe the problem is rooted in what Jesus said to ancient Israel’s leaders, “have they not read?” If we haven’t read the Bible, we better start reading because we will all have to give an account one day. We, as Bible-believing Christians, better align ourselves with God’s prophetic planfor Israel, which includes His regathering of His chosen people back to the Land of Israel—not Palestine. As this world continues to put pressure on Israel to make peace with those who wish them dead and create a Palestinian state with those who celebrate and support October 7, we need to be standing,supporting, and showing Israel the love of the Messiah, Jesus. We also need to speak out against anti-Zionism every chance we get. That’s what the command in Isaiah 40:1 of comforting God’s people looks like. While we’re doing that, let’s continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which ultimately means to pray for the return of Israel’s Messiah, Jesus. Pray for Israel’s leaders to be wise tothe schemes of their enemies and that world leaders would turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in their decision-making. Pray also for the Palestinians to turn from their hatred before it’s too late.

7 false gods in the present age

 7 false gods in the present age - By Mark Creech - The study of the fall of civilizations is believed to be a complex phenomenon considered by sociologists, historians, archaeologists, and other academics using a variety of theories and methodologies.These academics study economic, political, social, environmental, external, cyclical, and technological dynamics. By examining these various factors, scholars aim to understand the multifaceted processes that lead to the fall of civilizations. However, theBible gives a much simpler answer for the reason cultures fail and end up on the ash heap of history. Understanding the fall of civilizations In his book, Idols of Destruction, Dr. Herbert Schlossberg contends: “In place of these analogies [by academics] the biblical explanation of the end of societies uses the concept of judgment. It depicts them [civilizations] as either having submitted themselvesto God or else having rebelled against him … [T]he Old Testament portrays Israel as having become an evil nation, fully deserving the judgment God meted to it. Its rebellion against God was accompanied by a turning to idols, and this idolatry brought the nationto its end. “With silver and gold,” said the prophet Hosea, “they made idols for their own destruction” (Hosea 8:4). “Idolatry in its larger meaning is properly understood as any substitution of what is created for the Creator. People may worship nature, money, mankind, power, history, or social and politicalsystems instead of the God who created them all. The New Testament writers, in particular, recognized that the relationship need not be explicitly one of cultic worship; a man can place anyone or anything at the top of his pyramid of values, and that is ultimatelywhat he serves. The ultimacy of that service profoundly affects the way he lives. When the society around him also turns away from God to idols, it is an idolatrous society and therefore is heading for destruction.” [1] A biblical perspective on societal decline The first commandment in God’s Big Ten is, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). This commandment does not acknowledge the existence of other gods as real entities. Instead,it emphasizes the exclusive worship and devotion to the one true God. Nothing must ever come before him or be first in one’s heart or life. The Lord is to be loved supremely because he is Supreme and worthy of being supremely adored and obeyed. John Calvin, the 16th-century theologian, and reformer, has said, “Man’s mind is like a store of idolatry and superstition; so much so that if a man believes his own mind, it is certain thathe will forsake God and forge some idol in his own brain.” [3] This insightful observation rings especially true today. The Western world, long shaped by the precepts of Christianity, now finds itself in what many describe as a post-Christian era. Thisshift is evident in society’s increasing turn to modern idols, placing faith in various temporal and unreliable constructs rather than in the eternal truths of God. As the foundational values of Christianity are set aside, the guiding light that once led theWest through centuries of profound moral and cultural development dims with each passing day. This situation challenges us to reexamine the sources of our deepest convictions and the true nature of our ultimate allegiance. Idols of modern society Consider these seven pervasive idols in today’s society, which people often prioritize over spiritual values. While these are indeed significant, others might suggest different influentialidolatrous forces, depending on their perspective. However, these seven seem the most prominent in Western cultures, and other potential idols mentioned would likely fall under one of these categories. Humanism Definition and beliefs: Humanism is an approach to life that focuses on human rationality, ethics, and justice, without reference to the divine. This worldview advocates for the preeminence of reason, scientificdiscovery, and a human-based morality. While most often humanism is secular, it may at times wed itself to religious beliefs, but the approach, nevertheless, is still man-centered, denying the Sovereignty and power of God. Impact on society: Progressive Christianity is a solid example of the integration of humanism with religion, more specifically, the Christian religion. Generally speaking, Progressive Christians see the Bibleas simply a collection of historical and moral writings rather than the inerrant and infallible Word of the Almighty. They typically prioritize contemporary human experience and rational thought when interpreting the Scriptures, downplaying and reinterpretingaspects of the Bible that proclaim God’s dominion and miraculous ability. In contrast, a Biblical worldview stresses God’s authority and his incomparable capacity — nothing is impossible with God. It emphasizes the Bible as the unfailing standard for truth, againstwhich all truth claims are to be measured. Although humanity is created in the image of God with inestimable value and dignity, mankind is fallen and broken on every level, spiritually dead in sin, and desperately in need of redemption through Christ. Humanabilities are finite, while God’s are infinite. This perspective encourages individuals to reject relying on their own flawed reasoning, acknowledging that human intellect, no matter how high its quotient, is seriously defective because of sin, and thereforenot the ultimate source for discerning truth. Instead, true human welfare and moral responsibility are rooted in a personal relationship with an omniscient God and adherence to his commandments, directed through prayer and the Scriptures. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Destructive example: Perhaps the most destructive example of the humanist perspective is their advocacy for so-called reproductive rights through the practice of abortion. They base their arguments on principlesof individual autonomy, bodily integrity, and gender equality, asserting that women should have the right to make decisions about their bodies without interference from the state or religious influences. Humanists emphasize the importance of abortion accessfor women’s health and socioeconomic stability, rejecting religious objections based on scriptural teachings. Instead, they believe moral decisions should be based entirely on reasoned considerations. This perspective, however, dismisses the sacred contentionsthat human life possesses intrinsic value from the moment of conception and disputes the assertion that God alone holds the keys to both life and death. Eve was the first humanist. She believed the secular argument, “You will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). In other words, she thought she could attain wisdom and carry outher life without God or true religion. Eve was the first to succumb to self-worship, and Adam quickly followed her in the same error. Every form of suffering known to mankind — physical, emotional, social, and spiritual — flowed from this initial act by Adamand Eve, who chose to trust in their own understanding rather than acknowledge God and his benevolent directives. Unfortunately, humanism is a monstrous and deadly idol of today. Schlossberg has written: “When once a man lavishes theological distinctions upon himself, he is less likely to suspect that there exists a standard of behavior more exacting than his own orthat a righteous judge is observing his actions.” [2] Historicism Origins and development: Historicism is the belief that history has a discernible direction and that events unfold according to specific patterns and logic. Historicism evolved over several centuries, positing thathistorical events, cultures, and values are products of their time, shaped by distinct contexts and processes. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries, profoundly influenced historicism with his philosophy of history. Hegel viewed history as a dialectical process,where the unfolding of the World Spirit (Geist) ultimately leads to the realization of human freedom. Historicism continues to intensely influence various ideologies and movements today. Marxism: Marxism is fundamentally rooted in historicism through its theory of historical materialism. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels proposed that history progresses through stages driven by classstruggle, leading ultimately to a classless society. This view sees economic and social developments as following a predictable and inevitable path based on material conditions and class relations. Although not a dominant ideology, Marxism continues to exert influence in the United States, particularly within academic, cultural, and political spheres. In universities, Marxist theoryis prevalent in the humanities and social sciences curricula, where it informs critical approaches to literature, sociology, and cultural studies. Culturally, Marxist critiques of capitalism are reflected in various media, art, and literature. Politically,progressive movements and some left-leaning politicians today draw on Marxist ideas to advocate for economic justice, labor rights, and wealth redistribution. Debates about income inequality, labor rights, and economic policies are often framed within a Marxistcritique of capitalist structures. Marxist thought remains a significant undercurrent in discussions about social and economic issues in the U.S. From a biblical worldview, however, Marxism’s focus on class struggle and economic conditions as the primary drivers of societal change reflects a historicist perspective that sees historyprogressing through unstoppable stages. This contrasts with the Bible’s teaching that human nature is inherently sinful and that true transformation comes only through spiritual renewal in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23; 2 Corinthians 5:17), rather than throughsocial or economic restructuring. While Marxism, influenced by historicism, advocates for the abolition of private property and collective ownership, the Bible upholds the legitimacy of private property and emphasizes responsible stewardship and generosity(Exodus 20:15; 1 Timothy 6:17-19). Additionally, Marxism envisions a state-controlled economic and social system to achieve equality, which is a historicist belief in the deterministic progression of society. In contrast, the Bible supports limited governmentthat maintains order and justice, warns against excessive power, and advocates for personal responsibility and charity (Romans 13:1-7; Micah 6:8). Finally, whereas Marxism’s materialistic focus on economic conditions aligns with historicist views, the Bibleprioritizes spiritual wealth over material possessions, teaching that the pursuit of material goods can lead people away from God (Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:10). LGBT rights movement: The LGBT rights movement can also be seen through a historicist lens. The legalization of same-sex marriage in many countries, increased recognition of transgender rights, and broader societalacceptance of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities are considered milestones in an inescapable historical progression toward inclusivity and human rights. In 2020, Netflix featured a documentary titled “Miss Americana.” In the film, superstar Taylor Swift discussed her decision to speak out on LGBT issues, despite concerns from her managementteam and her father about potential backlash and risks to her singing career. Swift passionately insisted on showing support for the LGBT movement, expressing her desire to be “on the right side of history.” When activists and supporters of LGBT rights use this oft-repeated phrase, they are drawing from the well of historicism, which suggests that history bends towards justice, equality, and greaterfreedom. This statement implies that supporting LGBT rights is part of this inevitable progress and that those who oppose these rights will be judged negatively by future generations, much like past opposition to civil rights or women’s suffrage. However,the Scriptures, despite contradictions by the false prophets (clergy) of Progressive Christianity, teach that God will judge unbridled sexual sin — sex outside the marriage of one man and one woman. Those who live sexually pure may suffer the perverted judgmentof men, but ultimately, it is God who will judge the sexually immoral and reward the righteous. Environmental movement: Even the current environmental movement incorporates historicist thinking by framing the climate change crisis as part of a historical trajectory of industrialization and environmental degradation.The shift towards green energy and other eco-friendly practices is seen as a necessary response to something that history has predestined. Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence that many objectives of the environmental movement’s agenda may do moreharm than good. Historicism is a wicked idol to which the masses bow down – an idol that discounts God’s providence in history. It is an affront to God’s control of the past, present, and future. As someonehas said, “History is, His Story,” and this is most definitely the case. Nothing ever takes God by surprise. Each event in history is part and parcel of a divinely directed plan. So, whether it’s Marxism on the move, LGBT activism, or the environmental crusade, the Bible teaches that true equality, justice, and stewardship of the earth’s resources must align with God’sunchanging Word, not deceptive narratives of historical inevitability. If people really want to “get on the right side of history,” they should get on God’s side. Those things that do not align with God’s revelation will be judged by him, as will the peoplewho practice them. God will have no rival over history. History belongs exclusively to Him. The Lord declares in the Scripture, “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other;I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, and what is still to come” (Isaiah 46:9-10). Evolutionary science Prevalence and acceptance: Evolutionary science, which speaks to humanity’s origins, is highly prevalent and widely accepted nowadays. It is the very backbone of the biological sciences taught in universities and collegesworldwide. A tremendous amount of research funding is allocated to evolutionary studies, and numerous peer-reviewed journals regularly publish their conclusions in this field. Educational standards, such as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in theU.S., include evolution as a fundamental concept for K-12 education. Leading scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), endorse evolution as a crucial frameworkfor understanding life on earth. The late Dr. John N. Moore, once a natural science educator at Michigan State University, wrote about how widely evolutionary thinking has been adopted: “Today, evolutionary thinking has been adopted without question in every major discipline of human knowledge. This condition is the reverse of the ‘intellectual climate’ when Charles Darwinwas preparing for his famous voyage around the world on the H.M.S. Beagle, which began in 1831. At that time the predominant belief regarding origins was in favor of special creation. “The modern synthetic ‘theory’ of evolution (a modification of Neo-Darwinism, which in turn was a modification of Darwinism) has been unquestionably adopted in economics, psychology, education,theology, philosophy, American history, political science, literature, and science. The enormity of this ‘capture’ of the minds of such a wide range of intellectuals is seen as even more colossal when a candid inspection reveals the fact that mega evolution(amoeba to man) is without any observational foundation.” [4] Evolution’s impact: In the last chapter of his book, Questions and Answers on Creation/Evolution, Moore precedes to show how evolution has deeply impacted every major discipline of knowledge he mentioned. Mooregoes on to explain why the question of origins is so important. He says: “Fundamentally, the issue involved in the creation-evolution controversy is a spiritual question. Is the individual in right relation with God the Creator – with Jesus Christ as Redeemer andSavior? For if Jesus Christ is not known personally as Lord, Master, and Creator of all things, then evolution, as amoeba to man, is the only basic substitute. “Science began as an intellectual pursuit as a result of those men like Kepler, Newton, Clerk-Maxwell, and others who believed in God, the Creator. “If humankind is not a special creation of God, then an animal origin is the only logical alternative. Nowhere does Scripture contain even a hint that God chose some anthropoid, some nearman, and breathed the breath of life into it. With God all things are possible, and he breathed the breath of life into the dust of the earth. Naturalistically oriented atheists will not have God, so they must believe that humankind ‘evolved.” [5] In other words, Moore rightly contends that atheism logically follows from the findings and advocacy of evolutionary science. Theistic evolution? Some argue against this claim, pointing out that many people today identify as theistic evolutionists. Theistic evolutionists believe that God used evolutionary processes to bring the universe,the earth, and various life forms into existence. Several years ago, a reporter from Seed Magazine read an article I wrote about evolution and requested an interview. During the interview, she asked how a good Christian should respond ifevolution were proven true, as many scientists insist it is. [6] I responded that it is impossible and will remain impossible to scientifically prove the theory of evolution, regardless of how many scientists claim otherwise. Scientists who assert thatevolution has been scientifically proven are spreading false teachings. Evolution operates too slowly to be measured within a human timeframe. Observing the transmutation of one organism into a higher form would presumably take millions of years, making itbeyond the realm of empirical science. Although there is evidence of small variations within species today, there is no way to conclusively prove that these changes can eventually lead to different and higher kinds. Furthermore, I told her that evolution poses an insurmountable difficulty for any Christian serious about their faith. Evolution is neither scientific by strict definition nor is it good theology.The God of the Bible is not a God of chance, confusion, random combinations, natural selection, and survival of the fittest—core doctrines of evolution. God is sovereign over all matters of His creation. Evolution, by definition, denies this sovereignty andrepudiates the full scope of God’s work in Jesus Christ, from creation to consummation. Clergy and church leaders who fail to recognize this end up presenting a gospel of randomness and uncertainty. By embracing evolution as part of their faith, they inadvertentlylead people away from a God of creative purpose to a god of chance. Evolution’s harms: Evolutionary science might be the most beloved god of modern times. It promises a better understanding of humanity but bitterly betrays its followers. By promoting a naturalistic worldviewthat excludes God, evolution contributes to moral relativism, which undermines humanity’s ability to experience genuine unity. Without belief in divine creation, even the sanctity of human life is weakened. If humans are merely products of random processesand natural selection, rather than beings uniquely created in the image of God with inherent dignity and purpose, then what becomes the basis of human worth and ethical standards? Is it simply one animal’s thinking over others? God help us if that is the case! Social concepts born out of evolutionary science have unquestionably been associated with harmful ideologies such as social Darwinism, which applies the concept of “survival of the fittest” to human societies, justifying eugenics, racism, and inequality. The Scripture says, “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So, they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen” (Romans 1:25). What a cruel and heartless god is the god of evolutionary science. Resources: [1] Herbert Schlossberg, Idols of Destruction (Nashville, Camden, New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983), 6. [2] Ibid. 40. [3] Brainy Quote, “John Calvin Quotes,” BrainyQuote, (accessed June 20, 2024). [4] John N. Moore, Questions and Answers on Creation/Evolution (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978), 82. [5] Ibid. 91-92. [6] Mark Creech, “Seed Magazine Writes About ‘The Clergy Letter Project,” Crosswalk, April 4, 2006, June 21, 2024).

Nothing Israel Faces Can Change the Promises of God

 Nothing Israel Faces Can Change the Promises of God – By Amir Tsarfati – (Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from the Promised Land – Yes. Things are escalating in the north. Yes, we have political turmoil. Yes, my region of the world is chaotic. However, none of theserealties change the fact that the promises of God are sure. God initiated my blessed country through Abraham. He rescued it through Moses. He restored in through Joshua. He preserved it through David. He rebirthed it from the ashes of the Holocaust, and He’sgoing to do an amazing work in my people in the future, just as He promised through the prophets and New Testament authors. Romans 11:25-27 KJV – “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, untilthe fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” Israel’s Internal Circumstances Tragically, the progressive movement within Israel continues to push on despite our existential threats. These people are ready to bring everything tumbling down with them as long as it meansremoving Netanyahu from office. First, they capitalized on COVID and the fake trial, then it was the judicial reform, and now it’s the hostages. I feel bad for the families of the hostages. The progressives are sympathizing with the hostages for their owngain and nothing else. They are being used and abused! If there is something I hope my country has learned from October 7, it is to never underestimate our enemy and overestimate our own capabilities. Just like it’s taking us over 8 months inGaza, Hezbollah won’t go down without a long and painful fight. My hope and prayer are that hostages won’t be part of our war this time! We must make sure Hezbollah doesn’t get the chance to do to us what Hamas did. War in Gaza The war rages on as the IDF focuses primarily on Rafah. However, our troops are continuing to eliminate targets in other cities as well. In fact, our soldiers eliminated #4 in the hierarchyof this depraved terrorist group just days ago! Psalm 94:1 KJV – “O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.” Hamas has become accustomed to starting a war, negotiating a ceasefire, begging Gulf countries and the West for money for reconstruction, and then using most of that money to build tunnelsand prepare for the next round. Meanwhile, their leaders get richer. The other Palestinians are just useful pawns. That which was shall be no more! The West Bank Last night, our soldiers conducted an overnight operation in Jenin wherein one soldier was killed and 16 more were injured after an improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated next totheir armored vehicle. When the rescue force arrived, another IED went off. We continue to operate in the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) on a daily basis. The Coming War in the North We’re continuing to exchange strikes with Hezbollah on a day-to-day basis despite there technically being no declaration of war. Moreover, targeted assassinations are becoming a frequent occurrence.Multiple countries around the world have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Everyone knows a war is imminent. However, strikes aren’t limited to Lebanon. Israel has also recently targeted Iranian-backed militias in Eastern Syria. If dealingwith Hezbollah isn’t enough, we now know that Iran is not afraid to attack us directly. They intend to involve themselves in any war we have with Hezbollah. And they’re not alone in this vow. Their militias in Iraq have vowed to involve themselves as well.Things are getting more prophetic by the day. Many Christians are asking me what can they do to help. The answer is the same today as it was yesterday and even decades ago – Pray! Things are going to be very tough, rough, ugly, and painful.But since when do the people of God rely on circumstances? We have two promises: 1) That the God of Israel will help Israel and won’t allow it to be annihilated! And 2) That the enemies of Israel once again will be defeated! My prayer is that through the pain,sorrow, and sadness my nation is going through, more and more would lift up their eyes to see that our help comes from the Lord and it’s time to return back to Him. So, in a nutshell, please pray for two things: 1) For God’s victory to be quick and 2) forIsrael to have the humility to acknowledge that the victory is from the Lord. Trouble in the Gulf The Houthis once again claimed to attack a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden in addition to carrying out another strike targeting the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the RedSea. This ship has now made its way to the Mediterranean Sea before heading back to the US. Russian Activity Following the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un, the two countries made a military agreement just days ago. In the aftermath of this agreement,North Korea now intends to send some of its soldiers to Ukraine to help with Putin’s war. Happenings Around the World US apathy and manipulation remains a constant issue for Israel as we seek the end of Hamas. By now, you should be asking yourself, “Why would a country stand in the way of Israel trying toeliminate a terrorist organization that killed 1,400 civilians?” Ironically, the US has vowed to provide any aid we need should we enter into a war with Hezbollah, but we’ll see what happens when rubber meets the road. High-ranking US military personnel havealready started to issue a recall on this promise. The pro-Iranian militias in Iraq carried out a drone attack on the Al-Tanf base of the US military forces on the Syria-Jordan-Iraq border. This is the first attack by the militias againstthe Americans in nearly five months. You’d think activity like this would force the Biden Administration to see that we’re dealing with the same threats and that its time to stop playing diplomatic games ahead of another election. Unfortunately, Armenia has now decided to become the ninth country to recognize a Palestinian state. The global deception is clearly continuing to increase.

The Hajj Harvest

 The Hajj Harvest - By Todd Strandberg - Millions of Muslims from around the world gather annually in Mecca to perform Hajj – the sacred Muslim pilgrimage. Hajj is a mandatory religious duty that must be carried out at least oncein their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey and supporting their family during their absence from home. At Mina, the pilgrims perform the symbolic Stoning of the Devil by throwing seven stones from sunrise to sunset at three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah. These pillars are said to representSatan. Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-leveled Jamaraat Bridge, from which they can throw their pebbles at the Jamarat. The Hajj has a long history of pilgrims dying in large numbers from events related to the stoning of the devil ritual. Here are a few examples: •2 July 1990: A stampede or crush inside a pedestrian tunnel (Al-Ma’aisim tunnel) leading out fromMecca towards Mina and the Plains of Arafat led to the deaths of 1,426 pilgrims, many of them of Malaysian, Indonesian, and Pakistani origin. •23 May 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the Stoning of the Devil ritual. •9 April 1998: At least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured in an incident on JamaraatBridge. •5 March 2001: 35 pilgrims were trampled to death in a stampede during the Stoning of the Devilritual. •11 February 2003: The Stoning of the Devil ritual claimed 14 pilgrims’ lives. •1 February 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoningritual in Mina. •22 January 2005: A stampede through the stoning ritual in Mina led to the killing of three pilgrims. •12 January 2006: A stampede or crush during the Stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajjin Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more. The incident occurred shortly after 13:00 local time when a busload of travelers arrived together at the eastern access ramps to the Jamaraat Bridge. This caused pilgrims to trip, rapidlyresulting in a lethal crowd collapse. An estimated two million people were performing the ritual at the time. •24 September 2015: At least 2,236] pilgrims were killed during a crush and stampede. The Saudigovernment has yet to release an official report. An Associated Press (AP) report compiled from official reports and statements totaled the deaths to be at least 1,470, over 700 more than the figures from Saudi authorities and the worst toll so far in Mecca.The AP later updated its estimate to 2,411 pilgrims killed. Another common problem with the Hajj is the outbreak of fire. Here are four historic events that stand out from history: •December 1975: An exploding gas cylinder caused a fire in a tent colony and resulted in the deathsof 200 pilgrims. •15 April 1997: 343 pilgrims were killed and 1,500 injured in a tent fire. The tents are now fireproof. •13 February 2002: Forty Hajj pilgrims from the UAE died when the bus they were traveling in collidedhead-on with a truck in Saudi Arabia’s Al Ihsa province. •1 November 2011: Two pilgrims, a wife and husband, died in a coach fire. There were two coachesin the convoy, and a person in the second coach noticed smoke billowing from the coach in front. He radioed the driver to stop. Everybody evacuated the coach, and as the last two were getting out, the coach suffered three explosions. Normally, air travel is one of the safest means of transportation. If you are a Hajj pilgrim, your chances of being involved in a plane crash will see a dramatic rise: •22 January 1973: A Royal Jordanian Boeing 707 crashed at Kano, Nigeria, killing 176 Hajj pilgrimsreturning from Mecca. •4 December 1974: Martinair Flight 138 crashed near Colombo, Sri Lanka, killing all 191 people aboard – 182 Indonesian hajj pilgrims bound for Mecca and 9 crew members. •15 November 1978: Icelandic Airlines Loftleiðir HF Flight LL 001 crashed at Colombo, Sri Lanka,killing 175 (mostly Indonesian) Muslim pilgrims returning from the Hajj and 8 crew members. •26 November 1979: Pakistan International Airlines Flight 740 had an in-flight fire and crashedafter takeoff from the old Jeddah International Airport, killing all 156 on board the Boeing 707. •19 August 1980: Saudia Flight 163 had a cargo compartment fire shortly after take-off from Riyadhairport. All 287 passengers and 14 crew on board the Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStar, registration HZ-AHK, died after the aircraft made an emergency landing. •11 July 1991: Nigeria Airways Flight 2120 (operated by Nationair) was a chartered passenger flightfrom Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to Sokoto, Nigeria, which had an in-flight fire and crashed shortly after takeoff from King Abdulaziz International Airport, killing all 247 Hajj pilgrims and 14 crew members on board the DC-8. •7 April 1999: Turkish Airlines Flight 5904 was a flight from Adana, Turkey, to Jeddah. The planewas supposed to pick up returning pilgrims but crashed shortly after takeoff. All 6 occupants on board, who were crew members, were killed. Despite numerous measures to make the Hajj safer, pilgrims continue to die by the hundreds. In 2004, the stoning of the devil pillars was replaced by long walls, with catch basins below tocollect the pebbles. Many of the hallways were expanded several times in size. Several new ramps were added to relieve any congestion. Even with the new safety features, thousands of people still die every few years. For this current calendar year, the deathcount is already above 1,000. No other religion on planet Earth has gatherings that cause more deaths. A large group of people gather at the Vatican each Easter and Christmas to hear the Pope speak. Generally, everyonewalks away unharmed. If there was some minor event that caused a few Christians to be injured, it would be major world news. The Hajj can have a couple hundred people die in a stampede, and authorities would consider it a good year. With over 10,000 pilgrims having died over the past 20 years, it would seem to be a logical move to end the stoning of the devil ritual. Since Satan is the god of this world, throwing rocksat a pillar that represents him is not going to stop him. The Bible says submission to God is the only way to combat the devil. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians4:40). “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, yedouble minded” (James 4:7-8).

Looking for a King

 Looking for a King - Nathele Graham - What makes a great leader of a nation? I’m sure there are many ideas about that, but the best possible leader is King Jesus. There will be no peace on earth until He reigns, and I look forwardto that time. There has always been a need for strong world leaders who know the Lord, and the Psalmist writes “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12. This, of course, is speaking of Israel, but the truth is universal. If God’s laws and His word are taken seriously by government leaders, that nation will not fail. Struggles might arise,but if God is the King, who can stand against Him? Israel has had a long history of struggles, and those struggles still go on today. God chose Abraham to be the father of the nation of Israel. Abraham learned to trust God and God allowedhm to father a son in his old age. Isaac was the promised son and the one through whose lineage the nation of Israel would be established through his son Jacob, who was renamed Israel. Jacob fathered 12 sons and a daughter, and those sons were the patriarchsof the 12 tribes that formed the nation of Israel. The Old Testament is a history of the nation of Israel as well as prophecy, and we can learn so much from Israel’s struggles. God gave Abraham the Promised Land forever, and today we are watching an evil warbecause their right to the land is being challenged. We must always remember that God told Abraham “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3. A good national leader will bless Israel and God’s blessings will follow. At one time America blessed Israel, but today our leadership…or lack thereof…doesn’t bless God or Israel. Our nationis falling apart. God called Abraham away from the pagan life and idol worship in which he had lived. It’s impossible to serve God while serving pagan idols. Abraham was quite old when God told him he wouldfather a son. The conversation was overheard by Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who was well past the age of bearing children, and she laughed “And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenantwith him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.” Genesis 17:19. His name was to be Isaac, which means “he laughs”. Abraham and Sarah did have a son, named Isaac who grew and became the father of twins, Esau and Jacob. Esau was the eldest, but not at allleadership material. Jacob had many drawbacks, but God knew he would become a Godly man, and chose him to be the one to establish the nation. Jacob wrestled with God and God allowed the struggle until Jacob was ready to submit. Jacob was given a new name. “And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel, for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.” Genesis 32:28. Jacob means “heel holder” or “supplanter” but Israel means “God prevails”. We can learn a good lesson from Jacob and how he struggled against God. We can fight God and wear ourselves out holdingon to our own selfish ways, or we can stop fighting God and allow His blessing on our life. Jacob was blessed, and his descendants became the nation of Israel. The family moved to Egypt to avoid famine, and eventually became slaves. After many years as slaves, they began to worship the pagan idols found in Egypt. God never turned away from them andeventually sent Moses to convince Pharoah to set them free. When they finally gained their freedom, God established his Law by giving it to Moses who led the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. God’s Law gave them a standard by which to live; a moral foundationto build their life upon. Israel hasn’t always been obedient to God’s word, but He has always loved them. After leaving the captivity in Egypt they were to travel to and possess the Promised Land. Unfortunately, they were afraid to enter the land that Godhad promised to Abraham many years before. “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:33. The giants they found there were Nephilim. Even though God had proved over and over that He would take care of them, their fear stopped them from trusting Him. Their lack of trust caused themto wander for 40 years until it was time for them to conquer their God-given land. Led by Joshua, they were able to claim their God-given land. Joshua was a smart man. Before they started to fight, he required the people to get right with God. He circumcisedthe men and re-established Passover. It's always smart to be right with God. Maybe Christians need to pay attention. First, get right with God by repenting of sin and wickedness, then live according to God’s word. Then we will be equipped to fight the spiritualbattle before us. After the fighting was done, Joshua called the leaders of the tribes together to review their history and remind them what God had done for them. It’s time that Americans review the historyof our nation and remember what God has done. Joshua reminded them of how Abraham’s family served false gods, but God brought Abraham away from the evil life of idolatry. Joshua reminded them of how God blessed Abraham. Years later, Jacob and his family movedto Egypt because of famine, and the circumstances that made his son Joseph ruler over Egypt, only subject to Pharaoh. That ultimately led to the Hebrews becoming slaves in Egypt, but God had sent Moses and Aaron to Egypt to free the Hebrew slaves. Pharoahrefused, so God sent plagues until Pharoah finally set the slaves free. After that, God provided protection by allowing them to pass through the Red Sea as if they were walking on dry land, but the Egyptian army was drowned. God gave manna for them to eatand provided water. God helped them win the battle for their land. As Joshua recounted their history, he challenged his listeners.: “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye shall serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, wewill serve the LORD.” Johsua 24:14-15. Oh, to have a leader like Joshua. Not only did he understand what God had done for Israel and how they should honor Him, but Joshua understood that as a man of God, he needed to lead his familyin the service of the Lord. How did the people respond? “And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods.” Joshua 24:16. How would you answer Joshua’s question? Would you put your trust in the false gods of sin or would you follow God Almighty? The Israelites understood what God had done, but their memory wouldsoon fade. It’s always good to review history and see what God has done. For the Christian, we should be very enthusiastic to serve the Lord. Jesus fulfilled the Law and He laid down His life to be our final sacrifice for sin, and to offer salvation to allwho truly believe. Review what He has done for you, then answer Joshua’s question. Who will you serve? After Joshua died, things got tough. There were still battles to be fought, but God should have been their king. The people moved farther and farther away from God. Judges were raised up periodicallyto hear God and lead the nation for short periods. Ultimately, the Israelites came to the point that lawlessness was abounding. “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges 17:6. It seems we are once again at that point. Lawlessness abounds. The “woke” generation is ignorant about God and what He has done, they are also ignorant of American history, and even worldhistory. Most are just concerned about their own selfish wants and desires, giving no thought to God. What a sad place to be in life. I have to say that I admire the Governor of Louisiana for signing into law that the Ten Commandments be displayed in everyclassroom in the state. It’s about time that the filth that’s being taught to children is counteracted by God’s Truth. I’m sure the Civil Liberties Union will have a lot to say, but what are they afraid of? Are they afraid that children will learn that they are created male and female with no grey areas? That they should not lie or steal? That they should honor their parents. Are they afraidthat people will be stopped from doing what is right in their own eyes and realize that there is a God who needs to be honored? That we are to have no gods before God Almighty. When people follow the ways of the world, there is trouble. Israel had God’s law to follow but they wanted to be more like the world. Big mistake. God had chosen a man to be a great king overIsrael, but at that time, David was just a boy watching over his father’s sheep. Samuel was a judge and a prophet of God. He had two sons who were not at all Godly men. “And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, andperverted judgment.” 1 Samuel 8:3. Sounds a lot like politicians today. The elders of Israel went to Samuel “And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like allthe nations.” 1 Samuel 8:5. Why would they want a king like the world when God’s rule is so much better? Samuel wasn’t happy so he went to God. “And the LORD said unto Samuel, “Hearken unto the voice of the people inall that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” 1 Samuel 8:7. Is that what America has done? Rejected God? It sure looks that way. This is a very sad comment about Christians. If we are solid in our faith and honor God, how is it that America allows abortion, same sex marriage, child pornography, transgender atrocities, and more? Like Israel, we have rejected Godand have received what we deserve. Israel was given King Saul who was a bit crazy. Today America has a president who seems to be unable to put a thought into intelligent words. Unless we get on our knees and earnestly repent and pray, more and more evil willbe poured out upon this once great nation. There is a remnant who honor God, and we need to become the majority. God did eventually send Samuel to anoint David as king over Israel. David loved the Lord and, though he made some huge mistakes, he truly repentedand turned from his sin. Remember, when a person truly repents and turns to God, their sins are forgiven. As we think about elections and who will lead our nation, remember the history of America. Our history has included some bad things, but that’s no excuse to allow riots that destroy propertyand livelihoods. We cannot continue to condone sexual perversion and the murder of babies. When everybody does what’s right in their own eyes, we cannot expect God to bless us. Think about how the man you vote for feels about Israel and remember that God blessesthose who bless Israel. Only God can make a nation great, and it’s up to each of us individually to honor God with our life. If you’re looking for a king, look to Jesus, not the world. If you’re looking to electa president, pray and turn to Scripture for guidance then vote wisely. God bless you all, Nathele Graham

It may not be such a sure thing

 It may not be such a sure thing - Bill Wilson – Many Americans are counting on Donald Trump to save the country from the Marxist grip on the Democratic Party that is causing record inflation, higher crime, massive illegal immigration, andweakened national security, among other horrors. It may seem obvious that the presumptive Democrat nominee, the sitting president, is feeble and unable to execute his job, and that the administrative deep state is running the country. People are counting ona Trump victory in November because he is obviously the better choice to pull the country out of the miry clay, perhaps a lethal abyss, that the Marxists and Democratic Party faithful have placed it. But first, Trump has to win the election. And it may notbe such a sure thing. There is in-fighting between the Republican Party establishment and the Make America Great Again populous Republican movement. The signs of it are found in moderate Republicans, Republicansin Name Only (RINOs), and never-Trumpers bubbling up beneath the veneer of Trump’s campaign. The Romneys and Ryans of the world are getting blasted by Trump here and there. As Breitbart reports, establishment Republican billionaires are withholding financialsupport from Trump, indicating a very stubborn RINO opposition. These people gave millions to Nikki Haley’s campaign, even when she was losing every GOP primary except Vermont and Washington, DC. She couldn’t even win her own state of South Carolina. So what, you might ask? Trump is going to win the nomination. I remember during the Reagan campaign there was a similar movement of what they called the “religious right.” The establishmentmoderates in the Republican party hated the “religious right,” more formally, the Conservative Coalition. Everywhere we went at the grass roots level, the moderates were working against Reagan, even pulling dirty tricks to undermine his campaign. Reagan’sstrength of bringing people together, however, prevailed. Trump is a different politician. He is not one to back down from a fight, even if it’s with his own party. Mark my word, there are those in the Republican Party that will fight Trump to the end. Thatbrings us to the Democratic Party. There doesn’t seem to be panic. There is a lot of denial in the media about Biden’s frailness and a lot of talking points about Trump being a dictator and coming after all the people who oppose him—you know, the very thingsthe Democrats are doing. That may be a sign that there continues to be a way to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal, and untraceable votes. I heard Trump refer to this recently, and my thought was—well then, if you see it starting to happen, then you had betterlearn from the last time and do something about it. Point is, politics is messy. It’s never a sure thing, and no single man is a savior. We must look to Christ and do our part. As stated in Acts 4:12, “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is noother name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Christ is our hope and salvation, the only sure thing.

American Christians Said Little To Nothing For Decades------

 American Christians Said Little To Nothing For Decades While The Enemies Of Israel Took Aim – By Mike Spaulding - Poetry often succinctly captures a moment of time, sometimes an era. The words of a poet can move the heart in ways other literature cannot. Great poets are remembered, and their writing spokenof and written about for years, decades, and centuries afterward. Sometimes poetry is a commentary on culture, pointing out deficiencies and moral failures. Are we at that place where moral failures are dismissed, and the courage of our convictions have witheredbefore the heat of adversity? Philosopher George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” It is nearly universally understood today that Santayana’s statement was meant tobe a warning to all freedom loving people that we must never allow the moral failures and outrageous behaviors of treasonous, treacherous, evil people to be repeated in our time. Since we lived through atrocities of the past, it is our duty to not allow thesame atrocities to overtake us again. Yet that is exactly where we find ourselves today. Let me explain. Martin Niemoller was an influential German pastor during the rise and reign of Adolph Hitler. When Hitler’s National Socialist Party, the Nazis, wrested power from the German government byhook and crook, Niemoller was an enthusiastic supporter. Hitler had promised Niemoller that he had no interest in the church and promised that his party would allow the church to tend to the spiritual needs of the people without interference. This was a monumentallie. Hitler aggressively pursued control of all aspects of German life, including the church. Niemoller’s awakening from his slumber evinced a heavy toll on his heart and mind. He realized too late that he had fallen victim to the siren song of propaganda and had failed his Lord andthe German people. In his desire to participate in the tsunami of popular support for the Nazis and the national pride they seemed to engender, Niemoller lost sight of the Bible and what it says concerning Israel.What did he do? He repented of his naivety and began to preach the truth concerning the Nazis, encouraging his fellow Germans to stand against the warmongering and wicked barbarity that was even then manifesting itself toward the Jewish people. This couragelanded Niemoller in Hitler’s concentration camps, where he would spend eight years. In an act of public confession and repentance, Niemoller authored a poem still quoted to this day. Here is what he wrote. First, they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me Niemoller ended his poem by referencing the Jewish people. He realized too late that the Nazis followed a well-thought-out plan whereby the Jewish people were always the target. Having definedopponents for years as enemies of the state, there was no resolve left among the German people to support and defend the Jewish people. We have arrived once again at a place in history concerning the Jewish people that if it is to be reversed, there must be mass confession and repentance among Christians in America. I had brief hope for this nationwide confession and repentance days after October 7, 2023. There appeared to be near global shock and outrage at the hellish murder, rape, and kidnapping ofinnocent people by the demonically charged terrorist organization Hamas and their Iranian masters. Alas, that did not translate into mass confession and repentance. Instead, the same mechanisms that have fueled anti-American hatred and violence within ournational borders as well as overseas began their unchecked money flow to their agents. These agents used that money to influence ignorant people to engage in college campus protests. We have all seen the idiocy on full display. As this unfolded, I understood clearly that a national confession and repentance concerning Israel was not to be. Those in control of America would not let that happen. Following is a listof reasons why this national confession will never happen. American Christians have said little to nothing for decades while the enemies of Israel, the terrorist proxies of Iran, have bombed, murdered, kidnapped, and raped Jews at their discretion.October 7, 2023, horrendous as it was, is just a microcosm of a greater evil against Israel that has been sustained for decades while American Christians simply went about their daily lives none the wiser. American Christians have said little to nothing for decades while Muslim countries neighboring Israel have taught their children from the youngest age to hate Jews, to take up arms againstthe Jewish people, and to die a martyr’s death to inflict pain on any Jew for any reason, or no reason at all beyond their belief that it pleases “Allah.” American Christians have said little to nothing while our politicians have groveled at the trough of Muslim money. The price for the Islamic largess? Betrayal of Israel. It is no secret thatthe US Department of State is a hotbed of Arab Muslim sycophants. The treacherous tenacles of Islam are deeply embedded in American government. American Christians have said little to nothing about the millions of dollars in Islamic money donated to American universities to fund Palestinian hate groups to foment violence against JewishAmericans. American Christians have said little to nothing about the horrendous illegal invasion occurring at our southern border with Mexico. It is a known fact that most of those invading America aremilitary aged men of Middle Eastern descent with known ties to Islamic terror groups. American Christians have said little to nothing about Joe Biden and his administration openly working to foment civil war in Israel and to unseat a freely elected Benjamin Netanyahu from hisoffice so that this American government can install their puppet to concede defeat to the Islamic terrorists. Destroying sovereign foreign nations has been an American strategy for decades while American Christianity slept. The seeds of America’s destruction have been sown in heaps for decades. Communists, Socialists, and Marxists are all out in the open. Evil forces have operated in the open, none so blatantlysince 2020. Antifa and Black Lives Matter, two virulently anti-American domestic terrorist organizations, have been given billions of dollars by American corporations to continue their anarchy and subversion, while Conservative, Bible-believing Christianshave been made the target of lawfare by our highest law enforcement agencies in the land. We are witnessing Niemoller’s poem in the inverse today. For Niemoller, the Jews were last, and there was no one to stand for them and with them. Hitler prioritized his genocidal strategiesto eliminate the Communists, Socialists, and their boots on the ground, trade unionists first. Then he came for the Jews. Americans today are willing to throw Israel to the Islamic Jihadi terrorists in the hope that they will escape unscathed while allowinga Communist take over of our nation. How utterly and ridiculously ignorant this is. Terrorism is the path to tyranny, absolute state control, and inestimable human suffering. Hitler proved it. The ayatollahs are proving it. Remaining silent in the face of such an onslaughtof evil is reprehensible. If these wicked people have their way Israel will fall. Fortunately, there are a few American Christians who see clearly what is transpiring and they are beginning to stand. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we must stand now. All of creation is the Lord’s. There is no subject, issue, or ideology that is not under the purview of God. He has spoken to all thingsthrough His Word, and by His Spirit. The enemies of God will not stop at Israel, and that includes American enemies and even some Americans who claim Christ. The United Kingdom is within the Islamic grasp. America could be inthe grip of foreign control soon. Some say it already is. If we do not stand up for the Jews today, who will there be to stand when they come for us?

Are you ascending or descending?

 Are you ascending or descending? - Bill Wilson – In very basic terms, we are either ascending or descending as we live out our lives. Looking at this from a worldly sense, if we are ascending, good things are happening. We are healthy. Ourfinances are improving. We have great relationships, a roof over our head and food on the table. Descending, however, is yet another issue. There’s been times in my life where the descent was almost like a freefall. Nothing I did was turning out right. Therewas sickness, a lack of money, and therefore, a lack of food, and the roof over our head was also in doubt. I read Job a lot. Often there is descent before there is ascent. Our spiritual walk allows us to ascend or descend with the confidence that the LORDis with us. In Numbers 8-12, the Torah reading is called B’ha’alotkha (When You Set Up) and begins with the final preparations for the Israelite’s journey from Sinai to the Promised Land, kind of likehow we are to live out our life’s journey. The root word for b’ha’alotkha is ma’alot and it means “to ascend.” When going to Jerusalem, or even to the land of Israel, it is said that you are “going up.” The city of Jerusalem is situated on a high hill, andJews traveling there for the three annual festivals would sing special songs of ascent. The Temple in Jerusalem was entered by 15 steps on which the priests would sing the Psalms of Ascent, (120-134), also called the Pilgrim Songs. The intention being thatyou are going “up” to the dwelling place of God. The instructions listed in this portion, are indeed preparation to “go up” to the holy land beginning with how Aaron is to light the Menorah, and consecrate the Levites for their special service.Before leaving Sinai the Israelites celebrate Passover, one year after the Exodus. When the camp moved out, Moses would say “Arise ADONAI! May you enemies be scattered! Let those who hate you flee before you!” When they stopped, he said, “Return ADONAI ofthe many, many thousands of Israel!” This was to ensure that the people of Israel knew that God was with them. This verse is said in the synagogues each time the Torah is brought out to be read, and then returned to the ark (the holding place of the Torahscroll). From these passages in Numbers we learn much about our spiritual walk in life as we live it physically. The symbolism of the Devine Light and the Menorah, the role of priests, the call to holiness, the Presence and Glory of God, the leading of God, and the many tests of the wilderness journeyinform our very lives today. Each of them speak to the ultimate process of “going up” to the Presence of God, and we each have our own journey to make regarding this issue. Even descending is part of ascending if we allow the LORD to lead. Remember that theIsraelites are our example as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:11-12, and verse 13 punctuates our journey: “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; butwith the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” May we always be ascending to the Lord even in our descent.

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