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Friday, August 2, 2024

An Olympic-sized non-apology

 An Olympic-sized non-apology - Bill Wilson – The France Olympics opened on July 26 with a blasphemous presentation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” where transgenders, drag queens and homosexuals played the roles of Jesus and his12 disciples. It was perverted, disgusting and had no place in the Olympics or any other venue. It was so offensive that Christians around the world stepped up and expressed their disgust. Thomas Jolly, the homosexual “artistic director” who put the wholething together, told media that “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.” Maude Le Pladec, the choreographer, told Variety that they “hadn’t imagined what happened with the rise ofthe far right.” So here you have the dynamics. These people wanted to show diversity. They chose to blaspheme one of the most sacred moments in Biblical history before the world. The French Olympic OrganizingCommittee went along with it. The world was repulsed. The homosexual advocates that put this despicable act together blame the world’s reaction on the “far right.” French President Emmanuel Macron said it was “creative genius” and thanked the artists for “thisunique magical moment.” Then comes the coup de grace where the International Olympic Committee (IOC) steps in to put an end to the controversy and issues the biggest non-apology of all time, making it even worse—if that could be the case. The IOC issued the following statement intended as an apology: “The IOC has taken note of and welcomes the clarification given by the Paris 2024 Organising Committee regarding the OpeningCeremony. In the daily press briefing, the Organising Committee said that there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief. They reiterated that their intention with the Opening Ceremony was always to celebrate communityand tolerance. The Organising Committee also said that if anyone was offended by certain scenes, this was completely unintentional and they were sorry.” What do they mean, “if anyone was offended”? It is no accident that they chose to attack this symbol ofthe most sacred aspect of God’s plan for eternal salvation. Jews and Christians alike should be offended by the outrageous freakshow making the holy Passover Seder (what Christians call the Last Supper) into a celebration of sexual depravity, whatGod calls an abomination. This is not a left or right political statement. It is not a display of “diversity and inclusion.” It is an outright attack on those who believe in God and followers of Christ. They knew exactly what they were doing and they crosseda line. This is one of the problems with the queer movement—they say they want to bring people together but they bully and offend those who disagree with their behavior. The deeper problem is that they seek acceptance of their perversive sin when the solutionto their condition is found in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” May they come to accept this precious gift of eternal life. Anything less is…say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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