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Friday, June 21, 2024

Stupidocrisy: Wind-up toys in leadership

 Stupidocrisy: Wind-up toys in leadership - Bill Wilson – Uncle Al’s Toys ( says wind-up toys originated in the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome and China. The website says, “In Greece and Rome, toys were often made of wood or metal and were powered by simple mechanisms such as springs or weights. The Chinese, on the other hand, were renowned for their intricate automata, which were powered by water and used to entertain emperors and nobles.” The site also says that modern wind-up toys are made from plastic instead of metal and even incorporate electronic components, concluding, “Regardless of age, watching a wind-up toy come to life remains a magical wonder that captivates us for generations.” How similar to modern American leadership. Take Joe Biden for example. He seems to be powered by simple mechanisms. And he is quite entertaining to the Chinese. Some would consider his robotic movement, ever-present smile, and limited vocabulary as “plastic.” While you may get a chuckle out of this comparison, it’s really not funny. He is the leader of what’s left of the free world. He can hardly put two words together and zones out a lot in public. Just to kind of imagine how dangerous this is to national security, he seems to have no reaction to Chinese spy balloons or Russian nuclear submarines off the coast of Florida. Yet he pressures Israel to make peace with the terrorists who brutally attacked Israeli men, women and children. Last Saturday night, Biden attended a Democratic Party fundraiser in Los Angeles. Several news outlets reported and video footage indicates that Biden got so caught up in the crowd cheering for him and former president Barack Obama that Obama had to grab him by the wrist, put his arm around the aged president and lead him off of the stage. Despite distinct and confirming video of Biden having to be led off stage by Obama, Obama’s senior advisor Eric Schulz posted on X “this did not happen.” Of course, this fanned the flames among those in the news media that think Biden may be mentally incompetent to continue in office. Biden had previously wandered off during the recent G7 summit. Italy’s Prime Minister took Biden’s hand and lead him back to the photo shoot with other world leaders. Apparently, the Democratic Party faithful are not concerned. Biden raised a record $30 million-plus as the Hollywood elite emptied their pockets in a Marxist-supporting frenzy. It is a legitimate question whether Biden is mentally fit to remain in the office of President. This is similar to what is written in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 regarding how the wicked rejected the truth and God sent “them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.” The lie is that this wind-up human obviously is not in control and the administrative deep state continues to advance under the oligarchy that has the wind-up key. America’s allies and its enemies alike can see this leaderless ship aimlessly floating in the sea of uncertainty. Wind-up toys may be amusing to some, but wind-up Presidents are worse than, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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