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Friday, June 7, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 6.8.24 - The drums of war

 Biden scheming to oust Netanyahu? - Bill Wilson – Joe Biden may be scheming to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A recent series of meetings between Biden emissaries and opposition leaders in Israel indicates something morethan just political differences is afoot. Biden and Netanyahu have publicly disagreed on the war on terror against Hamas. Biden has done what he can to frustrate Israeli war plans by demanding a ceasefire, withholding munitions, and negotiating with Hamasbehind Israel’s back. In response, Netanyahu said in a May 10 interview on the Dr. Phil show, “We will do what we have to do to protect our country, protect our future…If Israel has to stand alone, we will stand alone.” It now appears Biden is trying to isolateNetanyahu. On May 20, Joe Biden’s National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby told reporters National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was in Israel and “He had chance to meet with the leader ofthe opposition, Yair Lapid, as well as the Minister of Defense, Mr. Gallant, and a couple of members of the Israeli war cabinet to include Benny Gantz…The purpose there was to talk, obviously, about the situation in Gaza and U.S. support–continued supportfor Israel in the face of the various threats that they’re under. And, again, there was a broad range of discussions here to include humanitarian assistance and making sure we can increase that flow, get it more sustained, as well as doing everything thatthey can to reassure and make comfortable humanitarian aid workers as that aid starts to get in.” Key words: “meet with the leader of the opposition.” Kirby went on to discuss how Sullivan “was sort of building out on this strategic consultative group format” and cited it as an example of “Israeli willingness to continue to hear us out onour concerns…” The White House read out of Sullivan’s meeting with “the opposition” stated: “Minister Gallant and General Halevi briefed Mr. Sullivan on new alternative approaches to defeating Hamas in Rafah to address the concerns that have been expressedby the U.S. side through the Strategic Consultative Group process. The two sides agreed to continue discussions.” Kirby didn’t mention that Sullivan met the previous day with Netanyahu and members of his government and “reiterated the President’s longstandingposition on Rafah.” The Netanyahu meeting is reiteration of a position, the meeting with opposition is alternatives to the current status. Kirby said Sullivan also met with representatives from Saudi Arabia to “lead to a more integrated region,” apparently meaning the Saudi influence on a two-state solution that Netanyahu haspublicly stated he will not support. Sullivan briefed Netanyahu “on these meetings and the potential that may now be available for Israel, as well as for the Palestinian people.” 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving,and being deceived.” The US is obviously trying to interfere with the Israeli government in general and Netanyahu in particular. Neither Barack Obama nor Biden are fans of Netanyahu. Obama even tried to interfere in Netanyahu’s election. More meddling is inthe works, setting a dangerous course for both Israelis and Americans. ------------------------------------ Wake Up! The Russians Are NOT Bluffing - by Michael Snyder - Nuclear war is not something we should be gambling with. In the event of a full-blown nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, millions of people would die immediately, and hundredsof millions would die during the nuclear winter and global famines that occur in the aftermath. So nuclear war should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, both sides just continue to escalate matters in Ukraine, and the Russians keep warning us that ifthey are pushed too far they will be forced to use nuclear weapons. But our leaders are not taking such threats seriously. They seem to believe that they can keep creeping closer and closer to the red lines that the Russians have established because they areconvinced that the Russians will never actually risk a nuclear war. Of course, we better hope that our leaders do not miscalculate, because if a nuclear war erupts most Americans are going to end up dead. The Biden administration has foolishly decided that Ukraine should be free to use missiles provided by the United States to hit targets deep inside Russian territory. In response, Dmitry Medvedev has warned that this could lead to a direct nuclear conflict between our two nations� Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has given his strongest warning that the invasion in Ukraine may end up in a nuclear disaster, after US president Joe Biden lifted restrictions onUkraine using American weapons for direct attacks on Russian soil. Two US officials confirmed that the US has lifted the restrictions, after officials from the White House, the US military and the State Department spent weeks discussing Ukraine�s usage ofthe weapons behind closed doors. Medvedev was president of Russia before, and he may be president again someday after Putin�s reign ends. So the fact that he is publicly threatening us with nuclear destruction should be deeply alarming to all of us� �The use of tactical nuclear weapons can also be miscalculated, although this would be a fatal mistake,� said Medvedev, who was Russian president with his finger on the nuclear button from2008 to 2012. �After all, as the President of Russia rightly noted, European countries have a very high population density. �And for those enemy countries whose lands are further than the coverage area of tactical nuclear weapons, there is finally a strategic potential. �And this, alas, is not intimidation or a nuclear bluff. �The current military conflict with the West is developing according to the worst possible scenario. Of course he is not the only one that is making such statements. Dmitry Suslov, a member of the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, is suggesting that the Russians should actually set off a nuclear device in order to show the rest of the worldhow serious they are� Finally, to confirm the seriousness of Russia�s intentions and to convince our adversaries of Moscow�s willingness to escalate, it is worth considering a demonstration (i.e. non-aggressive)nuclear explosion. The political and psychological effect of an atomic mushroom cloud, broadcast live on all the world�s television channels, will hopefully bring back to Western politicians the one thing that prevented wars between the great powers after1945, and which they have now largely lost � the fear of nuclear war. Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea how close we are to nuclear war. While our major news networks are obsessed with politics, Russians news channels are filled with talk of war. One of Russia�s most important journalists, Vladimir Solovyov, recently made headlines when he boldly declared that �nuclear war is inevitable either way�� �Nuclear war is inevitable either way. Let�s compare whose strategic weapons are bigger!� Solovyov said on his television program, according to a clip translated into English and posted onthe YouTube channel of Russian Media Monitor, a watchdog group created by journalist Julia Davis �in an effort to combat Russian propaganda,� on Saturday. There is a growing consensus inside Russia that a final showdown with western powers is unavoidable. And the Russians very clearly understand that whoever strikes first in a nuclear war has the best chance of surviving. So if there is a way out of this mess, our leaders should be trying to find it while they still can. Unfortunately, we are allowing the Ukrainians to provoke Russia in very alarming ways. They just hit another early warning radar system deep inside Russian territory, and that was an extremely dangerous move� Ukraine has struck another early-warning (over-the-horizon) radar, this time in Orenburg region, near Orsk, some 1500 km from Ukraine. This radar did not even look at the direction of Ukraine,which makes the strike an act of madness, or something sinister. These strikes to the Russian early-warning system can serve only two aims: 1.Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to fully commit NATO to the war in Ukraine, or 2.Strikes are a preparation for nuclear strikes to Russia by the U.S. Needless to say that the latter is extremely speculative. However, it is one of the two motives that can be established for the strikes. Alas, we have to acknowledge its existence. The Ukrainians are losing the war, and they realize that the only way that they will be able to win it is to get NATO directly involved. So the Ukrainians are trying to provoke the Russians into doing something that will make that a reality. I don�t think that it will happen immediately, but a day could come when we see western troops dying on the killing fields of eastern Ukraine. In fact, the Daily Mail is reporting that �NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia�� NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed. New �land corridors� are being carved out to quickly funnel soldiers through central Europe without local bureaucratic impediments, allowing NATO forces to pounce in an instant should Putin�sdevastating war in Ukraine move further west. The plans are said to include contingencies in case of Russian bombardment, letting troops sweep into the Balkans via corridors in Italy, Greece and Turkey, or towards Russia�s northern bordervia Scandinavia, officials told The Telegraph. Speaking of deploying American troops, we are being told that Joe Biden is �not ruling out� boots on the ground when China invades Taiwan� President Biden has affirmed he is �not ruling out� boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. While this type of response is really nothing new when it comesto American politicians being asked hypothetical questions about the future of Taiwan, it does come at a tense moment when an anti-Beijing hawk, Lai Ching-te, has just ascended as Taiwan�s new president. Joe Biden and his all-star team of warmongers have us on the brink of war with both Russia and China. Isn�t that wonderful? Meanwhile, the war in the Middle East could go to the next level at any time. On Monday, Israel conducted �major airstrikes� deep inside Syrian territory� Israel launched major airstrikes on the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in the overnight hours, which killed an Iranian military adviser, and possibly more Iranian militia members, as wellas civilians. �At approximately 12:20 AM at dawn on Monday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial attack with missiles from a direction of southeast Aleppo, targeting a number of points in the vicinity ofAleppo city, and the army air defenses intercepted the aggression�s missiles and shot down some of them,� Syrian state SANA said. The three wars that I just discussed are the �three wars of the apocalypse� that I have been warning about for years. I feel like I am watching a slow-motion train wreck unfold right in front of my eyes and I cannot do anything to stop it. No matter how much noise we make, Joe Biden and his minions will not listen to us. With each passing day, they are dragging us even closer to an apocalyptic nuclear conflict. So let us hope for the best, but let us also continue to get prepared for the worst. ------------------------- Iran pursues nukes at record pace - Bill Wilson � The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is supposed to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorist-sponsoring nations like Iran. Associated Press has reviewed anot yet public report by the IAEA stating that Iran now has a stockpile of highly enriched uranium 30 times the limit of the Obama-Iran nuclear deal. The report has IAEA head Rafael Grossi wringing his hands because Iran won�t allow UN inspectors access tothe nuke facilities and Iran now has enough uranium to build �several nuclear weapons.� Grossi inherited this situation from his predecessors, who essentially turned a blind eye to Iran�s nuclear ambitions for over 25 years. Stopping Iran�s nuke program isa ruse. Barack Obama sent Iran billions of US dollars on a pallet and negotiated a deal with the terrorist sponsoring state that essentially guaranteed Iran would have nuclear weapons. The Wall StreetJournal (WSJ) reported May 27 that Joe Biden is pressing European allies to back away from further censoring Iran for its record stockpile of nuclear material. WSJ said France and Britain are concerned that Biden lacks a strategy for dealing with Iran�s nuclearadvances. This is nothing new. US Presidents since George W Bush have been lax on stopping Iran, which has consistently insisted on eliminating Israel from the face of the earth and is a main sponsor of global terrorism. Only Donald Trump was severe on Iranin an effort to stop its nuclear program and terrorist sponsorship. In June 2005, The Daily Jot reported that then IAEA chief Mohamed El Baradei was appointed to a third term as head of the IAEA largely because US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave himthe green light with hopes of stronger enforcement against Iran. The Daily Jot said, �To date, El Baradei has been reluctant to crack down on Iran. He said last November that unless he sees the intent to build a nuclear weapon along with a delivery system,then there is no weapons program. He has apparently turned a blind eye to the Russians, who are providing nuclear technology and scientists who are assisting Iran in expanding its missile system dimensions to carry a nuclear-sized payload, the North Koreanmissile experts and tunnel building engineers, and not to forget China�s missile experts and technology.� At that time, the IAEA had at its head an Egyptian-born Islamist giving lip service to stopping one of the most radical Islamic states from pursuing nuclear weapons. That didn�t work to well.Today, we have Great Britain and France wanting to take a hard stance against Iran and its terrorist proliferation, and Joe Biden essentially says, �No, no, hold off. We don�t want to stir up any more reasons for Muslims to vote against me.� You know, theBible says there will be times like this. The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:13, �evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.� Its almost too surreal to believe. Bush lets the feckless UN handle Iran. Obama sends Iranbillions and strikes an agreement for a nuclear Iran. Biden gives Iran a pass. This is no less than, say it with me�Stupidocrisy. -------------------------- What Would a Palestinian State Look Like the Day After Independence? � Eric Mandel - The Biden administration, as well as almost every nation in the world, is pressuring Israel to create an immediate pathway for a Palestinian state. In theory, separating from the Palestinian Arab population--if it could be done with all security safeguards in place--accepting Israel as a Jewish state and signing an end-of-conflict agreementwould be a reasonable alternative to the present situation, if it were possible. But does anyone look at what a Palestinian state would be and how faithful its leadership would be to any signed agreements the day after the ink dries? Let's start with an independent Palestinian state's diplomatic position. Palestinians' closest allies are Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa and almost all of the world's non-democraticcountries, all adversaries to America and Israel. Let's begin with Iran. There is little doubt that unless there is a change in the Iranian regime, its defining mission to spread the Islamic revolution will remain its top priority. That isalso the mandate of its armed wing, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), true believers in radical Islamism, anti-Semitism, unfettered power and subjugating all foes. An independent Palestinian state would facilitate Iran's access and involvement in the region exponentially, as it is almost impossible to imagine the Palestinians under Hamas or Fatah distancingthemselves from Iran, no matter what is written. With a base in their capital in eastern Jerusalem, Iran would begin to destabilize the Palestinian state, creating a scenario where it turns the Palestinian Authority into a satrapy, as it did in Syria and Lebanon. It would actively recruit and manipulate a compliant P.A. to be dominated by Islamists, linked, if not in name, to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas terror groups. There is no reasonto believe that the corrupt Fatah Party would not follow Iran to help it begin the next phase of destabilizing the Jewish state by lawfare and terror. Next, from its allied Palestinian state, Iran would target the American ally Jordan by destabilizing the economically troubled country, plagued with a growing Islamist population as well asmillions of refugees from the Syrian and Iraqi wars. This is all part of Iran's strategy to expand its "ring of fire" to team up with its proxy network extending from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq and Yemen. The international community and the American administration, which advocate prematurely for a Palestinian state, remain trapped in a utopian view that today's Palestinians would end theirhatred toward Jews and their goal to eradicate the Jewish state. They never look at the "day after" independence. Perhaps they don't care as long as it undermines the Jewish state and doesn't threaten them, but Islamists have their eyes on the West, too. The case against a Palestinian state in this generation does mean that you are for annexing the West Bank. It means you are a realist and in favor of the survival of the independent democraticJewish State of Israel. For the foreseeable future, a leadership that is corrupt and supports terror, which includes Fatah, the PLO and Hamas, makes the premature push for a Palestinian state more of a plan for the destruction of the State of Israel than itis for lasting Palestinian self-determination as a peaceful nation. If only the Palestinian people had not gone through generations of brainwashing against Israel's right to exist in any territorial dimension, and the Palestinian leadership was not compromisedby volumes of blood-thirsty statements and actions over decades. Then, the idealistic desire for a Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel in Gaza and in the West Bank would be a reasonable goal. So, do Arab states really want a Palestinian state? Based on the statements from Arab capitals, you would think for sure they would. But when the Palestinians asked the Arab League and Organization of Muslim States in November to cut off relationsand trade with Israel, the answer was no. It should be remembered that the states that made peace with Israel through the 2020 Abraham Accords voiced demands for a Palestinian state but, after parroting the required rhetoric, moved on to prioritize their interests,which included relations with Israel. In the Middle East, words are ephemeral; actions matter. For Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, the Muslim Brotherhood--of which Hamas is a charter member--is a threat whose goal is the overthrow of their governments and installationof an Islamist regime. Why would the United States, other than for utopian ideals and placating anti-Zionists, want to undermine its national security by advocating for a Palestinian state before its time, as it will most likely become a new base for enemieslike China, Russia and Iran? Nadav Shragai in Israel Hayom wrote, "The U.S. is failing in its attempt to transform the Palestinian Authority and establish what American envoys call a 'renewed Palestinian Authority,' asa prelude to what will eventually become a Palestinian state ... there is no truly "renewed" Palestinian Authority. This is evident from the high number of incidents in which Palestinian Authority officers and security personnel are involved in terrorist activitiesor firing on Israel Defense Forces. ... In counterterrorism and arrest operations, not only Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives are being neutralized or arrested, but also hundreds of Fatah members." The only reason the West Bank does not look like Jabalia or Rafah in Gaza is that Israeli security has a free hand in Judea and Samaria. Paradoxically, it does get occasional help from theschizophrenic P.A., which one day works with Hamas in Gaza, and the next day works with the IDF against Hamas and PIJ. Bassam Tawil in Gatestone reminded his readers that Abbas's Fatah faction participated in the Oct. 7 slaughter and terrorist attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. Abu Mohammed, theofficial spokesman for Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Fatah) said, "On Oct. 7, our heroes in the brave unit participated in the invasion of the colonies surrounding Gaza, and together with our brothers in the Palestinian struggle organizations (Hamas and PIJ),captured many Zionists; some of them were transferred to us, and some are still in our hands. ... A Fatah terrorist said, "We broke into Nahal Oz ... we took as plunder what we took, and we killed soldiers and stepped on their heads." The P.A. president is the head of Fatah. If the "day after" a Palestinian state is one where Iran's ring of fire extends to the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan, then for not only Israeli national security interests but for American ones,Israel should say thank you, but not now. With a future administration that is more tethered to the reality of the Middle East, Israel and the United States should create a pathway towards greater independence with non-negotiable benchmarks or legal fictions. Unfortunately, it will likely take generations to accomplish, as it will require the Palestinians to change their narrative from one of victimhood and the destruction of Israel to one thatprioritizes the Palestinian people's legitimate quest for a better life. ---------------------------------------- Setting Up for a False Flag? Strange Case of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar � Brandon Smith - If we accept the fundamental truth that Ukraine is nothing more than a proxy battleground between Russia and the West, then you might say WWIII has already begun. The powers-that-be have beencontent to keep the situation contained primarily to Ukraine so far, but a recent event suggests things are about to change. There's something very strange happening on the nuclear front between NATO and Russia and I believe it might be time to consider thepossibility that a false flag threat is in the works. In the past two weeks Ukraine has taken credit for at least two separate strikes on peculiar targets - Russian "over the horizon" radar stations using drones with an impressive flight rangeof at least 1200 miles. Until this point, long range attacks into Russian territory have been exceedingly rare. So, why these specifics radar stations? The Voronezh-DM stations were positioned outside the city of Orsk and the region of Krasnodar (Armavir); far away from the front lines in Ukraine. The strikes are being hailed as the furthestUkraine has attacked into the heart of Russia, but the corporate media has ignored the wider implications of the situation. It is likely that the drones used were of US or European origin. NATO has (until the past couple of days) enforced tight restrictions on how their weapons can be used by Ukraine. Long rangedrones and cruise missiles hitting targets deep in Russia invites major blowback, including the threat of a nuclear response. That said, it's not so much the weapons used that concerns me, it's the specific targets that Ukraine supposedly chose. Russia's over-the-horizon radar systems have a detection range of at least 6000 miles (the real range is classified) and scan specifically for high altitude ballistic missiles. They are notdesigned to detect lower flying medium range cruise missiles (ATACMS) and drones. Meaning, the two stations destroyed by Ukrainian weapons are meant to act as an early warning system for nuclear attack. The Ukrainians supposedly defied NATO restrictions, not once, but twice, to target radar systems that have nothing to do with them. In fact, the arrays sit in permanently fixed positions andneither array was actually aimed at Ukraine, they were aimed to the North and Southwest of Russia. The Armavir radar was constructed in 2009 to close a gap created by the loss of radars in Ukraine, and was also meant to replace an older Daryal radar in Gabala. Interestingly, Armavir andOrsk "search fans" watches the skies primarily above the Middle East, including Israel, and a large chunk of Europe including Switzerland. Instead of attacking vital strategic resources like oil refineries or ammo depots, Russia's nuclear defenses are being systematically hobbled. Why? It's important to understand that a strike of this kind deep into the center of Russia requires complex planning and logistics. It cannot be achieved without covert intel on the ground aswell as aid from satellite surveillance. Ukraine relies completely on NATO satellites and intel; no such strike would ever be possible without NATO involvement. Furthermore, the drones used would need to have the ability to evade early detection systems andremain hidden for thousands of miles. This kind of technology comes mainly from the West. In other words, there's no way that these attacks were accomplished by Ukraine without extensive help and approval from the US or European command. I question the notion that a Ukrainian pilotwas even remotely flying the drones. We're talking about some of the most closely defended radar stations in the whole of Russia. Why does any of this matter? Let's consider the ugly realities... First, the targeting of Russian nuclear defenses might make the Kremlin believe they are being prepped for a nuclear strike. Why else would their ballistic radar be singled out? This meansthey will be on high alert for a possible nuclear exchange. Not good. Second, the Voronezh-DM stations are used to identify FALSE POSITIVE alerts of nuclear attack. Meaning, if there a weapon is used against Russia that mimics a high altitude ballistic missile,their ability to detect that it's NOT a nuke has been reduced. They might launch their own warheads in response to a non-nuclear strike (a fake strike or false flag). Third, Armavir and other stations could be used to record ballistic missile activity well outside Russian air space (in places like the Middle East). It's possible these strikes were meantto blind Russia and stop them from detecting missile events that are unrelated to the Ukraine war. Fourth, it's possible that NATO and Ukraine believe dismantling the radar sends a message that if Russia threatens nuclear attack, they might be hit first. All this means is that Russia won'tgive a warning, they'll simply launch. Fifth, the attack on Armavir alone meets the conditions the Russian government laid out publicly in 2020 for actions that could trigger a nuclear retaliatory strike. Russia's early warningnetwork is part of the country's broader nuclear deterrent posture. "The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation" include any "attack by an adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the RussianFederation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions," according to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence the Kremlin published in 2020. So far there has been no indication on how Russia will retaliate, but let's consider the circumstances at the front right now. Ukrainian defenses are thin and they lack the manpower neededto maintain the most rudimentary of strong points. As I noted last month, Ukraine's front line is about to be overrun, likely this summer, with Russia opening a new offensive push in the north near Kharkiv. NATO countries are now say they support Ukraine's use of long range weapons inside Russia. This means major metropolitan areas of Ukraine will be on the table for Russia's own long range strikes,a measure which they have avoided for the most part. Also watch for the potential use of thermobaric bombs (vacuum bombs) by Russia; these are massively destructive weapons that have so far been absent from the battlefield (aside from unverified reports). The West is sending Russia the message that they will not allow Ukraine to lose, they will not pursue diplomatic solutions and if Russia begins gaining significant ground, anything goes. Doesthis include nukes? It's hard to say. My suspicion is that the establishment wants to create a scenario in which Russia is led to overreact to an event, or, the public is led to believe Russia is a legitimate nuclear threat tothe West. There is also the outside possibility that Russia is being blocked from monitoring a future ballistic incident in the Middle East. The timing of the radar attacks comes only weeks before the planned Ukraine "peace conference" in Switzerland on June 15th. Although major leaders from the US, China, and Europe will not beattending (and Russia isn't invited), the summit is still a juicy target for a false flag and thus unification of Western interests around a larger war with Russia. I'm not saying the conference itself will be attacked, necessarily, but a major attack duringthe conference could be used to sell the idea of total NATO intervention. If the goal is to expand the war then any perceived hostilities aimed at the conference could also be used as an excuse to rally popular support. The fact that so many world leaders includingBiden refuse to show up makes it even more dubious. I highly doubt the establishment wants to trigger a global nuclear war. They have everything to lose and very little to gain. They just spent the better part of the last century building upone of the most intricate economic and political control grids in the history of humanity. I don't think they would be happy to see it all vaporized in the blink of an eye. That said, a limited nuclear event might serve their interests well. As I write this multiple governments including the French government are calling for European troops to be deployed to Ukraine. Some political leaders want them to go as "advisers" and trainers.This is exactly what the US did right before it deployed extensive military forces to Vietnam. Remember the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident? Something very odd is going on here. I have no doubt that WWIII is the intended outcome of the confrontation between NATO and Russia in Ukraine. The question is, how do they plan to arrangethat outcome while convincing the American and European public to join the war effort? They need a serious false flag. ------------------------------------------ When Freedom Scaled the Cliffs - By Paul Scharf - Only a small fraction of the heroes of D-Day live on today to keep their memories alive, as we commemorate the 80th anniversary of that signal event, which, to a large degree, saved the worldfrom tyranny. �Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity,� prayedPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his radio address on June 6, 1944. �Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.� Roosevelt famously distributed New Testaments (also containing thePsalms) to the troops. Operation Overlord, commonly known as D-Day, involved the mobilization of more than 179,000 Allied troops who strategically attacked the beaches of Normandy, France. The Nazis controlled thisarea and had gone to great lengths to reinforce their defensive position. The Allies attacked from the sea and by the air. Many troops exited their landing crafts only to sacrifice themselves before ever reaching the beaches called Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno,and Sword. Paratroopers jumped behind enemy lines, and Army Rangers heroically scaled the cliffs�although so many were injured or killed in the grisly process. These thousands of soldiers and sailors understood that the events of that day could very well meantheir own demise, but they proceeded in the hopes that their efforts would contribute to a greater victory. �These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc,� as President Ronald Reagan stated so eloquently in Normandy on the 40th anniversary of D-Day in 1984. �These are the men who took the cliffs. These arethe champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.� D-Day was indeed the beginning of the end for the Axis powers, who commenced their surrender within a year. Of course, the outcome was anything but certain on that foggy morning of June 6. Reagan summarized all that was at stake: �For four long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow. Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps, millions cried out forliberation. Europe was enslaved, and the world prayed for its rescue.� Nearly eight months passed before Allied forces made the first recorded discovery of Nazi concentration camps, but Jewish soldiers already understood that they carried a burden even greaterthan that of their fellow soldiers. �There was an internal conflict that they had,� stated historian Dr. Tim Schmig. �If I�m captured, will I be treated like a soldier in uniform, or will I be exterminated?� Schmig said that while Jewish American soldiers had the option of disguising their identities, many chose to proclaim their Hebrew heritage by having an H imprinted on their dog tags. Dr. Peter Col�n is a Church Ministries representative for The Friends of Israel. He has a fascination with studying World War II, particularly D-Day, and took part in a very realistic D-Dayreenactment 10 years ago on its 70th anniversary. Col�n portrayed the role of Lt. Col. George Russell Barber, a chaplain on Omaha Beach. Barber later witnessed the concentration camp in Nordhausen, Germany, firsthand and assisted in the establishmentof the famous Normandy American Cemetery. Barber died on December 17, 2004�the final surviving D-Day chaplain. Col�n concurred that many Jewish soldiers showed great courage on the beaches of Normandy. �One Jewish soldier refused to change his dog tag and even drew a large Star of David on the backof his service jacket before the landing,� Col�n stated. More than 1.5 million Jewish troops served among the Allies. The United States was home for 550,000 of them. Yad Vashem records: �Some 10,000 were killed in combat, and more than 36,000 receivedcitations. Many Jewish soldiers took part in liberating the camps.� �You will see the Star of David at different cemeteries in Europe,� Schmig stated, adding that it is especially noticeable at Normandy. It�s been 80 years�the duration of a lifetime�since those brave young men went willingly onto the beaches of Normandy to preserve what Winston Churchill called �Christian civilization.� Today,as in 1944, we must pray as Roosevelt did: �O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee.� -------------------------------- The drums of war - Bill Wilson � The Biden Administration�s foreign policy, like the Obama Administration�s, has made the world a much more dangerous place. Sending �humanitarian� aid to Hamas, the Palestinian Authority,and the Houthis knowing full well that this aid is used for weapons, and unfreezing billions of dollars for Iran has resulted in a terrorist uprising and horrible war against Israel. It has, like the Obama Administration, destabilized the Middle East and underminedpeace initiatives of the Trump Administration. Moreover, Biden�s recent action giving Ukraine permission to use US-provided weapons against Russian forces has escalated an already bad situation in the Ukraine-Russian war. Iran is reportedly also close to havingnukes. Reuters reported on May 31, �Biden administration officials say the latest decision, which went into effect on Thursday, was narrowly tailored to the battle in the Kharkiv region. U.S. officialssay it allows Kyiv to use U.S.-supplied weapons to fire back against Russian forces �attacking them or preparing to attack them� from across the border. That gives Ukrainians on the frontlines a green light to fire over the border at Russian forces using U.S.-suppliedHigh Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers armed with Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) missiles, and other weaponry, experts say.� In fact, Ukraine also received permission from Germany to use its weapons against Russia, with TheNetherlands, Finland, and Poland also expressing support. The Russian news agency Tass reported on Monday, �Moscow is warning Washington against ill-considered steps, the consequences of which could be fatal, said Russian Deputy Foreign MinisterSergei Ryabkov, commenting on Kyiv�s permission to strike Russia with American weapons. I would like to warn American officials against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For some unknown reason, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuffthey could receive,� Ryabkov said.� Even Pro-Ukraine Republican Hawks take issue with how Biden went about giving Ukraine permission to use US weapons against Russia. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH), Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) said in a jointstatement, �by leaking to the press that the policy reversal only applies to certain U.S.-provided weapons in a limited area within Russia, the administration has telegraphed to Russia exactly how to effectively adapt to this change in policy, thereby decreasingthe military effectiveness of the decision.� Proverbs 14:16 says, �A wise man fears and turns from evil, but a fool is careless and reckless.� The drums of war are beating around fires on many fronts. And Biden is wobbling with a bucket of kerosene to pouron burning embers. --------------------------------- Israel�s Conditions For Ending The War Have Not Changed � Hamas Will Perish � AmirTsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) � Shalom! It was a beautiful site to see the streets of Jerusalem flooded with Israeli flags as we celebrated Jerusalem Day yesterday! This national holiday stems from theoutcome of the Six-Day War of 1967 when Israel reunified the city of Jerusalem after defeating the militaries of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. At that time, we not only reunified Jerusalem, but we obtained control over the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, Judea& Samaria (the West Bank), and the Golan Heights! Despite the fact that so much has since changed � Our God performs miracles and His plans stand! From young Israelis praying and dancing on the Temple Mount to waving their flags throughout the day, I�m once again reminded of the fact that God fulfills His promises. It brought tears tomy eyes to see the beautiful sight of thousands of Israelis dancing at the Western Wall while singing aloud from a specific psalm: Psalm 28:9 � �Save Your people, And bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, And bear them up forever.� From nearly being annihilated during the Holocaust to dwelling in the land of our forefathers � God�s decrees remain unhindered. Yes, we�re a nation facing political and geopolitical turmoilright now. Yes, we have both internal and external threats we�re dealing with. Yes, most of the nation remains in spiritual blindness � but that�s just it. Much like when God initiated His covenant with Abraham, when the Lord promised to bring His people backto the land through the prophet Ezekiel, it wasn�t contingent on our faithfulness or righteousness, but His holy name! Ezekiel 36:22-24 � �Therefore say to the house of Israel, �Thus says the Lord God: �I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name�s sake, which you have profanedamong the nations wherever you went. And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord,� says the Lord God, �when I am hallowed in you beforetheir eyes. For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land.� Yes, things are both physically and spiritually chaotic right now � not just in Israel, but all over the world � but I can�t tell you how much I look forward to the day when I witness whatGod promised next through Ezekiel. Ezekiel 36:25-27 � �Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and puta new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.� First came the physical restoration. Oh, how I await the spiritual restoration of my people. Yes, we are destroying Hamas in Gaza! Yes, we are about to strike Hezbollah in Lebanon! Yes, terror will continue from the West Bank as well as from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. As an IsraeliJew who is a follower of the Messiah and a strong believer in the words of the prophets, I am often conflicted between the will to say what I feel about the current war and the need to stay calm and look at things from a biblical and much broader perspective. According to the prophet Ezekiel, the coming big war is NOT against Iran and its proxies, but rather, against Iran and its allies. Iran will be joining a coalition led by Russia. This futuremajor war will catch Israel feeling safe and secure, but with allies that won�t extend any help besides tough words of protest. But God. The Lord, the keeper of Israel, will intervene and help Israel in a very supernatural way. He will defeat the enemies of Israel on the mountains of Israel as the world will watch with greatawe and astonishment! Knowing this, tell me � On whose side do you prefer to be? Hezbollah As things with Hezbollah continue to escalate, the Iranian-funded terror proxy � the most powerful proxy in the region � launched three large missiles into Northern Israel on Friday, whichultimately hit their targets. Significant damage was caused to Israel�s Biranit Barracks, but no casualties were reported. On the flipside, the IDF is continuing to carry out targeted attacks on Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon � even ambulances that move weaponsand terrorists. And we�re not just active in Lebanon, but Syria as well. That said, the rockets keep coming from the other side of our northern border and our strikes continue in various parts of Lebanon. A hotspot for recent Hezbollah strikes in Israel is ournorthern town of Kiryat Shmona where we have some of our forces stationed. Hezbollah has also had success when it comes to shooting down Israeli drones operating in Lebanese airspace. Sadly, two casualties and several injuries occurred in the Israeli townof Hurfeish after a targeted drone and rocket attack took place at a playground. Furthermore, the month of May brought 325 attacks from Hezbollah, which is the highest number in one month since the beginning of our war with Hamas. A new front has opened with Hezbollah in the form of wildfires. Throughout the northern region of Israel, various serious fires were started after Hezbollah launched rockets into open fieldsknowing the effects it would have given the current heat wave we�re facing. Significant regions of Northern Israel quickly became engulfed in flames. As of a few days ago, a state of emergency had been declared, yet little to no help was provided to the citizensaffected by the fires for a significant amount of time. However, Lebanon is now dealing with some fires of their own. War of attrition � to slowly wear down your enemy mentally and physically through small-scale attacks � is the strategy of Hezbollah. Thistactic and the results it�s yielded so far is what has led Israelis to demand action. As I�ve reported several times over the last week, an official war with Hezbollah is imminent, as our security cabinet has met multiple times in the last week to address this very issue. Partof the decision-making process when it comes to starting a war is ensuring that you can catch your enemy off guard because the initial surprise attack is what will deliver the most damage, dismantling the enemy�s capabilities. So, there is a two-fold reasonIsrael hasn�t begun a war with our enemy to the north as of yet: 1) We�re allowing our brigades in Gaza to finish the job and 2) we�re preparing for the right time to strike. When the right time comes, Hezbollah is going to feel it. Hezbollah has actuallystated that they�ve increased their attacks in anticipation of the looming war. Something I�ve been thinking about lately: The stronger the attacks on Israel, the bigger the plans of God for us! Hamas The IDF continues to operate in the heart of Rafah. So far, our troops have discovered a minimum of 84 tunnels running from Rafah into the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. We�re continuing to investigatewhether or not any live hostages or bodies of victims from October 7 were smuggled through these. Moreover, the IDF continues to carry out operations within the Philadelphi Corridor between Rafah and Egypt, including the destruction of terror tunnels. TheIDF also continues to find bodies of victims from October 7 as it navigates through Rafah. As for our troops in Jabalia, after eliminating approximately 500 terrorists in the area, the IDF�s 98th Division concluded the operation, has the left the Strip, and is preparing for wherethey�ll be sent next. We still have around 16,000 soldiers actively serving in Gaza. While the world continues to scream, �genocide!�, the IDF was busy handing out leaflets in Northern Gaza urging civilians to leave the safe zone. Furthermore, before the attack that took placeon Wednesday night in Lebanon, Israel sent an evacuation notice via text message to residents of the Wadi Jilou area. The Houthis The Houthis claimed to have conducted a combined missile attack against the American aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to the joint US strikes in Yemen. Days later,they made this same claim once again. The International Community Global hypocrisy never takes a break! After speaking out in favor of a Palestinian state, there are reports that the progressive, Pro-Palestinian, and antisemitic Spanish Ministry of ForeignAffairs asked government ministers to stop using the term �genocide� in the context of Gaza, fearing that Gazans would seek political asylum in Spain. What goes around comes around! Spain�s government � bless their heart � following their recognition of aPalestinian state last week, stated that they would open an embassy in Ramallah. However, they�re now shying away from that commitment because their diplomates prefer to stay in Israel because it�s �safer� and provides a �higher quality of life�. This is almostlaughable. Slovenia now officially recognizes a Palestinian state. Fools! Switzerland has rejected the recognition of a Palestinian state for the obvious reasons that every country should reject a Palestinianstate � they don�t want Iran 2.0. The United States Adding insult to injury, the POTUS delivered a shameful speech last Friday in which he exposed the administration�s total lack of competency when it comes it Israel, Hamas, and our fight forsurvival as a nation. Biden laid out a peace plan for Gaza, where Israel retreats and Hamas continues to rule over Gaza indefinitely. As I stated previously, Israel�s government will collapse overnight if a deallike this should be embraced! Furthermore, the Israeli hostages are the only bargaining chips Hamas has. These terrorists are well aware that the minute all the hostages are released, Israel can complete the job and utterly destroy them! Ultimately, Biden�splan puts all of the pressure on the Israeli government. When terrorists like Hamas support your plan, you know you have a terrible plan. Thankfully, the recent statements from the Israeli government have made it very clear that Israel�s conditions for ending the war have not changed. Hamas will perish. ----------------------------------

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