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Friday, September 27, 2024

The real threat

 The real threat - Bill Wilson – Former President Donald Trump has survived two assassination attempts. Each time opponents have condemned the acts and said that the political temperature must be dialed down. Yet, they heatit up with the same divisive rhetoric. Joe Biden told the nation after the first attempt, “Our politics must never be a literal battlefield, and God forbid, a killing field…We stand for an America not of extremism and fury, but of decency and grace.” KamalaHarris said after the second attempt, “As we gather the facts, I will be clear: I condemn political violence. We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence. I am thankful that former President Trump is safe.” But who isdog whistling more violence? On many occasions since Biden and Harris took office, they have used political rhetoric that encourages the type of third world violence we have witnessed against Trump. A main DemocraticParty campaign theme has been that Trump is a threat to Democracy, wants to be a dictator, compares with Hitler, and that he and his supporters are extremists. Just days before the first assassination attempt on Trump, Biden said it was time to put Trump ina bullseye. In fact, Democratic Party campaign tweets said “Trump Parrots Hitler” and used Trump’s and Hitler’s faces juxtaposed with quotes from each. Never mind that Trump’s quotes were taken out of context. The mainstream news media has amplified the rhetoricrepeatedly. Hollywood leftists are quoted ad nauseum parroting the Hitler theme. Democratic elected officials are quoted repeatedly saying that Trump supporters are extremists and that Trump is a threatto Democracy. The theme has been constant. And when called out on it, Democratic Party propaganda shills like the Washington Post, blame it on Trump, implying that his rhetoric is what has caused all the violence. In a September 18 article, the WashingtonPost wrote: “Trump is blaming his Democratic opponents, declaring this week, as Sunday’s incident is still under investigation that “their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at”…there is no evidence that Vice President Kamala Harris or President Joe Biden specificallyinspired the attack.” The Post then wrote how Trump has “often used incendiary language to describe his rivals.” There is one thing that is true—Trump is a threat to the Democratic Party’s form of “democracy.” It is a dangerous path to totalitarianism. Just look at how the “democrats” selected theirpresidential candidate—they essentially fomented a coup against a sitting president and installed a replacement who received absolutely no primary votes. That is a strong indicator. Also, the history of assassinations in communist countries against opponentsof those in charge is commonplace with the incumbents always denouncing political violence while claiming their opponents want to destroy “democracy.” The pattern is undeniable. And it is here in America today. As the Lord said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heedthat no man deceive you.” What these politicians accuse others of doing, they themselves are doing. Who, therefore, is the real threat?

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