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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Ghosts of Dachau

 The Ghosts of Dachau - By Stephen Meehan - Placing a foot on the old confines of the Dachau concentration camp is like stepping through a portal to a time 80 years ago when the demons of Hell unleashed their fury and hatred on theJewish race in this monstrous manmade construct of unbridled horrors. The specters of death left their mark there, and the haunts of the extermination camp can be felt as one makes their way onto the bedeviled grounds. The senses get mixed signals, and the imagination of the visitor goes wild with the sights and sounds of the camp, plus the accompanying flashbacks of the atrocities committed here as previouslyviewed from the old footage of films and documentaries that detailed the cruelty and barbarism that ensued within this place and others like it. Suddenly, a closing gate behind as one walks onto the property sounds like a heavy metal barrier slamming shut to lock one into this hellhole, with no chance of escape. Footsteps across thegravel of the grounds call to mind the sounds of jackboot heels forcefully hitting the surface, as depicted in those movies about the Holocaust. A nearby train whistle harkens back to the ghastly images of another load of the death-sentenced Jews arrivingat their final destination of Hitler’s hellish Final Solution of the Chosen People. Walking deeper into Dachau, a sense of foreboding is very apparent. A death shroud still looms over the encampment. It is an assault on one’s emotions when looking around and viewing wherethe old wooden barracks once stood and then off in the distance to see where the gas chambers and the ovens were located. Who needs a haunted mansion when places like this are available for touring? The documented images of the horrors that took place in these death camps come flooding back, and it hits you that this is where those diabolical acts were carried out. How much sufferingwas inflicted here? How many souls were destroyed and haunt this camp? One’s mind is overwhelmed with dread and incredulity as you tour further. Two barracks were re-erected at the very beginning of the open area where the former barracks once stood. It allowsone to walk through them and to get a feeling for how the doomed Jews attempted to survive before their appointed time came to head to the gas chambers and ovens, led by their maniacal Jew-hating camp administrators. There was no such thing as a “green mile” present between these barracks and the ovens, just a grey, somber death march a few hundred yards long to an area where they could already see thefurnaces belching out the ashes of their former barrack’s mates. One of the especially cruel hoaxes that was foisted upon them was the infamous sign that hung over one of the side gates. It wasn’t bad enough that they were all rounded up initially throughoutGermany and other European nations and put into ghettos; then to be separated from family and loved ones and loaded up into railroad cattle cars to be transported to the various camps. No, their camp commandant held out the false hope and the devilish ruse that “Arbeit Macht Frei” – “Work makes one free” – to the imprisoned Jews as an insincere gesture of freedom if theycomplied with camp rules and the camp guards. Was it a mere taunt? The Jews must have known better. They were herded into ghettos. They lost their homes and businesses. They were stripped of everything. They were then separated from loved ones. Then loadedlike cattle into freight cars. Then locked up in death camps. But work will set them free? The signs were nothing more than the devil’s heinous, sarcastic last laugh. It is amazing how there could still be Holocaust deniers. It has been the most documented subject that has ever transpired in human history. My wife and I have viewed an untold number of filmsand documentaries about it. There are literally hundreds of these types of programs available. To deny it ever happened defies logic. These camps are left as testaments to the veracity of their once undeniable existence and that satanic genocide. “Never again” was the mantra after the war ended, the Holocaust concluded, and the camps were made visible to the outside world. But, as Bible prophecy students are aware, we know that anotherHolocaust is soon coming. The next time, it will be worldwide. The souls that expired in Dachau will be joined by those who perish in the coming Tribulation. During the final seven years of human government before Jesus returns – a time known in the Bible as Daniels’s 70th week, the Tribulation Period, or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble – a figurewill arise out of the region that made up the old Roman Empire. He will be handpicked by Satan to carry out his globalist roundup. Satan’s hatred for the Jews has no end. His planned destruction of them will be an attempt to thwart God’s plan for them. The Beast, as the Bible refers to him, will once again create a cruel hoax to lure the unsuspecting nation of Israel into his diabolical web. Instead of an “Arbeit Macht Frei” sign prominentlydisplayed, he will extend a pseudo–Olive Branch to the Jews via a false peace treaty between them and those who have sought the destruction of Israel and the Jews. The peace treaty, though, will be a “covenant with death and Hell,” as the Bible records it. Initially, it will appear to be effective in offering a glimpse of peace and security. The Jews will be allowed to rebuild their third Temple under the antichrist’s protection, and then theywill ultimately let their guard down under this false pretense of a lasting peace. Throughout their long history of being betrayed by outside forces – instead of fully trusting in God for their protection – you would think that they would know better. Midway through the seven-year peace deal, it all comes crashing down. Satan will enter into the antichrist – as he did when Judas betrayed Jesus – and the worldwide pursuit of the Jews andthe Christians will get underway. The Final Solution will again be implemented, and the Holocaust will resume. Those who refuse the Beast’s mark will become targets. “Never again” becomes once again. Dachau gets revisited worldwide. Satan and his demonic horde will surpass what Hitler and his SS contingent wrought on Europe. Satan will enter the rebuilt Jewish Temple to declare himself God. The Jews refuse to accept that. They will realize that they have been deceived. The “peace treaty” is not peace but death. “Arbeit Macht Frei” is again a devilish lie. Working along with the Beast’s system does not set them free. They are in serious trouble. This guy is out to destroy them. He is not God but the devil. The same devil who slaughtered their ancestors in the camps.It has begun again! Here is the way Jesus describes it in Matthew 24: “When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoever reads, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaeaflee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! “But pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor evershall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened“ (Matthew 24:15-22). Jesus is telling his disciples on the Mount of Olives what will transpire during the final 3 and a half years of the Tribulation period. His message is for those Jews caught up during thattime of the Beast’s diabolical scheme of his version of a peace deal. When you see the Satan-indwelt Beast declare himself to be God, Get Out! Flee! Don’t go back into your houses. Don’t return for any items. Get out of the city and make your way to the mountains!Your life is in grave peril. The pseudo-peace deal is over. The devil is out to destroy you. His jackbooted thugs are once again coming for you! Like Pharoah chasing down the escaping Israelis to the Red Sea, Satan will pursue the fleeing Jews out of Israel to attempt to wipe them out. This time of Jacob’s Trouble is soon to begin. The Tribulation hour is soon upon us. The signs of its approach are unmistakable. Prophesied 2,000 years ago to happen – as documented in bothMatthew 24, Revelation, and Daniel 9 – its footsteps are growing louder. A heavy metal gate clanging shut – to lock in those unprepared for what is looming – is beginning its swing. We can see Israel’s enemies attempting to tighten the noose around their survival. They are encompassed by the demonic forces who seek her destruction. Iran wants to nuke them. Russia willsoon want to spoil Israel – of her riches. Turkey’s leader wants to form an Islamic caliphate to remove the Jews from the land. The devil just wants them gone. When the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is removed via the Rapture of Christ’s Body of Believers, Satan’s plan to exterminate the Jews will go into high gear. He has had eons toplan for this final seven-year time frame. He knows the Scriptures but not the timing for the removal of Christ’s saints. He has had to be ready at moment’s notice for quite a while now to begin his march for world supremacy and his campaign to slaughter theJews. The specters hovering over the Holocaust death camps will once again go on a murderous rampage. This time, they want to finish the job. The Lord won’t let them, but the casualty rate duringthis final seven years will be extremely high. The numbers of those perishing will be unprecedented. Never before seen mass deaths across the planet will be incalculable. If only the Holocaust victims could cry out from their graves of what is coming and what the present-day Jews should do immediately to avoid the extremely difficult days that are coming. In unison, they would beseech the Jews to accept Christ right now as their long-awaited Messiah and Redeemer, to preclude them from having to experience the cruelty, the barbarism, the injustices,and the gruesome deaths that they had to experience under Hitler’s rule. The coming terror will be unfathomable. Those troubles are rapidly approaching. Jacob/Israel is already getting a sample of it. Much more is on the way. Will there be any deniers after the coming carnage? “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no fleshbe saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened“ (Matthew 24:21-22).

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