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Friday, June 14, 2024

Government censorship

 Government censorship - Bill Wilson – Louisiana Democrats have taken an all-out offensive against any form of education that doesn’t align with their leftist agenda. The May 30 headline in the Picayune Times read: “Louisiana lawmakersslam education chief for partnering with right wing media group.” Democrat lawmakers took issue with PragerU’s and the Louisiana Department of Education’s partnership that counterbalances the Marxist agenda of revisionist history. The Picayune Times said “Andmembers of the Legislative Black Caucus condemned the decision by state Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley to partner with PragerU, which says its “edu-taining, pro-American content” is guided by “Biblical values” and “rejecting woke culture.” These lawmakers say that children deserve an unbiased, fact-based education free of political agendas and accuse the LA Department of Education of betraying its responsibilities by helpingright-wing extremists to rewrite history. They apparently really took issue with PragerU’s factual assertion, as narrated by Candace Owens (a conservative Black woman) that plantation owners were without exception, Democrats. Instead of embracing educationaldialogue based on the merits of their positions, the Democrats want to create laws to prohibit dissent. The Democrats are proving that if the educational agenda is not aligned with the Democratic Party agenda, it must be banned. Marxism by any other name.This takes an even darker twist. The Democrats tried to block Brumley’s reappointment as Superintendent of Education and they introduced bills to ban PragerU. Both Senate and House bills stated: “THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDthat the Senate [House of Representatives] of the Legislature of Louisiana does hereby urge and request the Louisiana Department of Education and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to prohibit use of “edu-tainment” children videos that arediscriminatory and anti-Semitic as educational tools in classrooms.” First, the PragerU partnership provides resources to teachers that can be used voluntarily, they are not required. Secondly, anti-Semitic? Both the Founder of PragerU, Dennis Prager, andPrager CEO Marissa Streit are Jewish and PragerU supports Israel and stands against anti-Semitism. Prager advocated against Soviet oppression of Jews in 1969, was appointed by President Reagan to the US Delegation to the Vienna Review Conference on the Helsinki Accords, and by PresidentGeorge W Bush to the US Holocaust Memorial Council. Streit was born in Los Angeles, moved to Israel where she completed her primary education, and served in the Israeli Defense Forces. As Christ said in John 8:32 that we should know the truth, “and the truthwill set you free.” Ultimately, the Democrats were unsuccessful in blocking Brumley’s reappointment and their bills failed. But all Americans should know the truth about how far these Democratic Party Marxists will go to censure those with whom they disagree—evento the point of accusing Jews of being anti-Semitic. Beyond insane, this is, say it with me…Studpidocrisy.

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