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Friday, August 16, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 8.17.24 - The ‘Big Lie’ Of Hamas Propaganda and The Biblical Mandate To Advocate For Israel

The ‘Big Lie’ Of Hamas Propaganda and The Biblical Mandate To Advocate For Israel – Simon Lawry – One of the first young Israeli backpackers that stayed in our home shared his aspirations to be a foreign diplomat one day. During his stay, he spoke passionately about his beloved homeland,enough to make any Israeli ambassador greatly pleased. The Hebrew word for public relations is hasbara, meaning “explanation.” Historically, public relations (PR) have not been one of Israel’s strengths [due to the vast levels of antisemitic anddemonic false information coming out against them]. On October 7, 2002, the State Comptroller’s report criticized Israel’s PR efforts, declaring, “Since its establishment in 1948, Israel’s intelligence organs have not succeeded to respond to the broad-basedpropaganda and incitement by the Arab world.” Exactly 21 years since the report was released, Israel faced (and continues to face) arguably its greatest PR battle since becoming a nation—a battle many Israelis believe they are losing.Local commentators lament that hasbara remains “inadequate” if not “futile” against the tsunami of lies Hamas propagates and its social media sympathizers regurgitate. Social Media A researcher from social media giant TikTok collected data showing the disparity in online posts concerning Israel and Palestinians. Between October 7, 2023 and January 29, 2024, users made170,430 pro-Palestinian posts and 8,843 pro-Israel posts. Pro-Palestinian posts received 236 million views compared to just 14 million pro-Israel views. Of course, this data reflects TikTok’s younger demographic. It also correlates with the anti-Israel fever displayed on university campuses and reflects research showing young people are muchless supportive of Israel. The battle for hearts and minds in some ways already feels like a lost cause, at least among the world’s youth. It also feels lost among many older folks who habitually hang on to their traditionalmainstream media broadcasts. These 60–90-second news grabs almost always portray Israel negatively, and over time, viewers are conditioned to this narrative. Whether these lies are that Israel is “an occupier,” “an apartheid state,” or “committing genocide,” they usually stick like mud. Israel’s Right To The Land One Israeli writer, Tova Herzl, is resigned to the idea that only religion can do what hasbara has not. She says only those (Jews and Christians) who share a belief in Israel’s “holy books” will be persuaded that Israel has a divine right to the land. Those with a Judeo-Christian worldview are more likely to support the Jewish people’s right to the land, but the perception that this support is more effective than or can replace hasbarais misplaced. A better view is that we need both Christians and Jewish people advocating for Israel and the Jews’ right to exist. Both should uphold Israel’s right to dwell peacefully in the land God has given them. We should also strongly defend Israel’s right to the land based on international law. Throughout Israel’s modern history, Arab nations have initiated and lost wars, including the Six-Day Warof 1967. At that time, Israel won control of East Jerusalem and its historical holy places but was pressured to return them to their enemies. On October 7, 2023, Hamas initiated a war by invading Israel and committing war crimes, yet the world consistentlypressures Israel to retreat from Gaza. Concerning international law, Israel fights within the rules. Hamas does not. Its ideology and laws say their members must kill all Jews. Rational Jewish people are confused about why theworld doesn’t share this view. As two commentators wrote, “The PR techniques used by Hamas and its supporters are deliberately designed to subvert the truth. They use incitement and imagery that trigger a purely emotional response from their targets. Thisemotional reaction is virtually immune to reason. The Big Lie often works.” Christians And Hasbara The Bible recognizes this desperate and frustrating dilemma for which Israel seemingly has no answer. There is a desperate call for God’s intervention in the face of Israel’s hostile enemies: Psalm 83:1-4 KJV – “Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They havetaken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” These words remind God’s Chosen People that the answer to their plight lies with the God of Israel. In time, this truth will become increasingly evident to them. Until that time, hasbara remains mandatory for Bible-believing Christians. It demonstrates our love for what God loves and is a powerful witness to the Jewish people. Our solidarity showsIsrael we care, initiates deeper dialogue, and brings blessings in the process. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every Christian would see this? ------------------------------- Things Just Got Even More Interesting In The Middle East And In Ukraine - by Michael Snyder - Most people don�t seem to realize this yet, but we have entered a time of global war. While millions in the western world are partying, an apocalyptic all-out war is threatening to erupt inthe Middle East and Ukraine has launched a surprise invasion of Russia. Needless to say, seeing Ukrainian troops come pouring across Russia�s lightly defended border in the Kursk region came as quite a shock to Vladimir Putin and his generals. The Ukrainianshave decided to take things to the next level, and the Russians are beyond angry. Meanwhile, Israel is bracing for a �large scale� Iranian attack at any time� Israel is expecting a �large scale� Iranian attack and Hezbollah has evacuated its Beirut headquarters in anticipation of an all-out war with Israel, according to reports. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant told US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that Iran was making preparations for a large-scale military attack on Israel during a phone call on Sunday, AxiosNews reporter Barack Ravid wrote on X. The planned attack could happen �within days�, according to two sources who spoke to CNN. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has evacuated its headquarters in Beirut, according to Lebanese news outlet AlJoumhouria � further raising concerns. We have been waiting for Iran to strike Israel since the end of July, but so far such an attack has not materialized. Many were hoping that cooler heads had prevailed in Iran. Sadly, it appears that an attack is still coming, and Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant is warning that Iran and Hezbollah �are threatening to harm us in a way they haven�t done inthe past�. That sounds rather ominous. If there is an attack, it will almost certainly be more substantial than what we witnessed last time around. For the moment, however, the Iranians seem to be enjoying keeping everyone in suspense� �There may be no attack at all, or there could be one tonight,� an Iranian regime insider told the Financial Times. �Waiting for death is more difficult than death itself.� �Iran has launched a psychological warfare campaign to keep Israel�s military, security, and logistical capabilities on edge, denying residents of the occupied territories any sense of calm,� the insider added. Maybe they will keep playing this game for a while. Or maybe they will attack tonight. We just don�t know. There have been reports of missile launchers being moved into position. But that could just be more of their mind games. The U.S. is certainly not taking any chances. According to John Kirby, the U.S. is operating under the assumption that an Iranian attack could come as early as this week� The U.S. is preparing for Iran or its proxies to attack Israel as soon as this week, according to White House national security spokesman John Kirby. He confirmed Monday that the U.S. is increasing its military presence in the region and said that President Joe Biden had talked with European allies about support for Israel. If the Iranians attack, the U.S. will defend Israel. A guided missile sub is being deployed to the Middle East, and the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group has been ordered to �sail more quickly to the area�� U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a guided missile submarine to the Middle East and told the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to sail more quickly to the area, asthe U.S. said Monday it believes Iran or its proxies could launch a strike against Israel as soon as this week. The moves, announced by the Defense Department Sunday, come as the U.S. and other allies push for Israel and Hamas to achieve a cease-fire agreement that could help calm soaring tensions inthe region after the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut. I will be watching the USS Abraham Lincoln very closely. If all-out war erupts, it could become a prime target for either the Iranians or Hezbollah. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine has taken an unexpected turn. The Ukrainians have been slowly but surely losing ground in eastern Ukraine, and so they decided to do something dramatic to change the momentum of the war. Nobody expected the Ukrainians to invade Russian territory, and so the Russians were completely surprised when that actually happened� Ukraine�s shock incursion across the Russian border into Kursk Oblast may force important strategic decisions on Moscow as President Vladimir Putin�s troops are taken as prisoners of war andsupply lines are threatened. The Ukrainian attack took Russian forces by surprise, according to one U.S. official who was not authorized to speak publicly. According to the Institute for the Study of War, Ukraine�s cross-border gambit has allowed Kyiv to seize the battlefield initiative, long held by Russian forces who were able to dictate thetime and place of fighting and force Ukrainian troops to expend manpower and equipment on defensive operations. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke of the importance of removing these Ukrainian forces from Russian territory during a televised appearance� President Vladimir Putin ordered his army on Monday to �dislodge� Ukrainian troops who have entered Russian territory as authorities said more than 120,000 people had been evacuated away fromthe fighting. Kyiv launched a surprise offensive into Russia�s western Kursk region last Tuesday, capturing more than two dozen settlements in the most significant cross-border attack on Russian soil sinceWorld War II. �One of the obvious goals of the enemy is to sow discord, strife, intimidate people, destroy the unity and cohesion of Russian society,� Putin told a televised meeting with government officials. The Ukrainians will not be able to hold Russian territory for long. So why did they do this? Personally, my opinion is that the Ukrainians are trying to get the Russians so angry that they will decide to use tactical nuclear weapons. If Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons, NATO will be forced to intervene, and then we really will have a nightmare scenario on our hands. This conflict with Russia is one of �the 3 wars of the apocalypse� that I keep warning my readers about. The coming all-out war in the Middle East is another one. All of the chess pieces are moving into position, and it won�t be too long before we witness global chaos on a grand scale. --------------------------------- Turkey�s Leader Brings Prophetic Focus � Terry James - Nothing brings clearer definition to the stage being set for Bible prophecy than the issues and events swirling around God�s chosen nation. At the moment, Israel is exacting a heavy price for atrocities perpetrated by Iran�s proxy terrorist organizations. The most recent is the assassination of murderous terrorist leaders in Beirutand Teheran. Especially troubling is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh being blown up with a detonation in his room. The attack was at first thought to be a drone strike by Israel; now it�s been found to be an explosive device inside Haniyeh�s bedroom, I take it. The occurrence was said to be an �insidejob.� Regardless, Israel is seen as being responsible for the assassination, and no doubt that is a correct assumption. Haniyeh is said to be responsible for planning and implementing the attack and murder of twelve children as they played soccer, when a rocket�s warhead exploded on the field. The act so enragedIsrael�s government that they broke away from their normal ways of retaliation, going not to a proxy nation, but straight to Teheran to take out the head terrorist. At first it seemd that the explosive was planted in Haniyeh�s room two months in advance of its detonation, and was ignited only when he was known to be occupying that space. This would indicatealmost prescient thinking on behalf of Israel�s assassination units, and the thought of that foreknowledge apparently had the terrorists and their associate evil regime in Iran going a bit nutso. It has now been said that the explosive was placed there onlytwo days before the detonation. The ayatollahs and others say it is an act of war, with Israel striking directly into Iran. It opens up a new level of hostility, and Iran�s regime threatens all-out war. In view of all this, the Biden administration has sent naval ships in that direction in anticipation of a greatly expanded conflict in the region. It is interesting to see that things are ramping up between Israel and its blood-vowed enemy, Iran, with this unprecedented attack by Israel against Iran itself. At the same time, anothernation-state actor that�s part of the coalition that will comprise the Gog-Magog assault has interjected an equally fascinating element that brings that prophecy into ever-sharpening focus. Turkey�s leader on Sunday threatened military intervention in Israel to stop Jerusalem�s war in Gaza in a significant escalation of rhetoric from NATO�s second-largest military. In a meeting with his Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey �must be very strong so that Israel can�t do these ridiculous things to Palestine.� �Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them,� he said, according to a Reuters report. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz came back swinging and suggested Erdoğan would meet a similarly deadly fate as Iraq�s former president, Saddam Hussein, who was executed by hanging in2006. �Erdoğan follows in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel. Just let him remember what happened there and how it ended,� Katz said in a message posted to X that includeda picture of Erdoğan and the former Iraqi leader. (�Turkey�s leader on Sunday threatened military intervention in Israel to stop Jerusalem�s war in Gaza,� by Caitlin McFall,, July 29, 2024) The Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan thus makes clearer how Togarmah, regarded as the geographical area of current-day Turkey by prophetic scholars, is moving into the Ezekiel 38�39 alliance.This movement has been growing for some time since Erdoğan took over as president of the country. Turkey, a member of NATO, has been moving more and more into the orbit of Iran and Russia and spewing hateful rhetoric against Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu and the Jewish state. This has caused a number of legislators within the US and the European Union that are part of NATO to call for kicking Turkey out of the organization. This call for Israel�s punishment by Turkey is seen as unprecedented by a NATO member, following the dastardly murders, rapes, and other evil perpetrated by Hamas against Israel October 7,2023. Clearly this further sets the stage for the end of the age and the beginning of the Tribulation (Daniel�s seventieth week). Everything for the Tribulation and the Rapture, which will proceed that terrible time, is tightening into focus as we continue to view things through the prism of God�s prophetic Word. -------------------------------------- Understanding Iran's Apocalyptic Shi'ite Dream � Lawrence Franklin - It might be news to the United States and Israel that despite the Satanic appellations assigned to them by Iran's regime--"Big and Little Satan" respectively--neither figure is the IslamicRepublic's final objective, which defines Shi'ite Islam. Iran's theocratic worldview is shaped by the Shi'ite belief that Muhammad's will was betrayed by the Sunni Caliphs who immediately succeeded the prophet. The true believers in the Shi'ite hierarchy assertthat the Sunni hijacking of Islam will end with the return of the Imam Zaman (the Twelfth Imam), ushering in the end times. For certain, the Islamic Republic employs the "Zionist Entity" as a foil to obscure its apostate image among Sunnis. Iran's militancy also diminishes Saudi Arabia's traditional primacy asguardian of Sunni Islam's global interests. Iranian efforts to recruit both Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims to join the anti-Zionist "resistance" have succeeded in capturing the passion of even some Sunni extremist groups, like Hamas. Although Iran's revolution is a modern occurrence (1979), the essence of its theological ideology is rooted in the first decades of Islamic history. The Sunni-Shi'ite divide is traceable tothe refusal by Damascus-based Umayyad dynastic Islamic notables to recognize the claim of Ali, the son-in-law and nephew of Muhammad, as the prophet's legitimate successor as leader of Islam. Though Ali ultimately was named the Fourth Caliph, Sunni leadersdisinherited his sons, killing his youngest, Hussain, and many of his followers at the Battle of Karbala, Iraq in 680 CE. Following the defeat of their Shi'ite rivals, Sunni Muslims dominated the "Islamic world" in both power and population for centuries, except for a few periods of regional Shi'ite ascendancies.All that changed with the U.S.-led destruction of the Sunni dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. The demise of Saddam liberated Iraq's Shi'ite majority, many of whom felt an affinity for Shi'ite Iran across the border. It is these Shi'ites who make up the severalterrorist gangs in Iraq who do the bidding of Iran's extremist regime. Iran's theocratic ideologues also share old-school ties with Iraq's leading clerics, many of whom were trained in the same Shi'ite seminaries in Najaf (Iraq) and Qom (Iran). The overridinggoal of Iran's Shi'ite clerics is finally to replace Sunni dominance; first in the Middle East and eventually throughout the Islamic world. Iranian muscle in the Persian Gulf has now outclassed the Arabian Peninsula's monarchial Sunni states in raw power.While these peninsular kingdoms remain wealthy, their thrones rest on sand. For the foreseeable future, they will all require protective guarantees from the calvaries of heathen states like America, Israel or China. Iran has appealed to Shi'ite minorities around the world, including in South Asia, West Africa and Mainland as well as Archipelago Southeast Asia. Iran has embraced Syria's Alawite rulersas legitimate fellow Shi'ites. It has recruited Shi'ite soldiers from Afghanistan and Pakistan to join the ranks of the Lebanese Shi'ite terror group Hezbollah and Yemen's ethnic Houthi Shi'ites who serve in the pro-Iranian international brigades fightingTehran's wars in the Mideast. To deal the killing blow to Sunni political and religious Islam in the Gulf, Iran must "persuade" the U.S. to jettison its view that Middle East stability is a vital American national interest.Such a calculation by U.S. national security experts would, by definition, force Washington to reevaluate America's longstanding commitment to Israel's defense. Iran's efforts to create anti-Israel sentiment among segments of the U.S. population are precisely orchestrated to attrit traditional popular support for Israel among American citizens. Themobilization of Muslim-American sentiment for the "Palestinian cause," together with idealistic and na�ve support among some college students, has already influenced the 2024 U.S. presidential election to a greater degree than ever envisioned by Russia orChina. Vice President Kamala Harris's decision not to select the popular Jewish-American Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro as her running mate buttresses the accusation that she has bowed to the anti-Israel faction of her party, which includesopen antisemites in its ranks. Iran's future strategy to undermine the American presence in the Middle East may include several confrontational tactics: Tehran could seek to enflame the Shi'ite-majority population of SaudiArabia's Eastern Province. This region is the site of much of the kingdom's oil wealth and has traditionally been a center of deep opposition to the ruling al-Saud dynasty, the global standard bearer of Sunni Islam. Another disruptive option is already in play: Iran's propagandists are presently stoking existing anti-Israeli animosities among Palestinian Arabs living in Judea and Samaria. Iran hopes thesePalestinians will violently resist Israel's administrative control to create another front on Israel's borders. Tehran's radicalization of this population may also be used to attempt to topple the already teetering Hashemite dynasty in Jordan. Indeed, King Abdullah II might be the last King of Jordan,as his country's Palestinian Arab population continues to grow. The overthrow of the Hashemites would remove a pro-Western ally that Iran could use as another tentacle in its anti-Israel strategy. Furthermore, Iran has a subterranean network of cooperative elements in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This Sunni-ruled island state hosts the headquarters of the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet and is apro-Western ally in the Mideast. The dissolution of al-Khalifa dynastic rule in Bahrain would probably lead to the ouster of the Fifth Fleet, complicating the West's ability to police Iranian aggression in the Persian Gulf. Bahrain is vulnerable to the Islamic Republic's malevolent designs because its Sunni dynasty rules over a restive, much larger Shi'ite population. The al-Khalifa Dynasty is unpopular but maintainscontrol through a predominantly South Asian thuggish paramilitary of mercenaries. As an emergency security backup, a 15-mile bridge and causeway complex, built, in part, for a quick suppressive response, connects Bahrain to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. and Israel must never underestimate Iran's willingness to act on its ideologically inspired, apocalyptic dream that the Shi'ite narrative will be the universally accepted true legacyof Islam. The diminution of democratic power in the region will only lead to bolder moves by Iran's clerics and their military class of zealots in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Hence, now or later, the Islamic Republic must be defeated, whetherthey develop nuclear weapons or not. ------------------------- As Israel�s Enemies Take Aim, Will You Pray for God�s Chosen People? � By Robert Gottselig - As a major war with Hezbollah in Lebanon looms and Iran is vowing to directly strike the Jewish State once again, we should all be in prayer for Israel. In my last article, I discussed the 12 children who were killed by a Hezbollah-launched, Iranian-made Falaq 1 rocket that was fired on a Druze community in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.As a result, it was looking like Israel was going to respond heavily; countries around the world began to urge their citizens to leave Lebanon, and Israel was bracing itself for an all-out war. Well, Israel did respond to the 12 children being killed by carryingout an airstrike in Beirut to take out Fuad Shukr, the top Hezbollah Senior Commander and a key military adviser to Hezbollah�s leader Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah, of course, is vowing revenge. Then, adding to Iran�s demonic hate for Israel, Hamas� political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran by an explosive device that had been hidden in the house where he was staying.Israel never claimed responsibility for that attack, but Iran is blaming Israel and vowing a response worse than what they carried out on Israel back in April. That�s where we are today as Israel prepares for attacks from Hezbollah and from the head of the snake, Iran. There have even been rumors that Israel may carry out preemptive strikes on Iranand Lebanon, but so far, that has not happened at the time of this report. One thing I do know for sure is that we need to be praying for Israel as Psalm 122:6 commands us: �Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.� It�s not an option,friends; it�s a command. When there is peace in Jerusalem, there is peace in Israel. When there�s peace in Israel, there�s peace amongst the Jewish people around the world. As I�ve said many times before, if you want to bring prosperity to your country, we must stand with, support, and pray for Israel. Psalm 122:6 is ultimately a prayer for Israel�s Messiah, Yeshua, to return. Without the Prince of Peace there will be no lasting peace. Even though that�s the ultimate answer to the Psalm,we still need to be interceding on Israel�s behalf today as she is surrounded by enemies trying to wipe her off the face of the map. While Bible prophecy assures us that Israel is on the winning side, an all-out war with Iran�s proxies, whose greatest desire is to eradicate the Jewish people, could bring a heavy price forIsrael with many civilian casualties. Remember, Hezbollah has 150,000 to 200,000 rockets aimed at Israel, and a lot of them have precision-guided systems�not to mention Iran�s proxies in Yemen, with the Houthis, and others in Iraq and Syria. Therefore, let us commit to pray for Israel and the Jewish people that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will foil the plans of Israel�s enemies who are vowing to wipe out God�s chosenpeople. Let�s pray that God will have his protective hand on His chosen people as He has promised in His Word. Let�s pray fervently for Israel and the Jewish people! Will you join me, friends, in prayer? Father, we come before You. Lord, prayer isn�t just for this week; prayer for Israel is ongoing because Satan hates the Jewish people, he hates Israel, and he hates everything that You love. Because of that, we havethe problems we do in this world�he�s the prince of the power of the air working in the sons of disobedience. Lord, we want to commit Israel to prayer this day. I want to pray, Father, for Israel�s leaders to be wise to the schemes of their enemies. Father, you know the plans that Israel�s enemies are trying to carry out, the plans that they�re making in secret to wipe Your Chosen People off the face of the map. We know Israel�s on the winning side, Father. We know what Your Word says that as long as the sun, moon, and stars are shining in the sky, Israel will not cease from being a nation beforeYou forever. Amen. Thank you, Father, for those promises. But, Father, we do know that Israel�s enemies, inspired by Satan�s demonic hatred for Your Chosen People, are planning around the clock, and I pray, Lord, that you would foil their plans.That their plans, by Your Hand, would not come to pass and that you would give Israel�s leaders wise counsel. We pray, Lord, that you would help them work together as a team in Israel and put their political differences aside for the good of the people to combat what Israel�s enemies are trying todo. If a preemptive strike, Lord, is what�s required, give precision to Israel�s weapons. I pray, Lord, for the IDF, Israel�s leaders, and Generals. I pray for Benjamin Netanyahu. May he be wise,Lord, to the schemes of those that wish them dead. We pray for the Jewish people, not only in Israel, but around the world as anti-Semitism is on the rise, even in our country. I pray, Lord, that Christians would come alongside the Jewishpeople, stand with love, and support them. I pray for our media to be fair and report things honestly. Lord, we think of the war that�s going on in Gaza. We think of how Israel is close to destroying the terrorist organization Hamas. There�s not much left of them and their infrastructure. Ipray that Israel will be able to eliminate each one of those Hamas leaders that remain. Lord, ultimately we�re praying for people to come to You, to turn to You. I also pray for the hostages, Lord, that they would be released or that Israel�s Defense Forces would be able to rescue them. We think of the remaining hostages and the horrific things they�veexperienced since this war started, and we pray for the IDF to be able to carry out what needs to be done to finish off Hamas and bring those hostages home. Ultimately, through all this, Lord, I pray people would turn to you. Turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob�the only God and that they would come to know Your Son, Jesus. I pray thatthis world would turn to Him because, without the Prince of Peace, there will be no lasting peace. He is the only hope for Israel, the Jewish people, and Gentiles all around the world. Only He can change hearts. Our prayer, Lord, is that people would turn to You to be saved and that You, Father, alone would be exalted as the only God in this universe�the only God that canbring hope to people. Father be with Your People, Israel! Help us, Lord, to love them, stand with them, and support them. We come to You that through all these prayers, one day, the Messiah would return and clean up the mess that this world has made. For that, we say, even so, come Lord Jesus. Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers. We pray this in the wonderful name of the Messiah, Jesus. Amen. Thank you for joining me in prayer. I continue to urge you to be in prayer in your own homes, in your own churches, in your own communities�to lift Israel up in prayer like never before. Theyneed it. ------------------------------------ Israel Is Not Going to Surrender Or Settle � Even If That Means Commencing Another War � By Amir Tsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) � Shalom from a very tense Galilee! Iran said that one of their revenge strategies is to create uncertainty within Israel. The resultant fear of many of my fellow citizensas they wait for the missiles to come flying over our borders causes great satisfaction for the ayatollahs and their minions. The question is whether Iran will decide to do more. There are many reasons why they should think twice. Israel has already promised severe retribution if Tehran strikes. These are not emptythreats as we have already proven multiple times that whether it is flying in for an airstrike or carrying out a targeted killing, there is no place in Iran that is out of our reach. Other nations have also warned the Islamic regime against attacking Israel.Chief amongst these allies is the United States, who have brought the fresh USS Abraham Lincoln strike force into the region to give the USS Theodore Roosevelt strike force a break. As the ayatollahs consider their next move, there is one truth that I now believe might stay their hand to an extent. They are not going to risk their existence just because some Arab Hamasleader got blown up in their capital. In fact, this really has nothing to do with Hamas. It�s all about the Ayatollah saving face. When Persian Iran strikes, it will be in a manner that they believe will show that you can�t just waltz into Tehran and killsomeone, even if it is just an Arab. Where I think that Israel needs to be most focused right now is in Lebanon with Hezbollah. There is no other path to a lasting peace except through war with the terrorist organization. I praythat one morning very soon I will wake up to discover that Israel has made a preemptive strike. Undoubtedly, it will lead to at least two difficult months ahead. There are ten times more tunnels in Lebanon and ten times more hostages, although the hostagesthere are the innocent Lebanese people. But if we are eventually going to be able to send our 80,000 refugees back to their homes along the northern Israeli border, then Hezbollah must be gone. The problem we are facing is that everyone is tired of war. Hamas and Hezbollah are tired of it. They were sure that Netanyahu would be gone by now and that his replacement would have signedsome sort of agreement putting everything back to how it was before. That�s how it was always done in the past. Why wouldn�t it be that way now? But October 7 crossed a line. Israel is not going to surrender, and we are not going to settle. But it isn�t just the terrorists who are tired of war. Israelis have serious war fatigue also. It has been ten months that this has been hanging over us. The wars of the past were over indays or just a few weeks. For a majority of Israelis, though, those battles belonged to the previous generation. This is all new to them. They�ve never experienced this kind of constant stress, wondering if today will be the day that a horde of terroristspours over the borders and they are now the ones who are being attacked in their homes. Or, more likely, whether they will go to bed one night and never wake up because a rocket will land on their house. Everyone just wants this to be over. However, once again, in a post-October 7 world we realize that it will not be over until Hamas is wiped out and Hezbollah is either destroyed or seriouslycrippled. I strive to remain calm. But I am also a husband and a father of four children, one of whom is active service and two others who are reserves, called up every few months. It is a heavy burden to bear, but only when it comes to the small picture.When it comes to the big picture, though, I know the end of the story. I know how this is going to work out. That knowledge sets me apart from a vast majority of those around me, because most Israelis are not sitting and reading the Bible. They are watchingtelevision and listening to news sources and reading social media. That kind of click-bait, fake news input only brings fear and anxiety. Thousands of people have lost their jobs, particularly in the tourism industry. Tens of thousands remain evacuated from their family homes. It sounds surreal to say, but many of us in Israelare looking forward to another war. Actually, what we are really looking forward to is the peace that will finally come after the war. But to get to �after the war�, you�ve got to go through �the war�. Lord, if it�s going to come, please let it come now. Exodus 15:6-7 KJV � �Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power: thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrownthem that rose up against thee: thou sentest forth thy wrath, which consumed them as stubble.� Gaza Last Friday, Israel conducted a surgical strike on the Al-Taba�een school compound in Gaza City. The world went nuts. The United Nations immediately condemned Israel for bombing children,while other countries were quick to condemn the Israeli Defense Forces� (IDF) actions. What these dogpilers failed to notice was, first, the time of the attack. At 5:00 AM, how many schoolchildren are sitting in their classrooms? They also neglected to takea look at those who were killed in the strike. Thirty-one senior Hamas members were eliminated on those school grounds. However, it�s no surprise that these facts were ignored. If it�s the Israelis who are behind the strike, it�s got to be evil. Speaking of evil, Hamas continued to torture the families of hostages by claiming that in two separate incidents a hostage was killed and two others were injured by the terrorist soldiers.On the opposite side of the good vs. evil coin, the IDF continues to be very busy in all of Gaza. In the Rafah region alone, Givati forces have killed more than 100 terrorists in recent days. Lebanon As I mentioned above, the tensions to the north of Israel increase daily. Many countries have pulled officials from Lebanon in preparation for a war between Israel and the terrorist group,Hezbollah. The United States government says that it has plans to evacuate up to 100,000 citizens from the nation. Last Friday, Hezbollah launched a massive barrage of rockets and missiles toward the Golan Heights and Upper Galilee. Since October 8, the terrorist group has launched more than 7,500 missilesand 200 drones at Israel which killed 43 Israelis, 19 of whom were soldiers, and wounded 271 more. These projectiles also started 790 fires which have burned 40,000 acres of land. In preparation for a possible attack, Israel has increased intelligence measures over the skies of Lebanon and Iran. The strikes by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) have been well-planned and persistentas it seeks to soften the capabilities of Hezbollah prior to full-blown war. The ground of northern Israel shook Tuesday when, just across the border in Kfarkela, Lebanon, the IAF dropped three MK-84 bunker buster bombs from an F-35 jet. This was the firsttime since the beginning of hostilities that these munitions were used. Syria A 5.0 earthquake on Monday, and a 4.5 on Tuesday. Yesterday saw a 4.1 temblor. Maybe if God can�t get ahold of the Syrians� attention through guns and bombs, He�ll choose to shake them upanother way. West Bank The battle against terrorism is not just to the north and south of Israel. It is within the country. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) all have active fighters in theWest Bank. Wednesday, in a rare instance of the IDF, border police, the Israel Prison Service�s elite Metzada Unit, and Shin Bet all operating together, five terrorists were eliminated in operations against cells in Tubas, Tamun, and the Far�a refugee camp.Four Israeli troops were wounded in the operation when an IED exploded near their light armored vehicle. Iran Last week, it was reported that Jordan said no to both Israel and Iran using their airspace in an attack. A couple days later, Jordan amended their statement saying that Israel would be allowedto fly over the nation if it was to defend itself against an Iranian barrage. Immediately, they were harshly criticized by many in the Islamic world. So, they took it back and said again that neither country could fly across their borders. What both Jordanand Israel understand, however, is that there is a gap between public denials and what is actually allowed. A report from Iran International yesterday said that Tehran has begun for the first time active secret development and testing on an explosive device for the warhead of a nuclear weapon. Thisis greatly concerning. Unfortunately for the ayatollahs, they may have a hard time paying for the research. Yesterday also saw a major cyberattack against the Central Bank of Iran and other banking institutions. It caused a major disruption in the system andcould be the largest attack ever against Iranian infrastructure. The Temple and Tisha B�Av Tisha B�Av, the remembrance day for the destruction of both the Solomonic and Herodian temples, was observed last Monday night and Tuesday. Despite warnings and threats, nearly 3000 Jews visitedthe Temple Mount to mourn the loss of the holy sites. Last year, the number was only about 1900. The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken approved a deal Tuesday that will supply to Israel F-15 fighter jets and other materiel worth almost $19 billion. In addition, other agreements were madethat would supply $774 million worth of shells and $583 million worth of vehicles. Unfortunately, with the U.S. it is always a blessing and a curse. They willingly send us the war materiel, then ask us to promise not to use it without their approval. While that was taking place in Washington, in Los Angeles on Tuesday a group of antisemitic, pro-Palestine protesters decided to block the 405 Freeway. Nine people were arrested, and, surprisinglyfor California, no one got run over. Russia/Ukraine The incursion of Ukraine into Russia�s Kursk region continues. Since it began last week, Ukraine has taken 74 villages and small towns, even swapping some of the Russian road signs with Ukrainian.Meanwhile, in Moscow, the alert level has been raised and the number of police has been increased in fear of infiltration of Ukrainian special forces into the city. This is following Sunday�s swarm of Ukrainian drones which struck Moscow and a nearby airfield.For his part, President Vladimir Putin has officially ended all peace talks with Ukraine, which is disappointing because they were going so swimmingly before. Turkey No matter how much you dislike the grumpy old man, sometimes he does something that will make you smile. On Saturday, the sons of the now defunct Hamas political bureau leader, Ismail Haniyeh,met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who offered his condolences. However, according to some reports, what he didn�t offer them was their father�s $3 billion that was stored in Turkish banks. That kind of money can come in handy to a country whoseeconomy has been failing. The last thing the grumpy dictator was heard saying to the empty-handed brothers as they walked away was, �And stay off my lawn, too!� ----------------------------------------------------

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