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Friday, June 14, 2024

Are you seen?

 Are you seen? - Bill Wilson – Almost everywhere you turn these days, somebody is whining about whether they are being “seen.” Woke culture makes sure it tells people “I see you. You are seen.” An article in PsychologyToday says, “Feeling seen by others is a basic human need. Its basis is evolutionary: If your tribe didn’t see you, there was a risk you’d be left behind when the nomadic life of early humans dictated they move, and being alone equated to death. If other tribesdidn’t see and respect you and your tribe, they were likely to invade your territory, take your resources, and leave you and your family to die. In the ancient part of our brains, not being seen is equivalent to being sentenced to death.” It’s a basis to justifyanger and victimization. Biblically speaking, being seen is the opposite of justifying anger and victimization. It is God’s way of showing love, value and concern for His people, and being seen is a foundational preceptof order within God-given liberty. At the beginning of Numbers, the LORD instructs Moses to conduct a census. Males 20 years and older were counted for an army, and each recorded by name and clan, starting with Reuben. The Levites however, were exempt fromthe census because their service was for the Tabernacle. The census also indicates God’s concern for each person who is known and counted by the LORD. The Hebrew term “lifting the head,” means that each head is counted and seen before God. As the book of Numbers unfolds, we see that the Israelites have not processed the message that they were to be a holy people, set apart to order their lives and obey the LORD’s precepts. Inthis they have freedom, perfect liberty. As a people, however, they continue to repeat their lapses in faith and disobedience to God’s word. Sound familiar? Thank the Lord that He never gives up on us. The Torah is God’s call to create a freedom that honorsorder, and the human freedom that comes by obedience to that challenge. Freedom necessitates the need for rule of law and accountability because humans create chaos and use it to justify their actions—often enslaving themselves to bondage, both physicallyand spiritually. God, however, creates order. His order is perfect liberty. It’s easy to say “nobody sees me” and let a bitter root take hold. But the LORD sees you. Scripture confirms it. Jeremiah 12:3 says, “But You know me, O LORD; You see me and test my heart toward You.” Psalm 33:18 says, “Surely the eyes of the LORD are onthose who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His loving devotion.” Proverbs 15:3 says, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good.” In Christ, you have no reason to feel abandoned, left behind, unseen. You are sentencedto life and life more abundantly. Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Anger and victimization are bondage. More than anybody on earth, God sees you.He hears you. He loves you. How much greater than the world seeing you is the Creator of that world watching over you?

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