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Friday, June 28, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 6.29..24 -

Intentionally Blind - By Daymond Duck - On Jan. 6, 2024, Israel used precise munitions to kill nine known terrorists inside 3 rooms at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school. The Hamas-controlled Palestinian media quickly suggested that Israel killed about 45 civilians. The international media and global leaders quickly jumped all over Israel. An Israeli spokesperson said: •We delayed our strike twice because we identified civilians in the area. We had aerial surveillance that had been monitoring the Hamas compound for a few days. We conducted the strike onceour intelligence and surveillance indicated that there were no women or children inside the Hamas compound, inside those classrooms. •This is the fifth time we have had to target Hamas and PIJ terrorists operating from inside UNRWA facilities… in the last month alone. •Hamas wages war from schools and hospitals. Hamas hopes that international law and public sympathy will provide a shield for their military activities, which is why they systematically operatefrom schools, UN facilities, hospitals, and mosques. As I understand it, the Hamas terrorists are violating international law by operating out of schools and hospitals, but the international media and many global leaders are deliberately turninga blind eye to that fact. It is an established fact that Hamas and their Palestinian supporters have been exaggerating the number of citizens killed in this war, but the international media and many global leadersare deliberately disregarding that unpleasant truth. Israel seems to be taking great pains to try to avoid killing innocent people, something the international media and most global leaders are bound to know (because they are not stupid), butthey choose to ignore it. Two days later, on June 8, 2024, Israel rescued 4 hostages that were being held in a civilian neighborhood; several people were killed, and, once again, the international media and severalglobal leaders went bonkers. The EU Minister of Foreign Affairs criticized Israel for “another massacre of civilians” and said, “We condemn this in the strongest terms. The bloodbath must end.” Following Norway’s criticism of Israel, the Israeli ambassador to Norway said: •Hostages shouldn’t be kept in densely populated areas; Families shouldn’t be locking up hostages in their homes on behalf of terror organizations; Civilians shouldn’t be kidnapped. •Israel has not only the right to rescue its kidnapped citizens but the obligation to do so. Those who kidnapped civilians and paid families to keep them as hostages in their homes in themiddle of a populated residential area are responsible for each and every casualty. •Once again, the Hamas terrorists were violating international law, but the international media and many global leaders continued to turn a blind eye. They know what Hamas is doing, but they are intentionally blind or willfully avoiding the real problem (and that is why some problems never get solved). Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that we are close to the end of the age. One, on June 10, 2024, Israel announced that Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihadhave launched more than 19,000 missiles at Israel since the Oct. 7, 2023 Israeli-Hamas war began. Most of the financing for these missiles was provided by Iran. What have the international media and global leaders done about it? My answer: other than jumping all over Israel for defending itself, they appear to be intentionallyblind to why Israel is striking back. On June 16, 2024, an Israeli spokesman said: •When we say that we will not let October 7th happen again on any one of our borders – we mean it. •Because of Hezbollah’s refusal to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1701 — because of Hezbollah’s military infrastructure, weapons, and fire at Israel from the area south of theLitani River in southern Lebanon — and because of Lebanon’s failure to enforce 1701 on Hezbollah — Israel will take the necessary measures to protect its civilians — until security along our border with Lebanon is restored. •One way or another – we will ensure the safe and secure return of Israelis to their homes in Northern Israel. That is not up for negotiation. (My opinion: If Hezbollahdoesn’t stop attacking Israel – and I don’t think they will – this will soon turn into an all-out war, spread, and involve other nations.). Two, concerning wars and rumors of wars, including the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 14, 2024:CBN reported that: •The possibility of a war between Israel and Hezbollah is growing. •Iran warned Israel not to launch a war and notified the U.S. that Iran will join the war if one breaks out. •Israel’s military leaders are recommending that the government allow them to bring a quick end to the Rafah operation so they can focus on a wider war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. (More: In a different article,it was reported that Israel intends to conclude its attacks in Rafah in the next 2 weeks.) (More: In another article,it was reported that anonymous officials said the Biden administration is concerned that the war could get out of hand and the U.S. could be drug into it to prevent the defeat of Israel. The U.S. will send another diplomat to Israel on June 17, 2024, to tryto calm the situation.). (More: On June 17, 2024,Gatestone Institute posted an article by Carolyn Glick (author and columnist, that said, “Hezbollah is burning a swathe through northern Israel. The nature reserves, grazing land, fields, and orchards are burning to the ground. Military bases, including severalstrategic assets, are incurring major damage. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed. Businesses are bankrupt. And some 80,000 displaced Israelis are living in hotels with no sense of when they may be able to go home.”) (Update: On June 18, 2024,it was reported that the Israeli military has approved plans for an all-out war against Hezbollah and is preparing for it in case the government orders it. Israel’s foreign minister said, “We are very close to the moment when we will decide to change the rulesof the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” Katz said in a statement. . .. In a total war, Hezbollah will be destroyed, and Lebanon will be hit hard.” For whatever it is worth, the U.S. is urging Israel not to get into another war.) (My opinion: If this warbreaks out and Iran gets involved, Russia, Turkey, and other Islamic nations and groups could be dragged in. It will provoke God’s wrath, He will get involved, and it will be a sure sign that the latter days and latter years have arrived.) (My question: Pres. Bidenhas threatened to cut off U.S. support for Israel if Netanyahu doesn’t do what Biden says. How has Biden threatened Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, or the Palestinians if they don’t do what he says?) Three, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on June 15, 2024, it was reported that Israel’s enemiesare using newer, more powerful drones, to drop small bombs on Israeli tanks, observation towers, armored personnel carriers, groups of troops, etc. Israel needs to find a better way to deal with this new kind of warfare. Four, concerning wars and rumors of wars and the government tracking people: on June 14, 2024, theU.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that uses existing government data to automatically register all draft-age (18-26 years old) male and female U.S. residents with the Selective Service for apossible military draft. Put another way, freedom of choice for military duty is over. The U.S. military will soon be able to draft males and females who are 18-26 years old. Five, concerning the use of nuclear weapons: a reader sent me a report dated June 17, 2024, thatsays Israel is significantly upgrading its nuclear capabilities. (More: On June 17, 2024,it was reported that Israel has 90 nuclear warheads that can be launched from the air, land, or sea.) (My opinion: This couldexplain how Damascus, Syria, could be destroyed in one night.) (More: On June 17, 2024,it was reported that North Korea probably has about 50 nuclear weapons.) (More: On June 18, 2024,a nuclear-armed Chinese submarine surfaced off the coast of Taiwan, sat still for several minutes, then joined several other Chinese ships and moved on.) (My opinion: Because ofRussia’s threats and naval maneuvers near Florida, several people have asked me if I believe the U.S. and Russia will get into a nuclear war. I doubt it. If it happened, I believe NATO would get involved, the EU and Russia would strike each other, and thatdoesn’t align with Bible prophecy. I believe Russia must exist to attack Israel in the Battle of Gog and Magog, and the EU must be a powerhouse to produce the Antichrist and head up the New World Order.) Six, concerning a global economic collapse early in the Tribulation Period (rider on the black horse):on June 13, 2024, it was reported that Saudi Arabia has notified the U.S. that the dollar will no longer be the only currency that Saudi Arabia accepts from nations that want to buy oil. This will be a major step in the global use of other currencies, and it will likely have a negative impact on the U.S. economy. Seven, concerning a global economic collapse early in the Tribulation Period and a one-world economicsystem at the middle of the Tribulation Period: on June 17, 2024, it was reported that a UN report says the world’s debt is approaching 100 trillion dollars, and it is threatening the global economy. According to the UN report, the global financial system needs to be overhauled. Eight, concerning the U.S. and a digital ID: on June 14, 2024, Leo Hohmann (author and speaker)said the U.S. has secretly adopted a digital ID program. Hohmann believes the program will begin in the U.S. as a voluntary program and ultimately become a required program. He believes the first group that will be coerced into accepting it will be citizens who get benefits from the federal government (veterans, people drawing social security, on welfare, etc.). (My opinion: Christianswon’t be here when the Mark of the Beast is implemented globally, but a digital ID is a big step in that direction. Also, the Mark of the Beast is not every person having a different digital ID. It is every person taking the name, number, or Mark of the Beast.) Nine, concerning who will govern the Gaza Strip if Biden can force Israel to withdraw: on June 18,2024, it was reported that Hamas has instructed 2 battalions of troops to stay out of the war with Israel and to maintain their fighting abilities so they will have the military strength to become a governing force when Israel leaves. (Note: Recent polls showthat if a new election were held in Gaza, 67% of the Palestinians would vote for Hamas. It is likely that the terrorists would continue to be in power and continue to fire rockets into Israel. This is one reason Israel is determined to defeat Hamas no matterhow hard Biden tries to protect them.) Ten, concerning the possibility of corruption in the Pharmaceutical industry: on June 17, 2024,Kansas announced that it is suing Pfizer for misleading Kansans about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 (Day 251): The one hundred ninety-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 37 of the attack on Rafah. •S. Sec. of State Blinken said Hamas’ response to Biden’s ceasefire proposal includes changes that are unworkable. •The father of one of the 4 rescued hostages said his son was tortured by Hamas. •Hezbollah fired about 250 rockets into northern Israel. Thursday, June 13, 2024 (Day 252): The one hundred ninety-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 38 of the attack on Rafah. •Two Israelis were slightly wounded by rockets that Hezbollah fired at the Golan Heights from Lebanon. •Hamas said they have no idea how many of the Israeli hostages are still alive. Friday, June 14, 2024 (Day 253): The one hundred ninety-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 39 of the attack on Rafah. •It was reported that Hezbollah launched 16 drones toward Israel in the last 72 hours, and Israel shot down 11 (69%) of them. •Israel rejected a French mediation effort to negotiate a ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel on the grounds that France has adopted hostile policies toward Israel and ignored the atrocitiesof Hamas in Gaza. Macron has accused Israel of killing women and babies in Gaza and said nothing about the fact that Hamas has killed Israeli women, children, and men. Saturday, June 15, 2024 (Day 254): The one hundred ninety-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 40 of the attack on Rafah. •There is fierce fighting in Rafah, Israel is using artillery and helicopters, there are loud explosions, and several people have been killed. •8 Israeli soldiers were killed when their vehicle was hit by an explosion. •The U.S. said it destroyed seven radars, one drone, and two un-crewed surface vessels belonging to the Houthis. Sunday, June 16, 2024 (Day 255): The one hundred ninety-ninth day of the resumed war. Day 41 of the attack on Rafah. •In response to the resignation of Benny Gantz, Netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet, said he will not need a war cabinet anymore, and said he will meet with his security cabinet more oftento discuss the war. •Israel said it has defeated 2 out of the 4 Hamas divisions in Rafah, and the Israeli military now controls 60% of Rafah. Monday, June 17, 2024 (Day 256): The two-hundredth day of the resumed war. Day 42 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel has destroyed about 200 tunnel shafts and half of Hamas’ forces in Rafah. •Israel has located at least 25 tunnels that go to the Egyptian border, and some may go into Egypt. •Israel said dozens of hostages are still alive, and Israel cannot halt the war until all of them are released. •Hamas released a short video that says Hamas will continue to attack Israel until they have destroyed the Jewish nation. Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (Day 257): The two-hundred-first day of the resumed war. Day 43 of the attack on Rafah. •An Israeli official said after the war is over, Israeli troops will stay in Gaza until there is a negotiated agreement and there are mechanisms in place to ensure compliance with that agreement. Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (Day 258): The two-hundred-and-second day of the resumed war. Day 44 of the attack on Rafah. •Hamas said no part of Israel will be safe if a full-fledged war breaks out. FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go toHell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus isthe virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. --------------------------------------- Resurgence of Israel’s Military in Bible Prophecy, Part 2 - By David R. Reagan - In the first part of this fascinating look into the resurgence of Israel’s military in Bible prophecy, we looked at how God miraculously defended Israel during Israel’s War of Independence.Now we will explore God’s tremendous victories during the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. The Six-Day War (June 1967) Following years of tit-for-tat skirmishes, in the early 1960s, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser sought to align the Arab world under his leadership. His declared goal was to eradicatethe Jewish state of Israel. In 1965, Nasser asserted, “We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand; we shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.” A few months later, Nasser declared that he hadtwo aims. “The immediate aim: perfection of Arab military might. The national aim: the eradication of Israel.” In May 1967, Nasser amassed Egyptian troops on Israel’s southern border. He then ordered UN troops positioned in the buffer zone between Israel and Egypt to leave. When the UN readily complied,Nasser announced: “As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The solemethod we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.” The Syrian Defense Minister, Hafez Assad, affirmed Syria’s enthusiasm “to enter into a battle of annihilation.” On May 22, Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran to all Israel shipping — an overt act of war under international law. King Hussein of Jordan then signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30,and President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined the bellicose rhetoric by declaring, “Our goal is clear — to wipe Israel off the map.” A combined Arab army of 465,000 troops, 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft was poised to annihilate Israel. The Israeli leaders decided it would be suicidal to wait for the attack, and so, on June 6th, the entire Israeli Air Force (except a mere 12 planes assigned to defend Israel’s air space) launcheda devastating attack on the Egyptian air force. By the end of the morning, they had virtually destroyed the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian air forces. Unchallenged air superiority led to another miraculous Israeli victory after just six days of fighting. Even as the Arab armies were being decimated, Jordan’s King Hussein felt compelled to join the fighting. In response, Israel drove the Jordanian army across the Jordan River and recapturedthe Old City of Jerusalem and the sacred Temple Mount. Israeli paratroopers rushed to the Western Wall — where no Jew had been allowed access for 18 years. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the chief rabbi of the IDF (and later the chief rabbi of Israel) rushedto the wall, blew the shofar, and announced: “We have taken the City of God. We are entering the Messianic era for the Jewish people.” He understood from prophecies in the Hebrew scriptures that when the Jews are back in the land and back in their capitalcity, the Messiah will come. The Yom Kippur War (October 1973) Excessive Israeli confidence in their invincibility led to a dire situation just six years later. On October 6 (Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism), Egypt and Syria launched an all-outsurprise attack against Israel. Crossing the Suez Canal, the Egyptians quickly overran the Israeli outposts and drove deep into the Sinai. Simultaneously, Syria attacked the Golan Heights. Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt,had fulfilled his promise to avenge the Arab humiliation suffered in 1967. Just a few hours before the attack began, IDF Chief of Staff David Elazar recommended a preemptive air strike and immediate mobilization of the reserves. But Prime Minister Golda Meir overruleda first strike. She had been warned by Henry Kissinger that the United States would not support Israel if it struck first again. Once again, as in all its previous wars, Israel faced overwhelming odds. On the Golan Heights, 180 Israeli tanks faced an onslaught of 1,400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal, fewer than500 Israeli defenders with only 3 tanks were attacked by 600,000 Egyptian soldiers, backed by 2,000 tanks and 550 aircraft. Nine non-combatant Arab states provided aid and financial support to the Egyptian-Syrian war effort, while the Soviet Union providedmilitary equipment and intelligence. At great cost, Israel prevailed once again. Buoyed by massive military aid from America and brilliant military commanders, Israel turned back the initial Arab advances and recaptured the GolanHeights and the Sinai Peninsula. For example, under General Ariel Sharon, Israel won the greatest tank battle in history. By October 15, the Egyptian tank force had been destroyed, and Sharon had crossed the Suez Canal. He quickly surrounded the Egyptian Third Army, immobilized it, and started marching towardCairo. Meanwhile, in the north, the Israeli forces had cleared the Golan Heights, recaptured Mount Hermon, and began driving toward Damascus. By October 15th, Israeli forces were 25 miles from Damascus and 63 miles from Cairo when the Soviets demanded the UN to call for a cease-fire. Once again, Israel had prevailed when there seemedto be no hope. Other Major Conflicts Since 1967, Israel has contended with Palestinian and Islamic terrorism. Palestinian terrorists demonstrated their hatred at the 1972 Olympics in Berlin when 11 Israelis were brutally murdered.Palestinian hijacking, kidnapping, and bombing have continued to this day. In 1976, while America was preparing to celebrate its Bicentennial, four terrorists hijacked an Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris and diverted it to Benghazi, Libya, and then Entebbe,Uganda. Israel attempted to free 106 hostages and crew through negotiation but eventually was forced to resort to a daring rescue mission. Under the command of Lt. Col. Jonathan (Yoni) Netanyahu (brother of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), a commando forceflew to Uganda on a C-130 Hercules aircraft. They landed at Entebbe airport, surprised the Ugandan guards, and quickly established control. During the raid, all seven hijackers were killed. Sadly, four hostages were killed — three from crossfire and one atthe order of an enraged Idi Amin (an elderly woman had been taken to a local hospital prior to the raid). Five Israeli commandos were wounded, and tragically, Yoni Netanyahu was killed. But Israel had demonstrated its resolve and military prowess once again. That resolve has been tested repeatedly. Intifadas (“uprising” in Arabic) incited by Yassar Arafat have been followed by attacks from Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Large and smallskirmishes have pitted Israel against a nebulous and unscrupulous foe. But time and time again, although bloodied and grief-stricken, Israel has prevailed. Conclusion These and other Israeli conflicts of the past 75 years prove, beyond a doubt, that God has His hand on Israel, protecting the Jewish people from assault after assault and enabling them toachieve miraculous victories — all in fulfillment of Bible prophecies about Israel in the end times. Nor can there be any doubt that God’s supernatural protection will continue. Right now, Israel is embroiled in yet another fight for its existence against radicalized Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. It could well prove to be the worst of all the wars Israel has experienced,especially if it blossoms into a regional conflagration. But Scripture tells us that Israel will overcome all these challenges to its existence — because God promised that once He replanted them on their land, “they will not again be uprooted from their land” (Amos 9:15). If this war turns out to be a fulfillment of the prophesied war of Psalm 83, then Israel will once again be overwhelmingly victorious, defeating all the Arab nations with whom it shares acommon border. This will pave the way for the subsequent war of Gog and Magog, described in Ezekiel 38 and 39, when Russia, accompanied by certain Muslim nations, will come down against Israel and suffer supernatural destruction at the hands of the Lord. Israel has some very difficult days ahead, but God has made some wonderful promises to them that they can rely on. In Psalm 121:4, He says, “Behold, He who keeps Israel will not slumber andwill not sleep.” In Isaiah, He promised Israel, “No weapon that is formed against you will succeed” (54:17). America needs to pay attention to these promises of God. Only by standing with and blessing Israel can we hope to be blessed. In the end, we know that all the nations of the world will come against Israel. But God will preserve them — so that a great remnant can come to salvation. Let’s pray for the peace of Jerusalemand the eternal salvation of the Jewish people! ---------------------------------- Hamas Led the Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas – By Hal Lindsey - The PC police say not to criticize another person’s religious faith. They usually make an exception for Bible-centered Christianity, but I really don’t mind. During the roughly three yearsof Jesus’ earthly ministry, He invited questions and even investigations. Skeptics willing to examine the claims of Jesus, often become Christians. God can use such examination to bring people to Himself. He’s not afraid of the light. He invented it. Through the years, I have been criticized for things I said about Islam. But surely it is right to examine, weigh, consider, and, if appropriate, criticize potentially dangerous ideas — evenreligious ones. Religious ideas can kill, start wars, sustain wars, oppress the innocent, and empower evil. Religious ideas should be scrutinized. It’s popular to say that all faiths are really the same, but it’s false. Christianity and Islam cannot both be true. Islam claims Jesus as a prophet but denies His deity. It even denies Hiswell-documented story. Muslims teach that Jesus did not die on a cross. They say He didn’t die at all — just ascended to heaven. How’s that for a clever way to deny His resurrection? I’m glad that, when I was an unbeliever, I looked closely at Christ and Christianity. When I did, I found two fascinating things — flawed Christians and perfection in Jesus. To compare Islam and Christianity, start with their founders. One was a fierce warrior who not only condoned violence, but he also demanded it. (See Surah 8:13-17, 8:60, 9:14, and 9:29 toname a few.) Jesus, on the other hand, is known for saying such things as, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Totally different! Christians deal with their flaws by getting back to the Source. Pray and get close to God’s Word. There you will find the Prince of Peace. But when Muslims get closer to their source materials,they find violence and the infliction of pain. Most Muslims are not radicals and don’t condone terrorism. But if they raise their children to believe the Quran, their children are in danger of becoming terrorists. It’s no coincidence that so many of the world’smost vicious terror groups resolutely believe the Quran. Pramila Patten, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, and her team, studied what happened on October 7, 2023. Their UN report said, “People were shot, often at closerange; burnt alive in their homes as they tried to hide in their safe rooms; gunned down or killed by grenades in bomb shelters where they sought refuge; and hunted down at the Nova music festival site as well as in the fields and roads adjacent to the Novamusic festival ground. Other violations included sexual violence, abduction of hostages and corpses, the public display of captives, both dead and alive, the mutilation of corpses, including decapitation, and the looting and destruction of civilian property.” She and her team also reported “sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.” Hamas led the charge, but Islam motivated Hamas. The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideaswere not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil. ------------------------ Threats Of War, Rogue Alliances, And Nuclear Weapons: Are We Approaching the Gog-Magog War? � By Mark Hitchcock - Our world today is witnessing mounting threats on numerous fronts. The alignment of nations coming together and the threat of war escalating daily, especially in Israel, point toward a prophecyin the Bible spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39: the Gog-Magog war. Turkey is one of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Four of the places mentioned there are in modern-day Turkey�Meshech, Tubal, Togarmah, and Gomer. Today, Turkey has been sidelinedby many Western nations due to their inflammatory rhetoric about Israel and massive demonstrations in favor of Hamas during the Israel-Gaza war. Turkey is a member of NATO and has desired to join the European Union. Knowing that that is unlikely to happen, they have increasingly moved eastward in their alliances. Significantly, Turkey is now saying that it wants to become a member of �BRICS,� an economic group whose first five members were Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS was foundedto rival the G7 nations, and many believe it could overtake them within the next 20 years. The Kremlin welcomes Turkey�s reported desire to join BRICS with open arms. If Turkey joins BRICS it would undermine many of the nations that are in NATO. This is another indication showing that Turkey, more and more, is moving away from its Western allies and towardsRussia and Iran, which is exactly what we should expect if the Gog-Magog War is getting closer. Turkey is a marginalized and alienated nation, and they�re finding their place with Russia and Iran. Speaking of Iran, alarm bells are sounding right now. The Wall Street Journal had a headline this week that read, �Newsflash: Iran Wants A Bomb.� Now, that�s obviously nothing new. They�realmost being sarcastic. The Washington Post additionally published an article titled, �Iran signals a major boost in nuclear enrichment at a key site.� They explain that a new computer model programming is providing a shorter runway for Iran to get nuclearweapons. �Hundreds of new centrifuges would triple Iran�s uranium enrichment capacity at a deeply buried underground nuclear facility,� The Washington Post reported. They�ve developed what�s been called �a nuclear assembly line,� and they�re �moving briskly toward becoming a threshold nuclear power, capable of making nuclear bombs rapidly if its leadersdecide to do so.� Fox News this week has this headline, �Alarming discovery of Iran nuclear activity could �upend� US assessment of weapons capability.� The alarm bells are going off about Iran�s nuclear programright now, much more than at any time in the past. In fact, there�s a meeting at the White House between US and Israeli official officials this week to discuss these alarming new developments. In addition to the �nuclear assembly line,� Iran currently has 300 pounds of highly enriched uranium that could be further refined into weapons-grade fuel for nuclear bombs within weeks�they�reat the nuclear threshold. A lot of this has been precipitated by the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which Iran, ultimately, was the one behind. They�re using their escalating conflict with Israel as their opportunityto move their nuclear program forward. According to the Washington Post, experts are saying it could be about two years for Iran to build a nuclear warhead that could be fitted onto a missile. However, they are currently at thenuclear threshold, and obviously, smaller nuclear devices can be transported in other ways. Iran could also receive nuclear warheads from allies such as Russia or North Korea, which wouldn�t require them to build their own. Speaking of Russia and North Korea, Vladimir Putin last week visited Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, for the first time in 21 years. The Kremlin is running low on different munitions,with many reporting that Russia could potentially run out of tanks. It seems they are appealing to outliers, rogue nations like North Korea, to help them. Many are startled by the idea of an alliance between Russia and North Korea, with the Center For Strategic And International Studies (CSIS) calling the summit meeting between the two nations �the greatest security threat to the United States since the end of the Korean War.� The leader of North Korea is a rogue Leader who is unpredictable in his actions, and they have nuclear weapons that have the ability to reach the United States. The meeting between Russiaand North Korea is a major development, adding to the powder keg that�s ready to explode in our world. Another development pertains to Hezbollah and the escalating situation on Israel�s northern border. We are seeing intensifying cross-border attacks between Israel and Hezbollah, even justin the past week. It is my belief that Hezbollah will be one of the �many peoples� that are mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 38 that will be part of the Gog-Magog invasion. War breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah appears unavoidable at this point unless something major takes place. War between Israel and Hezbollah would be a significant game changer andmake what�s happening in Gaza with Hamas a sideshow in comparison. One of the things that�s changed the calculus recently is Hezbollah publishing surveillance footage from an Iranian-made drone they claim flew over several cities in the northern part of Israel,primarily the major coastal city of Haifa. Because of the alleged surveillance footage, many have reported that Israel is ready for all-out war in Lebanon. A CNN headline stated, �Israel warns of prospect of all out war after Hezbollahpublishes video of military and civilian sites.� Times Of Israel this week published an article that read, �Top Israeli generals approve Lebanon offensive battle plans, army says.� They already have the battle plans drawn up for what�s goingto happen if they go into Lebanon to fight Hezbollah. They have already been approved. It�s difficult to imagine how a war between Israel and Lebanon, a third Lebanon War, can be averted when they are already on the brink. All of these events taking place today, Turkey moving more to the East, Russia with China and now North Korea, Iran drawing closer to the nuclear threshold, their proxy Hezbollah and Israelon the brink of war, are building up and setting up for what the Bible predicts is coming in the future. My wife often says, �I can�t believe we�re still here with all that�s happening in our world!� I share her sentiments. You don�t have to be a Bible prophecy or Bible expert to look at ourworld today and see things are set up for the coming of Jesus Christ. Spend time drawing closer to God and developing a deeper, thriving spiritual walk with the Lord because time is short. Jesus is coming soon. I pray that He will come quickly and that all ofus are ready for that trumpet sound. ------------------------------- Countdown To Cataclysm - by Michael Snyder - We are closer to the unthinkable than we have ever been, but I have noticed that concern about global war has fallen to an exceedingly low level in the western world. Many people are justhaving a good old time as if they didn�t have a care in the world, and meanwhile global leaders on all sides are dragging us to the brink of destruction. During World War III, more people could die than in all of the other wars that have ever been fought inhuman history combined. Unfortunately, only a very small fraction of the population is actively trying to prevent such a cataclysm. By the time most of the population finally wakes up, it may be too late. The war in the Middle East has been heating up for months, and now it appears that we have almost reached a critical turning point� Months of relentless exchanges between Israel and Lebanon�s militant group Hezbollah have seen mass civilian evacuations and widespread death, injury and destruction. The violence has worsened since early June, accompanied by increasingly heated rhetoric. Both sides have prevented the tit-for-tat attacks from escalating into a full-blown war, recognizingthe likely catastrophic consequences. The question is whether this fragile containment can hold in the future. One U.S. official that was asked about this says that it is �a miracle� that all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah has not already erupted� �The fact that we have managed to even hold the front for this long has been a miracle,� a senior US official said, referring to the US� efforts to keep the Israel-Hezbollah attacks from spiralinginto an all-out war. �We�re entering a very dangerous period,� another senior Biden administration official said. �Something could start with little warning.� To say that we are entering a very dangerous period is a major understatement. The moment that the IDF crosses the border into Lebanon, there will be all-out war. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that Israeli troops are going to be moved north for the coming confrontation with Hezbollah� Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated in a television interview on Sunday that he intends to move some of the country�s forces to the northern border to fight the Lebanon-basedmilitary group Hezbollah. Were it not for the war in Gaza, that conflict might have already been capturing the world�s attention. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is also visiting Washington this week in part to discuss the implications of that escalationwith US officials. Originally, it was my assessment that this showdown would occur in the fall. But it may happen a little bit earlier than that. We shall see. In any event, Hezbollah is pledging that there will be war �with no restraints� once Israel attacks� The Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror group overnight Saturday threatened to wage war against Israel �with no restraints.� In a video message, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said, �In case an inclusive war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without restraints, without rules, without limits.� The minute-long clip then shows footage of various sites in central Israel, along with their GPS coordinates. �Whoever thinks of war against us, will regret it,� the video ends. Hezbollah possesses an enormous arsenal of highly sophisticated missiles, and one Biden administration official is openly admitting that Iron Dome batteries will likely be �overwhelmed� whenall-out war erupts� �We assess that at least some� Iron Dome batteries �will be overwhelmed,� said a senior administration official. An Israeli official said that would be more likely if Hezbollah conducted a large-scale attack principally using precision guided weapons, which could be challenging for the system to defendagainst. Hezbollah has been stockpiling precision guided munitions and missiles from Iran for years, which Israel has repeatedly raised concerns about. Hezbollah also possesses an army of approximately 100,000 fighters, and soldiers from other parts of the Middle East are already pouring into southern Lebanon to bolster their ranks. And once all-out war breaks out between Israel and Hezbollah, it is unlikely that Iran would remain on the sidelines for long� The top US military officer warned on Sunday that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon would risk an Iranian response in defense of the powerful Hezbollah terror group there, and thatUS forces would be challenged to bolster Israel�s air defense umbrella. Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Iran �would be more inclined to support Hezbollah� than it does the Hamas terror group in Gaza, �particularlyif they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.� What would a cataclysmic conflict between Israel and the combined forces of Iran and Hezbollah look like? And would the United States be pulled into such a conflict? Most Americans are not even considering such questions. But over in Israel, there is a growing consensus that a final showdown is inevitable. The following comes from a recent editorial in the Jerusalem Post� In the last couple of weeks, it has become clear that a war with Hezbollah is inevitable. It has no longer become a conservation of �if� rather than �when.� Since October 8, the day after the devastating Hamas massacre, Hezbollah has attacked Israel every day and has been doing so every day since. The group has fired over 5,000 rockets, anti-tankmissiles, and explosive-laden drones toward the northern border, forcing 60,000 Israelis in the North out of their homes and turning them into displaced people in their own country with no end date on when they should be going home. According to senior officials in Israel, the countdown to a potential war with Hezbollah has begun, and Israeli officials have said they have been left with no other choice. As I have been warning for a long time, this thing in the Middle East is going to get really, really bad. Meanwhile, an extremely alarming incident in Crimea that involved U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles has brought us even closer to a direct military conflict with Russia� The Kremlin on Monday directly blamed the United States for an attack on Crimea with U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles that killed at least four people and injured 151, and Moscow formally warnedthe U.S. ambassador that retaliation would follow. The war in Ukraine has triggered the biggest confrontation between Russia and the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and Russian officials have said that the conflict is entering themost dangerous escalatory phase to date. But directly blaming the United States for a deadly attack on Crimea � which Russia annexed in 2014 and now considers to be Russian territory although most of the world considers it to bepart of Ukraine � is a step further. Russian children were killed by missiles that we produced, and those missiles were delivered by systems that we provided, and Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov is warning that there willbe �consequences� for the United States� The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of �killing Russian children� after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be �consequences�. Moscow has summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for �barbaric� strike on Sevastopol, astrategic port city on the Black Sea. �The involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences,� said Peskov. So what will those �consequences� look like? At this point, we don�t know. Hopefully the Russians will not do anything too dramatic. But if both sides just continue to escalate matters, it is just a matter of time before we reach a point of no return. You can only flirt with war for so long before you get burned. Approximately 75 million people died during the last global war. If we aren�t careful, many times that number could die during the next one. -----------------------------------------

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