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Friday, September 20, 2024

Kamala’s brand of freedom

 Kamala’s brand of freedom - Bill Wilson – Kamala Harris talks a lot about freedom in her policy page “A New Way Forward.” Her policy page says, “Vice President Harris’ fight for our future is also a fight for freedom. In this election,many fundamental freedoms are at stake: the freedom to make your own decisions about your own body without government interference; the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride; and the freedom that unlocks all the others: the freedom to vote.” Theseso-called freedoms are the exact things that put people in bondage, which Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Each of Harris’ freedoms are entangledwith sin. The freedom to make your own decisions about your own body without government interference is about killing the unborn. Harris wants to make a universal law that allows all abortion. She vowsto overturn the Supreme Court’s decision to turn the abortion laws over to the states. She says this has resulted in women “miscarrying in parking lots” and “losing the ability to ever have children again.” Of course, there are no names connected with thisclaim or reasons why, but Harris to says that abortion should be legal to protect healthcare of women and allow them to grow their families. How do you grow families by killing your babies? The government has a duty to protect life. Beyond government, God’slaw is to choose life. Choosing death is a place of bondage. The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride is using a simplistic saying to promote the entire sodomy agenda. These are code words for promoting the most destructive sexual agendain history. This a policy statement that leaves the door open for grooming young children to become entangled in the morass of sexual deviancy and mental sickness. These people have stated repeatedly that they are coming after your children. They want to teachconfusion. They want to promote sodomy as normal. They want to convince your children that they are a gender other than the one they are born with. And they will use the bully pulpit of academia and policy to do it. These are the very underpinnings of destroyingfamilies and the structure of society. Author confusion wherever possible to gain control of a people and put them in untenable bondage. Finally, Harris wants “the freedom that unlocks all the others: the freedom to vote.” In this constitutional republic only qualified voters are allowed to vote in a presidential election.Those requirements are one must be 18 years of age, an American citizen, meet their state’s residency requirements, and be registered to vote. There are three areas that will control whether there are guarantees of voter freedom: Whether a state requires voteridentification to vote; if voter rolls are up to date; and if ballots can be authenticated. Herein is where those who are eligible to vote are not disenfranchised by those who vote illegally. But Harris and the Democratic Party stand against all these measuresto ensure voter integrity. Overall, to support the Harris agenda is to support bringing Americans under bondage. It’s, say it with me, Stupidocrisy. Sources: ------------------------------------------- Kamala�s propaganda policy page - Part II - Bill Wilson � Americans have suffered through over three years of uncontrollable inflation. Housing, energy, fuel, water, and food prices have soared anywhere from 20-100 percent. It is estimated that theaverage household has lost 30% of its purchasing power during the Biden-Harris Administration. As Vice President Kamala Harris may not be directly responsible for this tragedy, but she is complicit and guilty of it by matter of her strong advocacy for thesepolicies. Policies that began with Joe Biden�s first week in office when through executive order he set out to destroy America�s energy and oil industry by regulating them out of business. Climate change, administrative laws, border policy are among the contributingfactors. Marxism seeks to place government in control of the entirety of the population. In communist countries, the government controls housing, food pricing and distribution, energy consumption andeven moral acts. If the government can dictate whether a citizen has a home, can eat, has appropriate heating and cooling, healthcare and citizen behavior, it is a dictatorship, the antithesis of the American ideal. In that, those who are faithful to the governmentare the ones who get the benefits of a government. It destroys the backbone of a free economy�the middle class. This is the circumstance that all Americans are facing today. It is highly unlikely that any true American would embrace this. However, there isa 40-47% of the citizenry that will believe the propaganda that their moral duty is to those who are destroying them. Kamala Harris is not remotely saying that these policies are harming people. In her �A New Way Forward� policy statement she is, instead, embracing more of the same destructive edicts. Notonce is inflation mentioned, but throughout she is doubling down on the causes of America�s current descent. From climate change to government housing to healthcare to government jobs to education to government �investment� in housing and businesses to taxingunrealized income, she is presenting the case for government control of every man, woman and child. Another four years of this kind of governing, the freedom of Americans and the foundation of the Constitutional Republic will be unrecognizable. She mentions freedom no less than 11 times in this short document. The propaganda is aimed at making Americans believe the government is giving freedom through these policies. There is nothingfurther from the truth. The opportunities she mentions are government granted. In her vision, the administrative state will continue to grow. Inflation will continue to increase. Jobs creation will be at taxpayer expense. Health, food, fuel, electric and housingwill continue under the tightening grip of government control. The education system will teach that this way is the morally right way and those who dissent are wishing to destroy �democracy.� Government is not God. Ephesians 5:6 says, �Let no man deceive youwith vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.� Take heed.

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