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Friday, June 14, 2024

As The Enemy Takes Aim, God Delivers Miraculously For Israel

 As The Enemy Takes Aim, God Delivers Miraculously For Israel – By Amir Tsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from Northern Israel! Happy Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) to Israel, and Happy Birthday to the Church! One of my favorite aspects of these annual feasts in Israel isthe reminder that they’re only the shadow of what was and what is to come. Yes, the celebrations are something to look forward to. Yes, I enjoy the fact that they distinguish the Jews as a people with a unique relationship with the Lord. But most of all, Ilove that they point to the substance – Messiah Jesus. Colossians 2:16-17 KJV – “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come;but the body is of Christ.” Sadly, this year’s Shavuot celebration was met with hundreds of rockets being fired over our northern border via Hezbollah. Anymore, we basically anticipate our terrorist neighbors will rampup their attacks during Jewish holidays. God is good. My family is safe. And while I know our military is prepared to deal with this issue, I’m not looking horizontally for my hope. Psalm 20:7 KJV – “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Hamas & Gaza You likely know by now that God delivered in a massive way just days ago when four Israeli hostages were rescued alive at the conclusion of an amazing operation carried out by the IDF. AndreyKozolov, Noa Argamani, Almog Meir, Shlomi Ziv were all rescued as a result of a joint operation by the IDF, Shin Bet, and Yamam (the anti-terror unit of the police). This operation had been in the making for weeks! They were able to rescue four hostages andkill terrorists at the same time. This operation consisted of many moving parts, as well as a host of explosions. The Gazans, including the terrorists, were shocked. The US was even involved in providing intel to make this mission a success. You can learnmore about this incredible event in my Breaking News segment. However, this did not come without the tragic news of the loss of Captain Arnon Zamora – the team commander of the anti-terror unit – who sacrificed his life to bring them home. He will neverbe forgotten. He was the first person through the door where the hostages were being held. This operation has since been renamed, “Operation Arnon”. Am Yisrael Chai! This means, “The people of Israel live!” In what’s not a surprise, Hamas has increased its phycological warfare ever since, threatening to make the living conditions of the other hostages even worse. We’re not finished. As Netanyahusaid, our troops are going to bring everyone home. Given that Hamas rejected our most recent offer, we’re here to stay. By the way, the leader of Hamas even voiced that he believes civilian deaths are “necessary sacrifices”. He believes Gazans need to die.Israel is trying to spare as many as possible. As the IDF continues to purge this lump of evil called Hamas from our midst, the depravity of these animals seems to be bottomless. Aside from the other grotesque things I’ve shared, the IDFis finding terror tunnel shafts in bedrooms belonging to girls. This is how these cowards operate. On a positive note, the IDF has seized full control of Philadelphi Axis and reached the Mediterranean Sea near Rafah. Hamas is now cut off from all sides. Nowwe have to purge them from the main city that’s dozens of feet underground. That said, nearly 40% of Rafah is now in our hands, but not at the cost of nothing. Tragically, an explosive-rigged building collapsed on Monday, resulting in the deaths and injuriesof IDF soldiers. Our military remains active in Judea & Samaria on a daily basis as well. These terrorists are everywhere. Hezbollah & Lebanon Throughout Northern Israel, including the Golan region, rocket attacks coming from Hezbollah in Lebanon are basically a daily occurrence. We’re dealing with them at an increasing rate. Israelis continuing to strike throughout Southern Lebanon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – War is imminent. Rockets and drones are constantly being intercepted in our airspace. That said, in the last couple of days, we’ve eliminated some key Hezbollahleaders. As of today, it’s war in Northern Israel. Rockets are nonstop and civilian areas are being targeted by the minute. I’m torn between wanting us to strike back at Hezbollah right NOW and knowing the reason why we shouldn’t do it a minute before it’s the exact right time. In times of war, one must think fromthe head and not from the stomach. In times of war, one must exercise composure and not impulsivity. In times like these, I pray even harder for our prime minister and his war cabinet members who don’t have the luxury other politicians have to make empty promisesand hollow threats. I also know the importance of the verse: כִּי בְתַחְבֻּלוֹת תַּעֲשֶׂה לְּךָ מִלְחָמָה וּתְשׁוּעָה בְּרֹב יוֹעֵץ. Proverbs 24:6 KJV – “For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.” The United States Sadly, the White House continues to undermine our government. Biden’s puppet inside Israel’s war cabinet – Benny Gantz – is leaving the government at the order of the White House and the StateDepartment in an attempt to topple Netanyahu. In response, Netanyahu said, “Israel is in an existential war on several fronts. Benny, this is not the time to abandon the campaign. This is the time to unite the forces. My door will remain open to any Zionistparty that is ready to help bring victory over our enemies.” Foolishly, the US is providing another $400 million in aid to the Palestinians. From the Heart of an Israeli My social media feeds are exploding with what appears to be God-fearing and Jesus-loving individuals who are attending some major conservative events. In my attempt to understand who someof them are, I often go to their social media profiles and see what they write and who they spend their time with. To my shock and astonishment in so many cases, I see that many antisemitic people are found on those profiles. Why am I embarrassed and sad?Here I am trying to explain to broken-hearted and devastated Israelis that their best friends are neither politicians nor the progressive media, but rather, the people of God. The Church! The real Church! Remember, not all conservatives are Spirit-filled, born-again believers. In fact, most of them are not. Their “religious convictions” might make them say the right things about family, gender,and national identity. But when it comes to Israel, they will spew horrific words and follow conspiracy theories that revive old blood libels against Jews. Their biblical discernment is literally nonexistent. Why? Because they don’t have the Holy Spirit. Theyaren’t saved. They’re simply just religious people. Remember, religion was never the answer. If anything, Jesus pointed at it as the problem. I remember sitting on a rooftop of a building adjacent to the Vatican in Rome and giving the message: “It’s Not AboutReligion, Brother!”. Neither Judaism nor Islam nor Catholicism nor Hinduism nor Buddhism can ever save anyone. You can’t be born into faith. You must be born again. Your first birth will never be enough! Please try to understand: We are in a situation the Jews haven’t found themselves in since the 1930sand the 1940s of the 20th century. The silence of the world is incredibly loud! The amount of deception, ignorance, and hatred is very unfamiliar to young Israelis who were on their journey to becoming part of the global community. Suddenly, they were remindedwhat God, through Balaam, tried to tell us during the Exodus from Egypt: כִּֽי־מֵרֹ֤אשׁ צֻרִים֙ אֶרְאֶ֔� ּוּ וּמִגְּבָע֖וֹת אֲשׁוּרֶ֑� ּוּ הֶן־עָם֙ לְבָדָ֣ד יִשְׁכֹּ֔ן וּבַגּוֹיִ֖ם לֹ֥א יִתְחַשָּֽׁב׃ Numbers 23:9 KJV – “For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.” Choose wisely who you associate yourself with. And, yes, check their stance on Israel. It will say an enormous amount about their spiritual state!

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