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Friday, August 2, 2024

Life After Death Is Real!

Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Experiences- by Michael Snyder - We aren’t supposed to talk about what happens after we die. In fact, our society trains us not to even think about it. But the clock is ticking. Your body is wearing out and your time islimited. Of course, the truth is that your number could be up at any time. If you died tonight, where would you go? The good news is that “the other side” is not a mystery. Countless numbers of people have been to “the other side” and have come backto tell us about it. According to a study that was conducted in 2019, approximately 10 percent of the entire population has had a near death experience. In this article, I am going to share 5 examples of people that actually met Jesus during their near deathexperiences. #1 A 6-year-old girl named Zola Tomic was in the hospital to have her tonsils removed, but afterthe surgery she “began to bleed and hemorrhage for nearly ten days” due to a very rare genetic disorder. She lost a tremendous amount of blood and it was during this time that she met Jesus. After she recovered, she asked a question that absolutely flooredher mother… Zola asked her mom, “When can I go see God again?” “It’s something even to this day that I still can’t even comprehend,” Brittani said. “I was getting her ready and, it wasn’t even like we were talking about anything God-relatedbeforehand, we were just getting ready to go to gymnastics. And she just asked, ‘When can I see God again?'” Her mom was confused and taken back by her question, so she asked Zola, “When did you see God?” Zola replied with the most stunning statement, “The night I died.” During the time she was out of her body, Zola experienced many things. At one point, Jesus actually “thanked her for loving him and being his friend”… Over time, Zola began to talk more and more about being with Jesus. She told her mother that she remembers God giving her a big hug. Zola said everything looked like a rainbow and Jesus hadthanked her for loving him and being his friend. I can’t even imagine how wonderful that must have been, and I am very thankful that Zola is sharing her story with the world. #2 A Georgia man named Mike McKinsey says that his appendix ruptured just before his son’s wedding. Hewent to the hospital for surgery, and during that surgery he died and found himself standing directly in front of Jesus… After becoming sick in the days before his son’s wedding, he learned his appendix had ruptured. Surgery began — and then, he said, there was Jesus Christ, the Son and very incarnationof God himself, right beside him. With dark skin and blueish-green eyes, Jesus did not look like the man often depicted in the U.S., McKinsey said. Still, McKinsey said he knew exactly who he was looking at. When Jesus started to speak to him, McKinsey quickly realized that he must be dead… McKinsey said this was no dream or ghostly affair: Jesus was a physical, embodied presence, he said, adding that the Son of God held out his hand and said, “I want to answer your prayer.” McKinsey said he felt confused. “And I thought, ‘Oh shoot, I was at the wedding — wait, I think I was having surgery by now, right?’ — and trying to put it all together. And then I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I thinkI’m dead.’ The doctors were ultimately able to bring him back, but this is an experience that McKinsey will remember for the rest of his life. #3 When author Randy Kay died, he also had an encounter with Jesus, and he says that he was absolutelyoverwhelmed by the love that he felt… Kay recalled feeling compelled to call out Jesus’ name at one point during the experience. After doing so, he said he was immediately next to a figure whom he knew was Christ. “I was so overwhelmed with emotion, and my first thought was, ‘So, this is love?’ And I just caved,” he said. “And I started shouting every superlative I could think of — ‘Praiseyou, Lord God!’ And then He reached down, and He wrapped His arms around me.” Kay described feeling an unimaginable love in those moments — something he called the “most incredible experience,” with Jesus imploring Kay to trust Him. Ultimately, Kay said God told him he needed to return home, a reality that left him deeply saddened, considering the paradise he was experiencing. Love that is so powerful that it is beyond words is a common theme in near death experiences. Without a doubt, virtually all of us would like to personally experience that sort of love. #4 Meeting Jesus is most certainly not just a western phenomenon. For example, the son of a Muslimsheik in Rwanda had a truly remarkable encounter with Jesus when he died… Swidiq, the son of a Muslim sheik, grew up in Rwanda during the genocide. When he died and had an NDE, he found himself in a hellish place. Into this darkness came a man of light, bright likethe sun. “He lifted his hands slightly, with palms up, revealing holes in each hand…He spoke, clear and firm, ‘I died for mankind. And you are among those I died for. Do not deny it again. Youmust tell others,’” Swidiq said. #5 All over the world, people are coming face to face with the Son of God. All her life, a 16-year-oldJewish girl named Heidi was told that there is no God and that Jesus is a hoax, but then she personally met Jesus during her near death experience… Heidi’s family was Jewish, but her atheist father chanted a mantra to her daily, “There is no God. When you die, you cease to exist. Jesus Christ was the greatest hoax ever perpetratedon mankind.” Despite this, Heidi prayed to God every night and felt God near her, comforting her through the abuses of her childhood. At 16, when Heidi’s horse reared back and landed on her, she foundherself up in the air looking down on the accident. A brilliant light shone from behind her. “I turned to look, and I saw a man floating there with me…I recognized Him immediately. How could I not? This was the man, God, who had been at my bedside every single night…There wasno doubt in my mind, not one. This man was, without question, Jesus, or Yeshua,” she recalled. “His was the name I’d never been allowed to utter in my home…What a joyous occasion! He grinned at me, every bit as happy as I was, happier, because He isall joy, and He is all happiness.” It is very important to note that all near death experiences are not positive. In fact, some are absolutely terrifying. When journalist Sebastian Junger died, a giant black pit opened up underneath him and he felt like he was being pulled directly into it… The doctor was busy trying to put a large-gauge needle into my jugular vein through my neck. They numb you with lidocaine, so actually I didn’t feel much except the pressure. But at anyrate, they were working on that and it seemed to take a long time and suddenly this black pit opened up underneath me and it felt as though I was getting pulled into it. You can think of me as extremely drunk. I’m like, “Whoa, what’s that?” It didn’t occur to me that a black pit suddenly appearing makes no sense. I was just like, “Oh, there’sthe pit. “Why am I getting pulled into it?” I didn’t know I was dying, but I sort of had this animal sense that you don’t want to go into the infinitely black pit that just opened up underneath you, that’s just a bad idea. Andif you get sucked in there, you’re probably not coming back. That was the feeling I had about it. Everyone is going somewhere. Which side will you choose? Please choose wisely, and please share these testimonies with as many people as you can because the clock is ticking for all of us. ----------------------------------- He Knows Our Needs - by Greg Laurie – The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. —Psalm 23:1 Listen As one of the most well-known passages in the Bible, and certainly the most well-known and beloved of the psalms, Psalm 23 has given people untold encouragement and comfort throughout thecenturies. And when we consider the content of the psalm that precedes it and the psalm that follows it, Psalm 23 makes a lot of sense. Psalm 22 presents Jesus as the suffering Savior. It gives a graphicaccount of His crucifixion, including references to the way He would die. Then, Psalm 24 speaks of Christ’s return. When He comes again, He will be wearing not a crown of thorns but a crown of glory as He comes to establish His kingdom on Earth. Between these two psalms is Psalm 23, where David presents Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Thus, we see Jesus as the suffering Savior in Psalm 22, the Good Shepherd in Psalm 23, and the returningKing in Psalm 24. Taken together, these psalms give us a picture of who God is. David was a shepherd and the son of a shepherd. In fact, the Bible refers to him as the shepherd king of Israel (see 2 Samuel 5:2; 1 Chronicles 11:2; Ezekiel 37:24). Perhaps one day, as hewas looking over his flock of sheep, he started reflecting on the things about sheep that reminded him of himself. There is a lot we can say about sheep. They have many strange characteristics. For example, they don’t take care of themselves and need constant attention. Sheep completely depend on theshepherd for sustenance, protection, and guidance. Picking up on this theme in John 10, Jesus said, “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him becausethey know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice” (verses 3–5 NLT). In fact, we see the theme of God as Shepherd and His people as sheep repeated throughout Scripture. Isaiah 40:11 says, “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs inhis arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young” (NLT). And Isaiah 53 tells us, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all” (verse 6 NLT). Peter wrote, “Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls” (1 Peter 2:25 NLT). A shepherd comes to know the unique characteristics of each sheep. As David wrote in another psalm, “You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away”(Psalm 139:2 NLT). Not only does the Good Shepherd know our natures, but He knows our needs. And when God looks at you, He knows the deepest needs of your life. -------------------------------------- What will Heaven be like? Here is your answer - By Greg Laurie - TIME magazine recently did a cover story with the title, “Heaven and the Afterlife: What awaits us? This article revealed that a 2021 poll from the Pew Research Center that nearly three-quartersof U.S. adults said they believe in Heaven. To learn more about the afterlife, we need to go to an authoritative source. And we have that in the Bible. Fact of the matter is, you would not even use the very word, “Heaven” if it were not for the Bible. It is a biblical word and Scripture has much to say aboutit. What is Heaven? Heaven is the dwelling place of God. And one day it will be our home, if we have put our faith in Jesus Christ. I love John 17, where we are given the amazing privilege of listening in to a conversation between the Son of God with His heavenly Father. Speaking of His disciples — and by extension youand me — He says, “Father, I want those you gave me to be with me, right where I am, so they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me, having loved me long before there was ever a world” (John 17:24, The Message) Jesus wants us to be with Him, in Heaven, forever. Hard as it might be to comprehend, He longs for each one of us. Sometimes we ask the question, “What is Heaven like?” Why do we ask that question? Maybe it’s because we have all collected a lot of strange, cartoony, caricatured versions of Heaven.We think of ourselves sitting around in bathrobes on fluffy white clouds plucking harps, with fat little baby angels hovering above us with tiny wings. That’s fine for the cartoons, but it has nothing to do with the real, biblical vision of the afterlife. Maybe instead of asking “What is Heaven like” we should be asking, “What is earth like?” What is earth like, at its best? My friend told me about his elderly Christian grandmotherfrom Nebraska, seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time. She stood on a cliff, gazing out to sea, trying to take it all in, and watching the seagulls ride the air currents without even flapping their wings. She said, “Someday I will fly — just like that.” My friend was seeing the majesty of that scene through her eyes, and it seemed like a glimpse of Heaven. Have you had a glimpse like that recently? Think of the most amazing sunset you haveever seen. Think of the thundering waterfall, the crashing ocean waves, the field of wildflowers, or the mist rising from a mountain lake early in the morning. Think about the most mind-blowing architecture you have ever laid eyes on. The most incredible city you have ever visited. Or go back in your life for a moment and remember golden moments— some of the best and most beautiful times you have had with family and friends. These are tiny keyhole glimpses of Heaven. Because Heaven is not an imitation of earth. Earth is an imitation of Heaven. In the book of Hebrews, the author speaks of earthly things as a shadow,and Heaven as the reality (Hebrews 10:1). The very, very best that you have ever experienced on this earth or ever will experience will be vastly better in Heaven. Heaven will answer the ache in your heart for a place you have never even seen. C. S. Lewis wrote: “The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth can’t supply is proof that Heavenmust be our home.” In the classic Chronicles of Narnia series, Lewis imagines the words of someone seeing Heaven for the first time. He says, “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here.This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it.” Heaven is a real place for real people to do real things. Jesus said, “There are many homes up there where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming” (John 14:2,TLB). And by the way, He has had over 2,000 years to do that! What will it be like? The apostle Paul had the unique experience of dying, going to Heaven and then returning. He didn’t write a book about it, or record a podcast, and he didn’t do cablenews interviews. In fact, he didn’t tell us much about it. Many scholars believe this took place outside of Lystra, where Paul had been stoned by a mob and left for dead in Acts 14. He wrote about it in his letter to the Corinthians, saying that he “was seized by Christ and swept in ecstasy to the heights of Heaven. I really don’t know if this took place in the bodyor out of it; only God knows.” He went on to say that he was “highjacked into paradise” and “heard the unspeakable spoken,” but was forbidden from talking about it (2 Corinthians 12:2,3,4, Message). Paul doesn’t provide much information, and he didn’t post pictures on Instagram. But he did give us this hint. Having been there, briefly, he spent the rest of his life wanting to go back.He wrote: “I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me” (Philippians 1:23, TLB). He tells the believers, in effect, “Yes, I like hanging out with you guys and talking about the Lord. But I would rather be with the Lord. The soonerthe better!” When I want to know about a place I’d like to visit, I try to talk to someone who has been there. If I’m planning to visit a city like New York or Chicago, I try to find someone who hasrecently been there or lived there. I will ask about places to stay, places to see, and (most important) the best places to eat. I want to talk to someone who actually knows the place. There is only one person who is a reliable source on the afterlife who has been there and returned. Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus said in John 6:38 (NLT), “I have come down from Heaven todo the will of God.” He came down from Heaven. But He didn’t just come to earth to tell us about Heaven. He came to open a door to Heaven so that we can actually live there after we pass from this earth. He said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me,he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9, NKJV). Because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, if you are a Christian, you will have life after death in Heaven. I want to emphasize that this is for believers only, not for those whodo not believe. Heaven is not the default destination of every person. It is only the destination of the person who has put his or her faith in Christ. What happens when we die? That all depends. If you are a Christian, you go straight to Heaven. The apostle Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Our bodygoes into the ground, but our spirit goes right into the presence of God. You will close your eyes on earth and then open them in Heaven. We know this because 1 Corinthians 15:21 says, “Since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” Jesusovercame death at the cross — for all of us. The Bible says that “each person is destined to die once” (Hebrews 9:27, NLT). Scripture also tells us there is a generation — and we may be that generation — that will not see death at all. We may be those “who will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lordin the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:17, NLT). For those of us who have placed our trust in the Lord Jesus for salvation, and belong to Him, we may be less than an eyeblink away from our forever Home. When you know you have loved ones who have preceded you to Heaven, you can have confidence that you will see them one day. I will see my son Christopher again in Heaven. I will see my momand dad again. I will see the Lord Jesus who loves me and opened the door for me. Nonbelievers don’t have this hope and rely on fantasies, fictional speculation, and vague hopes about life after death. I would rather rely on a document we can trust. In the Bible, Godhas told us how to safely reach the Other Side. Do you want to know the way? Jesus is the Way. ----------------------------------- JesusChrist Upon This Earth “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.” (Job19:25) Many decry the injustices of partisan political decisions, revealing our longing for a country with perfect government. Good news—Scripture promises just such a situation. The Lamb of God will reign on Earth one day. Abraham saw beyond God’s promises of earthly land (e.g., Genesis 15:18) and in faith “looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10). The Lord bids us to keep thisfuture in mind as we pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). And the Bible specifies where God will place His capital. “Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem” (Zechariah8:3). “And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east” (Zechariah 14:4). “But I say to you, Swearnot at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King” (Matthew5:34-35). “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shallbe his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (Revelation 21:2-3). May our disappointment with our governments’ flaws remind us toanticipate with joy the return of our King to the earth that is His. BDT

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