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Friday, June 28, 2024

Are you ascending or descending?

 Are you ascending or descending? - Bill Wilson – In very basic terms, we are either ascending or descending as we live out our lives. Looking at this from a worldly sense, if we are ascending, good things are happening. We are healthy. Ourfinances are improving. We have great relationships, a roof over our head and food on the table. Descending, however, is yet another issue. There’s been times in my life where the descent was almost like a freefall. Nothing I did was turning out right. Therewas sickness, a lack of money, and therefore, a lack of food, and the roof over our head was also in doubt. I read Job a lot. Often there is descent before there is ascent. Our spiritual walk allows us to ascend or descend with the confidence that the LORDis with us. In Numbers 8-12, the Torah reading is called B’ha’alotkha (When You Set Up) and begins with the final preparations for the Israelite’s journey from Sinai to the Promised Land, kind of likehow we are to live out our life’s journey. The root word for b’ha’alotkha is ma’alot and it means “to ascend.” When going to Jerusalem, or even to the land of Israel, it is said that you are “going up.” The city of Jerusalem is situated on a high hill, andJews traveling there for the three annual festivals would sing special songs of ascent. The Temple in Jerusalem was entered by 15 steps on which the priests would sing the Psalms of Ascent, (120-134), also called the Pilgrim Songs. The intention being thatyou are going “up” to the dwelling place of God. The instructions listed in this portion, are indeed preparation to “go up” to the holy land beginning with how Aaron is to light the Menorah, and consecrate the Levites for their special service.Before leaving Sinai the Israelites celebrate Passover, one year after the Exodus. When the camp moved out, Moses would say “Arise ADONAI! May you enemies be scattered! Let those who hate you flee before you!” When they stopped, he said, “Return ADONAI ofthe many, many thousands of Israel!” This was to ensure that the people of Israel knew that God was with them. This verse is said in the synagogues each time the Torah is brought out to be read, and then returned to the ark (the holding place of the Torahscroll). From these passages in Numbers we learn much about our spiritual walk in life as we live it physically. The symbolism of the Devine Light and the Menorah, the role of priests, the call to holiness, the Presence and Glory of God, the leading of God, and the many tests of the wilderness journeyinform our very lives today. Each of them speak to the ultimate process of “going up” to the Presence of God, and we each have our own journey to make regarding this issue. Even descending is part of ascending if we allow the LORD to lead. Remember that theIsraelites are our example as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:11-12, and verse 13 punctuates our journey: “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; butwith the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” May we always be ascending to the Lord even in our descent.

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