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Friday, June 14, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 6.15.24 - Russian Submarine OFF The Coast Of Florida

 A Russian Submarine Capable Of Launching Nuclear Missiles Just Cruised Along The Coast Of Florida- by Michael Snyder - A Russian submarine and a Russian frigate that are both capable of nuking U.S. cities were both spotted traveling approximately 25 miles from the coast of Florida, but most of the U.S. populationdid not receive the message that the Russians were trying to send. By sending these warships along the coast of Florida, the Russians are warning that they will use nuclear weapons if they are pushed too far, but hardly anyone seems to care. The mainstreammedia insists that these vessels are “no threat” and that there is no risk that a full-blown nuclear conflict will erupt any time soon. But while our experts are assuring us that everything will be just fine, the Russians are feverishly preparing for a worstcase scenario. In recent days, a flotilla of four Russian war vessels has been practicing “the use of high precision weapons in the Atlantic ocean”… Russian warships are practicing the use of high precision weapons in the Atlantic ocean, Russia’s defense ministry said on Tuesday, putting the US on alert. Vladimir Putin’s most modern frigate Admiral Gorshkov, a hypersonic missile carrier, is accompanying nuclear submarine Kazan and two other naval vessels. The drills involve hitting targets from a distance of more than 370 miles, Russia’s defence ministry said in a statement, and follow an exercise in anti-aircraft fire. All four vessels are set to arrive in Havana on Wednesday and will pass 25 miles from the coast of the United States on their journey, according to reports. On their way to Havana, they were expected to get quite close to the coast of Florida, and that is precisely what happened on Tuesday… Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine seem to be passing the Florida coast Tuesday, June 11, on the way to Cuba for a military exercise, according to open-source intelligenceanalysts on social media. A tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, said that the US Coast Guard Cutter Stone may be shadowing the Russian flotilla off the east coast of Florida abeam of Cape Canaveral. On Wednesday, June 5, a U.S. official told the media that Russia planned to conduct naval exercises with combat vessels in the Caribbean region. The United States did not see the expectedarrival of the flotilla to the Western Hemisphere to be threatening, but the official told Reuters the U.S. Navy will monitor the exercises. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details that had not been made public yet. The Kazan and the Admiral Gorshkov are both capable of carrying nuclear weapons, and they are both considered to be “key vessels in Putin’s nuclear strike force”… Despite this, both the Admiral Gorshkov and the Kazan are normally key vessels in Putin’s nuclear strike force. Russia has not stated what firepower is being carried by his flotilla. Of course the Russians do not intend to attack us at this time. And Cuban authorities are openly telling us that even though they are capable of doing so, “none of the vessels is carrying nuclear weapons”… Kazan and three other Russian naval vessels – missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, fleet replenishment tanker Pashin and a salvage tug Nikolai Chiker – will dock in the Cuban capital from June12 to 17, Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in two statements on Jun. 6, 2024. “None of the vessels is carrying nuclear weapons, so their stopover in our country does not represent a threat to the region,” it added. But everyone agrees that having these vessels travel so close to the coast of Florida was about sending us a message. We are being told that the Admiral Gorshkov is armed with highly advanced hypersonic missiles that have a range of over 1,000 kilometers… The Admiral Gorshkov is armed with new Zircon hypersonic missiles. The weapon has been designed to arm Russian cruisers, frigates and submarines and could be used against both enemy shipsand ground targets. Russian President Vladimir Putin has touted Zircon as a potent weapon capable of penetrating any existing anti-missile defenses by flying nine times faster than the speed of sound at a rangeof more than 1,000 kilometers (over 620 miles). Even though the Admiral Gorshkov is not carrying nukes at the moment, Zircon hypersonic missiles are capable of delivering nuclear payloads. If Zircon hypersonic missiles are launched from a Russian warship positioned just off the east coast, they would start hitting targets inside the U.S. in just a matter of moments. And we would have no way to defend against that. CBS News is also telling us that the Russians are about to conduct a military exercise in the Caribbean that will involve “Russian long-range bombers flying along the U.S. East Coast”… The announcement came a day after U.S. officials said that Washington had been tracking Russian warships and aircraft that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise.They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to the U.S. support for Ukraine. Those exercises will likely include Russian long-range bombers flying along the U.S. East Coast, according to CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. The Russians are clearly trying to get our attention. They are telling us that we are pushing things in Ukraine too far. Just this week, it was being reported that a Ukrainian warplane has hit targets inside Russian territory for the first time… A Ukrainian warplane has for the first time fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia, a Ukrainian military source has told Sky News. The source said a “Russian command node” was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod, western Russia. Belgorod is close to the border with northeastern Ukraine. If the Ukrainians decide to get really bold and start hitting Moscow with long-range weapons provided by western powers, there is no telling what the Russians might do. I strongly recommend that we try to find a peaceful way out of this mess while we still can. Meanwhile, the head of US Indo-Pacific Command is warning that he intends to create a “hellscape” for the Chinese if they pull the trigger on an invasion of Taiwan… The US military is planning to create a “hellscape” of drones in the Taiwan Strait if China moves to attack Taiwan, the top US military commander in the region has told The Washington Post. Adm. Samuel Paparo, the head of US Indo-Pacific Command, told Post columnist Josh Rogin that the idea would be to send thousands of drones, unmanned submarines, and drone boats into the Straitto buy time for the US and Taiwan to prepare a defense of the island. “I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” Paparo said. “So that I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buysme the time for the rest of everything.” A decade ago, talk of a major war between the U.S. and China was considered to be nonsense. But now we are almost there. In the Middle East, exchanges of fire between the IDF and Hezbollah have “grown from daily to almost hourly”… The mountain villages and rolling valleys along Israel’s border with Lebanon already feel like a war zone. The booms of intercepted rockets and drones regularly shake the air. Plumes of smoke rise from hillside explosions as firefighters race to keep blazes from engulfing residential neighborhoods.The pace of Hezbollah and Israeli strikes has grown from daily to almost hourly, according to the civilians, local officials and soldiers who remain in the area. “Each week it’s becoming more frequent and more intense,” said Liron, the deputy commander of an army squad that was crowded into a shelter during an air raid alert Thursday. He spoke on thecondition that he be identified by his first name because he was not authorized to talk to the media. It is just a matter of time before the Middle East erupts in flames. There are 60,000 Israelis that cannot return to their homes in northern Israel until the threat that Hezbollah poses is neutralized, and one recent survey discovered that the Israeli peopleare overwhelmingly in favor of a military campaign against Hezbollah… U.S. negotiators are trying to head off an escalation, but Israel is under growing domestic pressure to halt the Hezbollah launches and allow more than 60,000 displaced civilians to returnto their homes after eight months of living in hotels and shelters around the country. A poll Friday by the Hebrew-language daily Maariv found that 62 percent of Israelis support the idea of a decisive attack on Hezbollah. There is just one problem. The moment that the IDF goes into southern Lebanon, it will mean all-out war with Hezbollah and thousands of highly advanced missiles will start raining down on Israeli cities. Israel could easily handle Hamas. Hezbollah is another matter entirely. The three wars that I have discussed in this article are the exact same three wars that I have been warning my readers about for years. War in the Middle East is here, war with Russia is here, and war with China is rapidly approaching. But the vast majority of the population is still sleeping, and most of them won’t understand what is happening until it is too late. ---------------------- To America�s Detriment, The Biden Administration Is Actively Stabbing Israel In The Back � By Robert Gottselig - Lately, the Biden administration seems more interested in appeasing their anti-Israel left-wing base than standing with Israel, and in doing so, they are doing nothing more than stabbing Israelin the back. Under Biden, the Democrats� support for Israel has been wavering. One minute, they�re with Israel, supporting their right to defend themselves against the terrorist group Hamas, and the nextminute, the Democrats under Biden are telling Israel to end the war and not to go into Rafah, leaving Hamas a victory and to live another day. If you remember, in early May, Biden told Netanyahu that if Israel entered Rafah, the US would block specific weapons from being sent to the Jewish State. Then, at the end of May, Biden releaseda three-phase plan that he falsely claimed Israel had accepted. Here�s what Biden proposed: This new proposal has three phases � three. The first phase would last for six weeks. Here�s what it would include: a full and complete ceasefire; a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza; a release of a numberof hostages � including women, the elderly, the wounded � in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. There are American hostages who would be released at this stage, and we want them home. Additional, some remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families, bringing some degree of closure to their terrible grief. Palestinians � civilians � would return to their homes and neighborhoods in all areas of Gaza, including in the north. Humanitarian assistance would surge with 600 trucks carrying aid intoGaza every single day. With a ceasefire, that aid could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need it. Hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters, including housing units, would be delivered by the international community. All of that and more would begin immediately � immediately. During the six weeks of ph- � of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to phase two, which is a permanent end to hostol- � to hostilities. Now, I�ll be straight with you. There are a number of details to negotiate to move from phase one to phase two. Israel will want to make sure its interests are protected. But the proposal says if the negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will still continue as long as negotiations continue. And the United States, Egypt, and Qatar would work to ensure negotiations keep going � all agreements � all agreements � until all the agreements are reached and phase two is able to begin. Then phase two: There would be an exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers; Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza; and as long as Hamas lives upto its commitments, a temporary ceasefire would become, in the words of the propo- � the Israeli proposal, �the cessation of hostilities permanently,� end of quote. �Cessation of hostilities permanently.� Finally, in phase three, a major reconstruction plan for Ga- � for Gaza wou- � would commence. And any final remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families. That�s the offer that�s now on the table� Let me get this straight. Israel has to come to a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas. Hamas is going to release a few hostages�in exchange, by theway, for hundreds of terrorist prisoners, all with blood on their hands. Then, the Gazans can return to their homes in all areas, and Israel is supposed to sit down with Hamas and negotiate on how to get to �phase two.� You have got to be kidding me! Negotiate with terrorists whose charter is to destroy you. Has Biden gone mad? Apparently so. Instead of pressuring Hamas to release the hostages and surrender to end this war, it�s all on Israel to surrender, which gives Hamas the victory. All I can say is, woe unto America! Thatis not going to bring blessing to your country. I can guarantee you that. Israel has a better way: Finish off Hamas and rescue the hostages. That�s just what they continued to do this past weekend, rescuing four hostages who were being held in two separate buildings in a densely populated civilian area in central Gaza. This wasa highly coordinated rescue effort, and it was nothing short of miraculous, involving much intelligence, weeks of training with a precise plan, and many special Israeli Force teams. Hamas claimed that, in the process, Israel killed at least 274 Palestinians. Of course, CNN jumped all over Hamas� propaganda. Instead of praising Israel�s heroic rescue efforts, its reportstated, �At least 210 people killed and hundreds injured in Israeli raid to rescue four hostages in central Gaza.� That statement makes it sound as though it really wasn�t worth it, �Well, for four hostages, you�ve killed 210 people, Israel.� What is CNN doing? That�s not what should have been communicated.It should have been a praise of God for what Israel has accomplished. The question should have been: Why in the world were the hostages being held in the civilian area in the first place? CNN didn�t ask that important question. It further confirms what Israel already knew, that many ordinary Gazan civilians were and are in on this whole terrorist operation. To make matters worse, the US has been working to try to dismantle Israel�s fragile emergency government in the middle of this war. The US held private meetings with Benny Gantz�Israel�s oppositionleader�who quit the war cabinet last Saturday. There is little doubt that the US played a role in that departure. Sadly, it�s about the upcoming US election in November. It�s all about votes and staying in power. What can we take away from all of this? Ultimately, God is still on the throne and has His eyes on the whole situation. Don�t kid yourself. Understand that. Take comfort in that. He�s got his eyes on the developments in Israel andaround the world. None of this should surprise students of God�s word. We know that one day, the whole world is going to turn on Israel with only God defending her. Yes, that�s what the Bible says is coming,as we read in Zechariah chapter 14. If the things we are seeing happening in our world today are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled, then we shouldn�t be saying ridiculous things like �All eyes on Rafah.� Rather,we should be dead serious in saying, �All eyes on God�s word.� ----------------------------- Iran's Attempts to Attack Israel Must Be Confronted - by Con Coughlin - With Hamas facing the prospect of suffering a cataclysmic defeat in Gaza, the recent upsurge in attacks on northern Israel by Hezbollah, from Lebanon, suggests that Iran is determined to opena second military front to distract attention away from Hamas's dire plight, and to further the plan of its patron, Iran, to try to annihilate Israel. Iran's support for Hamas was crucial to enabling the terrorist organisation to carry out its murderous assault against southern Israel on October 7. Apart from providing valuable intelligenceon the Israel Defence Forces' (IDF) key positions along the Gazan border, Iran was the main provider of the weaponry used to conduct the atrocities. After Iran launched its first direct attack, from its own soil, against Israel in April, when most of the Iranian missiles and drones were intercepted before reaching their targets, Iran'soptions have become increasingly limited for providing assistance to its long-standing ally Hamas, as well as to its wish to exterminate Israel. The prospect of the Gaza conflict ending with the complete destruction of the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas is viewed with alarm in Tehran, which remains committed to maintaining itssupport for the so-called "axis of resistance", the collection of Islamist terrorist groups that includes Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The steady erosion of Hamas's ability to maintain its terrorist operations was highlighted at the weekend, when the IDF staged a daring rescue mission to free four Israeli hostages being heldby the terror group in the Gaza district of Nuseirat. With Hamas set to suffer a catastrophic defeat in Gaza at the hands of the IDF, Iran is clearly seeking to ease the pressure on its terrorist ally by provoking Israel into opening a secondfront by counterattacking more aggressively against Hezbollah in Lebanon. This would explain the recent upsurge in attacks against northern Israel by Hezbollah terrorists in recent weeks. According to Israel's Shin Bet domestic intelligence service, Hezbollah launchedmore than 1,000 anti-tank missiles, rockets and drones against northern Israel -- in a country smaller than New Jersey -- during May. This compares with 334 in January and 534 in February, whilst in both March and April, there were more than 740. The frequency of the attacks is having an increasingly difficult impact on Israelis living close to the border area, who are enduring almost daily bombardments, with Israeli officials claimingthat nearly 5,000 projectiles have been launched towards Israel from Lebanon since the start of the war in Gaza. At least 100,000 Israelis are estimated to have fled their homes in northern Israel since Hezbollah launched its attacks following Hamas's invasion on Israel on 7 October, and are living asdisplaced persons is temporary lodgings. In the past week, the intensity of the attacks has led to Hezbollah rockets sparking a series of wildfires in northern Israel, with Israeli firefighters battling to contain the blazes, whichhave been exacerbated by high temperatures. More than 3,500 acres of land have been destroyed so far. The use of Iranian-made drones in the attacks, moreover, signifies that Hezbollah is using more sophisticated methods to attack Israel's northern border, which Hezbollah officials insist willcontinue until there is a ceasefire in Gaza. They see to be hoping either to destroy Israel without being harmed themselves, or that that someone else will please stop the war that they began. The upsurge in violence has increased the pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take firm action against the mounting threat Hezbollah poses to Israelis. Last week, an Israeliarmy reservist was killed and at least ten people wounded in a Hezbollah drone attack on the Druze village of Hurfeish in the Upper Galilee. After conducting a personal tour of the region, Netanyahu warned that Israel was ready with an "extremely powerful" response if Hezbollah persisted with its attacks. Netanyahu's willingness to give serious consideration to opening a second front in Israel's war against Iranian-backing terrorists is a measure of his utter determination to emerge victoriousin his pledge to utterly destroy Hamas. Netanyahu's resolve in the face of so many challenges, from splits in his own war cabinet over the conduct of the war in Gaza to incessant pressure from Washington to agree to a ceasefire,has prompted comparisons with British wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill, with Andrew Roberts labelling the Israeli PM "The Winston Churchill of the Middle East." There is massive evidence that the Biden administration would like to see Netanyahu removed and that someone more "compliant" to the wishes of the US replace him � a new Israeli prime ministerwho would not object to Hamas continuing to rule the Gaza Strip after the fighting ends, and rebuild its military to be able to attack Israel again as it has vowed to do. The US would also doubtless like an Israeli prime minister would gladly accept a Palestinianstate supervised by Qatar, which has a regrettable but endless track record of promoting and sponsoring terrorists. The Biden administration would apparently like an Israeli prime minister who would agree that a nuclear-armed Iran is exactly what the MiddleEast needs at this time, and, to that end, has been begging European officials not to object to Iran's nuclear program. If the Israelis are smart, they will keep Netanyahu. He has shown time and again that he can stand up to immense pressure from whoever is trying to insert a knife in Israel's back � whetherthe Obama administration proposing an Iranian nuclear bomb in 2015, or Senator Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden's unsubtle efforts to try to get him ousted. While the IDF's successful operation to rescue four Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza will have boosted Netanyahu's claim that his uncompromising approach to defeating Hamas is payingdividends, the pressure on him both to accept a ceasefire -- an agreement he argues would simply reward Hamas for conducting its horrific terrorist attacks on October 7 -- and hold off from launching military action against Hezbollah remains strong. Unfortunately, the only way of seeing all the hostages released is by military pressure. The UN Security Council's backing for a US resolution setting out a ceasefire plan for the war in Gaza will lend encouragement to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's latest diplomatic effortsto persuade Israel and Hamas to a temporary cessation of hostilities, which none of the parties, save Biden, remotely wants. In his eighth diplomatic mission to the region since the October 7 attacks, Blinken is urging top Israeli officials to accept and implement a plan for postwar Gaza, while at the same timepushing for more international pressure on Hamas to accept a temporary ceasefire, which is not at all what Hamas wants. Like Iran, Hamas is looking for a saviour to permanently end the conflict it began so that it can go back to ruling Gaza and rebuildingits military to strike Israel again. At the same time, Blinken is also trying to cut his own separate deal with Hamas to release just the American hostages -- a plan that not only double-crosses Israel, but also undercuts hisown proposal at the UN. Meanwhile, Washington is urging the Israeli government to limit its response to Hezbollah's constant attacks against Israel's northern border, with the Biden administration claiming that neithera "limited war" in Lebanon nor a "small regional war" are realistic options in dealing with Hezbollah, and that any escalation in Israel's military response could result in further involvement by Iran. On both these issues -- calling for a ceasefire and limiting Israel's response to Hezbollah -- the Biden administration needs a reality check on what is really taking place on the ground onIsrael's northern and southern borders. The fact that the freed Israeli hostages were being held by Hamas in a densely populated neighborhood in Gaza area shows the lengths the terrorists are prepared to go to withstand Israel'smilitary assault in the hope that they can use the remaining hostages as a bargaining chip to obtain favourable ceasefire terms. As for the risk of Iran deepening its involvement in the conflict, that has already happened, as the recent increase in Hezbollah attacks on Israel has demonstrated. To prevail against determined terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel and its allies need to rally support for Netanyahu, rather than constantly criticize him. For only by defeating these deadly Iran-backed terrorist groups can there be any realistic chance of peace. ------------------------------------- UN support of Hamas against Israel - Bill Wilson � Against the backdrop of the United Nations Human Rights Council calling for Israel to be held accountable for war crimes against humanity in Gaza, and the International Criminal Court seekingarrest warrants for Israeli officials accused of war crimes, the United Nations is aiding and abetting Hamas terrorists. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is willfully ignoring Hamas use of UN schoolsand facilities as a shield and operational quarters against Israeli Defense Forces. Despite documented evidence of this terrorist support, UNRWA insists that this is misinformation and that it knows nothing about the claims. In downplaying the claims, UNRWA states: �UNRWA has more than 30,000 staff across the region, including 13,000 in Gaza, the majority of them Palestinian. UNRWA takes seriously its responsibilityto ensure that its operations and staff adhere to UN values and core humanitarian principles.� One can only assume then, that the UN�s values and core humanitarian principles include supporting Hamas terrorists over Israeli defense against the terrorism. Evidenceenough is how the UN is holding Israel accountable for war crimes against humanity in Gaza while turning a blind eye to its own UN agency housing of Hamas terrorist, Hamas using children as human shields, Hamas using UN buildings as operational quarters storingweapons and linking them through tunnels to the Hamas infrastructure. Recent case in point: On May 6 and 7, the IDF announced that it had killed Hamas terrorists at two UN �schools� in Gaza. In a statement IDF said, �Earlier today (Friday), the Israeli Air Forcewith the direction of IDF intelligence and the ISA, targeted Hamas terrorists operating from a container inside the grounds of the �Asmaa� UNRWA school in Shati, Gaza. The container was used as a Hamas Operations Cell and a meeting point for Hamas operatives.Hamas terrorists inside the Operations Cell who were planning imminent attacks were eliminated. Hamas terrorists carried out terror attacks from the U.N. school premises while using it as a shield for their terror activities. Prior to the strike, many stepswere taken to mitigate civilian harm. The strike was carried out using precise munitions, leading to a precise strike on the terrorists.� IDF added, �The Hamas terror organization systematically, intentionally and strategically places its infrastructure and operates from within civilian areas, in full violation of internationallaw and while putting the lives of Gazan civilians at risk.� Israel has clearly documented Hamas atrocities and the IDF response since the October 7, 2023 brutal attack on Israeli men, women and children. Yet, the UN and, quite frankly, much of the world,says Israel is committing war crimes against humanity. In the US, universities, students, actors, the LGBTQ+ community, and others are supporting the barbaric Hamas terrorists. Isaiah 5:20 says, �Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darknessfor light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!� The US should defund the UN and boot it out. It is abomination. -------------------------------------

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