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Friday, August 23, 2024

Does Satan Know How Close the End Is?

 Does Satan Know How Close the End Is? – Bill Perkins - God is not a God of confusion…1Cor.14:33a With the amount of censorship going on via all the confusing and ever-changing news, we Believers know full well who IS the god of confusion. Everything we’re seeing on the mainstream media is just a show manipulated by the Globalists/Satanists in the darkness behind the scenes. YouTube just informed us they took down our Steeling the Mind Conference videos from March 2022. The reason they gave us is that it violated their Medical Misinformation Policy: “Content that poses a serious risk of egregious harm by spreading medical misinformation about currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by localhealth authorities and the World Health Organization isn't allowed on YouTube.” The specific objection to the conference video was a comment by Dr. Peter McCullough, who's probably the most knowledgeable and credentialed physician of our day. He simply quoted facts thatshowed the va((ine was dangerous. So we were censored... they took it down. Despite the fact millions of people have died or are disabled from taking the va((ine, the Globalists/Satanists are still insisting the Covid mRNA va((ines are “safe and effective.” The fake show ruse runs deep. These dark shadows have gained total control of the mainstream news, and what’s being presented is basically 100% lies. [the devil is] a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 For instance we’re now finding out that they’re now revising downward the job numbers that Biden has been touting for a year to be lies—as much a million too high.(1) Not only were they not real jobs (they were part-time jobs that were being mostly filled by illegal aliens), but now we’re finding out that even most of those were fake numbers. Up to a million jobs too many were reported by the Bureau of Labor (Jeff Childers says it should be called the “Bureau of Lies.”) To read more info on Biden's job lies CLICKHERE Every month we hear rosy figures about jobs created by the Biden Administration, then later they “revise” them down. We’re simply watching a show of perpetual lies. So is this their show’s "final act"? We know they’ll do whatever they have to do to keep from losing power—the sky’s the limit. We just saw the bad guys try to murder their chief opposition in broad daylight in front of tensof thousands physically present and cameras rolling—missing by less than an inch. As Believers, we know that in the end we win. And the bad guys will all eventually burn in the lake of fire for eternity. But if we’re in the last act of their worldwide show, what’s theircurrent end-game? They can’t lie like this forever. From a Biblical perspective there’s a major question we should ask ourselves…how much detail does Satan know about the future? The answer could be a major clue as to what's going on. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record a fascinating account of Jesus dealing with demons on the east side (Gentile side) of the Sea of Galilee. During this interaction, the demons made a profoundremark to Jesus: And they cried out, saying, “What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” Matt. 8:29 Wow! The demons knew it was not time for them to be thrown into torment. They knew when their lake of fire confinement was scheduled by God to take place… and it was not at that time. This proves demons know a lot about Bible prophecy and what happens to them in the future. So let’s think about this… Satan's the head demon and he’s definitely a lot wiser than his minions. You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Ezek. 28:12b So if Satan’s underlings know the future, how much more would he know? Hey, he went toe-to-toe with Jesus in the desert arguing over the meaning of scripture. And he [Satan] led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here; for it is written, [quotingfrom Ps. 91] ‘HE WILL COMMAND HIS ANGELS CONCERNING YOU TO GUARD YOU,’ and ‘ON their HANDS THEY WILL BEAR YOU UP, SO THAT YOU WILL NOT STRIKE YOUR FOOT AGAINST A STONE.’” Luke 4:9-11 Obviously Satan was quoting scripture out of context, and Jesus set him straight. But the point is, Satan knows scripture very, very well. There's some insight into Satan's scriptural knowledge in the account of him being thrown to earth: Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time. Rev. 12:12b That means, like his demon followers, he knows Bible prophecy. And has even more understanding than those demons in Matthew 8. Satan’s had 6000 years to study God, God's Word, and learn about His timelines. He’s way ahead of us. He knows dispensational truth and where we are on the 7000 years of God’s human timeline. Therefore, if Believers can read scripture and see the signs of Jesus’ soon arrival, Satan also knows the signs, and he would even know the timing of the Rapture. (*See notes below) Satan knows when God’s restraining Holy Spirit is removed from the earth that he’s off to the races with all his death and destruction. And you know what restrains [Satan] now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He [God’s Holy Spirit] who now restrains will do sountil He is taken out of the way. 2Thes. 2:6-7 Satan knows that once God rescues us prior to the 7 years of wrath, he'll be unrestrained—too late for those left behind to stop him. So Satan just continues to lie to keep humans distracted, worried, mis-taught and in the dark—until after the Rapture. He wants us to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. If Satan knows the Rapture will be this October, he would be spreading the lie that it's possible Trump can be elected as a political savior. He would want us confused and distracted by allthe wokeness, border problems, Israel & Iran, bank failures, inflation, va((ines, etc. He would start warming up for the death and destruction to follow by attacking the world’s food distribution and the access to water and energy. But thankfully, according to the Bible, Satan will remain on his leash for now. God will continue to hold him back from unbridled evil. And right up to our exhilarating exit there will befood, drink, construction and social events (Matt. 24 / Luke 17). The starvation, lack of water, economy collapsing and the lights going out doesn’t happen until AFTER the Rapture (Rev. 18). Satan's also the master much so that God even points to his worldwide drug distribution as a major reason for his wrath against the USA. because all the nations were deceived by your [drugs/va((ines]. Rev. 18:23b Have you noticed any worldwide distribution of drugs recently? If so, it’s a sign we’re getting close to our stupendous exit. Bottom line is that if Satan knew the Rapture was going to happen in October 2024 (not a prediction), and immediately after the Rapture he would then receive total control of the earth, thenall he would need to do was keep everyone confused and in the dark until October. Again, I did not say that the Rapture was in October of THIS year. We don’t know. It could be ten years from now. Or more. I just think it’s highly likely that Satan knows when it will happen. Regarding Rosh Hashanah this year, if Israel doesn’t discover Solomon’s treasures to tempt Russia, Iran and others to invade Israel(2), this is not likely going to be the year of God’s magnificentglobal rescue. So regardless of when the Rapture takes place, we’re not worried but are at peace. We can enjoy the show of lies knowing we’ve already won the prize. So be bold as lions sharing what’s dead ahead when the Lord opens a door of opportunity. praying... that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, Col. 4:3a Your rewards will be eternal! CQLJ! BP 1) 2) Israel'sComing Gold Riches *Can we know the day of the Rapture? There are always people who quote scripture to me that no one knows the day or the hour of Jesus’ return. So to save time, here’s why that is not applicable to us Believers: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Matt. 24:36 When Jesus said this He was speaking to the Jews who were under the law. He was NOT addressing Believers in the Church Age. He was NOT addressing you and me. We live in a different dispensation, a different time period referred to as the Church Age. Things are different after the cross. When Jesus made the statement that no one knows the day, He also said He didn’t know the date either. It was a true statement at the time. But He could not make that same statement today. Do you think Jesus knows today when He’s returning? Yes, of course He does because post-cross we see in Rev. 5 Jesus qualifying to receive all knowledge. If you’re new to Compass or not familiar with dispensations, here are some resources: Satan'sLie: Do What Jesus Says BiblicalDispensations

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