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Friday, August 9, 2024

Scanning a Fearful Future XII

 Scanning a Fearful Future XII – Terry James - I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to those who are attuned to God’s prophetic Word and who are doing as Jesus commanded: “What I say unto one, I say unto all. Watch” (Mark 13:37). The Lord is speaking dramatically at the moment: “Watch! Watch the issues and events that are exploding all around you at the moment!” This is the message we’re receiving each minute of theday. Therefore, it’s time for a “Scanning a Fearful Future” update. Jesus said when we see all these “things” begin to come to pass, we’re to look up in anticipation of Him coming to take us home (Luke 21:28 and John 14:1–3). These “things” we’ve been seeing come to pass for some time are now flowing in like the end-times flood Daniel described (Daniel 9:27). Great deception is in every direction, with deceiversat the highest levels of governments and religious circles prevaricating with power straight from the father of lies. The latest deception being foisted by Lucifer’s propaganda arm, the news media that assists him in his “prince of the power of the air” positionwhile he spreads lies that mesmerize, involves the president of the United States. Whether the shooter who almost took the life of the Republican candidate was a hireling of a globalist, deep-state cabal, or was simply a young man turned into a crazed fanatic by the monthsand years of the media’s brain-washing hatred, the source of the evil is the same. Satan continues to do all within his power to remove the obstacles blocking him from fulfilling his plan to set himself up, through the coming Antichrist, as destroyer of God’sorder of things. While these constant attempts to bring in the Antichrist regime accelerate at every level, those with Holy Spirit discernment can also see the truth of the mighty, restraining hand of Godat work through all that’s taking place. God has promised that He will restrain evil right up until the moment believers are taken out of the way. With the Holy Spirit, who lives in every believer, ceasing the restraint of evil,the spiritual wickedness in high places of Ephesians 6:12 will have the run of the planet for a limited time. The current battle–Lucifer’s forces versus God’s forces—is destined to become more intense by the minute. The future indeed would look fearful if not for that Great Restrainer controllingall that happens. God continues to have the evil forces in derision, as promised in Psalm 2. The Lord is almost assuredly laughing at the wicked forces of corruption that see practically every one of their plans disrupted. The following describes some of therestraining we are witnessing. It’s important to understand that The Powers That Be (TPTB) themselves have never been so disunited and confused, incohesive and disordered. In point of fact, all of the major implementation plans on their New World Order agenda have gone awry. Every nefarious scheme to foist a One World Government on the world community of nationshas been thrown into disarray. Just look at their crazy Covid [expletive deleted] to understand their current stewpot. Nevertheless, the power elite will continue to carry out their Great Reset since so much of their world takeover project greatly depends upon it. Toward that end, CYBER POLYGON plays an integralrole in that global controlled demolition of cyberspace as a necessary precursor to their long planned CBDC roll-out… CYBER POLYGON: WEF Commences with a Global Simulation to Collapse the Internet It ought to be obvious that such a massive and far-reaching international outage just doesn’t happen by accident; rather, this was a classic MIHOP event. MIHOP = Made It Happen On Purpose But just how do we know that? Because, CrowdStrike is involved—THAT’S WHY! [CrowdStrike is a global cybersecurity leader with an advanced cloud-native platform for protecting endpoints, cloud workloads, identities and data.] For the dark side to successfully execute their plans for a total planetary lockdown, they must exert complete command and control over all of cyberspace. That’s where the WEF’s CYBER POLYGON comes in. Welcome to the second July Surprise! he utterly staged false flag Trump assassination hoax being the first one. (Cyber Polygon 2024: “Great Reset begins with engineered Internet breakdownfollowed by CBDC roll-out,” posted on July 19, 2024 by State of the Nation) While I don’t believe, as the article concludes, that the assassination attempt on former President Trump was a hoax, there is no doubt the wicked forces in high places, both demonic and human,continue to do all within their dark-dimensional power to bring America down in order to remove the holdup to their Great Reset. The recent (I believe) deliberately contrived massive breakdown of vast cyberspace technology, controlling, for example, airlinescheduling and safety, is proof. If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, when scanning the future for the terrifying things that are coming, you indeed face the prospect of a fearful exercise. You don’t haveto remain outside of Christ’s protection against the uncontrolled satanic wickedness about to burst upon the world. Here again is how to be assured of safety–being kept from the time that is coming upon the world of unbelievers (Revelation 3:10). That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness;and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)

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