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Friday, September 20, 2024

Kamala’s propaganda policy page -

 Kamala’s propaganda policy page - - Bill Wilson – The day before her debate with Donald Trump, Kamala Harris released her policy statements at titled “A New Way Forward.” Her new way forward is much like the old way backward,cloaking extreme leftist ideas in words that give images of working middle class ideals. In essence, it’s a propaganda policy page where in every instance the extreme Democratic Party positions are made to sound like great American concepts that promote wealth,financial security and social freedom. In reality, these extreme policies lead to socialistic bondage under a Marxist philosophy. In reading through her policy statement, she has made it sound like eutopia when the devil is truly in the details. Harris has been in office with Joe Biden since the beginning. How is it that a day before her debate with Trump she comes up with new forward-thinking policies to solve the problems that sheand Biden created? For example, she has a platform plank “Secure our borders and fix our broken immigration system.” She was put in charge of fixing the border problem that Biden and her created by inviting illegal aliens to cross the borders. When it becamean intolerable situation, she blamed it on Trump, did nothing to stop the influx of illegal entrants, and lied to the American people that the problem was solved. She says she believes in “tough, smart solutions to secure the border.” She also states, “sheknows the immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security.” If only words were solutions… Her ideas on banning private gun ownership are also couched in dog-whistle language to the extremists who will vote for her. She states she “won’t stop fighting so that Americans have thefreedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools, communities, and places of worship.” Interesting, don’t we already “have the freedom to live safe from gun violence”? It’s not our freedom that is the issue, it is the criminal and mental state of thosewho commit gun violence. Yet, Harris wants to continue banning guns, requiring government background checks, and establish red flag laws to “keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.” That would include former military and Christians because DemocraticParty leaders believe patriots and Christians are dangerous. Plus she wants to use the same controls that don’t work in the most controlled areas. She uses the phrase “Americans should have the freedom to…” several times. In each case, she is enumerating freedoms that we already have. Then she states how her government will take awayfreedoms of the regular citizen to curb gun violence or drug problems or border security. Instead of addressing the criminals, her policies are to expand government control over all citizens, hoping to catch in the wide net the bad guys too. This is nothingshort of Marxism and the propaganda paints a picture where government, not God can solve all the problems. The Communist Manifesto says, “But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on anew basis.” God in Exodus 20:3 says, “Thou shalt have no other god’s before me.” Sources:

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