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Friday, September 20, 2024


Hezbollah Says �All Red Lines Have Been Crossed� And There Will Be A Devastating Response To Israel�s �Declaration Of War� - by Michael Snyder - Even though a lot of people out there don�t seem to realize it yet, we are watching history in the making. Israel and Hezbollah have both been preparing for a final showdown for many years,and now here we are. I have a feeling that both sides have more surprises up their sleeves, and in the months ahead we are going to witness things that we have never seen before. Of course we have never seen thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies suddenlyexplode before either. During a speech that was delivered on Thursday, Hezbollah�s leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly declared that �all red lines have been crossed by the enemy�� Hezbollah�s leader has condemned Israel after thousands of pagers and walkie talkies exploded over two days, saying �all red lines have been crossed by the enemy� and that the deadly attacks �deserve a response�. Nasrallah also said that what we witnessed this week was a �declaration of war� by Israel� Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah declared Israel�s surprise pager and handheld radio attacks a �declaration of war� and dared the Jewish state to invade Lebanon. As he spoke, Israeli forcescarpet bombed the terror group�s strongholds. In a televised address Thursday, Nasrallah acknowledged that Hezbollah �received a heavy, painful blow,� saying that Israel�s decision to detonate scores of pagers and other electronic devicesearlier this week amounted to �a major aggression� that will not go unanswered. �These massacres amount to war crimes or a declaration of war,� Nasrallah said, promising �a crushing response from the axis of resistance.� It sounds like he is saying that Israel and Hezbollah are now officially at war. And of course that would be an accurate assessment of the current state of affairs. As Nasrallah was delivering his speech, Israeli forces were conducting airstrikes in southern Lebanon, and fighter jets were setting off sonic booms over Beirut� Israel launched a wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, moments before the militant group�s leader said two days of debilitating attacks on its members amountedto a declaration of war. The strikes Thursday were more extensive than in previous days and were timed to coincide with a televised speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was addressing a wave of deviceexplosions before cadres who were shocked by the scale of the attack. Israeli jets flew over Beirut, setting off sonic booms as they have done repeatedly in recent months in an effort to intimidate the group. Does Nasrallah actually believe that Hezbollah can win the coming war? He must realize that Israel has capabilities that his side does not. Once Israeli forces enter southern Lebanon, there will be no turning back and vast numbers of people will die. At this moment, additional Israeli units are on their way to the northern border� In a statement Wednesday, Israel�s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the �center of gravity� in the Israel-Hamas war was moving north to Lebanon. He said more military units and resourceswere being sent to the border. �This is not Hamas − we�re dealing with something different, and we need to prepare accordingly,� he said. I know that the Biden administration is still pushing for peace, but U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his minions are extremely incompetent. And Hezbollah has already stated that there will be no peace as long as the IDF is fighting in Gaza. On Thursday, Hezbollah continued to fire at targets inside northern Israel� The powerful Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah continued to strike what it called military targets in northern Israel Thursday after thousands of its members were injured and several killedin an apparent Israeli operation using exploding pagers and other communication devices. The Israel Defense Forces said it was striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon �to degrade Hezbollah�s terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.� �The Hezbollah terrorist organization has turned southern Lebanon into a combat zone. For decades, Hezbollah has weaponized civilian homes, dug tunnels beneath them, and used civilians ashuman shields,� the IDF said in a statement. �The IDF is operating to bring security to northern Israel in order to enable the return of residents to their homes, as well as to achieve of all of the war goals.� In response, the IDF hit more than 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers. The airstrikes that we witnessed on Thursday evening are being called �some of the most intense� that we have seen so far� Israel carried out dozens of strikes on Thursday across southern Lebanon, in what Lebanese security sources said were some of the most intense bombings since Hezbollah began daily cross-borderattacks on northern communities after the start of the Gaza war on October 7. The military said fighter jets had struck over 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon that were primed for immediate attacks on Israel. It said that in total, the launchers includedaround 1,000 launch barrels. This is going to end very badly. But most you knew that already. There are a couple of other things that I wanted to mention. Firstly, it is being reported that the pagers and walkie-talkies that exploded this week were actually made by shell companies that had been set up by the Israelis� The Israeli secret service didn�t just tamper with the deadly Hezbollah pagers � they made them from scratch, having set up a complex web of shell companies across Europe, it was claimed today. Initially it was suspected that Mossad had managed to intercept and plant tiny bombs in a shipment of the pagers headed for the Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon after thousands of peoplewere injured and dozens killed. But now it appears that the Israelis set up front companies across Europe to manufacture the pagers themselves, embedding small amounts of PETN explosive inside, ready to be detonated by acoded message. In particular, the New York Times is telling us that the pagers that exploded came from a Hungarian company that had been purposely set up to sell electronic equipment to Hezbollah� A report Thursday alleged that a Hungarian firm that apparently supplied pagers used by Hezbollah was secretly set up by Israeli spies as part of a widescale operation that appeared to culminatethis week when the devices exploded, killing several and maiming thousands of Hezbollah operatives and others in Lebanon and Syria. The New York Times claimed that rather than merely managing to tamper with the devices at some stage of their production or distribution, Israel actually �manufactured them as part of an elaborateruse.� On the other side, the Iranians have apparently been attempting to assassinate Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials� Iran plotted to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Shin Bet Director Ronen Bar, the Shin Bet, in cooperation with the police, announced on Thursday. Its efforts were particularly intense following the assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31, which most of the world has attributed to Mossad. However, Israelhas been careful not to take any credit for it. In addition, the Islamic Republic, at a somewhat more vague level, explored assassinating former prime minister Naftali Bennett and other top Israeli defense officials. The most alarming plot reportedly involved an Israeli businessman that was actually smuggled into Iran on multiple occasions� An Israeli businessman was smuggled into Iran to plot the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials, police and intelligence officials said Thursday,amid rising tensions over Trojan Horse attacks this week that killed dozens of Hezbollah fighters and civilians in Lebanon and wounded thousands more. The Israeli businessman wanted a million dollars in advance to help kill Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, but he only received 5,000 euros before he was finally arrested� The suspect was twice smuggled into Iran from Turkey to meet with Iranian intelligence officials, the Israeli statement said. He demanded $1 million in advance to help kill targets includingNetanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar − but received a paltry 5,000 Euros for his trouble before Israeli police arrested him last month. We are witnessing extreme chaos in the Middle East, but what we have seen so far is just the beginning. Once Israeli forces enter southern Lebanon, events are going to move very rapidly. Many will cheer the death and destruction, but the truth is that we should all grieve for every precious soul that passes into eternity. Sadly, there is no way out now. War is here, and it will soon escalate to a level that will shock the entire planet. ------------------------------------------------------- The Thrilling Mossad Operation That Just Plunged Hezbollah Into Chaos � By AmirTsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) � Shalom from Galilee! You know, sometimes you look at the events happening around you and all you can do is sit back and say, �Oh, my goodness.� I mean, seriously! If you�veread my thrillers, you know what a great fan I am of the Mossad and how highly I think of their skillset. But the events of Tuesday and Wednesday? Again, oh my goodness! It was 3:30 PM, Tuesday afternoon. All the Hezbollah leadership and mid-level guys were out doing their Hezbollahy things � buying some fruit, visiting family, torturing prisoners. Suddenly,their pagers went off. Yes, you read that right. Their pagers, just like what happens to millions of people every day all around the world, or at least it did back in the 90s. The message was an error code that kept the device beeping and vibrating for tenseconds. Some lifted their pagers up so they could read the code before clearing it. Others just figured there was a problem and cleared the code while the device remained on their belts. As soon as they pressed the clear button, the devices exploded. It was ugly. Many had their waists severely burned. Others had others parts of their nether regions seriously and permanently compromised. The ones who got the worst of it, though, were thosewho were trying to make out the numbers on the tiny LED screen. Many of them were blinded. Others lost their lives. It was the most direct, well-planned, and perfectly executed cyberstrike of the modern era. More than 4000 Hezbollah terrorists were woundedinitially, and at least 11 were killed. Four hundred of those wounded are in critical condition, more than 500 lost their eyesight, and 18 high-ranking terrorist commanders were injured. This all started with Hassan Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah, calling on his minions to abandon their cell phones, because they could be tracked. He encouraged them to go back to low tech communications,like pagers. So, the terrorist organization put in an order with a Taiwanese company who subbed the order out to a Hungarian company that just might have been tied in very deeply with the Mossad. Hungary, by the way, claims the devices were never in theircountry. But one way or another the order was fulfilled, with a free bonus to 5000 of the pagers � 20 grams of PETN explosives. Once completed, they shipped them to Lebanon where they were distributed to various levels of leadership. Soon, all the cool terroristswere sporting them on their belts. The run-of-the-mill terror-guys didn�t need them, because they just follow the orders of their bosses. Then came 3:30 PM, the alerts, and the explosions. It happened all across Lebanon and even into Syria. Lebanese terrorists were taken down. Some Syrians were hit. Even Iran�s ambassador toLebanon, Mojtaba Amani, lost an eye and had his other severely damaged. Strange that an Iranian ambassador would be carrying a Hezbollah pager, don�t you think? The Iranian connection goes even farther with the son of Ali Maruf Hejazi, the Iran Supreme Leader�srepresentative in Lebanon, seriously injured in both of his eyes when his Hezbollah pager blew up. Later in the day yesterday, Al-Hadath, a Saudi newspaper, reported that 19 members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed by the pagersin Syria and another 150 were injured. Back in Lebanon, it was chaos for Hezbollah. They had ditched their cell phones and now their pagers had blown up. Thankfully for the terrorists, many of the leaders who had survived the attackstill had their hand-held radios. They were large and a little clunky, but they kept them connected. Then Wednesday came, and it all started happening again. But this time, the explosions were bigger because those hand-held radios the terrorists still had were bigger. Bigger devices, more explosives. Sixty buildings, 15 cars, and dozens of motorcycleswere damaged or destroyed by the hundreds of blasts. First reports said that 14 people have been reported killed and more than 450 injured. Hezbollah is at a loss. Their communications have broken down. They�d try to send smoke signals, but they�re probablyconcerned that the Mossad somehow poisoned their wood to emit deadly fumes. They are truly at the point that Nineveh was when the prophet Nahum wrote that they are �empty, desolate, and waste! The heart melts, and the knees shake; much pain is in every side,and all their faces are drained of color.� That is a very apt description of many who are in Lebanon�s overfilled hospital rooms today. The details of how the intelligence agency (allegedly) pulled off this second feat remain murky. But it�s not the first time that Israeli intelligence assassinated someone by a hand-held device.In the early 1990s, Yahya Ayyash, Hamas bombmaker and head of Hamas�s West Bank division of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade, was a busy young man. Known as �the Engineer�, he was responsible for making bombs that killed dozens of Israelis in at least eightsuicide attacks. After a little arm-twisting, the Shin Bet convinced an acquaintance of Ayyash�s to get a certain cell phone into the hands of the terrorist so that they could listen in on his conversations. This acquaintance gave the device to his nephew,whose phone Ayyash would often borrow. Sure enough, Ayyash came by to use the nephew�s phone so he could call his father. After confirming that it was Ayyash on the line, the Shin Bet triggered 15 grams of RDX explosive that they had stashed inside the deviceand Ayyash was killed instantly. But this is the first time a cyberattack on communication devices was this widespread. The rigging of the pagers and the hand-held radios is truly an intelligence feat! As of this morning,the official numbers put the dead in the two attacks at 26 and the wounded somewhere well over 3000. The unofficial numbers, however, say that already a hundred are dead, many more are wounded than officials are reporting, and hundreds of terrorists are notexpected to survive. What other nation can you imagine pulling this off? Steve Yohn and I joked yesterday that some people thought we had crossed a line of believability when we put explosives into artwork inBy Way of Deception. That�s despite that plot being based on an actual attack on the Natanz nuclear facility when explosives were built into the framework of a desk that was then smuggled into the plant. But we both had to admit that loading mini bombs intothousands of pagers and walkie-talkies then having Hezbollah themselves distribute the deadly devices to their own people was beyond even our wild imaginations. And that�s just from the information that we know. Even as I�m writing this, reports are comingin that the order may have been taken by a European-based Israeli shell company, which would mean that Hezbollah actually paid Israel for all the devices that exploded. Not long after, a Bulgarian newspaper reported that a company in Sofia called Norta GlobalLtd sent the pagers. We may never know the full truth. What I do know is that as a writer and an Israeli, I am giving my government and my intelligence agencies an awe-filled standing ovation. As an Israeli, however, I am also pleading with my government to go into the north immediately. Hezbollah has been greatly weakened. They are afraid of their communications systems. Theirleaders are wounded or dead. Now is the time to finish off Hezbollah for the sakes of the Israelis and the Lebanese. I know that there is pressure coming from the United States. The last thing the Harris campaign wants is an expanded battle during Biden�stenure. But Mr. Prime Minister, you know that it has to be done! We must push hard today, so that we don�t have to push hard tomorrow. This is despite the fact that so many are against us, including the fools at the United Nations who just voted 124-14 todeny Israel of its right to self-defense in Gaza and the West Bank. I was very encouraged Tuesday, when I heard that resituating northern Israeli residents back into their homes was added to the official war goals. Of course, that can only happen when Hezbollahis disarmed and pushed out of southern Lebanon. I was also hearted when I learned late last night that the Israeli cabinet granted Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant the green light to take military action against Hezbollah, even if it leads to all-outwar. I understand the risk. It was a difficult week for Israel. In Rafah on Tuesday, four young Israeli soldiers lost their lives. Capt. Daniel Mimon Toaff, 23, Staff Sgt. Amit Bakri, 21, StaffSgt. Dotan Shimon, 21, and Staff Sgt. Agam Naim, 20, were killed in Rafah when there was an explosion in the building they were in. Agam Naim, a paramedic and the first female killed in combat in Gaza, was only two days away from going on leave. Our heartsbreak for their families. Pushing hard in the north is going to cost more lives. I know, I have children in active service and in the reserves. But it must be done if we are ever going to have peace. According to Ezekiel 38, when Russia comes down with Turkey, Iran, and her other allies, Lebanon and Syria will not be part of the attack. I believe Syria will be out of the fight becausethey�ll be dealing with the destruction of Damascus as spoken of by the prophet Isaiah: The burden against Damascus. �Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap� (Isaiah 17:1). What Lebanon is facing right now could possibly be the reason why they are irrelevant. Unfortunately, a fight against Hezbollah means a fight against Lebanon, because the country has allowedthe terrorist organization to become so imbedded into their infrastructure. If Israel is forced to fight tooth and nail to destroy Hezbollah, the country could end up in shambles. Let�s pray that the Lord intervenes, the guilty receive justice, and the innocentare allowed to live in peace, whether they live in Israel or in Lebanon. ----------------------------------------------------- The Existential War That Is Rapidly Escalating In The Middle East Will Be Far More Horrible Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine- by Michael Snyder - What we just witnessed in the Middle East shocked the entire globe. Sadly, a lot more death and destruction is coming. Whether they are both willing to admit it or not, the truth is that Israeland Hezbollah are at war. It is just a limited war for now, but it is only a matter of time before it escalates into an �all-out war� that kills vast numbers of people on both sides. It doesn�t take much imagination to figure out how this ends. When thereis an existential conflict that involves two parties which absolutely refuse to back down, only one party is ultimately going to survive. Unfortunately, most people have absolutely no idea what is coming. It appears that we may have already reached a point of no return. After the attack that occurred on Tuesday, Hezbollah will be more determined to wipe out Israel than ever before� At about 3:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday, pagers started heating up and then exploding in the pockets and hands of those carrying them � particularly in a southern Beirut suburb and the Beqaaregion of eastern Lebanon where Hezbollah has a strong presence, and in Damascus, where several Hezbollah members were wounded, Lebanese security officials and a Hezbollah official said. The Hezbollah official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasnot authorized to talk to the press. When I first heard about this, it sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. Apparently the pagers that exploded had been recently purchased by Hezbollah� The pagers that exploded had been newly acquired by Hezbollah after the group�s leader ordered members to stop using cell phones, warning they could be tracked by Israeli intelligence. A Hezbollahofficial told The Associated Press the pagers were a new brand the group had not used before. So how in the world did Israel pull this off? As I write this article, there are two main theories that are being floated� It�s not currently clear exactly how the explosions happened. Two main theories are being bandied about by security experts. Some believe Israel, through its shadow Mossad intelligence agency,managed to send out a mass cyberattack that overheated the lithium ion batteries of the pagers. Others believe Mossad was able to slip into Hezbollah�s supply chain, sneaking explosive material into the pagers as they were manufactured, which would later be triggered by a mass messageto the devices. It seems unlikely that simply overheating the lithium ion batteries of the pagers could have caused the immense devastation that we witnessed. At least one news source is claiming that the Mossad was somehow able to implant explosive material inside the devices before they were delivered to Hezbollah� Sky News Arabia quotes sources saying that today�s large-scale pager attack in Lebanon was possible because the Mossad spy agency got hold of Hezbollah�s communication devices before theywere handed over to the terror group. The Israeli spy agency placed a quantity of PETN, a highly explosive material, on the batteries of the devices, and detonated them by raising the temperature of the batteries from afar, thesource says. I think that all of us will be looking at our electronic devices differently from this point forward. When they woke up on Tuesday, thousands of Hezbollah militants had no idea that they were about to be maimed by the pagers that they were carrying around� Video footage from inside a Beirut supermarket appears to show the moment Israel sent out its deadly message. A Hezbollah attacker was seen confusedly lifting his shirt up at a supermarket after getting a message on his pager, which lit up. He stared at it for a second before it detonated, collapsing him in an instant as supermarket workers and fellow shoppers panicked and fled. After the explosions occurred, local hospitals were soon overwhelmed by the injured and the dying� Another video showed patients writhing on the floor in agony as medical staff try desperately to treat them. White bandages can be seen wrapped around the limbs of people inside a hospital, with doctors� white coats covered in blood as they try to get through the throng of people inside the medicalinstitution. Men, women and children can be heard howling in agony, while doctors and nurses try to shout over the noise to communicate with each other. As I write this article, it is being reported that 11 people are dead and approximately 4,000 more have been wounded� Lebanon�s health ministry updates the death toll in the pager explosions to 11. Another 4,000 are wounded, including 400 in critical condition, according to ministry numbers cited by Arabic-language media. After what we just witnessed, the conflict should be over. If Hezbollah was smart, they would throw in the towel and pull their forces north of the Litani River. But that isn�t going to happen. Instead, the thirst for revenge will just be even stronger than it was before. Of course Israel is not going to back down either. There are approximately 100,000 Israelis that have not been able to return to their homes in northern Israel for months, and Hezbollah continues to strike targets in Israeli territory on aregular basis. So it appears that the IDF will soon be conducting a major military operation in southern Lebanon� Israel has for months warned that it could launch a military operation to drive Hezbollah away from its border. Orna Mizrachi, a former Israeli national security official, said in a call with reporters that the pager attack could signal that Israel is about to change its Gaza war strategy, where ithas been fighting Hamas for almost a year, and move its main front to the north to fight Hezbollah. There are some experts that are suggesting that Israel may initiate such an operation before the U.S. presidential election in November. If an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah erupts, it is going to make the Biden/Harris administration look really bad, and it will likely cost Kamala Harris thousands of Muslim votesin Michigan and other swing states. Needless to say, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not want Kamala Harris to win the election. But when all-out war erupts, Israel isn�t just going to be fighting Hezbollah. For years, Iran has been arming groups throughout the region �for this very showdown�� The Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shiite militias in Syria and Iraq, and the terrorist organizations in Gaza, Judea and Samaria � for years Iran has been equipping its allies forthis very showdown. If all of Israel�s enemies unite, IDF forces will quickly find themselves outnumbered. But of course Israel possesses technology that the other side does not. When push comes to shove, both sides will try to absolutely crush one another, and that will be truly horrifying to watch. When I write about �apocalyptic� wars, I am not exaggerating one bit. It would be in everyone�s best interest for opposing sides to step back from the brink in the Middle East, in Ukraine, and elsewhere. The wars that are in our future are going to involve weapons of unthinkable destructive power, and those wars are going to be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine. ---------------------------------- Middle East Apocalypse: Israel Is Preparing For An All-Out Confrontation With Hezbollah In The Near Future - by Michael Snyder - After months of waiting, it appears that an all-out war in the Middle East is now very close. It is being reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes that an “all-outconfrontation with Hezbollah” has become inevitable, and he has instructed the IDF to prepare for a “broad campaign” in Lebanon. There are approximately 100,000 Israelis that have been unable to return to their homes in northern Israel for months, and Netanyahuhas become convinced that the only way that they can be safely returned to their homes is to force Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon. But of course Hezbollah will not go willingly. In fact, Hezbollah has warned that there will be “all-out war” if IDF forcesattempt to enter southern Lebanon. Unfortunately, any hope for a peaceful resolution appears to be gone and we are being told that the Israeli government has decided to launch a military operation in southern Lebanon “as soonas international legitimacy and IDF manpower” allow for it. The following comes from a Times of Israel article entitled “PM said to warn Israel faces ‘large-scale confrontation’ with Hezbollah in near future”… According to Channel 13 news, Netanyahu believes that Israel is headed for an inevitable all-out confrontation with Hezbollah, as a diplomatic solution that could bring an end to the near-dailycross-border clashes with the Lebanese terror group remains elusive. Citing an unnamed Netanyahu associate, Channel 13 reported that no timeline had been established for the expected confrontation, which has been promised by top officials for months, and assuch, it could be in weeks or months from now. The assessment that the skirmishes with Hezbollah on the northern border, which have led to the displacement of tens of thousands of Israelis, would not be solved through a diplomatic solutionwas shared by the security chiefs, the report stated, and as such it was agreed that a military operation should be launched as soon as international legitimacy and IDF manpower allowed for it. So many people are going to die on both sides. But it has become clear that nobody will ever be able to persuade Hezbollah to stop firing at targets in northern Israel. So a decision has been made that it is time to take action. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has been against a military campaign in southern Lebanon, and there are reports that he may soon be fired by Netanyahu… There is currently widespread speculation in Israeli media that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon terminate Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, which would constitute a monumental reshuffleof his cabinet. The two have reportedly been clashing over war strategy, especially on what to do about the crisis in northern Israel, an area which has come under daily rocket and drone attack from Lebanese Hezbollah. “The drafts of the agreement have already been drawn up … Netanyahu is preparing for Gallant’s dismissal in the near future … Galant will be fired by Netanyahu,” Israeli news outlet Ynet reportedMonday. Gallant is reportedly wanting to avoid immediate escalation of the war with Hezbollah in the north, reportedly clashing with the army’s Northern Command chief Ori Gordin, who is calling forthe government to approve a large-scale operation in Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. It is very difficult to succeed when everyone is not pulling in the same direction. Either Gallant has to go or Gordin has go to. And it appears that Gallant is going to be the one that will be forced out. But I do not expect the IDF to launch a military operation in southern Lebanon quite yet. Netanyahu is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly later this month, and during that address I expect him to publicly make his case for military action against Hezbollah… Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to travel to the United States later this month to deliver an address to the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 27, his office announcedon Sunday. The Israeli premier is slated to leave for New York on Sept. 24 for meetings with world leaders on the sidelines of the event, according to the statement. Netanyahu is to address the 79th Session of the U.N. General Assembly three days later, on Friday afternoon, and fly back that Sunday. I do not think that all-out war will erupt before Netanyahu delivers that speech. But it may come fairly soon afterwards. Interestingly, this will be the first time that Netanyahu has spoken to the UN General Assembly after the Palestinians were granted a seat among the member states… Palestinians took a seat among member states at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, a new right accorded to the Palestinian Authority’s delegation despite it not being a full member of thebody. In May, an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly asserted that Palestinians deserved full membership, a move that has been blocked by the United States, which along with Israel saysrecognition of Palestinian statehood must come through a peace agreement. The General Assembly granted the delegation certain new rights in a resolution, which still excludes it from being able to vote or be a member of the Security Council. The coming war is going to be absolutely horrifying. In the aftermath of the war, I expect that there will be a full-fledged Palestinian state and that they will be given full membership at the United Nations. Needless to say, that will have enormous implications for all of us. But before we get to that, the entire region is going to be facing an apocalyptic war. You see, the truth is that Israel isn’t just going to be fighting Hezbollah. Israel will be fighting an alliance of Islamic nations and terror groups, and more fighters are pouring into the region with each passing day. In fact, it is being reported that large numbers of Houthi fighters have been arriving in Syria… A Houthi source confirmed the arrival of Houthi fighters from Yemen to Syrian territory, according to reports. The confirmation comes after a Syrian source told i24NEWS’ Hebrew channel that the Iran-backed Yemeni group was on its way to Israel’s border with Syria in the Golan Heights. The Yemeni armed group claimed that “this is a prelude to a new phase of escalation against Israel.” Both sides are preparing for war, and this is going to be the sort of war where both sides don’t hold anything back. The death and destruction that we will witness will shock the entire globe. We have been warned that this war would be coming for a very long time, and now we are almost there. So many lives have already been lost since last October, and now the entire Middle East stands right on the brink of a complete and utter nightmare. ----------------------------------- We Are On The Verge Of �The Big War� In The Middle East, And Behind The Scenes Someone Is Smiling- by Michael Snyder - After what we have witnessed the past few days, there is no turning back. Both sides are making final preparations for all-out war, and soon the Middle East will erupt in flames. Almost ayear ago, a lot of people out there didn�t believe me when I explained that the conflict between Israel and Hamas would eventually evolve into �the big war� in the Middle East. But now there is no denying what is happening. We really are on the brink of theunthinkable, and as you will see at the end of this article, behind the scenes someone is very happy because things are going exactly as he had hoped. If you tried to write a movie script based on the events that have transpired in the Middle East this week, everyone would reject it for being way too unrealistic. On Tuesday, thousands ofHezbollah militants were maimed when their pagers exploded, and on Wednesday it was being reported that thousands of �walkie-talkies, solar panels and fingerprint recognition devices� that belonged to members of Hezbollah also exploded� Thousands of walkie-talkies, solar panels and fingerprint recognition devices used by Hezbollah fighters have detonated across Lebanon, killing 14 and wounding hundreds of people includingmourners at a funeral, witnesses and security sources have reported. The second wave of carnage comes a day after thousands of exploding pagers used by the group left almost 3,000 people injured and a dozen dead, including civilians and children. Security sources have now confirmed that hand-held radios were purchased by Hezbollah five months ago, at around the same time as the compromised pagers. Lebanese media has also reported thathome solar energy systems have blown up in several areas of Beirut. We have never seen anything like this before, and we will probably never see anything like this ever again. On Wednesday, explosions were going off all over Lebanon, and that was especially true in the city of Beirut� Hezbollah�s Al Manar TV reported explosions in multiple areas of Lebanon, and a Hezbollah official told the Associated Press that walkie-talkies used by the group exploded as part of blastsheard in Beirut. Ali Hashem, a journalist based in Lebanon, wrote on X: �Another round of blasts in different areas around south Lebanon and Beirut southern suburb. Devices in cars, motorcycles, and people�shands are exploding.� It comes after videos from Beirut�s southern suburbs showed people lying on the pavement with wounds on their hands or near their trouser pockets. Can you imagine the paranoia that members of Hezbollah must be feeling right now? After everything that has happened, they have got to be wondering what devices will explode next. I have no idea how any of them can possibly watch the news in peace knowing that the television could be the next thing to go off. Apparently the walkie-talkies that exploded on Wednesday were originally made by a company in Japan� A Reuters reporter in the southern suburbs of Beirut said he saw Hezbollah members frantically taking out the batteries of any walkie-talkies on them that had not exploded, tossing the partsin metal barrels around them. Images of the exploded walkie-talkies examined by Reuters showed an inside panel labeled �ICOM� and �Made in Japan.� According to its website, ICOM is a Japan-based radio communications andtelephone company. I really wish that both sides would decide that enough is enough and would sit down at the negotiating table. But that isn�t going to happen. After thousands of pagers exploded on Tuesday, Hezbollah responded by launching rockets into Israel� Hezbollah has launched its first rocket attack on targets inside Israel after pager blasts left almost 3,000 wounded and 12 dead in Lebanon and Syria, with the militant group vowing retaliation. Iran, which backs the group, has condemned Israel as being responsible for the blasts, which it labelled �mass murder� and amount to the biggest security breach in Hezbollah�s history. And Israel is �pivoting its efforts toward the northern border� as it prepares for a final showdown with Hezbollah� Israeli political and defense officials ramped up their rhetoric on Wednesday indicating the IDF would be pivoting its efforts toward the northern border in a �new phase� of the war, amidescalating tensions with Hezbollah following widespread attacks on Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon attributed to Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, IDF chief Herzi Halevi and other officials all issued statements Wednesday evening which appeared to suggest a full-on warwith Hezbollah was brewing, hours after a wave of explosions of walkie-talkies and other communications devices used by Hezbollah members across Lebanon caused widespread casualties, echoing a similar attack a day earlier that targeted Hezbollah-issued pagers. But I don�t expect Israel to go into southern Lebanon quite yet. As I discussed the other day, I think that Israel will wait until after Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly at the end of this month. Speaking of the UN General Assembly, they just passed a resolution that very strongly condemns Israel� On Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly approved a Palestinian resolution urging sanctions and an arms embargo against Israel. The proposal also included a demand from the PalestinianAuthority for Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza within a year. The resolution passed with 124 countries in favor, 14 against, and 43 abstentions. It�s important to note that General Assembly resolutions are non-binding and will not directly leadto actions or sanctions against Israel. Israel�s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, condemned the vote, saying, �This is a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority�s diplomatic terrorism. Instead of marking the anniversaryof the October 7 massacre by condemning Hamas and calling for the release of all 101 of the remaining hostages, the General Assembly continues to dance to the music of the Palestinian Authority, which backs the Hamas murderers.� Everything that is happening is making one particular individual in the Middle East very happy. For years, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has watched Iran systematically spread Shiite Islam throughout the Middle East. This has greatly distressed Mohammed bin Salman and other Saudi leaders, because they intend for their brand of Sunni Islam to dominate the globe. If Israel is able to defeat the Iranians and their allies in this war, that would greatly please the Saudis, because it would fundamentally change the balance of power in their favor. Of course there will also be a tremendous global outcry for a Palestinian state once this war is over, and that is another major geopolitical goal for the Saudis� Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday said the kingdom would not recognise Israel without a Palestinian state and strongly condemned the �crimes of the Israeli occupation� againstthe Palestinian people. �The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and we affirm that the kingdom will not establishdiplomatic relations with Israel without that,� the crown prince, known as MbS, said. The Saudis are just going to sit back and watch the Israelis do all the hard work, and then afterwards they are going to get the Palestinian state that they have always wanted. But ultimately, the unprecedented chaos that is ahead of us will not be good for anyone. We are entering a time of war, economic trouble, global food shortages and great political turmoil. Global events are building up to a grand crescendo, and it won�t be too long before things start getting really, really wild. -------------------------- World Waits For Hezbollah Response To Israel's James Bond-Style Attacks - By The events this week in Lebanon sound like they were taken out of a James Bond movie, as sabotaged pagers used by Hezbollah exploded simultaneously across the country, killing 12 and injuringsome 3,000 people, the vast majority of whom were members of the terror organization. This was followed up with an additional attack the next day that killed 20 and injured another 450 as hand-held walkie-talkies being used as backups also exploded. These devices were partof the terror group's emergency communications systems that were supposed to be used during a conflict with the Israel Defense Forces. Experts believe that Israeli security apparatuses were able to access Hezbollah's supply chain, plant the explosives and wait for an opportune time to detonate the devices remotely. This representsan unprecedented breach of Hezbollah's communication system and a reminder of Israel's advanced technological capabilities, which the terror group is well aware of. Just a few months ago, Hassan Nasrallah, its secretary-general, warned his men not to use cell phones as he believed that Israel's ability to monitor cellular communications is the primaryway it has been able to accurately target and assassinate many Hezbollah members in the past months. It appears that Israel had access to more than just communication devices. Its decision to detonate the sabotaged pager devices was a response to Hezbollah's attempt to assassinate the formerIsrael Defense Forces chief of staff Aviv Kochavi, foiled just days ago. Hezbollah, on its part, was quick to point to Israel as the perpetrator of the large-scale attack and vowed to retaliate. According to Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of IDF Military Intelligence's Research and Assessment Division and a senior research fellow at the Misgav Institute for NationalSecurity and Zionist Strategy, the ball is now in Hezbollah's court. "Based on that, we'll see how this moves forward," said Kuperwasser, who is also a senior research fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs. Hezbollah's range of options ranges from the minor all the way up to a large-scale attack on Israel, he said, adding that Israel is prepared for all scenarios. If a full-scale war does break out, he said, Israel will now be in an improved starting position to create a new reality in southern Lebanon. A large-scale Hezbollah attack "could give Israel justification for an operation" in Southern Lebanon, he said. He noted however that "Israel can do this without any further justification,since Hezbollah has been attacking northern Israel without stop." Still, he assessed, a broad Hezbollah attack in response to an incident for which Israel maintained deniability could provide clearer justification for an Israeli operation in southern Lebanon. Rami Igra, a former senior official with Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, told JNS that if Israel was involved in the incident, "What's important is where this leads. Is it another roundin the ping-pong game between Israel and Hezbollah--and if so it is worthless--or a prelude to a more significant confrontation?" Igra emphasized that Hezbollah's military-terrorist capacity remains largely intact. "Nothing significant has happened to Hezbollah's capability vis-a-vis the 150,000 missiles and Radwan forceson the Israeli border," he argued. Igra warned that failing to address the Hezbollah threat now could lead to greater consequences down the road. "The lesson from Oct. 7 shows that when we fail to deal with a threat today, we will pay a much higher price downthe line," he said. Israel cannot afford to allow Hezbollah to continue unchecked, he added. "Would a war in the north be simple? It seems not, but if we do not deal with it today, we will deal with it tomorrow, and what we do not pay today, we will pay double tomorrow," he said."I very much hope this was the beginning and not the end." According to Cmdr. (res.) Eyal Pinko, a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University and a former Israeli Navy officer, Tuesday's attack was highly sophisticatedand likely took more than a year of planning. Speaking during a video call organized by the Jerusalem Press Club, Pinko said the sophistication of the attack lies in the intelligence operation rather than the technology. "Hezbollah is the largest drug baron in South America. Most of the drugs that are coming to the US, to Canada, to Europe are coming from Colombia and Mexico by Hezbollah," Pinko explained,creating an infrastructure to purchase pagers. "If Hezbollah wants to buy these kinds of beepers or any other communication measures, they need some kind of straw company, they buy it for some kind of company, and from there it goes to Lebanon," he said. "It'sa huge network, and of course, it's using the Quds Force of Iran. It's a whole supply chain." The former naval officer also emphasized that Hezbollah's senior command structure had likely been affected by the recent events. "Probably what is happening now in Hezbollah is that all the command structure from, let's say, the rank of lieutenant colonel in a regular military to the generals, are severely wounded;some of them are already dead," he said. This, he added, presents a potential opening for Israeli military action, though he expressed doubt that Israel would seek to escalate the situation. Nasrallah has said for months that Hezbollah is not interested in escalating the ongoing fighting with Israel to an all-out war. He will now need to come up with a retaliation to answer amixture of conditions regarding the nature of the target, its geographic location and the appropriate weapon to hit it with--in a way that will send Israel a fierce message without creating a deterioration in the situation. Finding this appropriate "Goldilocks" retaliation is increasingly tricky as Hezbollah finds itself confronting an Israeli rival that is less and less willing to contain such attacks. The Israeligovernment faces rising domestic pressure from both the public and the military command to take a much more aggressive approach against Hezbollah's attacks on northern Israel. The government's recent decision to formally include the return of civilians totheir homes in the north as a war objective should also be seen as a sign of its new focus. Nasrallah should be closely watching Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is traditionally seen as risk-aversive. Netanyahu's recent aggressive approach towards the United Statesand his rejection of any potential diplomatic attempt to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon reflect his intentions to continue the military campaign despite the risk of further escalation and widening of the war. Nonetheless, many analysts believe Israel will heed Washington's call not to escalate the conflict. Still, Nasrallah must consider that the domestic political pressures on Netanyahu, alongwith his tense relations with Washington, could lead him to order to widen the campaign against Hezbollah. Furthermore, Nasrallah should consider the possibility that due to the upcoming presidential election in the United States, Israel might see the current timing as an opportunity to attackHezbollah, believing that the Democrats need to secure the Jewish vote which will force Washington to stand by Israel. The combination of Israel's intelligence superiority, as demonstrated in the "pagers attack", the rising domestic pressure to deal with Hezbollah "once and for all," and the possibility ofa weakened American restraining factor on the Israeli decision-makers puts Nasrallah on the spot--as one step in the wrong direction could cost Hezbollah, and Lebanon as a whole, dearly. After the 2006 war with Israel, Nasrallah later admitted that had he known the attack he had authorized on the Israeli border would lead to an all-out war, he would never have approved it.Let us hope that he remembers that lesson. -------------------------------------- -----------------------

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