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Friday, August 23, 2024

When "Democratic" doesn't mean what is says

 When "Democratic" doesn't mean what is says – Bill Wilson – Many conservative Americans are confused about the official name of the Democratic Party. They say that there is nothing democratic about it and that it is the “democrat party.” The officialwebsite states: “We are the Democratic Party.” That is the official name of the party and of the party’s committee, “The Democratic National Committee,” and the upcoming political convention is the “Democratic National Convention.” Those who are members ofthese entities are called “democrats.” The Democratic Party has selected Kamala Harris as its presidential candidate. Harris did not win one primary vote. She was chosen after the removal of Joe Biden by party bosses and assumed Biden’s primary delegates. It is true that there was nothing “democratic” about the selection of Harris. It is also true, despite media reports to the contrary, that Harris was anointed the “immigration czar” by Bidenand she is responsible for the current condition of illegal immigration. She, and her running mate Tim Walz, are pro-abortion extremists, LGBTQ+ extremists, supported and facilitated mandated lockdowns during COVID, supported and facilitated censorship ofthose dissenting of COVID policies and countering the false government narrative that the COVID shot was safe and effective. They are advocates of forced conversion to electric vehicles as well as taxing citizens to change the climate. There is very little “democratic” about this form of democracy, which is authoritarian. The Democratic Party Platform talks about all the good things they are going to do to protect the borders, curb inflation, create jobs, stop climate change, protect women’s health, protectLGBTQ+ rights, achieve racial justice and equity, and so on. In very nice language, they want to ban guns, tax for the weather, solidify gaming the vote, have unlimited abortion, forgive student debt, continue indoctrinating children with extreme leftist ideas,and sending billions to terrorist groups in the name of “humanitarianism.” All this, of course, is done through expanded government and enforcement of ever-increasing regulations determined by non-elected and often unconstitutional government agencies. Thereis very little “democratic” about the Democratic Party platform. It is authoritarian propaganda. Democracy is majority rule. Republicanism is elected representatives accountable to the rule of law. A democracy lends itself to exactly what the Democratic Party has become—authoritarian.You see it in the very way Harris was selected. They removed a sitting president and replaced him with an unelected puppet. Giving even more credence to the thought that Biden was also a puppet. Democrats will even justify their government authoritarianismby quoting the Bible. Acts 4:32 is often quoted: “Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.” Yes, they gave freely. Theywere not compelled to give by a government. With the Democratic Party, it’s not really democratic. It’s, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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