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Friday, September 13, 2024

Power of the Air Evil

 Power of the Air Evil – Terry James - While we approach the 2024 presidential election, we’re once again subjected to the evil festering within the mainstream media at every level. Whether it’s general or entertainment news, all,in one way or another, is geared to pump up the party and candidates of their preference and not only diminish, but destroy, all opposition to their view of the way America and the world should be governed. And that way has become radicalized and perverted. The power of the mainstream media to shape opinion, thus pervert society and culture, is used by the dark force the Apostle Paul called “powers and principalities in high places” (Ephesians6:12). As I’ve mentioned before, something exciting is building toward a profound event, I believe. God Himself intervened, reached down, and in front of the entire world prevented the assassinationof one of the candidates. This isn’t mere coincidence. Something is up. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s exciting to contemplate what that something might be. Jesus told us to “look up and lift our heads” when we “see all these things begin tocome to pass.” Things haven’t changed for the better in the matter of the media’s harmful influence, but have gotten progressively worse since the time leading up to the 2020 presidential election. The articlethat follows was written in 2019, and I present it again here as a reminder of the evil the nation faces while the November date of electing the next president nears. ******* Many an elderly former television network broadcaster doubtless engages in ever-recurring conversations while sipping his favorite evening libation. “Remember how we once ruled the airwaves?” might be one such conversation starter. “Yeah. In the old days we could say it on the evening news, and by noon the next day, public opinion would begin to come around,” the commiserating drinking partner might say. I can imagine a Dan Rather type and some other no-longer-relevant propagandist lamenting as the tonic and gin or bourbon on the rocks burns a liquid trail down their once-golden throats. “Those were the good, old days,” one shakes his head, blinks, and calls to the bartender for a refill. “There’s no leadership to ever bring those days back,” I can hear the other saying. “Now they all go their separate ways.… There are far too many of them to ever come together.” “It almost makes you see the need for the power of dictatorship…for the good of the republic,” the Dan Rather-type says, taking the first sip from his newly refreshed beverage. “Yeah. We used to at least have that kind of influence over public opinion…for the good of the republic,” the other aging broadcaster puts in. They must dream happily of when they and their network colleagues had the three-network monopoly. Now, it must be a nightmare that they live through daily. Their personal influence is no more—thepower of their profession significantly diminished. That this is the case is plainly presented in polls taken about how America’s people feel about that profession. Always, news media, as being trustworthy in the eyes of the public, ranks verynear the bottom of those polls. If there ever was a question about why that ranking is so low, we need only to think on the past three years or so. It would almost seem that our two aging former anchors need not worry for a second about the ability of the news conglomerate to speak with the power of one. The mainstream news media hascoalesced in a way that ABC, CBS, and NBC would have never done when they had, collectively, nearly sole power of the air. It is true that today’s now fractionalized mainstream news media, as individual news forums, draw infinitesimally small numbers of viewers in comparison to the numbers drawn by the big threenetworks during the good old days. But the power exerted by the new collective—the fractionalized mainstream media—is, I’m convinced, even more powerful than that wielded by the big three those years earlier. The proof is the absolutely fanatical cohesion that this new media collective has cemented. Before the months leading up to Donald J. Trump’s election to the presidency, the news conglomerate at least pretended to be independent from one another. Following Trump becoming the Republicancandidate and up to the present hour, those news forums have melded as one to destroy this president. They have, in the process, infected about half of the adults of America with an insane rage that I’ve characterized a number of times as “a reprobate mind”—the same mindset described by theApostle Paul in Romans 1:28. In this sense, the new mainstream news media is far more effective than the big three that pretended to be independent of each other in trying to shape public opinion. This media today isas driven in its insane rage as are the left-wing, anti-God public they possess. And “possession” is what it amounts to, in my estimation. I can say this because at the black heart of this propagandist cabal is the chief minion of the underworld. And this is provable, biblically. Broadcast—at least as originally conceived and implemented—projected out over the airwaves. They were received by the antennae of those who tuned in to the news, entertainment programs, andcommercials. So, as the broadcast industry was foundational, that method—“over the air”—was the progenitor of this new mainstream media. This evil cabal, although fractionalized as being individual entities, is totally conjoined in delivering messages their master director wants delivered. That director is indeed the maestro—who, for the time being, is allowed to be infernal minister of propaganda to seduce and delude the rebellious among earth’s inhabitants. He is undertakingthat goal with a massive effort. Here is scriptural proof of his temporary right to his position as master of deluding all who will watch and listen: Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. (Ephesians2:2) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Satan is the prince of the power of the air. He is using that power in a literal way to seek out and devour as many as he can delude. He has, during this last three and a half years, managedto seduce and bring into his insane rage nearly half of the adult population of the United States of America, it appears. But the God of Heaven has not left us without defense against this evil prince and his media minions. God’s Word tells of this protection for the Christian—all who believe in Jesus Christfor salvation: Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) ******* While carrying out the Great Commission Jesus gave believers, we are, as Paul exhorted, to be “looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour JesusChrist” (Titus 2:13). Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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