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Friday, August 2, 2024


World War 3 Alert! Iran Says That It Will Conduct Special Operations To Take Revenge On Israel - by Michael Snyder - It is difficult to see how a cataclysmic war in the Middle East can be avoided at this point. The region was already teetering on the brink of disaster, and now the head of Hamas has beenassassinated. It would be difficult to overstate the anger that the Islamic world is experiencing right now, and the Iranians are particularly mad because it happened on their territory. As you will see below, the Iranians are vowing that they will take revengeon Israel. If the Iranian response is too large, there is a risk that it could set off a series of events in the Middle East that nobody is going to be able to control. What we just witnessed within a 24 hour period is truly unprecedented. First, a key Hezbollah commander named Fuad Shukr that had been orchestrating terror attacks since the 1980s was taken out Israel says it has killed a top Hezbollah commander after carrying out an air strike on a southern suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. The Israeli military says Fuad Shukr was the target of an intelligence-based elimination Then the entire world was absolutely shocked when the political leader of Hamas was assassinated in Tehran� Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Irans capital after attending the inauguration of the country�s new president, Iranian officials and the militant group said earlyWednesday. Both blamed Israel for the strike that killed Haniyeh, and Iran�s foreign ministry said the U.S. bore responsibility for the killing as Israel�s biggest ally. And now there are unconfirmed reports that a top figure in Iran�s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has been assassinated in Damascus� In a dramatic turn of events, unconfirmed reports from Syria suggest that Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces,has been assassinated in an attack near the Syrian capital of Damascus. Hajizadeh, a key figure in the Iranian military hierarchy, was reportedly the senior commander behind the Iranian ballistic and cruise missile attacks against Israel in April. According to journalist Levent Kamal, �There are unconfirmed reports from Syria that Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Aerospace Forces of the IRGC, was killed in an attacknear the Syrian capital Damascus.� This is essentially the equivalent of slamming a hornet�s nest with a baseball bat over and over again. The Iranians are steaming mad, and Iran�s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has told the world that �we consider it our duty to seek revenge�� Iran�s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed that Iran would take revenge on Israel for Haniyeh�s killing, which Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. had not been involvedin or informed of in advance. �With this action, the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime prepared the ground for harsh punishment for itself, and we consider it our duty to seek revenge for his blood as he was martyredin the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran,� Khamenei said in remarks carried by the country�s state media. I believe that he is quite serious. In fact, it is being reported that �the red flag of revenge� has already been raised over the Jamkaran Mosque� Iran has raised the red flag of revenge over the dome of the Jamkaran Mosque following the Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. So, what will Iran�s revenge look like? Do you remember how the Russians called it a �special military operation� when they invaded Ukraine? Well, now the Iranians are using the term �special operations� to describe what they have planned� The response to the assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh will be �special operations,� the Permanent Mission of Iran to the UN said Wednesday. �The response to an assassination will indeed be special operations�harder and intended to instill deep regret in the perpetrator,� it wrote on X. The statement came hours after Haniyeh was killed in an airstrike in the Iranian capital. Hopefully the Iranians will not do anything stupid. The last time Iran directly attacked Israel, it was a carefully crafted assault that was orchestrated not to cause too much damage. At the time, both sides wanted to avoid the kind of confrontation that could lead to all-out war. But now the Iranians are even angrier than they were the last time, and it is being reported that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has �issued an order for Iran to strike Israel directly�� Multiple Iranian officials have told the New York Times in a breaking story that Iran�s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has ordered retaliation against Israel for the brazen assassinationby missile strike of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh which took place on Iranian soil in the early morning hours. Officials referenced the �humiliating security failure� and that Iran must once against show �strength against the risk of escalation� in exacting revenge on Israel. Khamenei has, according to the report, issued an order for Iran to strike Israel directly, in retaliation for the killing in Tehran of Hamas's leader three Iranian sources who were briefedon the matter said. For years, I have been relentlessly warning that there would be a major war in the Middle East that would involve Israel and Iran fighting one another directly. Once it fully erupts, the death and destruction that we will witness will shock the entire planet. But I still don't think that we are at that point quite yet. I could be wrong, but I still think that we have at least a couple of months before this conflict spirals completely out of control. For now, I expect a limited attack from Iran which will cause only a moderate amount of damage inside of Israel. And like last time, I don�t think that the IDF will respond. Israel has been able to take some of the biggest chess pieces off the board this week, and if they have to suffer a night of limited strikes in response I think they will consider that tobe acceptable. We have certainly gotten closer to all-out war, but in my opinion it is still going to take a little bit more to finally push things over the edge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pinprick Acts of Aggression: Is China Testing the Waters for War? By Mark Hitchcock- There are escalating attempts by China to push the envelope. In an interview with Fox News, President Trumps new VP pick, JD Vance, voiced his belief that China is the biggest threat” to the United States. Vance is a China Hawk and favors turning Americanattention away from Ukraine and back to the Pacific. Much of the focus in our country seems to be shifting toward China rather than toward other parts of the world. Shortly after the NATO meetings earlier this month, China and Russia jointly conducted live-fire naval exercises in the South China Sea. In recent days, Chinese troops have also been sentto Belarus, a nation where their close ally, Russia, has placed a nuclear arsenal. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense stated that last week, as many as 66 Chinese military aircrafts and 7 Chinese military vessels were detected operating around Taiwan.� According to reports,the Chinese military assembly was apparently en route to a Chinese military exercise in the Western Pacific. “The CCP insists that Taiwan is Chinese territory, and the Biden administration has been warned that ‘reunification’ will take place at some point,” Prophecy News Watch described. Of course,no one knows when that’s going to take place, but it seems they are looking for a strategic time to make the move. They are receiving great encouragement from what they see happening with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In response to questions about its aggressive actions toward Taiwan, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian stated, “the determination of China to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrityremains unrelenting.” The Chinese have been aggressively probing Taiwan’s naval defenses. According to Prophecy News Watch, “During the first six months of 2024, the Taiwanese Coast Guard ‘drove away 567 Chineseboats.'” Now China is venturing out much further afield. It’s been reported that “four Chinese military vessels were just spotted off the coast of Alaska.” “All four ships were in international waters, the Coast Guard said, but were inside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, which extends 200 nautical miles from the U.S. shoreline,” the reportstated. China is continuing to push and prod, delivering pinprick actions of aggression. They are likely testing the waters to see what the response will be in each of these cases. The reason it’snoteworthy that China has vessels off the coast of Alaska is because it is very unusual—Chinese military vessels usually don’t operate that far north. Many don’t realize this, but China now has the largest Navy on the planet, and they’re using this to expandtheir sphere of influence. Shockingly, Prophecy News watch further added: “Our own military industry has become extremely dependent on the Chinese. It is being reported that Chinese semiconductors are in approximately ‘40% of all U.S. Department of Defense weapons systems and infrastructure.'” Talk about being compromised! Some years ago, we had problems with semiconductors being used in automobiles, which slowed down production. However, this problem is much more extreme as itrelates to our weapons. World Net Daily highlighted: A large number of Chinese semiconductors are used in critical military platforms, accounting for around 40% of all U.S. Department of Defense weapons systems and infrastructure, and are furtherlinked to military supply chains such as Patriot air-defense missiles and B-2 bombers. For example, a Lockheed Martin missile factory situated in Alabama produces Javelin anti-tank weapons which use more than 200 semiconductors in each weapon. This equates to thousands of Chinese-madesemiconductors within U.S. weaponry. “U.S. companies at the bottom of the supply chain pyramid often source these parts from China in open market transactions. As a result, many essential components in sensitive U.S. militarysystems now come from China. Countless major weapons platforms are vulnerable,” the report states. It is very disturbing to see how China has that kind of control over our country. Interestingly, when the assassination attempt against President Trump took place, there was a response from President Xi Jinping in China. Of course, he gave his sympathies to President Trump,according to a statement, but a newspaper owned by the country’s ruling Communist Party published several editorial articles quoting different Chinese academics, many of which stated that the U.S. was becoming increasingly polarized and at risk of potentialCivil War. Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our countryand drive a greater political wedge. Additionally, China held what is called its “third plenum.” In China, they have a major congress twice a decade with all their leaders. Between these congresses, the central committee holdsseven plenums attended by all of its current 205 members and 171 alternate members. The first, second, and seventh plenums focus on the power transition between the central committees. The fourth and sixth plenums center on the party ideology. However, inrecent decades, this third plenum, which took place last week, has focused on long-term economic reforms. The third plenum that’s taken place has been described by Chinese state media as “epic making.” It’s expected to deliver major initiatives to address the risks and obstacles related to China’slong-term social and economic progress. Of course, all their meetings there are behind closed doors, so no one knows what’s taking place. Could it be related to an invasion of Taiwan? Certainly, it would boost their economy hugely if they could successfully take over Taiwan and all its infrastructure. Time will tell. What we do know is that the Bible predicts a massive confederation of nations mentioned in conjunction with the campaign of Armageddon. Revelation 16:12 says, “And the sixth angel poured outhis vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” We know that these kings from the east come from the east of the Euphrates River because it has to be dried up for their advance. Obviously, there are a lot of nations east of the Euphrates,but the major player now is China. Many see a parallel between Revelation 16 and chapter 9, where you have angels that are released at the Euphrates River and an army of 200 million. They believe the army of 200 million andthe army from the east are the same. Now, I believe that the army of 200 million in Revelation nine is a demonic army— not a human army—because of several things that are in that passage. The connection is seen because both mention large armies and the EuphratesRiver. Either way, China, it seems, will be a key player in these End Time events. China today is a powder keg. How will the U.S. respond to China’s relationship with Russia, the encouragement of the Ukraine invasion, and their plans to absorb Taiwan at some point in time? All these things are taking place, with China being positioned as the other great nation besides the United States. If the rapture were to take place and the U.S. was reduced suddenly fromour superpower status, that would elevate China to be the major player in our world today. -------------------------------------------- Israel Strikes Lebanon�s Capitol, Killing Top Hezbollah Commander Responsible For Deadly Rocket Attack � By Erick Stakelbeck - Israeli fighter jets have carried out major air strikes in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, eliminating a very top Hezbollah Commander named Fuad Shukr. Although Israel has eliminated several top Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon and Syria over the past nine months, Fuad Shukr was the highest-ranking Hezbollah Commander yet to be eliminatedby Israel. He was the mastermind behind and ordered the heinous massacre on Saturday in the Majdal Shams, located in Northern Israel, in which 12 children between the ages of 10 and 20 were killed by a Hezbollah rocket as they played soccer. What will be the Hezbollah response to Israel�s response? This was a heavy blow to Hezbollah. Will they now feel pressure to respond? Shukr was a senior member of Hezbollah�s Jihad Council, and he answered directly to the terror group�s leader, Hassan Nasrallah. This was a big fish. In many ways, Shukr was Hezbollah�s versionof Qasem Soleimani, who answered directly to Iran�s supreme leader before he was erased from the earth in January 2020. Ironically, Hassan Nasrallah also answers to Iran�s supreme leader, who is the puppet master pulling the strings behind all of the regionalterror. Shukr, also known as Al-Hajj Mohsen, was also a senior military advisor to Nasrallah, giving you an idea of his importance to the terror group. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant released a statement saying, �Fuad Shukr �Sayyid� Muhsan has the blood of many Israelis on his hands. Tonight, we have shown that the blood of our peoplehas a price, and that there is no place out of reach for our forces to this end.� Shukr directed many lethal terror attacks over the years, especially in the last nine and a half months since Hezbollah unilaterally began reigning rockets, missiles, and attack drones ontoNorthern Israel. Fuad Shukr, a point man, did all of that�and he�s not going to be easy to replace. 80,000, some say 100,000, Israelis remain evacuated from the communities of Northern Israel. I was there a few months ago, and it�s only gotten worse since then. Northern Israel is largelya ghost town right now, thanks to Fuad Shukr and others who are directing those daily Hezbollah barrages. Some 6,000 projectiles have been launched since October 8th, one day after its brothers in Hamas conducted the October 7th massacre. Furthermore, Fuad Shukr seems to have been involved in Hezbollah�s Precision-guided Missile Program. Those PGMs are one of the components that make Hezbollah such a dangerous beast and a differentBeast than Hamas� and I do mean beast. PGMs do exactly what their name says: they are able to hit a target with great precision. They are a red line for Israel. Targeting their shipment of these weapons is one of the reasons Israel has carried out so manyairstrikes in Syria over the past several years. Israel�s targeted strike on Tuesday was in Beirut, the southern suburbs of which are the beating heart of this demonic Jihadi Terror movement. The United States also had a considerable bounty of $5 million on Shukr�s head�for his killing or capture�due to the American blood on his hands. Fuad Shukr was one of the point men in the1983 Marine Corps Barracks Bombing in Beirut in which 243 brave US servicemen were killed by a Hezbollah suicide bomber on orders from the Iranian regime. Shukr�s demise was of great benefit to the United States. Will the Biden Administration thank Israelfor it? I doubt it. Was Israel�s response enough? Is more to come? The Biden Administration is tying Israel�s hands once again. The US on Monday talked about a diplomatic offensive to constrain and restrain Israel.None of the onus has been on Iran and Hezbollah. It�s all about a pressure campaign on Israel. It�s a world turned upside down where good is called evil, and evil is called good. These are Biblical times. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the residents of Northern Israel to be able to return to their homes. Pray for discernment and strength among the leadersof Israel�they need spines of steel and the wisdom of Solomon in these tumultuous times. God is in control, and when it comes to Israel, �He neither slumbers nor sleeps.� --------------------------- Will Turkey Try to Invade Israel Once the End Times War in The Middle East Spirals Out Of Control?- by Michael Snyder - Did you see what just happened in the Middle East? We live at a time when the entire world is going crazy, and I am entirely convinced that it won�t be too long before the war in the MiddleEast takes an apocalyptic turn. Even CNN is admitting that we are dangerously close to witnessing an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, and in such a war both sides would not hold anything back. Of course, once Israel and Hezbollah start pummeling oneanother with everything that they have got, other interested parties are likely to join the fighting. Could that potentially include the nation of Turkey? On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made headlines all over the world when he suggestedthat his forces could actually enter the land of Israel at some point� Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday appeared to threaten to invade Israel in support of the Palestinians, and to put an end to the nearly 10-month-old war Israel is fighting againstHamas in Gaza. Turkey must be �very strong so that Israel can�t do these things to the Palestinians,� the Turkish leader said of the war. �Just as we entered [Nagorno-]Karabakh, just as we entered Libya,we might do the same to them. There is nothing we can�t do. We must only be strong.� That is nuts. But I think that he was quite serious. In response to these remarks, Israel�s foreign minister is calling on NATO to expel Turkey from the alliance� Israel�s foreign minister urged NATO to expel Turkey on Monday after its President Tayyip Erdogan threatened his country might enter Israel as it had entered Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh inthe past. �In light of Turkish President Erdogan�s threats to invade Israel and his dangerous rhetoric, Foreign Minister Israel Katz instructed diplomats � to urgently engage with all NATO members,calling for the condemnation of Turkey and demanding its expulsion from the regional alliance,� the ministry said. I don�t think that there is an imminent threat that Turkey will take military action against Israel. But without a doubt, Erdogan is very dangerous, and he is not particularly stable. During one recent event, Erdogan actually slapped the face of a small boy that hesitated to kiss his handat an important public event� During the event, where the leader was seen handing keys to the new homeowners of houses rebuilt as part of an urbanisation project, two young boys appeared on stage to greet the presidentafter he delivered a short speech. In viral footage, Erdogan was seen extending his hand to the two children so they could kiss it but one hesitated for just a moment while staring up at the president. Viewers were then left in shock when Erdogan quickly flicked his wrist and slapped the small boy across the face, before resuming his position and waiting for his kiss. If I was that little boy, I wouldn�t have wanted to kiss his hand either. Let�s keep a very close eye on Turkey and all of Israel�s neighbors during the months ahead, because things will soon get very �interesting� in the region. In fact, many are concerned that the spiral of escalation that we are currently witnessing could be difficult to stop. On Saturday, a rocket that was fired by Hezbollah killed 12 children when it slammed into a soccer field in northern Israel� A new close-up video emerged Tuesday showing the moment the football pitch was struck. It shows children playing in a small park next to the pitch as sirens start to blare. The youngstersappear anxious but do not initially seek shelter. Then the sound of the incoming rocket can be heard, quickly becoming deafening, before it smashes into the ground just meters from the camera and appearing to knock the girl holding the phoneto the ground. For a split second, the camera captures a huge fireball triggered by the blast. Children are heard screaming before they run to shelter behind a wall, along with others. �Mom! Mom!� she screams as she runs to safety, as an alarm, perhaps set off by the blast, can be heard.The video ends about 30 seconds after the rocket struck. In response, Israel stuck Beirut on Tuesday. The goal was to kill a key Hezbollah military commander that was responsible for the attack on the soccer field� A massive Israeli strike rocked southern Lebanon targeting a top Hezbollah military commander as fears of a wider war exploded. Massive plumes of smoke were seen over the Lebanese capital Beirut today (Tuesday) as Israel�s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant declared the militant group Hezbollah had �crossed the red line�. The Israeli military said it had struck targeting the militant commander allegedly behind the deaths of 12 children and teens. Just before I started writing this article, the IDF announced that the target of the attack had indeed been killed. His name was Fuad Shukr, and he had been conducting terror attacks in the region for a very long time� The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the death of Fuad Shukr, the Hezbollah commander who was behind a drone strike that killed 12 children and teens over the weekend. Shukr, who was also known as Hajj Mohsin, joined Hezbollah in 1985. He was also sought by the U.S. government over his connection to the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, which targeted U.S. Marines. Shukr served as a senior adviser to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah at the time of his death. He died in an IDF strike on Tuesday in southern Beirut, Lebanon. Now we shall see what Hezbollah chooses to do in response. Prior to the Israeli attack, the head of Hezbollah had pledged that any attack on Beirut would mean that Tel Aviv would be targeted in return� On Monday, Lebanon�s foreign minister told CNN that an Israeli attack in the southern suburbs of Beirut, or the international airport, �would surely lead to war.� Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallahhas repeatedly said that any Israeli strike on the Lebanese capital would prompt a Hezbollah attack on Tel Aviv. I am sure that Hezbollah will do something in response. But I don�t think that all-out war will erupt quite yet. I still think that we are at least a couple of months away. But a day of reckoning is definitely approaching. The Israelis are absolutely determined to move Hezbollah north of the Litani River, and Hezbollah has warned that the moment IDF troops entersouthern Lebanon all-out war will begin. So let�s see what happens. I think that both sides would like to avoid all-out war, but throughout history major wars have erupted �even when leaders didn�t want them�� Israel wants to remove the Hezbollah threat entirely, moving it back to the Litani River, in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution that ended the last major war between the twoin 2006. �If the world doesn�t get Hezbollah away from the border, Israel will do it,� said former Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz in December. And so despite the bombast, domestic pressures, the fears and the escalations, the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah continues to simmer rather than boil over. No one seems to want thiswar. But as Hochstein warned in that same webinar: �Wars have started historically around the world even when leaders didn�t want them, because they had no choice.� I have written extensively about �the three wars of the apocalypse�, and this end times war in the Middle East is one of them. Ever since last October, this war has been simmering at a relatively low level as Israel and Hamas have been going at it. But eventually this thing is going to spiral out of control, and the death and destruction we will witness will shock the entire globe. -------------------------- Gog and Magog: God�s War on Israel�s Enemies - By Dr. Donald Whitchard - Scripture References: Ezekiel 38:1-23,39:1-29; Daniel 9:27,11:40-45; Revelation 7:9-14 In reading the account of the coming Gog-Magog War in Ezekiel 38-39, we need to ask some relevant questions on how everything comes to pass. First, who are the invaders of Israel mentionedin the prophecy? We read about ten proper names in Chapter 38:1-6 that help us identify the invading forces. Nine of these ten words describe geographical locations. Gog is not a location but is instead a title, such as Pharoah, Caesar, or King. Gog will bethe leader of this invasion and is also called a prince. The names Ezekiel gives are the ancient names of countries that existed in his day, well known to those living at that time but are totally foreign to most readers today. Let us start withthe area known as �Rosh,� also known as Rashu, Ras Apu, and Rus. It is now known as the nation of Russia. �Magog� was the land of the �Scythians,� known today as Central Asia. The area is now a conglomeration of southern Islamic republics with a combined populationof 60,000,000 Muslims. This territory probably includes modern Afghanistan as well. �Meshech� (ancient Mushki and Musko in the region of Cilicia and Cappadocia) is now the nation of Turkey, including southern Russia and Iran. �Tubal� is also within the borders of Turkey,southern Russia, and Iran. The Kingdom of Persia changed its name to Iran under Shah Reza Pahlavi in 1935 and had always been civil toward the Jews living there. Up until 1979, with the fall of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the country had diplomatic ties withIsrael and had joint military operations over the years. When Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, all of that ended, and today, Iran is the sworn mortal enemy of Israel, calling for its destruction on a daily basis. The area of �Cush� is today the nation of Sudan, a Muslim nation with hostilities toward Israel. It is located south of Egypt. The nation of �Put,� located west of Egypt, is now the countryof Libya, while �Gomer� and �Beth-Togarmah� are located on the borders of modern Turkey. It will be the combined forces of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Sudan, and the nations of Central Asia that will gather together at �the mountains of Israel� (38:7-9) withthe objective of ridding the world of the Jewish people forever, claiming the land and its wealth for themselves, or so they think. This planned invasion will take place in the �last days when I will bring you against My land� (38:18). It is the LORD who initiates the idea of invasion in the minds of Israel�s enemies (Psalm83) in order that He will not only destroy them but also show that He is the God of Israel and the One and True God over all. This invasion will happen at the final time of history in preparation for the establishment of the Messianic kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. It should be noted that nothing described inEzekiel 38-39 has ever taken place in the history of Israel; therefore, all of this must occur sometime in the future. The Gog-Magog War occurs when Israel is in the land permanently. This happened on May 14, 1948, when the state of Israel declared her independencefrom the British Mandate. What had been �Palestine� was now the reborn nation as prophesied in Scripture (Isaiah 66:8). One other thing is that Israel �is at rest� when the invasion takes place (38:8, 11, 14). Since 1948, Israel has never known a day of rest or peace, either in the arena of war or battles withthe political and diplomatic difficulties it has with the UN and its hostility toward Israeli policy and decisions. Today, Israel is seen as the �villain� in the Gaza War, with the �Palestinians� as the �innocent victims� of �Israeli genocide,� a line repeatedby the media pundits, even by some who claim to be �Christians.� There are only two times when Israel will have peace, and both are mentioned in the Bible. The first will take place during the first three and a half years of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27)when Israel signs a �peace treaty� with the Antichrist. This will be broken at the halfway point when he goes into the rebuilt Temple, performs an act of desecration upon the sacred altar, and declares himself to be God on earth. The Lord Jesus warned of this in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15-28; Mark 13:14-23; Luke 17:23, 24, 37, 21:20-24)). The Jews living at that time need to flee Jerusalem and the land asfast as they can and hide for their safety under the protection of God and not any nation (Revelation 12:14). All the world will be against Israel, even the USA, the staunchest ally Israel has ever had until this point in history. We see the seeds of thisanimosity already planted in the nation, and it is growing with intensity each day. The second and final period of peace for Israel will take place when the Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns to earth in the Second Coming (Revelation 19:11-21) to destroy Israel�s foesand inaugurate His 1,000-year kingdom of peace and joy centered in Israel (Isaiah 2:4). Putting together all of the pieces of the prophetic puzzle, we can conclude that the events written of in Chapters 38 and 39 take place during the first half of the Tribulation after the truechurch of Jesus Christ has been raptured to heaven (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10) when Israel is living under the false peace of the covenant she has made with the Antichrist, who appears for the moment to beIsrael�s Promised Messiah. We know that these nations will attempt an invasion of Israel. The question is: Why do they want to invade it? •First, it will be to seize and cash in on the natural resources and wealth of Israel (Ezekiel 38:11-12). •Second, they want to control the Middle East. •Third, they all harbor a mutual hatred for the nation of Israel, especially the Islamic nations who hate the Jews (The Quran refers to the Jews as �pigs� and commands all faithful Muslimsto kill them along with all �infidels,� including Christians). •Fourth, these nations are blistering under the tyranny of Antichrist and will challenge him for authority (Daniel 11:40-45). These four reasons are the human justification for waging war, but as mentioned earlier, God�s goal or purpose in this invasion is that He might be sanctified in the eyes of all the nations(Ezekiel 38:14-16). This invasion will look like the biggest mismatch in the history of warfare. It will make the Arab invasions of 1967 and 1973 pale in comparison. When Russia puts together this last-days strikeforce, it looks as if Israel will be finished. However, God is in total control of the situation, mounting up in HIs fury to destroy these godless invaders (Ezekiel 39:18). He will come to rescue His helpless people, using four methods to destroy the armiesof Gog and Magog: •He will bring about a great earthquake (38:19-20). •Infighting will occur among the troops of the nations (38:21). In the aftermath of the earthquake, the armies will turn against each other, bringing about the largest carnage of death by �friendly fire� in human history. •As a result, diseases will break out and spread, killing the remaining forces (38:22). •There will be torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur poured on whoever is left of this decimated army (38:22). No one at this time will say that this was an all-natural coincidence, �climate change,� or any other excuse to explain this victory. The eyes of many will be opened to the fact that whathad happened was the benevolent act of God on behalf of His people. Scripture tells of the aftermath of the battle with the arrival of �the birds of the air� and �the beasts of the field� to devour the flesh of the dead (Ezekiel 39:4-5, 17-20; Revelation 19:17-18).There will also be a time of massive clean-up of the land that will take seven months, including the burial of the dead and the removal of weapons (Ezekiel 39:11-12, 14-16) by having them burned, which will take three and a half years to complete (39:9-10). In the midst of this wrath, God uses it to bring numerous Jews and Gentiles to salvation (Ezekiel 38:16, 23; 39:6-7, 21-22; Revelation 7:9-14). Ezeki3l 38-39 is one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible, and looking around, it seems like everything predicted is about to come to pass. Russia and its Islamic allies are the keyplayers in this prophecy and will be the places to closely watch as the passage of time brings us closer to the �Blessed Hope� of Christ�s glorious return (Luke 21:28). (My thanks to Dr. Mark Hitchcock and his article on the Gog-Magog War in The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy (c) 2008, Harvest House Publishers, pp.119-122). ------------------------------------ Gazan Are Subjected to Ruthless Antisemitic Brainwashing from Childhood� What�s Our Excuse? � By Hal Lindsey - The Palestinian people really are victims. Primarily, they are the victims of ruthless brain washing and mental conditioning. Part of their extreme ignorance is self-imposed, but much of itis forced on them by the regime they live under. A speaker at a Palestinian funeral in 2023 said, �A people in which a mother accompanies her martyr son with sounds of joy will never be defeated�. We love death like our enemies love life.� That�s not an isolatedquote. Palestinian leaders provide an endless stream of such statements. The �children of Palestine� are born into an environment that glorifies death. A few years ago, a children�s television program on a Hamas-affiliated station in Gaza featured a character called �Farfour.� On the outside, he looked like Mickey Mouse. On the inside, hewas all Hamas. He taught children to hate the United States and Israel. He radicalized the youngest of the young, always preaching the virtues of martyrdom. On his Sesame Street-like educational program, Farfour taught young Gazans to hate Jews, hate Americans,and even to hate all but the most fervent Muslims. To the Palestinian children�s horror, the great and kind mouse, Farfour, died � murdered, of course, by Jews. Fictional Israeli investigators beat the fictional mouse to death during a fictionalinterrogation. But it was presented as good news in one way because Farfour achieved the high calling of martyrdom in the Hamas death cult. To say that Jews cold-bloodedly murdered this beloved television mouse had one intent � to saturate the children in hate and rage against Jews. If Jews are that evil, it seems to justify theworst of all human impulses. It allows bloodlust, rape, and other kinds of extreme violence to break free of normal moral restraints. Palestinians have been deluded by an evil, unrelenting process of mind manipulation. But what�s our excuse? Why do millions of Americans side with Hamas? Speaking before the US Congress, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, �Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet incredibly many anti-Israel protesters, many chooseto stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers.� This is not a political question, but a moral one. Some of our nation�s key leaders joined the protesters by boycotting the Prime Minister�s speech. This encourages Hamas to keep the hostagescaptive and to reject all overtures of peace. It gives them the illusion that they are winning, and that encourages them to keep on fighting. I understand that American leaders don�t want Palestinians to suffer, but Hamas sees their boycott of Netanyahu asa boycott of Israel and the Jewish people. This encourages all terrorists to do more evil and cause more suffering. By seeming to stand with Hamas, American leaders condemn the hostages to an ever longer stay in Gazan torture chambers where many have already died. When American leaders give the impression of solidarity with Hamas, they also give the impression that they condone the murder of Americans guilty of nothing more than visiting Israel. TheirNetanyahu boycott looks like a justification of all Hamas brutality. We live in a dangerous world. We must face it with strength and resolve. Those who try to appease all sides end up prolonging the suffering for everyone. Hal Lindsey is an author and Bible prophecy teacher who hosts the weekly news and commentary series �The Hal Lindsey Report.� Editor�s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant? Olivier Melnick, President of Shalom In Messiah Ministries, argued that any definition of antisemitism would be incomplete without factoring in a critical component: Antisemitism is demonic. �My standard definition for antisemitism is as follows: Antisemitism is the irrational, satanic hatred of the Jewish people and Israel, characterized by thoughts, words and/or deeds againstthem. I have yet to see a definition of antisemitism that includes the words satanic or demonic. That aspect of the problem is seldom, if ever, mentioned,� he explained, �but it is a key, if not THE key component.� �The reason is simple, and it is found in the Bible,� Melnick maintained. �God has Israel and the Jewish people at the core of His plan for mankind. When at the end of the seven-year Tribulation(also known as the Time of Jacob�s Trouble), Israel will realize that Yeshua is indeed the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the world, and the Jewish people will call upon Him corporately (Zechariah 12:10). It was Yeshua who declared to Israel that His returnwas dependent upon their crying out to Him �Baruch Haba Bashem Adonai�, in Matthew 23:37-39.� �Satan knows that time is coming,� Melnick continued. �He continues to do everything he can to denigrate, demonize and decimate the Jews so that he can keep his position of �Prince of thepower of the air� (Ephesians 2:1-2). This is the ONLY reason antisemitism exists, and this is why I am convinced from a biblical perspective that it will not cease but only increase until Yeshua Sar Shalom (Jesus the Prince of Peace) returns.� ------------------------------------------------ Israel�s Northern Front Is A Powder Keg Waiting To Blow Up At Any Moment � By RobertGottselig - There is a looming war with Hezbollah in the north of Israel. This past weekend, Hezbollah launched an Iranian-made Falcon 1 rocket on a Druze community in Majdal Shams below Mount Herman.The attack brutally killed 12 young children. Hezbollah later denied their involvement because it hit a Druze Community. However, it is only they who possess these Iranian-made rockets; therefore, there is no doubt that this strike camefrom Lebanon. The Druze community is in shock and has condemned those responsible, calling for their punishment. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in the United States at the time, as he had addressed the US Congress a few days earlier. When he heard about the attack, he made immediate plans to returnto Israel. Israel reified a plan to retaliate. As a result, countries around the world called on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Hezbollah braced, and Iran warned of consequences shouldIsrael respond. On Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, Israel took aim, killing Hezbollah�s �Chief of Staff� Fuad Shukr in Behruit, as well as top Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. It is a powder keg waiting to blow up any minute. Since October 7th, Hezbollah has launched hundreds upon hundreds of rockets and drones into Israeli territory, provoking Israel into an all-out war. The world and the media seem to be turninga blind eye to what Hezbollah is doing. Back in 2006, in the Israel-Hezbollah war of that time, Hezbollah terrorists began firing katyusha rockets into Israel while their forces crossed the border and attacked an Israeli army vehiclethat was patrolling the Israeli side. They killed three soldiers and kidnapped two others. Of course, Israel retaliated hard. Hezbollah then launched an additional thousand plus rockets into Israel. During that escalation, I remember the media blaming Israelfor using disproportionate force instead of blaming Hezbollah, the terrorists. I attended a lecture at our University a little while after the conflict where the invited speaker demonized Israel for defending itself. Disgusting, to say the least! British historian MartinGilbert wrote: �Following the Hezbollah-Israeli War of June 2006, Israel withdrew its troops from Southern Lebanon. Southern Lebanon was then policed by an enlarged United Nations interim force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Originally set up in 1978, UNIFIL force wasmandated after the 2006 war to clear mines, rebuild roads and bridges, disarm Hezbollah, prevent Hezbollah from rearming, and prevent further rocket attacks on Israel.� How did that turn out? Not very good considering that in 2006, Hezbollah had approximately 14,000 rockets aimed at Israel, and now they have about 150,000 to 200,000, all pointed at the JewishState�many of them equipped with precision-guided systems. Tehran, of course, is their master as the Iranian regime vows to wipe Israel off the face of the map. We know for certain that that�s not going to happen because of what God has said in Jeremiah 31: 35-36: �Thus says the Lord, Who gives the sun for a light by day, The ordinances of the moonand the stars for a light by night, Who disturbs the sea, And its waves roar (The Lord of hosts is His name): �If those ordinances depart From before Me, says the Lord, Then the seed of Israel shall also cease From being a nation before Me forever.'� Iran and Hezbollah would be better off aiming their rockets and missiles at the sun, moon, and stars because if they can destroy them, then maybe they would have a chance of destroying Israel. Israel is on the winning side�make no mistake. That doesn�t mean that if an all-out war happens in the north with Hezbollah that there won�t be some serious casualties in Israel. That�s whywe need to be praying for Israel�s leaders to be wise to the schemes of their enemies. Pray for the IDF to be successful in destroying those who wish them dead. Above all, pray that God will ultimately intervene. Biblically, where is all this heading? Very simply, it�s all leading to the ultimate peace deal of Daniel 9:27, where a coming world leader whom the Bible calls the antichrist will confirma treaty with the House of Israel for seven years. Friends, global leaders are pushing Israel hard to make peace. Israel certainly wants peace after all these years of being persecuted and targeted. The world wants peace, and it�s coming fast. Unfortunately,the Bible warns that it will be a false peace, and it�s not going to last long. When the antichrist�s treaty is signed, it will usher in the 70th week of Daniel, the seven-year tribulation period. All hell is going to break loose on this Earth as God uses that time toend the rebellion on this planet and finally get the attention of Israel. For believers in Yeshua, He is coming back for His Bride prior to Daniel 9:27. Friends, if we can see the stage being set for that today, how much closer are we to that trumpet sounding, whereJesus will call us home? If you are reading this and do not know Jesus as your Savior, I implore you: believe in Him, call out to Him, and He will save you. He will enter your name in the Lamb�s Book of Life. Romans10:13 very simply says, �For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.� Isn�t that wonderful? For Israel, though hard times are ahead of them, let�s continue then to pray for them. Let�s stand with them. Let�s support them. Let�s care for them. Most importantly, as Believers in Jesus,let�s show them the love of Christ. At the end of the day, a gospel message is the most important thing that we can share with our Jewish friends. ---------------------------- Beyond Taiwan: Decoding China�s Unprecedented Military Posturing � Brent Sadler - As Americans focus on the presidential election campaign and domestic political uncertainty, China's large-scale military exercises loom on the horizon after an unusually provocative summerof such activity. Tensions across the Taiwan Strait simmer and a standoff with the Philippines persists in the South China Sea, and China is becoming more direct with America and its allies, indicating itsapproach is evolving quickly. First, activity over the Taiwan Strait by China's air force (the People's Liberation Army Air Force) has remained at elevated levels since 2021, but recently set new records. On July 11, for example, 66 Chinese aircraft were detected over the Taiwan Strait, the highest single-day activity this year. Even more concerning, 56 of the aircraft crossed over Taiwan'sside of the strait, constituting the highest single-day crossing of the median line since recordkeeping began in 2020. China's increased military activity also led to the highest recorded 10-day average median line crossing: 23.4 aircraft. Such crossings are highly provocative. That said, activity over thepast few months continues an upward trend. The recent wave of intimidation by the Chinese air force, known as PLAAF, began soon after a July 10 meeting between the top U.S. envoy to Taiwan, Raymond Greene, and Taiwan President LaiChing-te. Greene pledged increased measures to defend Taiwan, and his visit remains the most plausible reason for China's response, given historical precedent. But it's worth noting that the Chinese escalation also coincided with NATO's 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, which ran from July 9 through 11, where China was mentioned on multipleoccasions. With surprisingly stern language, the NATO summit's communique warns that "the stated ambitions and coercive policies of the Chinese Communist Party continue to challenge NATO's interests,security and values." The alliance's communique reiterates that China "cannot enable the largest war in Europe in recent history without this negatively impacting its interests and reputation." In all, China is mentioned 14 times in the document, demonstrating NATO's first clear acknowledgment that transatlantic security is now deeply intertwined with issues emanating from the Indo-Pacific. Participation by South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand in the NATO summit further signals the alliance's deepening concern for the region and how a war there would affect Europeansecurity. In response to NATO's statements, China's Ministry of Defense offered stern words of its own on the same day as the communist regime's record aircraft activity over Taiwan. China insistedNATO's statements constitute "belligerent rhetoric," making clear that China "will firmly uphold its own sovereignty, security and development interest." China's dissatisfaction with the U.S.-led world order and its reach in the Indo-Pacific is well known, and that animosity is being played out increasingly in military shows of force. Chinese and Russian forces also gathered June 25 near the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe Bridge, which connects Russia and northeast China. According to China Military, a publication funded by the People's Liberation Army, priorities included "encirclement and capture operations" within the domains of "aerial reconnaissance, surfaceinterception, and ambushes on the shore." China said the motivation for the military exercise was to combat separatism--a justification especially significant considering that China quickly labeled Lai, Taiwan's president, a "separatist"after his May 20 inauguration. China's summer activity is expanding to include a variety of other military exercises. On July 13, China carried out multiple waves of missile tests in Inner Mongolia. China's Rocket Force,responsible for the tests, likely will play a critical role in the regime's military operations in a war over Taiwan's future. As such, these tests also serve as preparation for a potential Taiwan war scenario and for more provocative exercises with the Chinese navy and air force during exercises expected soon inthe South China Sea. If these missile tests are deemed successful by Chinese leader Xi Jinping, he may decide to execute a more complex and provocative challenge in the region. NATO's concern is reinforced by China's increasingly apparent support of Russia in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. More directly, China and Belarus began joint exercises July 8 dubbed EagleAssault 2024. This coincided with a visit to Warsaw by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during which Ukraine and Poland signed a security agreement. The China-Belarus military exercise took placejust 17 miles from the Ukraine border and 2 miles from Poland. Like Russia, Belarus is a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Eurasian economic and security coalition. This partnership provides China with an impetus for a greater militarypresence in Europe, but how it serves China's strategic interests is less clear. However, this military exercise, planned well in advance and coinciding with the NATO summit in Washington, certainly underscores China's dismay with Europe's demurring on Chinese trade andincreasing realization of it as a threat. Earlier this month, China also deepened military cooperation with the United Arab Emirates and Laos, respectively, through two exercises: Falcon Shield 2024 and Friendship Shield 2024. While noteworthy, neither exercise raised a red flag militarily. But the exercises did demonstrate China's continued willingness to engage favorably with partners who are amenable to acceptingits position on Taiwan. In the South China Sea, a familiar hotspot, China and Russia are increasing joint military engagement, as they are elsewhere. On July 14, Joint Sea 2024 began at a naval port in Zhanjiang,southern China, headquarters for China's South Sea fleet. Both countries conducted a variety of anti-submarine and air defense exercises. At the same time, a separate Chinese-Russian naval patrol entered the South China Sea, passing close to Japanese islands, in what the two nations described as a routine operations unrelatedto the geopolitical climate. The joint forces simulated missile firing and cross-deck landing operations and carried out gun drills. Military exercises are routinely scheduled during the summer months. But the recent activity amid regional and global tensions demonstrates an unusual increase in Beijing's risk-taking notseen in previous years. China also is finding ways to test the United States more directly. Case in point: Chinese and Russian bomber aircraft were detected July 25 and intercepted by NORAD as they flew into the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone off the coast of Alaska. This is the latest example of China and Russia's deepening defense ties and marks the first time two U.S. adversaries deployed strategic bombers together near the United States. The Chineseaircraft in question was the H-6 bomber, capable of carrying nuclear weapons and sometimes active over the Taiwan Strait. This latest Alaska incident came just weeks after Chinese warships were detected July 6 and 7 near Alaska's Aleutian Islands. While steering clear of territorial waters, the Chinese vesselspassed into the exclusive U.S. economic zone. This marks the fourth consecutive year that China's naval assets have been detected near Alaska--another component of China's upward-trending assertiveness in the Pacific. Only days after that, the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong, along with two missile destroyers and a frigate, made headlines as they passed close to the Philippines on the way to the WesternPacific to carry out another set of drills. In a departure from the norm, the carrier group didn't pass through the Bashi Channel separating Taiwan and the Philippines, but instead went through the Balintang Channel, which runs betweentwo groupings of some of the Philippines' northernmost islands. This diversion, while subtle, signals continued aggression toward the Philippines, where U.S. Marines recently held joint exercises. Vietnam also has seen tension before with China in the South China Sea, but unlike the Philippines, Hanoi's most recent Chinese-style artificial island expansion hasn't drawn noticeable displeasurefrom Beijing. Since its positive diplomatic developments with both the U.S. and China last September ­and December, Vietnam has rapidly pursued island reclamation in the South China Sea. Discovery GreatReef, South Reef, Namyit Island, and Pearson Reef all received dozens of acres of land expansion since November, according to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative. Barque Canada Reef continues to be Vietnam's largest outpost and recipient of recent efforts, gaining 174 acres of land over the past six months. In all, 692 acres have been added since November.This is up from 404 acres the prior year and represents a 100% increase in land reclamation since 2022. Manila's seemingly minor actions prompted violent responses from Beijing and Western states' diplomatic activities triggered military posturing, but China hasn't condemned Vietnam's sweepingreclamation campaign. Why is China choosing not to back down over the Philippines while simultaneously turning a blind eye to Vietnam's recent surge of island-building in the same region? China's selective enforcement of its own standards points to the likelihood that its reactions are reserved for the U.S. or actions that Beijing perceives to be prompted by or indirectly benefitthe U.S. As tensions over Taiwan and features in the South China Sea reach a boiling point, efforts to understand Beijing's thinking are paramount and could offer ways to better address and mitigateits escalations. America's lack of strategic direction is commensurate with China's recent threatening actions. Beijing's timing, location, and choice of willing partners lessen the probability that its activitieshappen at the same time by coincidence and hold no greater meaning. Washington must be alert in the coming months, particularly around Thursday, Aug. 1, the anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army--a symbolic date that China often usesfor strategic messaging. The United States has been in China's crosshairs for years. But given its recent conduct, Beijing is more likely than ever to double down on its posturing and take on added risks with Washingtonand allies such as the Philippines. ---------------------------- The Targeted Killing Of Terrorists � �Their Blood Is On Their Own Head� � By Amir Tsarfati - Shalom from northern Israel! Last week I flew home after a wonderful and productive time in southern California. But, I�ll tell you, as much as I love visiting my California friends, did Iever come home at the right time. Only a few days after I arrived, the eastern Mediterranean started going crazy. There were errant missiles, major bombings, and a couple unbelievable targeted killings. But I�ll tell you all about those in the stories below. I�ve had people write to me with questions regarding my reaction to the deaths of many terrorists. I can understand why you ask, because I don�t have time to explain my underlying point ofview with each Telegram post. So, let me just say that I am fully in line with what Paul wrote to Timothy when he said God �desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth� (1 Timothy 2:4). In my mind, the best-case scenario would befor an evangelical revival to sweep through Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iran. I would love to see Gazans on their knees, repenting and giving their lives to the Lord. That is the ideal, and I know that God could accomplish that should He choose to. However, I also know that without a saving knowledge of the Messiah, so many people do horrendous things. So, my prayer is that God stops them from carrying them out. If that costs them theirlives, then so be it. Throughout Scripture we see judgment being brought on those who hurt innocents, be they Jews or Gentiles. Do I wish that Ismail Haniyeh had given his life to Jesus before he was violently blown into His presence? I do, although he wouldstill have to pay a price on this earth for his evil deeds and treachery. But the fact was that his conscience had been seared decades ago, and he had no interest in the love and peace found in the Messiah. You also must understand that I am a Jewish Israeli follower of Christ. There have been horrendous acts carried out against my people, and they still continue with the hostages in the tunnels,the terrorist attacks on the streets, and the constant barrage of rockets from the militias. I am angry and I am disgusted that people can do these things to innocent civilians. I only need to go back and read some of David�s psalms to know that this traitruns rich in the blood of the people of Judah. So, when that emotion sometimes comes to the surface, I�d ask that you forgive me and understand the deep source from which it originates. My nation is still small enough so that when one person is hurt, we allhurt. Psalm 69:27-28 KJV � �Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.� The Children of Majdal Shams While other incidents happened on Thursday and Friday, the real insanity of the week began when Hezbollah fired a poorly aimed rocket which landed on a group of Druze schoolchildren in MajdalShams, along the Golan Heights in Israel. It was as bad as you can imagine. Twelve children were killed, and many others were wounded. At first, the terrorist group celebrated the murder of the children, which was the worst death toll since October 7. But once they realized that the children were Druze and not Jewish, theyimmediately took it back. �Look what we did!� was rapidly changed to �Actually, it wasn�t us! It must have been the Iron Dome misfiring.� But there is no way out for Hezbollah with this one. Pieces of the Iranian truck-fired Falaq-1 rocket were scattered allaround the site of the massacre. What will Israel do to retaliate? That was the question that ran through everyone�s mind. Sure, these were not Jewish children, but they were still Israelis and our hearts are broken for thefamilies. A price had to be paid. Nations began pulling their officials out of Lebanon in anticipation of a massive strike. Panicked countries like Iran, Turkey, Syria, and, of course, Lebanon warned against strong action. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was still in the United States when the attack occurred, boarded his plane five hours ahead of its previously planned departure. Once back in Israel,he immediately met with the war council and the world held its breath. The Killing of Fuad Shukr While I would still not rule out a major attack in the north, it appears that Netanyahu and his war cabinet have held back on quantity in favor of quality. On Tuesday, Israeli fighter jetsraced towards Beirut, where they fired missiles that killed Fuad Shukr, the most senior military commander of Hezbollah. Also known as Sayyid Mohsen, he was considered the Qassem Soleimani of the Hezbollah terrorist group. Not only was he responsible for the rocket that killed the 12 children in Majdal Shams, but he also directed Hezbollah�s attacks against Israel post-October 7. Shukr was an arms agent, responsiblefor bringing in the terrorist groups most advanced weapons. The U.S. State Department also took close notice, because four decades ago Shukr was a key operative in the planning and launching of the 1983 attack that killed 241 marines at their barracksin Beirut. The Killing of Ismail Haniyeh For many, that may have been enough. But these were 12 innocent children cut down while playing. Only six days after the Iranian outgoing minister of Intelligence said, �Dismantling the Mossad�sinfiltration network in Iran is the greatest achievement during my tenure,� an Israeli-made Spike anti-tank guided missile was fired from a Tehran rooftop. On the receiving end was none other than Ismail Haniyeh, the chairman of Hamas�s Political Bureau. It seems the wealthy terrorist left his cushy hideaway in the safety of Qatar to attend the inauguration of Iran�s new president. Big mistake! That is when the Mossad took him out � allegedly. Israel has not claimed responsibility for Haniyeh�s death. There are those times when despite the facts that it looks like Mossad and acts like Mossad and quacks like Mossad, it�s just a rogueIranian element that hates Hamas and hates the Islamic regime. Whoever it was who pulled the trigger on that anti-tank missiled, I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important was the removal of this man from the chessboard. Already there are demonstrationsin the West Bank, and the threats have begun from President Erdoğan in Turkey and Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran, a country that now has egg on its face due to the incident. It will be interesting to see if anyone makes good their threat. In a speech from the IDF Kirya headquarters in Tel Aviv last night, PM Netanyahu reminded the nation of the importance of the battle we are in. It is a fight for our very existence againstIran�s axis of evil: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. He recalled the targeted killing three weeks ago of Hamas chief of staff, Muhammad Daf. He brought up the massive bombing of the Houthis two weeks ago following their drone attack on Tel Aviv. Then, afterthe despicable murders of our children in Majdal Shams, he told how we took revenge on Fuad Shukr, a notorious terrorist wanted for crimes committed against Israel and the United States. Yes, it is taking time, he said, but that is something about which he warned from the beginning. But if this fight for peace in our land is to be done right and done permanently, we must bepatient and tenacious. He also warned anyone with thoughts of taking revenge, saying, �We will settle our score with anyone who harms us. Everyone who takes aim at our children, everyone who murders our citizens, everyone who harms our country � their bloodis on their own head.� President Erdoğan�s Threats Turkey�s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would do well to heed Netanyahu�s warning. His threat against Israel following Haniyeh�s elimination was his second of the week. The first was spewedSunday, when he said, �We must be strong so Israel won�t be able to do these things to the Palestinians. Just as we invaded Karabakh and Libya, we will do the same to Israel.� These bombastic words don�t surprise me at all. With what I know about the Ezekiel 38 war, they are expected. In fact, along with the gruesome attacks and deeply lingering aftermath of theOctober 7 massacre, Erdoğan�s unhinged hatred of Israel makes up the plot of Steve Yohn�s and my next Nir Tavor novel, The Sick Man�s Rage. You can preorder it now before its December 3 release. Killing of Girls in England Three little girls who were enjoying a Taylor-Swift-themed dance workshop Monday were cut down by the blade of a 17-year-old. Five other children remain critical, as do two adults who triedto protect the victims. Media have been quiet about the identity of the perpetrator, but protests did break out Tuesday night with much of the anger being directed at a local mosque. Election in Venezuela The thing about tyrants, especially failed tyrants, is that they never want to go away. Case in point is Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. By all accounts, except those of the Maduro-ites, challengerEdmundo Gonzalez won an overwhelming victory with nearly three-quarters of the vote. But Maduro wasn�t having it. He began to send out his thugs to steal ballot boxes and beat down protesters. But this time it may not be enough. Powerful street gangs, as wellas members of the armed forces, who were always Maduro�s heavy fist, were seen switching sides. A growing coalition of Central and South American countries say that they will not recognize a Maduro government. It is very important for Americans to keep their eyes on Venezuela. Many of the same tactics that skewed the 2020 election in the U.S. are being used to the south. What was missing back thenwere the armed soldiers boldly roaming the streets. But if November�s election does not go the way of the Left, it is very possible that this may change. Remember, tyrants, especially failed tyrants, never want to go away. We are already seeing the tools of the Left as they reveal themselves in the blatant censoring of Google searches and socialmedia surrounding the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The Olympics Antisemitic athletes, transgender competitors, blasphemous opening ceremonies, pagan rituals, polluted water in the Seine, terrible food and uncomfortable accommodations for the athletes allbased on a green agenda. I bet you all can�t wait until the radical, green lefties take over your country. ------------------------- The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major War, But Three Major Wars Are Rapidly Approaching- by Michael Snyder - What in the world has happened to our military? When I was growing up, I was proud that my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy. At that time we possessed the most powerful military in theentire world by a wide margin, and as a result nobody wanted to mess with us. But now everything has changed. Our military has been transformed into a �woke� joke, and we all saw what happened during the absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wedesperately need to get our act together, because war is coming. In fact, we could soon find ourselves fighting multiple major wars simultaneously. Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even readyto fight one major war at this point� The U.S. military is no longer �prepared� to fight in a major war, according to a new study conducted by a congressional panel. Though the threats the U.S. is facing are �the most serious and most challenging� it has seen in almost a century, the U.S. defense base is not equipped to meet the moment, according to areport from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy published on Monday. Among the biggest problems outlined in the report are a troubled Pentagon and a failure by the federal government to properly address threats emanating from adversaries like Chinaand Russia. �The United States last fought a global conflict during World War II, which ended nearly 80 years ago. The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 yearsago. It is not prepared today,� the commission�s report reads. How is this possible? We spent 820 billion dollars on national defense during the most recent fiscal year. Where is all of that money going? Two of the areas that the study really focused on were our �recruiting failures� and our �grossly inadequate� industrial base� The commission recommended in a 132-page report released Monday that the U.S. overhaul its national defense strategy and $900 billion defense budget to address recruiting failures, a �grosslyinadequate� industrial base, and underfunded cyber and space domains. The commission was tasked by Congress with analyzing the 2022 defense strategy, which was written prior to Russia�s 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the evolution of the strategic partnershipbetween China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. �There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict,� Eric Edelman, vice chairman of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, told senators. In the days following 9/11, our military was swamped with more eager recruits than they could possibly handle. But now it has become very difficult to convince young people to join our �woke� military. In particular, male enlistment is way, way down� The issue is convincing men to put on the uniform. A decade of declining recruitment numbers for the Army is almost entirely attributable to a significant drop in male recruiting as female enlistments have remained relatively flat, internalservice data reviewed by shows. Since 2013, male enlistments have dropped 35%, going from 58,000 men enlisting in 2013 to 37,700 in 2023, according to the service data. Meanwhile, female recruitment has hovered around 10,000recruits each year. This is a topic that I have been hammering on for a long time. In fact, in my most recent book I have an entire chapter entitled �Chaos In The Military�. Sadly, most Americans have absolutelyno idea how much our national defense has been compromised. As long as we don�t have to fight any major wars, our failures can be hidden to a certain extent. Unfortunately, three major wars are rapidly approaching. The Middle East is on the verge of erupting in flames, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says that the U.S. would intervene militarily if all-out war breaks out� The United States would help Israel defend itself should a full-scale war break out with Lebanon, the country�s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters in the Philippines as Lebanonbraced for an IDF counterstrike. �We remain concerned about the potential of this escalating into a full fight. And I don�t believe that a fight is inevitable,� Austin said. I still think that we have a couple of months before things in the region go totally haywire. Hopefully I am not wrong about that. Alarmingly, the State Department has just issued a warning instructing U.S. citizens not to travel to Lebanon right now� The United States on Wednesday urged its citizens to not travel to Lebanon, citing rising tensions between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah group. The U.S. State Department raised its travel advisory to Lebanon to level four, which says �Do Not Travel.� The State Department advised Americans in Lebanon to depart if possible. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine just continues to escalate and the Russians are steadily gaining ground. One of the big reasons for this is that the Russians are simply outproducing us. According to CNN, the Russians are producing almost three times more artillery munitions than the United States and Europe combined� Russia appears on track to produce nearly three times more artillery munitions than the US and Europe, a key advantage ahead of what is expected to be another Russian offensive in Ukrainelater this year. Russia is producing about 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or about 3 million a year, according to NATO intelligence estimates of Russian defense production shared with CNN, as wellas sources familiar with Western efforts to arm Ukraine. Collectively, the US and Europe have the capacity to generate only about 1.2 million munitions annually to send to Kyiv, a senior European intelligence official told CNN. This is a failure of epic proportions. How did this happen? It appears to be just a matter of time before we come into direct conflict with the Russians, and we are definitely not prepared for that. Of course we could soon find ourselves fighting a major war with China too. The moment that China invades Taiwan, we will be at war with the Chinese. Sadly, we are not equipped to fight a war with China on the other side of the Pacific. At this point, China actually has a larger navy than we do� China now possesses the world�s largest maritime fighting force, operating 234 warships to the U.S. Navy�s 219. This count of China�s fighting ships encompasses all of its known, active-dutymanned, missile- or torpedo-armed ships or submarines displacing more than 1,000 metric tons, including the 22 missile-armed corvettes recently transferred to the China Coast Guard but not the approximately 80 missile-armed small patrol craft operated by thePLAN. Of course not all of our military vessels are currently available. In fact, there is one aircraft carrier that has been getting �overhauled� since 2021 and won�t be available for service again until 2026 at the earliest� In 2021, USS John C. Stennis was sent to the shipyard for a routine Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH) mission. It was supposed to take three years. Yet it will probably be delayed evenpast 2026. As my colleague Harrison Kass assessed, �Since 2001, the U.S. Navy has conducted seven carrier overhauls. The shortest overhaul was USS Nimitz, at 1129 days. Four overhauls took between 1,338and 1,506 days � USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Carl Vinson, USS Theodore Roosevelt, and USS Abraham Lincoln.� The most recent carrier to get an RCOH overhaul, USS George Washington, took an astonishing 2,120 days. It is pretty sad when you have a 4.5 billion dollar aircraft carrier that can�t even sail for five years. But this is our military now. We spend a ton of money on it, but we get very little in return. So we better hope for peace, because if we have to depend on our �woke� military to fight multiple major wars simultaneously we are going to be in a world of hurt. --------------------------

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