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Friday, June 28, 2024

The Simple Truth—The 144,000 - (Part Two)

 The Simple Truth—The 144,000 - (Part Two) - By Camilla Smith - Recently, I presented an article about some beautiful characteristics of the 144,000 that were made known to me by my beloved brother in Messiah and a spiritual mentor, Tom Blackmon. My dearfriend and “earthly shepherd” was passionate about the 144,000, and these are some of the details that he shared, as revealed to him over the many years of his walk with Yahshua/Jesus. Tom spent countless hours alone with the Father in His Presence and received much wisdom, “Mind-to-mind,” as he called it. This article will touch on the musical aspect of the 144,000, theirsinging and instrumentation. We will also look at a particular element of Tom’s understanding pertaining to “following the Lamb wherever He leads.” This is the truly important part, and I believe the reason for this article. Bear in mind—Tom is one man who had, in my opinion, sought great spiritual understanding and wisdom in his 70 years, as well as discretion and discipline in his studies with the Father. Tomalso impressed on me regularly that he had asked the Father to replace his own desires in life and learning with those desires of our King. I am going to use Tom’s emails verbatim because I could never re-word anything he wrote without taking away the impact and great love with which these “treasures” were given to him. What theFather gave Tom to share with me was something I have treasured myself, and I don’t feel the need to change one word. I will put these topics in categorized order for understanding. This is as they came in from Abba Father to Tom over the years. As always,please take all of this information to the Father in prayer. We can KNOW that the Father Himself will share what HE wants to share with His children, according to HIS Purpose. We will all be given insight into things that we seek the Father on if we seek themin HIS Will and in HIS Timing, and that is exactly what Tom did. These following subtitled paragraphs are exact words from Tom’s emails to me. I have put his words in quotations and divided them by category. NOTE: There is an interjection from myself thatis not in quotes midway through. NEW SONG/SEALING: “After the Rapture, there will be a period of time for the 144,000 to LEARN A NEW SONG THAT ONLY THEY COULD LEARN. Lo and behold, I didn’t make that up; it’s in the Bible—they LEARN this song.They will have the ability to put the Word of YHWH to music! In my experience, music has been one of the most powerful tools for blessing that Adonai (the Master) has released. In fact, Psalms 33:2-3 says to “play skillfully and sweetly with a shout of joy”—I’msure the Holy Spirit will fit the bill on that! ” “I was shown that these singers’ hands would move up and down effortlessly on sacred instruments of Heavenly design and that they would learn this in Heaven after the Rapture, before re-enteringthe world to complete their calling.” “The Word plainly states that the 144,000 will be sealed in Heaven. The angel ascends with the seal, coming up from the horizon. By definition, the Bride of Christ will be One with Yahshua,which will make every member Israeli/Jewish. The Word tells us that Phillip traveled to Azotos. It would be even easier for an immortal, sealed, anointed servant to move from place to place. An immortal servant would establish Elohim’s fulfillment of the 144,000being sealed in Heaven.” “The sealing of these men will be a special coronation. YHWH, in His Wisdom, knew that the only way to preach and survive during this time would be to be immortal. All new believers duringthis time will seek these “priests” (kohanim) out and yield to their teaching, and many will come to know Yahshua as Mashiach.” “I honestly think that the 144,000 will be sealed in a ceremony in Heaven after Psalm 83 and possibly Ezekiel 38 takes place. The 144,000 are not going to be sealed by some man’s proclamation.The Father re-emphasized that God knows each “member’s” DNA and what tribe they are affiliated with. Yahshua/Jesus knows each of them, who they came from, and where their hearts are. The 144,000 are fully Israeli and fully Messianic and totally know Yahshua,and in fact ARE Yahshua since they are His Body.” THEIR MISSION (FOLLOWING THE LAMB): “Another thing that the Father impressed on me was how things would completely change during the Tribulation, as far as getting the Message of the Gospel out. Many will be saved shortly afterthe Tribulation begins, but keep in mind that it WILL NOT be out in the open. The sealed ones (144,000) of Yahshua will be the only ones with the Ruach ha’Qodesh. Those left here will be in panic mode and even be sent a strong delusion because Satan, his angels,and evil spirits will roam the earth. Remember, the Ruach ha’Qodesh/Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way–not in the sense that He still won’t be everywhere at the same time but that He will allow evil to cover the earth wide open.” “The Salvation Message will be taken house to house by YHWH’s sealed, immortal ones as living proof that the Bible is the Word of YHWH–but keep in mind that the Word says that the devil willwear out the saints of the Most High. The saints who come to Messiah in the Tribulation will not have the protection and privilege that we have. Many, many things will have to be taught to the Tribulation believers, and that will be the job of the sealed ones.These new believers in Yahshua will possess the love for their Adon/Master but will have to wait to receive authority and power.” INTERJECTION: As a small break from Tom’s words, I would like to interject here because I believe this is one of the biggest reasons that the Father put it on my heart to share this message He gave to Tomabout the 144,000 for such a time as this. As I stated in my last article (The Bride is Not Ready), I see so many beloved brothers and sisters in Messiah who are heartsick by the thought of their loved ones being left behind during the Tribulation. Many trulyare not able to completely let go of this world because of their lost loved ones. So—what follows is, I believe, what we want to focus on concerning our loved ones who don’t know our Messiah. Once again, this is what the Father put on TOM’s heart to share,and we need to always take it directly to our Abba Father for confirmation. Now, back to Tom’s words. THEIR MISSION (CONTINUED) “Other than just singing His Word, His sealed ones will have the ADDED TOOL of witnessing the Truth of the reality of Heaven, since, by the way, they have been there! Imagine the effect ofan immortal being describing Heaven to the forlorn on Earth during the Tribulation! The earth will be in so much turmoil right after the Rapture that it will take a little while for the tribbers to be receptive to any teaching because of the chaos. The 144,000will have information (given to them by the Lamb Who is leading them) regarding family members who have arrived in Heaven via the Resurrection/Rapture to share with their loved ones left behind on Earth. The Father reassured me that He knows where EVERY oneof His children is on the earth at that time. Not one will be hidden from His watchful eye.” (Tom told me he believed Yahshua would instruct them directly and lead them from house to house with specific details on who they are witnessing to! Continuing…) “When your loved ones or friends find themselves in the Tribulation, many things will come to their mind, including the seeds that had been planted. When the information is relayed to oneof the 144,000, he then will contact this left-behind loved one with the Truth that you are in Heaven praying for them. The sealed servant of YHWH will be able to witness to him/her in a way that only Yahshua knows. Can you even imagine an immortal being showingup at the door of one of your loved ones and saying, “I am here because of Camilla.” Talk about a special witness! Keep in mind that the seed was planted a million times about the love that Yahshua has for him/her, and he/she will respond most likely in theaffirmative. YHWH will be doing everything in His Power to bring these children Home, even though most will be on the pain of death.” In conclusion, I pray you can see why I felt compelled nearly ten years later, and two years after Tom went Home to our King, to share these intimate jewels that our brother in Christ sharedwith me. Like I said in my first article, Tom’s first words to me were, “I just want to bear some fruit before I die.” Through his heart for our Master and through his sincerity, humility, and desire that the Father instilled in him for shepherding, Tom (wholost his beloved only son in a tragic accident) was able to bear much fruit in my life. He did this through guidance, patience, teaching, and professing the Father’s Word with the Gentle Authority that only comes from the Father’s Indwelling Spirit. Tom’s witness made an indelible impact on my walk. And what am I to do—keep it to myself? Not if it brings some measure of comfort and hope to followers of Messiah whose hearts are tied tothe ones they love. If one word that Tom shared with me can help ONE PERSON trust in our Father’s Mercy and let go fully, then HalleluYah! Time is up—the King is coming! Let’s continue to pray for our families and rest in Him. And remember: “The Father WILL accomplish ALL His Salvations—this side of the Tribulation or the other.” –Tom Blackmon

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