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Friday, August 23, 2024

Should Christians vote for sinful candidates

 Should Christians vote for sinful candidates – Bill Wilson – Many Daily Jot readers have expressed a concern about voting in the upcoming election. Their concern is that both candidates are sinful. Kamala Harris for not only her character but also herstances on issues. Donald Trump for his character. The common question is, “Should Christians compromise the principles of God by voting for knowingly sinful candidates?” The other question is, “are there any scriptures that support compromising convictionfor the “greater good?” Are Christians supposed to “hold their nose” and vote for the candidate that best aligns with God’s principles when both candidates are known sinners or are they to not vote at all? To many the answer is simple. Others struggle withit. A Daily Jot reader recently wrote: “I am truly struggling with the idea of maintaining my civic responsibilities which would lead me to compromise my obedience to the Word of God and my convictions.I have ALWAYS been a "you must is your privilege and duty to do so" person… with these types of candidates from both sides of the aisle, who openly deny protecting the life of the unborn, deny the Biblical definition of marriage, openly espouse theacceptance of sin, openly encourage people to lie or compromise "for the greater good," I am struggling to be willing to vote for any of them. My question do you reconcile civic responsibility with Biblical responsibility? Romans 12:21 says, “Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” To me, the platform of one party is inherently evil. That party’s candidates are also very lost and often evil.And we can see what it is doing to this country. They demand we accept evil. Voting for those candidates is voting for an evil agenda. Another verse that comes to mind is Ephesians 6:11-13 where we are exhorted to put on the whole armor of God so that we canstand against the wiles of the devil and having done all, to stand. None of this is saying there is compromise by standing against evil. If you think the Republican Party is evil, maybe parts of it are. But compared to the Democratic Party and its candidates,there is clearly a difference. David Brody reports that over 200,000 Evangelicals for Harris/Walz have signed up to volunteer and vote for the Democratic Party ticket. God has supreme authority over all things. He also delights in seeing how his people allow him to work through them. If, for example, Trump wins and God didn’t want it, Trump would not bethere. Meantime, we have the God-given freedom to vote and choose. There is perfect liberty in Christ and God is a God of freedom. We have choices to make. Voting is one of them and responsible citizenship requires it. Vote for the person you believe bestrepresents the precepts of God. But not voting is shirking the responsibility of freedom—freedom granted by God. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” We are experiencing the consequences of our choice in leaders. The virtuous need to vote.

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