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Friday, September 27, 2024

Are They Trying to Start World War 3 Before the Election

Are They Trying to Start World War 3 Before the Election In November? - by MichaelSnyder - Events in the Middle East and in Ukraine are bringing us dangerously close to the unthinkable, but meanwhile most people in the western world are paying very little attention to what is goingon. We literally have not been this close to an apocalyptic global war since the end of World War 2, and yet most of the population is partying. Unfortunately, it won�t be too long before they are shaken out of their slumber. On Sunday, it was being reported that a Ukrainian drone has hit a facility in Russia that houses one of the highly sophisticated nuclear missiles that Russia has started to produce� A Ukrainian kamikaze drone strike reportedly struck Vladimir Putin�s Satan-2 nuclear missile, prompting an apocalyptic explosion yesterday morning. A secret ammunition silo facility at Toropets in Tver region that housed one of the Russian President�s nuke missiles was hit by Ukrainian drone, it was claimed yesterday. It allegedly happened just ten miles from an �indestructible� 30,000 ton munitions storage site that had been obliterated on Wednesday. It is literally insane to use kamikaze drones to attack nuclear missiles. But that is the entire point. The Ukrainians are losing the war, and so they are desperately trying to provoke an �over the top� reaction from the Russians that will force NATO to get directly involved in the fighting. And they need to do it before the U.S. presidential election in November, because if Trump wins he fully intends to try to end the war. So that is why the Ukrainians just attacked a nuclear missile. They are in a race against time. Of course Ukraine does not have the ability to identify strategic targets deep inside Russia. As far as these long-range drone attacks are concerned, we frequently pick the targets, and in many cases we actually guide weapons to their targets. But we aren�t really supposed to talk about that. Now Ukraine wants permission to use long-range missiles provided by us to strike targets all over Russia� Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to carry out long-range strikes inside Russia with US-supplied weapons, and to earn �a place in history� by �strengthening Ukraine� before he leaves office. Speaking before a crucial trip next week to Washington, where he will meet Biden and the US vice-president and presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, and address the UN, Zelenskyy said he wouldpresent a �victory plan� to end the war. This could easily spark World War 3, because it would cross very important �red lines� that the Russians have established. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again stressed the importance of not crossing those �red lines�� �We talk about red lines, expecting that our assessments, statements will be heard by intelligent, decision-making people. It is not serious to say that if tomorrow you do not do what I demandof you, we will press the �red button,'� the Russian foreign minister said. �I am convinced that in such situations, decision makers have an idea of what we are talking about. Nobody wants a nuclear war.� When the Russians speak of �nuclear war�, they are being deadly serious. Why can�t our leaders seem to understand this? Meanwhile, the war in the Middle East appears to have reached a critical turning point. On Sunday, Hezbollah continued to pummel northern Israel with rockets. In fact, we are being told that some even landed near the city of Haifa� Israel and Hezbollah continued to trade hundreds of strikes on Sunday as the sides appear to be spiraling toward an all-out war following months of escalating tensions. The Iran-backed militant group launched more than 100 rockets across a wider and deeper area of northern Israel, with some landing near the city of Haifa. The barrage overnight set off airraid sirens across northern Israel, sending thousands of people scrambling into shelters. Israel�s military said the rockets were fired �toward civilian areas,� pointing to a possible escalation after previous barrages had mainly been aimed at military targets. One of the areas that has been getting hit the hardest is the little town of Nazareth. Needless to say, Nazareth is a town that has a tremendous amount of significance to Christians all over the globe� �Another barrage of Hezbollah rockets at Nazareth. The hometown of Jesus, a town which is 70% Muslim & 30% Christian and almost entirely Arab,� noted American Evangelical leader Johnnie Moore,president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, on social media. �For months Hezbollah has been targeting the Galilee, the geographic heart of Jesus� ministry.� The IDF has been attempting to minimize the damage by taking out as many rocket launchers as it can. In fact, it was being reported on Sunday that Israeli aircraft hit about �400 militant sites� over a 24 hour period� The Israeli military said that it carried out a wave of strikes across southern Lebanon over the past 24 hours, hitting about 400 militant sites, including rocket launchers. Lt. Col. NadavShoshani, an Israeli military spokesman, said those strikes had thwarted an even larger attack. It also appears that Israel has started to use bigger bombs than we have seen in the past� BREAKING: Lebanon hit with massive bomb, one of the largest Israel has ever sent. Developing. Shockwave felt many many miles away.. Both sides just continue to escalate matters, and it is just a matter of time before an all-out war erupts. When an all-out war erupts, Hezbollah will be able to count on assistance from allies all over the region. Could this also include Turkey? This weekend, the president of Turkey once again had some very threatening words for Israel� Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that Israel acts as a terrorist organization, its target being not only the Gaza Strip but the whole region. �I have been saying all along that Israel targets not only the Gaza Strip. The recent attacks on Lebanon have confirmed our suspicion that the Israeli leadership�s plan is to spread the warto the entire region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his gang have been staging all kinds of provocations to implement their radical Zionist ideology. The pressure on Israel must be intensified further to prevent the region from being draggedinto an even greater disaster,� Erdogan told the media before flying to the United States for the UN General Assembly session. He said he would address the UNGA on the first day to ask the participants to remember �the need for taking action against genocide in the Gaza Strip and Israel�s aggressive policies.� The Biden administration seems to think that a major regional war could be coming too. On Saturday, the U.S. State Department warned all Americans living in Lebanon that they should leave while they still can� The US State Department on Saturday urged Americans in Lebanon to leave the country while commercial options remain available, as the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah flares. �Due to the unpredictable nature of ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel and recent explosions throughout Lebanon, including Beirut, the US Embassy urges US citizens to depart Lebanonwhile commercial options still remain available,� the State Department said in an updated advisory. �At this time, commercial flights are available, but at reduced capacity. If the security situation worsens, commercial options to depart may become unavailable,� it added. Personally, I think that this warning is not nearly strong enough. Once all-out war erupts, you will not want to be anywhere in the entire region. As I have repeatedly warned, my personal opinion is that this is going to be an �apocalyptic� war that far surpasses anything that we have ever witnessed in the Middle East before. Events have pushed both sides to the brink of a precipice, and what is going to happen over the next few months will change our world forever. ---------------------------------------- Implausible and Unaware - By Daymond Duck - On Sept. 9, 2024, one of my favorite Bible prophecy teachers, Hal Lindsey, pointed out that God’s promise to give Abraham and his descendants all the Promised Land (see Ezek. 19:7-8) seemedimplausible (unreal, unbelievable, unlikely) for many centuries. Lindsey said, · With every century that the Jews remained dispersed around the world, the more implausiblethe promises seemed. · That is, they seemed implausible… until God started to miraculously fulfill those promises(by causing the dispersed Jews to start returning to the land). Lindsey asked a rhetorical question: How can today’s Israel be the renewed nation promised in prophecy? Lindsey pointed out that the Bible answers this question. >Israel would be brought back together and to the land. Then, at some point after being brought back, they would experience a national repentance. >God said, “For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shallbe clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And Iwill put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God” (Lindsey quoted Ezek. 36:24-25,but I have quoted Ezek. 36:24-28). Lindsey added, “We don’t know the timing, but the order is clear — return, and then be cleansed.” Lindsey noted that God repeated this sequence in Ezek. 37 (return to the Promised Land from the heathen nations in unbelief first, repent and be saved later – Ezek. 36:24). >“Prophesy upon these bones (Israel; see verse 11 below), and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breathto enter into you, and ye shall live: And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. >So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones (Israel) came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the sinewsand the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them. >Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that theymay live. >So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army (Israel became a great army). >Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts (verse 11). >Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spokenit, and performed it, saith the LORD” (Ezek. 37:4-14). Lindsey pointed out that Israel is back in the Promised Land, that they have not gotten saved (received the breath of life) yet, but it is coming. The next day (Sept. 10, 2024), another one of my favorite Bible prophecy teachers, Jonathan Brentner, wrote, · If I were to select one word that sums up most people today, it would be “unaware.” · Most believers pursue their aspirations with little or no understanding of the times inwhich they live. Brentner turned to the Scriptures and something Jesus said about the signs of His coming (Note: Brentner quoted Matt. 24:37-39, but I have added Matt. 24:32-36). >“Now learn a parable of the fig tree (Israel; Hos. 9:10); When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all thesethings, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, notthe angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matt. 24:32-36). >“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not (were unaware) until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matt. 24:37-39). Brentner said, · Because the people in Noah’s day didn’t believe his warnings about God’s impending judgment,it was as if they didn’t know about it until it started raining. Brentner’s point is that most Christians are unaware (not paying attention to Bible prophecy and have little or no knowledge) of the significance of what is happening in Israel. Just as people were oblivious to the coming flood in Noah’s day until it started to rain, many will be oblivious to the coming Tribulation Period in our day until the Rapture happens. After almost 2,000 years of being off the Promised Land and scattered to other nations, the return of Israel was implausible, and most Christians (including their pastors) are unaware of thesignificance of Israel’s return. Here are some articles that seem to indicate that the end of the age is near: One, concerning the destruction of Damascus, Syria, in one night at the end of the age (Isa. 17):on Sept. 12, 2024, it was reported that elite Israeli forces helicoptered into Syria and attacked an underground, Iranian-backed Hezbollah facility that reportedly produced surface-to-air missiles and chemical weapons (poison gases). Israeli troops entered the facility, captured 2 to 4 Iranians who were taken back to Israel for questioning, captured critical equipment and documents, planted explosives, blew up the building,and safely returned to Israel. (More: On Sept. 15, 2024,it was reported that the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen are deploying forces to Syria in preparation for an attack on Israel.) (More: According to a U.S.State Dept. Report on Sept. 16, 2024, the Biden administration sidestepped sanctions on Iran in 2023 and increased trade with Iran by 43%. Iran is close to developing nuclear weapons that will be a threat to many nations and is funding several dangerous terroristgroups that are trying to destroy Israel; refers to the U.S. as the Great Satan; and the Biden-Harris State Dept. has increased their income.) Two, concerning all nations turning against Israel and the decline of America at the end of theage: on Sept. 13, 2024, legendary U.S. lawyer, Harvard Law professor, and author Alan Dershowitz said Kamala Harris won the presidential debate with former Pres. Trump and that Israel should prepare for the possibility of a Harris presidency. Dershowitz added that Israel may receive less support from the U.S. than it has in the past, and Israel may have to become more self-reliant. (My opinion: Israel mustbecome more Jehovah-reliant.) (More: On Sept. 12, 2024,it was reported that Canada is blocking $60 million of arms sales to Israel.) Three, concerning Jerusalem being a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone for the world at theend of the age: on Sept. 13, 2024, it was reported that Yahya Sinwar said, · Hamas will stand firm against Israel and remain loyal to the blood of the martyrs. · Hamas will continue its resistance until the expulsion of the occupation (Israel) from ourland and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Four, concerning an increase in wars and rumors of wars at the end of the age: on Sept. 12, 2024,Russia’s Pres. Vladimir Putin warned the West and NATO that they will be in a war with Russia if they provide Ukraine with missiles that are used against targets inside Russia. (More: On Sept. 13, 2024,Russia’s ambassador to the U.N. formally notified the U.N. Security Council that if the US/UK Approved Western Weapons Strikes Deep into Russia – a “State of War” would exist. Ten minutes later, China’s Defense Minister announced that “China will militarilysupport Russia if NATO attacks Russia.”) (More: On Sept. 16, 2024,Russia’s Pres. Putin issued a decree to increase the Russian military staffing level to a total of 2,389,130 personnel, including 1,500,000 military personnel. This is an increase of about 180,000 people and the third increase since Russia’s war with Ukrainestarted.) (More: On Sept. 17, 2024,it was reported that the death toll in the 2 ½ year Russia-Ukraine war has now reached about one million people.) Five, concerning wars and rumors of wars and the destruction of Lebanon at the end of the age: followingHezbollah’s barrage of about 40 rockets from Lebanon into Israel on Sept. 15, 2024, it was reported that Israel dropped leaflets on southern Lebanon that said: Hezbollah is firing from your area; you must leave your homes immediately, move north of the town of Al-Khiam by 4:00 P.M., and do not return until the end of the war. Anyone found in thisarea after this hour will be considered a terrorist element. Six, concerning a departure from the faith and a one-world religion at the end of the age: on Sept.13, 2024, Pope Francis said every religion is a way to God. The Bible says there is only one way (accepting Jesus as one’s Lord and Saviour.). In 2019, Roman Catholic Bishop Athanasius Schneider accused the Vatican of betraying Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of mankind. It appears to me that he is right. Seven, concerning an increase in pestilence and deceit at the end of the age: on Sept. 13, 2024,it was reported that Florida’s Surgeon General advised those 65 and older with underlying health conditions to avoid taking mRNA vaccines because there is a lack of clinical trial data and the fact that the federal government is not requiring producers todemonstrate that the vaccines are effective. Eight, concerning a worthless peace treaty in the Middle East and the division of Israel: on Sept.13, 2024, Spain hosted a meeting with E.U. and Muslim nations on ways to implement the two-state solution in the Middle East. Israel was not invited. Nine, concerning Jerusalem being a cup of Trembling and a burdensome stone for the entire worldat the end of the age: on Sept. 27, 2024, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu will address the U.N. General Assembly to try to stave off a vote to adopt several proposed anti-Israel resolutions. Ten, concerning the possible corruption of the FBI and CIA, world government, and the effort toprevent the re-election of Trump at any cost: on Sept. 15, 2024, a long-time Democrat doner and known Trump hater who had a Biden-Harris sticker on his pick-up truck in Hawaii (Ryan Wesley Routh) is under investigation for possibly attempting to assassinateTrump in Florida. · How can Routh, who has been living in Hawaii with a girlfriend for several years, vote Democratin N. Carolina if the elections are honest? · How can Routh, who doesn’t have a job, afford to travel to Ukraine, N. Carolina, Florida,etc.? · How can Routh legally buy a gun when court records show more than 100 criminal accountshave been filed against Routh in N. Carolina? · Why was Routh running around freely in the U.S. when he was convicted of possessing a weaponof mass destruction in 2002? On Sept. 16, 2024, Florida Gov. DeSantis announced that he will not rely on the U.S. government to investigate this incident. DeSantis posted this on X: Florida will take charge of looking into the matter, stating that the American people deserve the truth. (FYI: Some people are concernedthat this may not be the last attempt on Trump’s life.) On Sept. 16, 2024, Trump said, “I will never surrender.” Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 (Day 341) The two-hundred eighty-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 128 of the attack on Rafah. · Israel released a document found on Sinwar’s computer showing that one of his now-deceasedcommanders reported a heavy loss of troops and weapons. · About 100 rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon in one hour, and a little later, about40 more were fired at Israel from Lebanon. · A retiring Israeli commander said defeating Hamas could take another year. · Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 (Day 342) The two-hundred eighty-seventh day of the resumed war.Day 129 of the attack on Rafah. Israel declared that it has defeated the Hamas military brigade in Rafah. Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 (Day 343) The two-hundred eighty-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 130 of the attack on Rafah. · Netanyahu asked his cabinet to make returning the residents of northern Israel to theirhomes a goal of the war. He believes it will be a long and costly war. · A senior advisor to Pres. Biden will visit Israel on Monday to try to de-escalate the fightingbetween Israel and Hezbollah. · Hamas has stolen so much of the humanitarian aid that has been sent to Gaza that it is strugglingto find warehouse space to store it. Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 (Day 344) The two-hundred eighty-ninth day of the resumed war. Day 131 of the attack on Rafah. · This morning, Hezbollah fired 55 rockets, missiles, and drones at Israel from Israel. · If Israel gets in an all-out war with Hezbollah, Israel may ultimately have to try to wipeout Hezbollah in Lebanon as it has done to Hamas in Gaza. Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024 (Day 345) The two-hundred ninetieth day of the resumed war. Day 132 of the attack on Rafah. · The Houthis claimed responsibility for launching a hypersonic missile at Tel Aviv (morethan 1,200 miles away). The missile landed in an open area, but Israel said it will extract a heavy price for the attack. Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 (Day 346) The two-hundred ninety-first day of the resumed war. Day 133 of the attack on Rafah. · The number of U.S. officials who believe Israel’s war with Hezbollah in Lebanon will haveto spread before there is a ceasefire is increasing. · Saudi Arabia said the Biden administration is not doing enough to halt the Houthi attackson shipping in the Red Sea. Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 (Day 347) The two-hundred ninety-second day of the resumed war. Day 134 of the attack on Rafah. · Hezbollah terrorists carry pagers that have lithium batteries that can smoke, melt, andcatch fire if overheated. Today, 11 people were killed, and about 2,750 were injured (400 in critical condition; about 500 lost their eyesight) when pagers all over Lebanon suddenly exploded. Hezbollah blamed Israel and said they will retaliate. In Syria,19 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp members were killed, and about 150 were injured. Russia and Jordan condemned the attack. · S. Sec. of State Blinken is back in Egypt to try to draft another ceasefire proposal andget all the hostages released. Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 (Day 348) The two-hundred ninety-third day of the resumed war. Day 135 of the attack on Rafah. · There was a second wave of wireless communication devices (radios, walkie-talkies, cellphones, fingerprint devices, devices powered by solar energy and others) blowing up across Lebanon and especially in Beirut. At least 3 people were killed, and hundreds were injured. FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go toHell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus isthe virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. TheUN Attacks Israel By Hal Lindsey The weapons of war do not consist solely of missiles and guns. They also exist in the form of words and communication. A verbal assault can be more significant than a missile barrage. The United Nations has no standing army.But it still chooses sides and tries to direct the outcome of conflicts. In the conflict between Iran�s proxies and Israel, the UN has chosen to become a propaganda agent for some of the worst terror groups in history. Both Old and New Testament prophecies speak of all nations gathering against Israel. The UN is a gathering of the world�s nations. Its current attacks on Israel do not entirely fulfill these prophecies, but it comes remarkablyclose. A few months ago, Hezbollah leaders switched from cell phone-based communications to pagers and walkie-talkies. They believed it would be harder for Israel to keep track of them with these more primitive communications tools.Israel apparently intercepted the devices along the supply line, planted a small amount of explosive in each one, and then set them up to be remotely triggered. On September 17th, pagers all over Lebanon simultaneously exploded. Hezbollah says the explosionskilled a dozen people and injured about 2,800, including Iran�s ambassador to Lebanon. The next day, the walkie-talkies exploded. Hezbollah says this second attack killed another 25 and injured about 700. The UN began its propaganda campaign by indicating that Israel had probably broken international law. Its high commissioner for human rights, Volker Turk, told the Security Council that using communications devices in an attackmay constitute a war crime. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a man who always finds it hard to hide his disdain for Israel, gave a briefing at UN headquarters. He said Israel should not �weaponize civilian objects.� Think about that. Civilian objectsinclude microphones, pens, computers, paper clips, knives, guns, printing presses, and a million other things that are regularly weaponized. Let�s look at what really happened. Hezbollah has been amassing weapons and using them against Israeli civilians since Iran formed the terror group in 1982. When the war with Hamas began a year ago, Hezbollah began a seriesof missile strikes on northern Israel targeting civilian populations. Several of Israel�s towns now stand evacuated because of these attacks. Israel fought back. They fired their own missiles and successfully targeted key Hezbollah leaders. Then they executed one of the most precisely targeted missions in the history of warfare. They attacked Hezbollah militantswho carried pagers and walkie-talkies. They did not attack �civilian devices,� but communications devices used as tools of war. Hezbollah claims that Israel hit civilians. That may be true, but this was not carpet bombing. This was a precise attack on militantswho have been specifically targeting civilian population centers in Israel. War is a horrible, ugly thing. All people should avoid it. But terrorists choose it as a way of life for themselves and their families. The rest of us have, not only a right, but an obligation to defeat these people. The UNapparently prefers for Israel to use missiles and massive, indiscriminate bombs. But in this case, Israel was able to make a pinpoint attack against terrorists, even though those fighters were hiding in civilian areas. Never in history was such an attack carriedout with so little collateral damage. The UN should congratulate Israel and condemn Hezbollah�s continued terror bombings of civilian neighborhoods in Israel. But don�t hold your breath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middle East Approaching Point of No Return - By Michael Snyder - The situation in the Middle East has started to spiral completely out of control, and it appears that just about everyone is bracing for a major escalation. The Chinese are telling their citizensto leave Israel, the Biden administration is sending more troops to the region, and the Israeli government has suddenly decided that now is the time to declare a "special situation on the home front" which grants the IDF extensive authority to issue ordersto the general public. Obviously all three have become convinced that something really big is coming. What do they know that the rest of us do not? In recent days, many countries have instructed their citizens to leave Lebanon, but I was quite stunned to learn that the Chinese have also told their citizens to evacuate from Israel... China's embassy in Israel has asked its citizens to leave the country and return to China in a Sunday night statement. The embassy added that Chinese citizens should not travel to Israel for the time being. I think that this is actually a prudent move. When all-out war erupts, there won't be anywhere in the entire region that is truly safe. As I have discussed previously, U.S. citizens have already been instructed to leave Lebanon, and now more U.S. troops are being deployed to the region... The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war. The Pentagon announced on Monday that 'additional' service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region along with a dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons. Most Americans don't realize this yet, but when all-out war erupts in the Middle East the U.S. will be involved. In Israel, a "special situation on the home front" has been officially declared for the entire country... On Monday evening, the government approved the declaration of a "special situation on the home front" throughout Israel, following the most intense day of fighting between Israel and Hezbollahsince October. The declaration of the "special situation" significantly expands the IDF's powers to issue instructions to the Israeli public, allowing it to ban gatherings, limit studies, and issue "additionalinstructions required to save lives." This is a really big deal. Just imagine what it would be like if the president of the United States gave the U.S. military special authority over cities throughout the United States. This is quite a dramatic move, and so Israeli officials must believe that all-out war is imminent. Of course at this point it is difficult to see how an all-out war can be avoided. On Monday, we witnessed "the deadliest day of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah since 2006"... Missiles slammed into southern Lebanon, shattering the early-morning silence Monday and reportedly killing more than 490 people as Israel said it was targeting Hezbollah weapons hidden inresidential buildings. The explosions came as Israel heralded a new wave of attacks on the Iran-backed group in Lebanon, warning civilians to flee from any buildings or areas where the organization had weapons or fighters positioned. Lebanon's health ministry said the strikes killed 492 people, including 35 children and 58 women, and wounded 1,645 people, The Associated Press reported. Monday marked the deadliest day offighting between Israel and Hezbollah since 2006. The death toll also surpassed the deaths from the 2020 explosion at the Port of Beirut that killed nearly 200 people, injured thousands and devastated entire neighborhoods in the Lebanese capital. We are so close to the unthinkable, and Israel has some decisions to make. At this point, experts are telling us that Israel has three main options... There are three options for Israeli planners to consider: air strikes; a massive, Gaza-style invasion; and a "limited" incursion to set up a "buffer zone". The first is, of course, the safest. Mr Gallant, the defence minister - no dove, even by Israeli standards - is said to have argued for this option. It does not commit troops on the ground, avoids the risk of a quagmire, and would not require committing ground forces while the main effort in Gaza (and, increasingly, the West Bank) is stillunder way. I would disagree with that assessment. A "limited" incursion simply is not possible. Hezbollah has stated that it will be all-out war the moment that the IDF crosses into southern Lebanon, and I believe that they are deadly seriousabout that. When all-out war erupts, Israel won't just be fighting Hezbollah. In such a scenario, Israel will be fighting Hezbollah's entire alliance... Israel would also have to contend with Hezbollah's strategic depth. The group is part of an Iran-led axis of militants spanning Yemen, Syria, Gaza and Iraq. Some of these groups have increasedcoordination significantly since October, when Israel launched a war in Gaza after Hamas-led militants attacked the country. This axis is known in Israel as the "ring of fire." For nearly a year, Hezbollah's partners in the region have been engaged in a simmering conflict with Israel and its allies. Yemen's Houthis have sporadically fired at vessels in the Red Sea,an artery of global trade, as well as on Israel. Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of hardline Shia factions, has also launched attacks on US positions in that country. The axis has conditioned the cessation of those hostilities on a ceasefirein Gaza, rebranding themselves as a "supportive front" for Palestinians in Gaza, as described by a senior Hezbollah leader. Israel possesses far superior weaponry, but the combined forces of the Iranian-led "axis of resistance" would vastly outnumber Israeli forces. A former Major General in the IDF has told the Jerusalem Post that an all-out war with the entire alliance could have disastrous consequences for Israel... Itzhak Brik, a former Major General in the IDF, told the Jerusalem Post that a full-scale war with Iran and its proxies could ultimately result in the destruction of the state of Israel. 'Iran and its proxies have 250,000 missiles, rockets, and drones encircling Israel, which means about 4,000 munitions hitting the Israeli home front on a daily basis. 'Population centres, Haifa Bay, water and electricity facilities, gas fields [in the Mediterranean Sea], IDF bases, and strategic civilian infrastructure... A regional war can ruin the Stateof Israel,' he concluded. Of course the truth is that Benjamin Netanyahu would never allow things to get that far. If push comes to shove, he will not hesitate to use ultra-powerful weapons that the other side does not possess. So let us hope that one side or the other backs down before we reach a point of no return. We are also rapidly reaching a point of no return in Ukraine. The Ukrainians want to use long-range missiles provided by NATO to strike targets all over Russia, and many NATO officials are very much in support of this dangerous proposal... "Every nation that is attacked has the right to defend itself," said Admiral Rob Bauer, speaking at the close of the NATO committee's annual meeting. "And that right doesn't stop at the borderof your own nation." I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot and Russia was sending long-range missiles to Mexico with instructions and training on how to use them against American cities if the esteemed admiralwould say Mexico had a "right" to fire those Russian missiles northward. The consequences of these comments are absolutely stunning, and yet they are made with the flippancy of a Cub Scout leader deciding which is the best way to sharpen a pocket knife. This is a "red line" that we must not cross. The Russians have warned us over and over again that we are on a path that leads to nuclear war, and just the other day a Russian television channel broadcast a video that imagined what anuclear strike on London would look like... A devastating nuclear strike on London causing 850,000 deaths with two million injured has been simulated by a staunchly pro-Putin propaganda TV channel. Broadcasting the four minute video with an English commentary appears to be the latest move in a concerted campaign to scare Britain from giving permission to Ukraine to allow Storm Shadowmissiles to hit targets inside Russia. Vladimir Putin's propagandists and entourage have repeatedly warned that he could use nuclear weapons. Many people are convinced that western leaders have everything under control and that they know exactly what they are doing. Those people would be wrong. I have been warning about the war in Ukraine and the war in the Middle East for years, and many others have been issuing similar warnings. But our leaders don't listen to people like us. They think that they have everything figured out, but the truth is that their arrogance shall be their undoing. Of course they will not be the only ones to suffer. Unfortunately, all of us will have to deal with the consequences as thousands of missiles fly back and forth all over the planet. -------------------------------------------------------- The Middle East Braces For A Nightmare Scenario As Israel and Hezbollah Head Toward �A Full-Fledged War� - by Michael Snyder - Months of negotiations have proved fruitless, and it appears that we really are about to get a �full-fledged war� in the Middle East. Sadly, I don�t think that any of the parties involvedhave really thought this through. Both sides have been arming themselves to the teeth since the last war ended in 2006, and both sides are willing to literally do whatever it takes to win. Of course Israel will not just be fighting Hezbollah this time around. TheIDF will be facing an entire alliance of enemies, and in order to win such a conflict the Israelis will be forced to do things that they would rather not do. On Tuesday, Israel and Hezbollah just continued to pummel one another� Israel announced dozens of new air strikes on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon Tuesday, a day after Lebanese officials say 558 people, including 50 children, were killed in the deadliest bombardmentsince a devastating war in 2006. Israel�s latest strikes on southern Lebanon came after it said it had killed a �large number� of militants as it struck about 1,500 suspected Hezbollah targets around the country. Hezbollah said Tuesday it had launched volleys of missiles at Israeli military bases, hours after 180 of its projectiles and an unmanned aerial vehicle crossed into Israeli airspace, sendingpeople in the city of Haifa running for shelter. The Israeli military said more than 50 projectiles were fired into northern Israel in less than 10 minutes on Tuesday morning, most of which were intercepted. In addition to projectiles, Hezbollah also sent drones deep into Israeli territory. In fact, it is being reported that drones actually targeted a naval base which is located quite a bit south of Haifa� Sky News and others are reporting that for the first time of the conflict, Hezbollah has launched a drone attack on a navy base which lies south of Haifa. The Atlit navy base which was targetedlies 80 kilometers from the Lebanese border. This is an attack significantly deep into Israel and reveals an extended range of Hezbollah missiles. Likely as things slide further, and with Israel keeping up its intense airstrikes on Lebanon, Hezbollah missileswill begin reaching further and further. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said late in the day Tuesday (local time) on X: �We will continue striking Hezbollah. Anyone who has a missile in their living room and a rocketin their garage will not have a home.� Hezbollah just keeps escalating matters, and this is a huge mistake, because it is just going to make Israel even more determined to take action. IDF forces are being deployed to northern Israel, and a spokesperson for the IDF has told the press that the army is at a state of �full-scale readiness�� Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, spokesperson for the IDF, insisted military chiefs were �not looking for wars� but would do �whatever is necessary� to ensure Israel�s security. He later clarified the army was at �full-scale readiness�, meaning an invasion could be on the cards. My personal opinion is that Israel will not launch an operation in southern Lebanon this month. But Israeli President Isaac Herzog is warning that �we will do whatever it takes to bring our citizens back home and enable calm in our cities�� �Israel is not interested, did not want this war, and is not interested in going to war with Lebanon,� Herzog told CNBC�s Dan Murphy on Tuesday. �But Israel has been attacked from Oct. 8 from Lebanon endlessly. And if you look at the situation today, Hezbollah has launched missiles and rockets all over the northern part of Israel.So we will do whatever it takes to bring our citizens back home and enable calm in our cities. That�s the situation.� �We�ve shown our capabilities, and we have much more on the way, if they will continue,� Herzog added. For now, I expect that Israel will continue to strike Hezbollah targets all over southern Lebanon, and thousands upon thousands of local residents are fleeing north in order to escape theviolence� Cars choked Lebanon�s highways as people fled into the night, trying to escape north toward the capital Beirut. �It was a day of terror,� 41-year-old housewife Thuraya Harb told AFP at a makeshift center for displaced families in Beirut after fleeing her home in south Lebanon. �I didn�t want to leave my home, but the children were scared,� the mother of four said, adding that the family fled �with nothing but the clothes on our backs.� So many families and so many children on both sides are being affected by this conflict. That should deeply sadden all of us. But this is just the beginning. So much death and destruction is ahead, and a top EU diplomat is admitting that we really are �almost in a full-fledged war�� �I can say that we are almost in a full-fledged war,� European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters earlier. �If this is not a war situation, I don�t know what you wouldcall it.� As I discussed earlier, when an all-out war erupts it won�t just be Israel fighting Hezbollah. Every day, there are more reports of Iranian-backed militia groups sending troops to Lebanon. Here is just one example� Most of the leaders of the Iranian-backed militias have left the city of Mayadeen, east of Deir Ezzor, over the past two days, for the Qusayr area in the Homs countryside and from there toLebanon, according to a local reporter of the DeirEzzor24 Network . Our reporter said that among those leaving were the so-called �Hajj Najaf�, the official in charge of the Iranian �Al-Shifa� hospital in the city of Mayadeen, and �Hajj Malik�, the militarycommander in the Revolutionary Guard militia, with some leaders remaining in the city to complete some administrative matters, with the possibility of joining them. The departure of the militia leaders from Deir Ezzor for Lebanon comes amid an Israeli military escalation against the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon. Many of these troops are quite eager to participate in a �final showdown� with Israel. Of course there are a lot of experts that believe Iran could be pulled directly into the conflict as well, and Iranian leaders are issuing some very ominous statements� Iran�s President Masoud Pezeshkian said today that its ally Hezbollah �cannot stand alone� against Israel, which he said was �being defended and supported and supplied by Western countries,by European countries and the United States�. He said Iran had �never started a war in the last 100 years� and was �not looking to cause insecurity�. But he insisted that Iran �will never allow a country to force us into something and threaten our security and territorial integrity�, while his foreign minister Abbas Araghchi posted on Xthat �Iran will NOT remain indifferent� to the conflict. Iran and Hezbollah both possess vast arsenals of highly sophisticated missiles. And the combined ground forces of Iran, Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed groups throughout the region would greatly outnumber the ground forces that the IDF is able to muster. So as the Daily Mail has pointed out, we could eventually be facing a scenario where the U.S. military has to get directly involved and Israel feels forced to use weapons that it does notwant to use� The Islamic Republic has thousands upon thousands of long-range and precision-guided missiles alongside hundreds of thousands of mid-range cruise missiles. This appears to be the worst-case scenario feared by Israeli defence experts � a coordinated attack in which Iran, Hezbollah and other members of the so-called Axis of Resistance launch waveafter wave of missile and drone strikes that overwhelm Israel�s air defences and devastate towns and cities. Several analysts told MailOnline that terrifying prospect is unlikely because it would prompt the US to come to Israel�s defence � and could even raise the spectre of Israel turning to itssecretive stockpile of nuclear weapons. We really are on the verge of the unthinkable. But nobody will be able to say that we weren�t warned. It has taken decades for us to reach this point, and even though we are on the brink of an apocalyptic war nobody seems to want to back down. This is not going to end well, and vast numbers of people are going to die. ---------------------------------------------- Boycotts, Turmoil, And Terrorism: The Hidden Cost of Israel�s War � By Dean Dwyer - All wars exact a heavy price. Soldiers are killed. Families are devastated. Cities are destroyed. Economies are ruined. In direct economic cost, Israel�s war against Hamas is estimated tocome out at $67 billion. But there is a mounting hidden cost which is likely to plague Israeli society for some time to come. I mention these points so that when we pray for Israel, we might not only pray for their war effort but also for many of the societalchallenges they face as a result of the wars they are fighting. Tourism Aside from the overall population itself, the sector which has been hit the hardest is tourism. In peak years, where Israel usually expects close to five million tourists, the value to theeconomy is in the billions of dollars. According to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, a little over three million tourists entered Israel during 2023. That is, until October 7, 2023. Since the war began, tourist numbers have plummeted. Forthose who rely heavily on tourism income, it has been devastating, particularly since they were just starting to recover from the COVID-19 lockdowns. Fluctuating violence is nothing new to tour operators. Nor is the last-minute cancellation of incoming tour groups due to unexpected war and terrorism. They usually have a financial reserveto help them survive challenging times. However, the COVID-19 lockdowns depleted those reserves and as a result, many businesses are now in a very precarious position. Although many pivoted to helping with relief efforts, if tourism does not recommence soon,many will face financial ruin. Tourism operators are also growing concerned at rising antisemitism throughout the world, which they believe may not only dissuade some tourists from visiting, it may also result in commercialboycotts and a lack of viable air transport for tourists. Businesses According to a Times of Israel report in July 2024, 46,000 Israeli businesses have had to make the heart-wrenching decision to close due to the poor economic environment. Sadly, that numberis expected to rise to 60,000 by the end of 2024. Personnel is another key challenge for businesses. Reservists undertaking their military service had to be suddenly removed from their work commitments, leaving little time to organise replacements. Additionally,85,000 Palestinian workers have disappeared from Israel�s construction industry as they have not been allowed into Israel to work due to security concerns. Couple that with the fact that many foreign workers working at building sites left the country and itmeans that many building sites have had to shut down completely due to a shortage of workers. Mental Toll Not surprisingly, the mental health trauma directly and indirectly related to the events of October 7 will take time to accurately assess. However, there are already key signs that many Israelisare struggling to cope with the trauma. A recent Jerusalem Post report indicated that one out of every three women and one out of every five men report having a high level of post-traumatic stress following the events of October 7. According to the IsraelCentre on Addiction and Mental Health this is an increase of 150% among women and 65% among men, compared to data from 2022. Unfortunately, the trauma has translated into substance abuse (whether prescription drugs, alcohol or recreational drugs). In 2018, 1 in 10 Israelis had substance abuse disorders. In 2022,that number rose to 1 in 7 (which medical professionals directly attributed to the COVID-19 crisis). However, by November 2023, substance abuse rose to 1 in 5 and by December 2023, it was up to 1 in 4. Sadly, the 1 in 4 statistics relates to the general population. Amongthose who have been evacuated from conflict zones it is approximately 1 in 3 and among the survivors of October 7, it is 1 in 2. That is a devastating ratio. If, as anticipated, there is a long, complex and deadly war in the north against Hezbollah, thesestatistics are expected to worsen. Farming Terrorists who infiltrated the Gaza Envelope on October 7 didn�t just take lives, they severely damaged the Israeli agricultural sector. Chicken coops were incinerated. Hectares of crops wereravaged. Irrigation systems were dismantled. Greenhouses were burned to the ground. Orchards were flooded. Farming equipment was either burnt or stolen. According to a recent report in The Jewish Chronicle, more than half of the 45 communities attacked on October 7 were agricultural kibbutzim and moshavim in a once-arid region that now producesapproximately 70 percent of the country�s vegetables, 20 percent of its fruit and six-and-a-half percent of its milk. Furthermore, the Hamas attacks damaged 40,000 hectares of agricultural land and cost $500 million in lost farmer income and infrastructuredamage. Yuval Lipkin, deputy director general of Israel�s Agriculture Ministry, declared last November that, �Israel�s agriculture is in its biggest crisis since the establishment of Israel.� Forexample, consider the steep cost of replacing equipment alone. Most insurance companies don�t cover physical assets destroyed during war. However, the Israeli government�s assistance programs only reimburse the depreciated value of the equipment at time ofdestruction. Therefore, if you had a four-year-old tractor, its depreciated value might be $100,000 but the cost of replacement is $300,000. Jewish philanthropy, displayed in full leading up to and after 1948, may well need to be called upon once again torebuild farming communities. In Conclusion Right now, many nations of the world are actively opposing Israel, whether that be through war and terrorism (by Middle Eastern nations) or through political opposition (by Western and Asiannations). Many are tearing at the fabric of Israel, believing that if Israel disappeared, the world would be a better place. Yet, we are reminded of the promises of God as spoken through the prophet Isaiah. In the future, nations will not come to Israel with war or political pressure, they will come because the Lord is there. Isaiah 2:2-3 says: �Now it shall come to pass in the latter days thatthe mountain of the LORD�s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, �Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house ofthe God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.� For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.� In that time, Israel will no longer be a hated and rejected pariah. What a wonderful day that will be. Maranatha! ------------------------------- This Is Why The Biden Administration Is Working So Hard To Keep Israel Out Of Lebanon- by Michael Snyder - The Biden administration has shifted into panic mode, and there is a good reason for that. It has become clear that Israel and Hezbollah are on the brink of all-out war, and once that lineis crossed there will be no turning back. Needless to say, an apocalyptic conflict in the Middle East would have the potential to be the greatest �October surprise� of all time. If the U.S. is forced to intervene in an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah,there are thousands upon thousands of Muslims in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that will simply refuse to vote for Kamala Harris. We already got a preview of this when large numbers of them cast protest votes against Joe Biden during the Democraticprimaries. Kamala Harris must win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania if she has any hope of emerging victorious in November, and so keeping Israel out of Lebanon is of paramount importance for the Democrats right now. On Wednesday, ABC News was reporting that Israel �is preparing for a potential ground operation� in Lebanon� Israel is preparing for a potential ground operation as its war with Hezbollah intensifies, according to the Israel Defense Forces. �Today, we will continue, we are not stopping; we keep striking and hitting them everywhere,� Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the chief of the General Staff, said Wednesday. �The goal is very clear � to safely return the residents of the north. To achieve that, we are preparing the process of a maneuver, which means your military boots, your maneuvering boots, will enter enemy territory, enter villages that Hezbollah has prepared as large military outposts,with underground infrastructure, staging points and launchpads into our territory and carry out attacks on Israeli civilians.� In addition to the forces that have already been deployed, the Israelis just called up two more reserve brigades� The Israeli military announced Wednesday afternoon that two reserve brigades will be called up for deployment in Operation Northern Arrows. �In accordance with the situational assessment, the IDF is calling up two reserve brigades for operational missions in the northern arena,� the IDF said. Israel is quite serious about going in, but the Biden administration is trying really hard to find a diplomatic solution to this crisis� The Biden administration is working on a new diplomatic initiative for a �pause� in the fighting in Lebanon and a resumption of negotiations on a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, accordingto two U.S. officials, one Israeli official and two sources with direct knowledge. According to Axios, Benjamin Netanyahu is quite open to the idea of a peaceful way out of this mess� •Over the last two days, the U.S. has been discussing the idea with France, Israel, Lebanon and several other Arab countries, a U.S. official and a European diplomat said. •�We are working with several countries on a proposal for a diplomatic solution for the north,� a U.S. official confirmed. •�Netanyahu gave a green light to discuss this initiative,� an Israeli official said. If Hezbollah can be persuaded to withdraw north of the Litani River peacefully, Israeli forces would not need to enter southern Lebanon, and the Israeli government would be quite thrilledabout that. I am entirely convinced that this is not going to happen, but I think that all of this diplomatic posturing will delay an Israeli ground operation for a little while. For now, Israel and Hezbollah continue to exchange long-range strikes. On Wednesday, Hezbollah even fired a missile at Tel Aviv� Israel intercepted a missile fired by Hezbollah near Tel Aviv on Wednesday, an unprecedented attack by the militant group that reached deep into the country�s commercial heartlands and markeda new escalatory step in the conflict between the two sides. People in Tel Aviv and the central city of Netanya woke up to sirens on Wednesday as Israel said its air defenses intercepted a surface-to-surface missile � the first time ever a missile firedby Hezbollah has reached close to the city, the Israeli military said. I really wish that Hezbollah would just stop. If Hezbollah stopped hitting Israel and withdrew north of the Litani River, an all-out war could be avoided. Unfortunately, that isn�t going to be the way that things play out. As war approaches, more airlines are cancelling flights to and from Beirut� Egyptair, Emirates, Etihad, flydubai and Qatar Airways are among the airlines this week that have now suspended flights to and from Beirut due to the unstable security situation, accordingto Reuters and Al Arabiya. Reuters also reports that Britain has advised U.K.-based airlines not to fly into Lebanese airspace until Nov. 4, citing a �potential risk to aviation from military activity�. If you are currently visiting the Middle East, I would get out now while you still can. Meanwhile, the Russians continue to gobble up more real estate in Ukraine. In fact, we are being told that they have just entered Vuhledar� As confirmed by both Russian and Ukrainian sources, the Russians have entered Vuhledar � a key Ukrainian stronghold at the junction of eastern and southern fronts. The potential effect ofits capture is hard to overestimate. They are also closing the lid on the near-encircled large chunk of land outside Krasnohorivka � mopping up Zhelanne 2. The situation on the frontline couldn�t be worse for Zelensky-Biden summit. The only way that Ukraine can win this war is if NATO forces get directly involved. Ominously, it appears that NATO is making plans for just such a scenario� NATO plans to coordinate the transport of a large number of wounded troops away from front lines in case of a war with Russia, potentially via hospital trains as air evacuations may not befeasible, according to a senior general. The future scenario for medical evacuations will differ from allies� experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank, the head of NATO�s logistics command, toldReuters in an interview. We must avoid a direct war with Russia at all costs. Because a direct war with Russia could easily go nuclear. On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin discussed very alarming changes to Russia�s official nuclear doctrine� �The updated version of the document proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear-weapon state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear-weapon state, should be consideredas a joint attack on the Russian Federation,� Putin told the council. He said the conditions for the launch of Russia�s nuclear weapons would be �reliable information about a massive launch of aerospace attack means and their crossing of our state border.� He added, �We reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against Russia and Belarus.� So if Ukraine starts firing long-range missiles that were provided by us at Russian cities, the Russians would consider that to be a joint attack and would reserve the right to use nuclearweapons in such a scenario. Please let the implications of that sink in. Speaking of nuclear weapons, the Chinese just test-fired �an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean�� China said Wednesday that it had successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean, in a rare public test that may raise international concerns as the countrybuilds up its nuclear arsenal at a time of tensions with the United States. The People�s Liberation Army Rocket Force launched the ICBM carrying a simulated warhead at 8:44 a.m. local time (8:44 p.m. Tuesday ET), the Chinese defense ministry said in a statement, addingthat it accurately landed in a predetermined area of the high seas. The path of the missile and the exact place it fell were unclear. Why can�t humanity ever seem to learn? War is not the answer. Unfortunately, a really bad case of �war fever� seems to be sweeping the globe. I believe that we are going to see so much death and destruction during the next couple of years, and it all could have been avoided if world leaders had made much different decisions. ------------------------------------------------------ No Country Would Tolerate Non-Stop Attacks on Its Civilians� And Israel Is Determined to Put An End To It � By Robert Gottselig - Israel has begun to pound Hezbollah targets within Southern Lebanon. Frankly, they�ve had enough of the terror group�s constant rocket attacks against Israeli cities, displacing over 60,000residents in the north. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as he addressed the critical situation, stated: On October 7th, the Hamas terrorist monsters burst into Israel, murdered our people, raped and beheaded our women, burnt babies alive, and took 255 innocent people hostage, including manyAmericans. A day later, on October 8th, another Iranian terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, attacked Israel completely unprovoked. They fired missiles and rockets into our cities. They made 60,000 Israelis leavetheir homes along the Lebanon border, becoming refugees in their own land. In the subsequent months, they haven�t stopped for a single day attacking us. No country can accept the wanton rocketing of its cities. We can�t accept it either. We will take whatever action is necessary to restore security and to bring our people safe back to their homes. No country would tolerate non-stop rocket attacks on its civilians. Israel is determined to put an end to it, and Israel means business. I�m sure you�ve all heard by now of the events of last week when approximately 4,000 pagers and radios of Hezbollah commanders were blown up by Israel. Dozens were killed, and Lebanon�s hospitalswere flooded with thousands of injured Hezbollah members, with some blinded by the blast. Israel then launched another attack on Hezbollah last Friday with an airstrike in Beirut, which fired four missiles, killing Ibrahim Aqil and 15 other senior Radwan Force commanders. Hezbollah,of course, is in shock, stunned by what has happened, giving Israel a perfect opportunity to pound Hezbollah targets within Southern Lebanon. IDF Spokesperson Admiral Daniel Hagari said this concerning the situation: About an hour ago, following indications that Hezbollah was preparing to fire towards Israeli territory, we began conducting extensive strikes on terrorist targets throughout Lebanon. TheHezbollah terrorist organization has been continuously launching attacks on Israeli civilians and has no plans to stop. [In] Southern Lebanon, there are dozens of Lebanese Villages situated along approximately 80 kilometers of the border with Israel. For over 20 years, Hezbollah has deployed its arms insidehomes and militarized civilian infrastructure. As a result, the Hezbollah terrorist organization has turned Southern Lebanon into a battlefield. [Within villages] in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah stores cruise missiles, rocket launchers, and UAVs inside civilian homes, hidden behind the Lebanese population living in the village. We aremonitoring these activities, locating the weapons, and destroying them with precise intelligence-based strikes� Shortly, the IDF will engage in extensive, precise strikes against terror targets, which have been embedded widely throughout Lebanon. We ask residents of Lebanese villages to pay attentionto the message and warning published by the IDF and heed them. This is an advanced warning for your own safety and the safety of your family. We advise civilians from Lebanese villages located in and next to buildings and areas used by Hezbollah for military purposes, such as those used to store weapons, to immediately move outof harm�s way for their own safety. I want to repeat: move out of harm�s way immediately. Hezbollah is endangering you and your families. On October 8th, the Hezbollah terrorist organization decided to join Hamas� war against Israel. Hezbollah�s activities are dragging Lebanon and the entire region into a wider escalation, andHassan Nasrallah is responsible for this. Over the last 11 months, we have been operating to degrade the Hezbollah terrorist organization�s capabilities and push back Hezbollah operatives and military assets away from Israel. We are operating to achieve all of our goals of the war in Gaza to dismantle Hamas and bring back home all the hostages and in the north to repeal the threat opposed by Hezbollah and enablethe residents from the North of Israel safely to return to their homes. The IDF is operating and will continue to operate in defense of the citizens of Israel wherever required. Civilians being warned to leave Southern Lebanon are doing just that, as Israel vows to destroy Hezbollah rockets and launch sites. The solution is very simple: Nasrallah needs to stop the rocket attacks and retreat north of the Litani River. By the way, Hezbollah was not supposed to be operating south of the Litani Riverunder UN resolution 1701 after the 2006 Lebanon war. That retreat didn�t happen, and something tells me that Nasrallah is not going to do that due to his Islamic pride and, ultimately, his orders from Iran�the head of the snake. Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran�s �Supreme Leader,� is hellbent on wiping Israel off the face of the map. He recently called Israel an �evil cancerous tumor.� We need to be praying for Israel. Hezbollah has over 150,000 rockets aimed at the Jewish State, and we�ve yet to see Hezbollah use the precision-guided weapons they claim they have. If they�retruly capable of hitting anywhere in Israel, things could get ugly really quickly. We must keep praying for the Peace of Jerusalem. What does God have to say about all of this? In Genesis 12:3, God says, �I will bless those that bless thee,� speaking of the Jewish people, �and I will curse those that curse thee.� Khamenei,Sinwar, and Nasrallah ought to tremble and take close note of how precise God�s word is. The last time I checked, all the nations in the past that have come against God�s chosen people have vanished from the world scene. The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians,Medes, ancient Persians, ancient Greeks, the Romans, and, of course, the Nazis are all gone. They�ve vanished, but where are God�s chosen people? Right back in the land that God swore as an everlasting possession to the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob. Woe unto all those who are trying to wipe Israel off the face of the map! Just like what happened to Haman in the book of Esther, the same fate will surely come upon you. ----------------------------------------------- Revisiting The Destruction of Damascus - Fighters in Syria Prepare for War - ByPNW Staff - Around 40,000 fighters from Iraq, Yemen, and Syria have reportedly arrived in the Golan Heights, preparing to confront Israel, according to recent reports. The Israeli army is monitoring the situation closely, with Al Jazeera citing Haaretz�s report that these forces are awaiting orders from Hezbollah�s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Israeli security officials voiced concern about the growing threat, noting that while these fighters may not be elite, their presence is significant. A senior Israeli official emphasized that Israel will take steps in Syria to send a clear message to President Bashar al-Assad that these forces are unacceptable. The presence of such a large force posing a threat to Israel from the Syrian region will remind Bible prophecy students of the prophecy found in the Book of Isaiah which deals with this region. Chapter 17 in the Book of Isaiah paints a sobering picture. In it, the city of Damascus is a pile of rubble. The Bible says it will disappear from the face of the earth and become a heap ofruins (Isaiah 17:1). At the same time, large parts of northern Israel will also lie in ruin (Isaiah 17:3). Now, before you say this prophecy was fulfilled during Old Testament times, keep this in mind... This passage says Damascus will cease to be a city (Isaiah 17:1). It will be utterly and completely destroyed. Yet, Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on record. Its history goes back more than 5,000 years. At 2,600 years old, theBook of Isaiah itself is new compared to Damascus! This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. How interesting is it that a new potential battle front forming in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is on the Syrian border? Only time will tell if we are approaching the fulfillmentof this prophecy along with other potential Biblical prophecies dealing with Israel's enemies at this time. ------------------------------------------- Israel's Quandary: Can It Afford to Win in The Face of International Opposition?- By Caroline Glick/ - The life of Israel is a split screen. The first screen shows the life of a nation and a country fending off a coordinated seven-front assault whose goal is the Jewish state's physical obliteration with heroism, ingenuity and fortitudethat takes your breath away. The second screen shows the envy and hatred that the nations of the world direct at the State of Israel. And this week, with the U.N. General Assembly taking place in New York at the precise moment Israel has taken the initiative vis � vis the Lebanese front, the dissonance between the two sidesis so glaring that it gives you whiplash. Over the past week, for the first time since it unilaterally removed its forces from Southern Lebanon in 2000, Israel took the initiative in its war with Iran's largest proxy force, Hezbollah,which controls Lebanon. The threat Hezbollah poses to Israel is orders of magnitude greater than the threat Hamas posed on Oct. 7. Hezbollah's arsenal, which numbers some 200,000 short- and medium-range rockets and ballistic missiles, is nearly 35 times larger than Hamas's arsenal of 6,000. Hezbollah's missiles are capableof hitting nearly every strategic military and industrial site in Israel. They are capable of laying waste to northern communities and devastating cities and towns throughout the country. And they are embedded in civilian neighborhoods. After the 2006 war, due to its control over the Lebanese government and military, Hezbollah oversaw the reconstruction of the areas in SouthernLebanon that were damaged and destroyed in the war. Hezbollah built the apartments as dual-use structures with missile launchers and missiles in many apartments. Residents received monthly payments for permitting their homes to be for this purpose. Since the start of the war, Hezbollah shot 8,000 such projectiles into northern Israel. They severely damaged several critical military installations. They destroyed hundreds of homes. Theyravaged the landscape of northern Israel, burning forests, as well as destroying nature and wildlife reserves from the Golan Heights to the Upper Galilee. If the missile arsenals weren't sufficient to keep Israel's north depopulated, there is also the conventional threat of Hezbollah's land forces. Citing U.S. and regional officials, The WallStreet Journal reported, "Those with knowledge of Hezbollah say the group accelerated its war preparations in recent months, expanding its network of tunnels in Southern Lebanon, repositioning fighters and weapons and smuggling in more arms. Iran has increasedsupplies of small arms and rocket-propelled grenades, along with guided and unguided long-range missiles." "The south is like a beehive right now," said a former Hezbollah military officer referring to the military preparations to the newspaper. "Everything the Iranians have, we have." Hezbollah' ground forces number some 40,000 men. Thousands in the so-called Radwan brigades are battle-hardened veterans of Iran's insurgent wars in Syria and Iraq. They have oceans of American,British, Iraqi and Syrian blood on their hands. Hezbollah's operational concept since Oct. 7 (basically since Israel removed its forces from Southern Lebanon in May 2000) has been attrition warfare. Hezbollah's massive and ever-growingarsenal deters Israel from getting into a major war with the terror army. At the same time, the terror group expands its effective control over northern Israel by gradually expanding the expanse of Israeli territory it can strike at will. In the past month,emboldened by Israel's largely defense posture since Oct. 7, Hezbollah has massively escalated its missile assault on Israel, increasing the number and range of the projectiles its forces shot over daily from a few to a couple dozen to between 60 and 120. Last week, it was the ingenious decapitation strikes that successfully targeted Hezbollah's operational leadership attributed to Israel involving the detonation of hand-held communicationsdevices that enabled Israel to seize the operational initiative for the first time since 2000. Its follow-on airstrikes against the commanders of the Radwan Force in Beirut decimated Hezbollah's senior ranks, leaving Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and hisbosses in Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps with a largely commander-less terror army. Israel's airstrikes on Monday against missiles and missile launchers in Southern Lebanon, Beirut and the Beqaa Valley, based on stunning intelligence superiority, reportedly devastated Hezbollah'sstrategic missile power. A diplomatic source divulged Tuesday morning that the air force's 1,400 hits destroyed half of Hezbollah's precision-guided missiles. The source claimed further that now, Hezbollah possesses only one-quarter of the rockets with rangesup to 40 kilometers it had at the start of the war. Critically, the source said that Hezbollah's capacity to launch coordinated missile strikes involving hundreds of projectiles simultaneously has been severely damaged. Hezbollah's operationalconcept throughout has been that in the event of an all-out war, it would swarm Israel with hundreds of projectiles simultaneously, overwhelming Israel's air-defense systems. If Israel has indeed taken out that capability, it means that Hezbollah's threatto Israeli territory is no longer existential. By achieving something approaching operational control over Gaza, blocking avenues of resupply by controlling the Philadephi corridor controlling the 14-kilometer border with Egypt and preventingthe reinforcement of Hamas's terror forces in northern Gaza by controlling the Netzarim corridor, Israel has been able to scale back its force size in Gaza. Israel's military Division 98, the main maneuver unit in Gaza, was moved to the north, providing theIDF both the means to prevent or defeat a Hezbollah invasion by land, including underground, border-crossing tunnels. Division 98 is also capable of carrying out incursions up to and including an invasion of Southern Lebanon if so commanded. Jerusalem's intelligence capabilities have enabled it to carry out the most precise airstrikes in history. Almost no ordnance has been wasted or misdirected. Thanks to the experience Israelhas garnered in Gaza over the past year, it has developed the capacity to give civilians an opportunity to vacate areas, including their apartments, housing missiles before striking, thus again, bringing the number of civilians killed nearly to zero. It is hard to ignore the global implications of what is happening on the ground. It isn't simply that Ibrahim Aqil, Hezbollah's operations commander who was killed at the leadership meetingin Beirut, had a $7 million FBI award on his head for his role in carrying out the 1983 bombings of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 that murdered some 300 Americans, as well as 64 French paratroopers. Hezbollah is the most powerful and well-seeded terror force in the world. Its operational and financial tentacles reach throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America. An Israeli victory wouldmean that Hezbollah's threat worldwide would be massively diminished. Then there is Iran. For the past four years, Iran has moved steadily towards completing its nuclear weapons program. It is widely considered a threshold nuclear state. It is suspected of adaptingits missile force to carry nuclear warheads. To date, Hezbollah has served as Iran's protector. By using the prospect of an all-out combined missile strike and ground invasion of Israel from Lebanon as a deterrent, Iran was able to deter Israel from strikingits missile and nuclear installations or its oil platforms. Now with Hezbollah in the most vulnerable and weakest position it has suffered in decades--and Hamas effectively defeated as an offensive force--Iran faces the specter of an Israel free to destroyits nuclear and regional hegemonic ambitions. International law turned on its head And this brings us to the second half of the screen. As Israel fights the free world's fight against Iran and its terrorist forces, the nations of the world have congregated at the U.N. GeneralAssembly for their annual diplomatic lynch mob against the lone Jewish state. The General Assembly opened last week by passing a resolution demanding that Israel remove 800,000 citizens from their homes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria within a year and transfertheir communities to the Palestinian Authority, which shares the goal of Iran and its other proxies to annihilate Israel. If Israel fails to abide by the U.N. dictate, or even if it does, the resolution calls on the U.N. member states to enact an arms embargo on Israel. Ant�nio Guterres, the U.N.'s Israel-hatingsecretary-general helpfully proclaimed that he will use his powers of office to enforce the resolution. It was all downhill from there. At the United Nations, in Paris, in Washington, policymakers and lawmakers have spared no effort to demonize Israel. President Joe Biden and Sheikh Mohamedbin Zayed Al Nahyan, president of the United Arab Emirates, met in Washington on Monday. Rather than congratulate (or thank) Israel for systematically removing the gravest threats to the stability and security of the Middle East, including to the UAE and theUnited States, Biden and MBZ focused their statements on demanding that Israel move to establish a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria--and Jerusalem. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and his fellow progressives in Congress responded with rage to the simultaneous detonation of Hezbollah's pages and walkie-talkies that took out thousands of terroristsin one fell swoop. They called it international terrorism and demanded a U.S. arms embargo on Israel. Even Leon Panetta, former secretary of defense, also called the strike that decimated the leadership of the most powerful terror army in the world a terrorattack. All of those clamoring to declare Israel the enemy of all that is good, and Hezbollah and Hamas as the good guys, predicate their condemnations on an entirely imaginary version of internationallaw that turns morality and the very concept of legality on their heads to punish defenders--or one specific defender, Israel--and reward aggressors. The dissonance between the reality on the ground and the diplomatic assault on Israel--now joined by nearly every nation on earth at the United Nations--presents Israel with an epic quandary. Obviously, it cannot scale back the level or nature of the assault with reason. People cannot be reasoned out of positions they weren't reasoned into. The international community's hostilitytowards Israel owes to a poisonous mix of political expedience, greed, opportunism and prejudice. And so, we come to the quandary. Can Israel afford to ignore these forces and just fight to victory or not? Can Israel afford not to ignore them? The Biden administration and its comrades at the United Nations are betting that Israel will decide that it cannot afford to ignore these voices. But in reaching this conclusion, they ignorethe one overriding factor that has informed Israel's actions since Oct. 7. This is a war for Israel's survival. Israelis back this war because they understand that the lesson of Oct. 7 is that the can has been kicked to the end of the road. Claims that we can stopand pick up where we left off in a year or so fall like artillery duds. No one will accept them because no one can accept them. It is literally now or never. And so the United Nations and the United States, and their diplomatic lynch mob, will be ignored. Maybe the diplomatic chips falling today can be picked up at a later date. But this war mustbe won. And after the stunning successes in Lebanon, more and more Israelis are reinforced in their conviction that it is being won. ---------------------------------

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