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Friday, September 20, 2024

Living In a World That Is Setting Itself Up For Tribulation

 Living In a World That Is Setting Itself Up For Tribulation – By Hal Lindsey - People often accuse Bible prophecy teachers of being pessimistic. They call it, “Doom and gloom.” But no Christian should be pessimistic. The Bible teaches that difficult times will precedethe return of Christ. A pre-tribulation rapture means that believers in Jesus will be rescued from the worst of those times. But we are not exempt from a world that is setting itself up for tribulation. We already feel the beginning of what Jesus describedas labor pains. We call a woman an “expectant mother” not because she is expecting the pains of labor—though she knows that’s part of it. Her expectation centers on the birth of a child she will love andcherish for the rest of her life and on into eternity. Christians are expectant, too. We know about the natural disasters, the deterioration of human morals, and all the other terrible events of the last days. But beyond the pain, we will inhabita new world full of peace and plenty, justice and kindness. Optimistic? Of course we’re optimistic! The world is clearly in sync with what the Bible describes as we approach the end of the age. The difficulties serve as evidence of the Bible’s reliability. We’re now seeing what the Biblesaid we would see—most of it impossible to have been forecast by mere human prognosticators. All this serves as unimpeachable evidence of the Bible’s divine origin. That is not limited to the big, global picture. Since the Bible is true, so are its promises—its big promises regarding the whole world, but also God’s promises to you individually. He iswith you today no matter what you face. Because the Bible is true, His word to you personally is true. You may be facing trouble—maybe relationship despair or sickness. You may feel isolated and alone, or you might feel like you’re right in the line of fire. Either way, isolated or in the dangerzone, the Bible says you are not alone. In Isaiah 41:10 (NASB), God says, “I am with you… I am your God. I will strengthen you… I will help you… I will uphold you.” I hear people talk about moving to another country if they don’t get the election results they want. But where would you move? It’s not just the end-times in America, but for the whole world.Difficulties know no national boundaries. It’s natural to search out a place of safety in troubled times. But real safety is in Him alone. Turn to God. Take refuge in Him. In Psalms 32:7, David said to the Lord, “You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength,A very present help in trouble.” Face the world and its dangers from within God’s realm of power and protection. With Him as your refuge, you can face anything. Nahum 1:7 says, “The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

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