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Friday, September 27, 2024

End-times Ethnic Eruption

 End-times Ethnic Eruption – Terry James - The satanically spawned Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, seems to have opened in a major way an end-of-the-age Tribulation stage-setting prophecy. Jesus Himself gave the prophecy as part of the Olivet Discourse while sitting with His disciples overlooking the Temple Mount: And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation… (Matthew 24:6–7). The prophecy we need to look at in this fascinating time in history is Jesus’ statement that “nation will rise against nation” in an unprecedented way just before He returns to set up HisMillennial Kingdom on earth. When giving only a cursory glance at these words, we think that, yes, that’s certainly true. Many a nation has risen against another nation just during the past several decades. There have been many wars, and other wars are looming.But, is this the kind of “nation against nation” reference Jesus specifically gave? To answer this, we must look at the Greek language–the language from which the New Testament was translated into English. Jesus was in actuality saying these uprisings would be unusual inthat they would be based in ethnos–the Greek word for “nation.” They would be ethnic in origin. They would pit ethnic, or racial, group against ethnic group. It is equally true that ethnic factors have been the cause of many wars throughout the centuries. The Arabs and Jews–as a matter of fact, many ethnic peoples against the Jews—marked the conflictsof Old Testament times. Almost without exception, those early wars were “ethnic” in origin. Things haven’t changed. Arabs and Jews still have the ethnos factor at the heart of their differences. And, never in history has the conflict been more virulent. Israel is hated like no otherpeople—and by almost all of the nations of the world. The Islamic nations—mostly Arab—are blood-vowed to push the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea and wipe the Jewish race from the planet. Some Arab leaders of the past and other leaders–e.g., Iranian leaders—continueto want all Jews expunged from the region, and even off the planet, as we hear incessantly through their protesting US college-campus minions. They have made it their national policy through their oratorical invectives. There have been conflicts in the centuryjust passed involving peoples of the Caucuses, the Balkans, etc., and horrific slaughters in Africa and other places–all based upon ethnic differences. Now, this hemisphere is experiencing the burgeoning effects of ethnic conflict. The invasion of illegal aliens from points at US borders north as well as south, welcomed by a presidentialadministration that seems conjoined to the globalist intention to bring America into compliance with their New World Order aspirations, is threatening to erupt into violence within even smaller cities. This invasion affecting even the smaller towns is easily discernable through reports like the following: At this moment, there is a tremendous amount of discussion on social media about what is happening in the city of Springfield, Ohio. The Haitian population of Springfield has become very large, and Newsweek is reporting that it is being alleged that “some of these people have been killing and eating folks’ pets”… Springfield, which had a population of around 60,000, has recently been at the center of the immigration debate, with its Haitian community growing to between 15,000 and 20,000 over the lastfour years, according to city officials. The past few days have seen locals report that some of these people have been killing and eating folks’ pets… At a recent city commission meeting, one local resident was literally begging for officials to do something. He claimed that migrants are “grabbing up ducks by their neck” and “eating them”… “I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something,” he told the meeting. “These Haitians are running into trash cans, running into buildings…they’re flipping cars in the middle of the streets…” The man added: “They’re in the park, grabbing up ducks by their neck, and cutting their head off and walking off with them. They’re eating them.” (“Are they really eating our pets?”, RaptureReady News, September 10, 2024) Point is, Jesus said that a great, swelling uprising involving ethnic strife would grow to be a major crisis during the Tribulation era–that last seven years just before He returns to putan end to all of the conflicts at Armageddon (Revelation 19:11). This ethnic eruption we’re witnessing each day in our headlines is something to watch closely, so far as being observant for prophetic end-times signals is concerned. The unrest constitutesyet another indicator of where this generation might stand on God’s prophetic timeline. We can say with a degree of certainty based upon study of God’s Word, and belief in the pre-Trib Rapture of Christ’s Church, that because of the burgeoning ethnic unrest,in conjunction with all of the other indicators we see interjecting themselves with growing intensity and frequency, Jesus’ shout, “Come up here!” can’t be far distant. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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