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Friday, August 16, 2024

The farse of election integrity

 The farse of election integrity - Bill Wilson – Americans should be concerned about election integrity. If a citizen’s vote is frustrated by a rigged system, then “democracy” is no less a tyranny. There are three areas that will controlwhether your vote counts in the upcoming presidential election: Whether a state requires voter identification to vote; if voter rolls are up to date; and if ballots can be authenticated. In this constitutional republic only qualified voters are allowed tovote in a presidential election. Those requirements are one must be 18 years of age, an American citizen, meet their state’s residency requirements, and be registered to vote. Some states, as you will see in this analysis, game the system toward democrats. Currently, there are 15 states that do not require voter identification to cast a vote for president. They are: ME, VT, MA, NY, PA, MD, NJ, IL, MN, NM, NV, CA, OR, WA, HA. These states comprise207 of the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the presidency. Interesting that all these states are traditional Democratic Party strongholds and have voted for Democratic Party presidential candidates in the past. In addition, states won by Democrats inthe last three of four presidential elections or all four of the last four elections are MI, WS, CO, VA, NH. They represent another 51 electoral votes. Before any presidential election even begins, the Democratic Party candidate has an advantage of 258 electoralvotes. “Mail-in ballots without excuse” allowed for massive mail-in votes that were virtually impossible to authenticate. In addition, there are 27 states and the District of Columbia that allowballot drop boxes. Most of those states vote or lean Democratic. Twelve states specifically prohibit ballot drop boxes. Interesting, those states vote or lean Republican. In both non-voter ID states and those allowing ballot drop boxes, the prohibition onvoter roll purging comes into play. Unqualified voters—such as illegal aliens and dead people—can pose as someone and cast their votes without authentication. It is no coincidence that states leaning or voting for Democratic Party presidential candidates havethese methods written into law. Considering the mail-in and voter roll issues in Gorgia, Arizona and Washington, DC during the last election, Democrats were able to gain another 30 electoral votes, bringing the built-inelectoral vote advantage to 288 of the 270 needed to elect a president. Republicans have to be extremely effective to win a presidency under these conditions. This is why ballots need to be secure and the best way to secure a ballot is by paper ballot, thatway ballots match the number of voters in each precinct—no over-voting. Voter ID, up to date voter rolls, and ballot security are paramount. They are all compromised in Democratic Party-controlled states, making it nearly impossible for a Republican to winthe presidency. Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Allowing this to continue and expecting different results is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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